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Citrus Blossom

Page 3

by Sarah Pond

  Olivia made herself some breakfast, and sat down to eat it. She spent the day pottering around, unpacking and settling in properly. She put up some framed photographs. One of her favourite ones was of her and Becky on the beach at St Ives, which Becky had taken of them, arm outstretched to turn the camera towards them, laughing. Olivia smiled fondly at the memory. She decided to phone Becky, and let her know that she'd settled in. Then she rang her Mum. So, this is it, Olivia thought to herself. Tomorrow, she would be starting her new job, and she was really looking forward to it.

  Olivia set off to work on Monday morning, with butterflies in her stomach. She set out in plenty of time, and arrived at the office fifteen minutes early. Laura was already there, and greeted her warmly, 'Good morning, how are you?'

  Olivia replied, 'Morning, I'm fine thanks. Well, a bit nervous to tell you the truth.'

  Laura smiled, 'No need to be, I'll help you get settled right in.' Laura liked how honest Olivia was, she was sure that they would get along well. Olivia really appreciated Laura being so nice, and began to relax. 'First things first, would you like a drink?' asked Laura.

  'Not at the moment, thank you.'

  'Okay, well we have a little fridge here with juice and milk in it. We can make tea and coffee here, but it's only instant. When we fancy something a bit nicer, one of us will pop to the cafe around the corner,' explained Laura.

  Laura showed Olivia the basics of the job to get started, saying that she would pick up a lot as she went along. The door opened, and Olivia looked up to see Jasmine, followed by Jason, walking into the office. 'Good morning, ladies,' said Jason.

  Jasmine smiled, 'Hi, did you have a good weekend?'

  Laura replied, 'Lovely, thank you, did you?'

  'Yes I did, thank you. How was your week back home, Olivia?' Jasmine asked.

  'It was lovely. It still hasn't quite sunk in that I've made the move. I feel like it's just temporary, it's a strange feeling.'

  Jasmine said, 'If you need to talk any time, or need some time to yourself whilst you adjust, come and talk to me.'

  Jason smiled at Olivia, 'If there's anything you need, we'll do what we can to help you feel at home.'

  Olivia suddenly felt very emotional. She really appreciated how nice they were all being. 'Thank you, you're all so kind,' she said, and cleared her throat.

  Jasmine and Jason went into their offices, leaving Laura to carry on showing Olivia what to do. The time flew by, and at eleven o'clock, Laura declared it time for a break. 'Let's pop to the coffee shop for a drink. I'll let the guys know that we're popping out. Also, you'll know where the cafe is when you fancy something different or want some lunch,' explained Laura.

  They walked along the road, then Olivia saw the cafe that they were heading for. 'Oh, I know this place, it's Joe's cafe. I came here after my interview, it's lovely.'

  Laura laughed, 'Well, that was a good sign then! As it's your first day, we'll have a drink inside. Usually, I take the drinks back to the office. I told Jason and Jasmine that we'd take something back for them.'

  They ordered their drinks, and went and sat in the corner. Olivia asked how long Laura had worked at JJ Publishing. 'Since they started it up, four years ago. It used to be just me, and over the years it has got busier. We have had some help here and there, and now we thought it would be good to have another person full time. It's great for me, having someone to work with, as well as to share the workload!'

  Olivia said, 'It's such a lovely atmosphere in the office, you all seem to be good friends.'

  'Yes, we do get along well. Of course, we've all been together since the beginning. The only time we had issues was when we had some of our temporary help. That's why it was important to get the right kind of person, and that all of us made the decision of who to hire,' Laura smiled at Olivia.

  Olivia asked, 'I know this might sound a bit nosy, but are Jason and Jasmine an item? I noticed that they came in together today.'

  'No, they're not. They are friends, and get on very well together though. I think that they met at university, and that's where they had the idea to start up a business together. Jason has had a few girlfriends, but I think he's single at the moment. Jasmine is so involved with her work, I don't think she has time for dating,' replied Laura.

  They finished their drinks, and it was time to get back to the office. Laura picked up a caramel latte for Jason and a tea for Jasmine, and they headed back.

  Olivia's first week flew by, and before she knew it, it was Friday. Olivia had found it very busy, but she had really enjoyed it. Each evening she was tired, as there was such a lot to take in. This week she had to constantly check things with Laura, who was very patient and helpful. In the morning, Jasmine had come over to Olivia's desk with some letters that needed typing up. She noticed the photo of Olivia and Becky laughing together on the beach, 'That's a great photo, it looks like you two are having a lot of fun!'

  'That's Becky, who owns the gallery I worked at. I've known her practically my whole life,' Olivia smiled fondly.

  Jasmine smiled at Olivia, 'Well, I'll leave these letters with you. There's no rush for them,' and went back to her office.

  A little later, Jason came into the outer office, and asked, 'Olivia, are you free after work this evening?'

  Olivia looked up, surprised. She suddenly felt nervous, was Jason going to ask her out? 'Jasmine and I would like to treat you to dinner, to celebrate your first week. Laura is invited too, of course.'

  Olivia felt silly, what was she thinking, Jason wouldn't ask her out, she had only been there a week, and he was her boss, she chided herself. Olivia pulled herself together, 'That would be lovely, thank you.'

  'Excellent! Catch you later,' and Jason disappeared into his office.

  Friday afternoon soon came around, and Jason appeared in the outer office. 'Okay ladies, are you ready to go? Jasmine is going to meet us at the restaurant, straight from her meeting. I wasn't sure what you like to eat, Olivia, but they have a really good selection, so I'm sure you'll find something you like.'

  Jason had booked a taxi to take them to Covent Garden, to one of his favourite restaurants. 'This is so lovely, thank you,' said Olivia.

  When they arrived at the restaurant, they took their seats and began looking through the menu. The restaurant was spacious, with beautiful bare wood floors, and pale green walls. It had a seventies retro feel to it. The bare wooden tables had a small vase in the centre, with a single flower. Jasmine approached the table, looking stunning in a fitted, off the shoulder deep burgundy dress. 'Hello everyone, sorry I'm a bit late. As my meeting finished quite early, I thought I'd get changed before dinner.'

  Olivia looked up at Jasmine, 'Your dress is gorgeous, you look beautiful.'

  Jasmine beamed at Olivia, 'Thank you so much,' and she sat down on the seat that Jason had pulled back for her.

  Olivia could see by the look on his face, that Jason also thought that she looked stunning.

  'Are you going out after dinner?' asked Laura.

  'No, I just thought as we're celebrating tonight, I wanted to wear something nice!'

  Olivia wondered whether Jasmine had dressed up for Jason. The thought gave her a little pang of jealousy, which she knew was crazy. Laura said, 'I feel rather underdressed now!' Jasmine replied, 'Don't be silly, you look lovely.'

  The four of them chatted easily, firstly about work, then about themselves. They were keen to hear more about Cornwall, and why Olivia had wanted to move to London. Olivia talked about how she and Becky had been friends since forever, and how when Becky had set up her gallery, she had asked Olivia to work with her. 'Becky and I get on so well together, I don't think that we've ever had a cross word between us, we're really on the same wavelength. I helped her choose paintings and artists, even though I don't have any qualifications in that area. It's great to be given that artistic freedom.'

  Jasmine smiled, 'You obviously have a natural extinct for art, which is wonderful. I'd love to go to Cornwall sometime,
it sounds like a great place for art lovers.'

  'Oh, yes it is. Well, if you ever do visit, I can always show you around,' said Olivia.

  Jasmine looked at her and smiled, 'Really? That would be wonderful.'

  Olivia was so happy that she had had the good fortune to get this job, with these lovely people. At the end of the evening, Jason proposed a toast. 'Olivia, to your first week with JJ Publishing, may it be the first of many. Cheers!'

  Jason looked at Olivia with his twinkly blue eyes, creasing at the edges as he smiled. Olivia looked back for just a bit too long. They all raised their glasses. Olivia was feeling a bit embarrassed, but was also very touched. 'Thank you, I've had a great first week. You've all made me feel so welcome, I can't imagine working with nicer people.'

  Emma had suggested that she and Olivia spend Saturday together. They got up late, and chatted over breakfast. After a busy first week at work, with so much to take in, a lazy day was definitely in order. They spent the day looking at magazines, chatting, and watching the music channel on television for a while. In the evening they watched Bridget Jones' Diary, with a big bowl of popcorn and some wine. It was getting late, and they had both had had a few glasses of wine. Emma said, 'It's really good having you here. My previous flat mate was a journalist, and he was hardly here. It's good to have someone to have girly chats with!'

  Olivia said, 'Talking of girly chats, how did you meet Matt? He seems really nice.'

  A cheeky look came over Emma's face, 'Well, it's quite a story, actually. I was at the gym on the cross-trainer, and on one of the machines opposite was a very attractive guy in grey sweatpants and a white training vest. As he trained, I was watching his arms and chest, and his muscles pumping. I hadn't realised I'd been staring until I suddenly noticed that he had stopped working out and was just looking at me, smiling. I felt really embarrassed, quickly smiled back, then picked up the pace on the cross-trainer. He stood, ran a hand through his ruffled brown hair, and said, Hi. I'm Matt. I slowed down on the cross-trainer, panting slightly. I said, hi, sorry, was I staring? I got a bit lost in my thoughts. I'm Emma. He gives me the most sexy, crooked smile, and says perhaps we can work out together sometime, and sauntered off. I thought yes, I'd work out with him any time!' and they both giggled.

  Olivia was thinking that nothing like that would ever happen to her. She thought she was pretty ordinary looking and didn't have Emma's outgoing personality. Emma just seemed to attract guys, Olivia had noticed. She must give off some kind of energy or something. Olivia was waiting for the next part of the story. Emma continued, 'A few days later, I saw Matt at the gym again. We do some workouts together, then Matt leaves. Then, as I'm leaving to have a shower, I bump into Matt outside. I said, Oh, I'm so sorry, Matt looks deep into my eyes, says, Don't be, and bends down and kisses me. There we are in the hallway, sweaty, all over each other. I said I needed a shower, and with that, Matt takes my hand, and leads me into the shower room. Fortunately there's no-one else there at this point, he grabs some shower gel and pulls me into the shower with him. We strip off, and boy does Matt have a great physique. So we're making out, hands all over one another, under the hot shower. Things get very steamy, in more ways than one!' Emma smiled as she remembered what happened next. 'That was the best shower I've ever had!' she laughed.

  Olivia said, 'Oh my god, it could only happen to you! What happened next, did anyone come in?'

  'Matt went and got a towel, wrapped me up and smuggled me out! Then I went and got changed. We met outside and went for a drink, and the rest is history, as they say!' Emma laughed.

  Emma asked, 'So, how about you? Do you still have a crush on your boss, Jason, is it?'

  Olivia's face flushed, 'No, don't be silly. I'm not about to get involved with my boss. He's really nice though, very sweet.'

  Emma thought there was a bit more to that story, and Olivia reluctantly told her about Jason inviting her for dinner, and how for a moment she had thought it might be a date. Emma laughed, 'Oh, you poor thing! So what's the deal with Liam? You guys were together a really long time.'

  Olivia explained, 'Yes, I've really grown up with him. I do love him, but as a friend, not in the same way as I did. We did get to know each other slowly, which was great. We had a good physical relationship, too, but when you talk about some of your relationships, they sound much more passionate and exciting.'

  'Yes, some of them have been. But I've never had a relationship last like you have. I think the longest of mine was a year. To be honest, I'd switch some of that passion for a deep relationship,' said Emma.

  'How about Matt, then?' asked Olivia, and she noticed a soppy expression pass over Emma's face. 'I think that look on your face answers that!' she laughed.

  Emma giggled, 'Oh, he really is so gorgeous, and sweet. I have to admit, I think I'm really falling for him.'

  Olivia smiled at her, and raised her glass, 'To Emma, may this be the deep and meaningful one you've been waiting for!'

  Emma laughed back, raising her glass too, 'Here's hoping!'

  Monday soon came around, and Olivia was back at work. The days went quickly, as there was so much to learn. Still, Olivia was absolutely loving it. She got on really well with Laura, and they had started having lunch together most weeks. Olivia found out that Laura was thirty four, and had been married to Peter, an accountant, for ten years. Olivia asked whether they had any children. Laura smiled, 'Yes, my daughter Felicity is six, and my son Harry is eight. They are great, although they do like a lot of attention! They do after school clubs, and then Pete usually picks them up from work as he starts quite early. Weekends are our real family time. Do you have a partner?'

  'Not at the moment. I had a long term boyfriend, Liam, back home. We broke up before I came to London. With all this change at the moment, I'm not in a rush to date anyone, although my roommate says she's going to see if her boyfriend has a friend for me!' They both laughed.

  Over the next few weeks, work was getting busier, and Jasmine was spending more and more time in the office. One morning, Jasmine called Olivia into her office. 'Take a seat, Olivia. Firstly, I wanted to say that I'm really pleased with how you're getting on. Laura said that you pick things up quickly and you work very hard.' Olivia was chuffed to bits. Jasmine continued, 'I was thinking that it would be good to get you more involved with what we do. I'd like you to take a look through this manuscript. The author is called Caroline Oakley, and this is her first book, it's called First Flight. Please would you read it and write a report for me.'

  Olivia was thrilled, 'Really? I'd love to, thank you.'

  Jasmine smiled, 'That's great, I've got so much to do at the moment, so it will be a big help. It looks interesting.'

  Olivia took the manuscript back to her desk, and began reading. She found the story really interesting, she had never read anything like it before. It was a beautiful story, a girl's journey of self discovery, realising that she was a spiritual being. In turn, how she helped other people to find their own spirituality, and follow their own path. Olivia was enchanted by the story. A couple of days later, Olivia had typed up a report, and took it into Jasmine's office. Jasmine looked up from her desk as Olivia walked in, and smiled. 'Hi, I've finished the report for you about First Flight,' said Olivia.

  'Great, do you think it's worth me having a look at?' asked Jasmine.

  'Oh yes, it's a wonderful story, very powerful. It's given me a lot of food for thought, actually. The author takes you on a wonderful journey, it made me feel like I was taking the journey with her. Although it's really about following your own path and listening to your inner voice.'

  Jasmine sat back in her chair, watching Olivia as she spoked animatedly about the manuscript. She loved seeing the passion in Olivia's eyes whilst she spoke, and could see how the story had affected her. Jasmine asked Olivia to take a seat, and tell her more about it. Olivia spoke excitedly, explaining her favourite things about it. Olivia said, 'I suppose I can relate to the story, because I feel like that's what
I'm doing now. I followed my instincts by coming to London, even though staying at home would have been easier. I don't think my friends really get why I had to do this.'

  Jasmine said, 'I agree that you have to follow your heart, that is something I did myself. Well, I probably don't really need to read your report now! Please can you contact Caroline and invite her in for a meeting. I'd like you to be at the meeting too.'

  'Really? That's wonderful, thank you,' Olivia said excitedly.

  Jasmine looked at her fondly, she loved it when people were as passionate about their work as she was.

  At home that evening, Olivia rang her parents to tell them about the opportunity at work with the manuscript, and how Jasmine wanted to meet the author as a result of how much Olivia had loved it. Olivia's Dad said, 'That's fantastic, pumpkin! You're obviously doing a great job, and your boss sounds great, giving you that responsibility.'

  He asked her about how the job was going generally, and Olivia told him that she was loving it. Also, she was getting more used to being in London, and was really enjoying the experience.

  Back at work, Olivia arranged with Caroline, the author of First Flight, to come in for a meeting. Caroline was thrilled to get the chance to talk about her manuscript. When she arrived, Olivia showed her in to Jasmine's office, and introduced her. Jasmine stood up, and shook Caroline's hand. She thanked her for coming in, and explained how Olivia had been so excited about her manuscript, that she had dropped everything else to read it. Caroline was thrilled to bits to have this opportunity. Jasmine invited Caroline and Olivia to sit down, and they discussed the possibilities for the book. They started putting things in motion to get the book published. There was proof reading to do, artwork to design for the book jacket, and an author biography to be written. Jasmine found that she could leave a lot of the work with Olivia, with a bit of help, as she was so enthusiastic and wanted to get it moving. Over the next few weeks, Olivia and Jasmine spent more and more time working on First Flight. They had both been working long hours, often staying until late in the evening. Olivia really enjoyed working so closely with Jasmine on the launch, she was learning so much, and she really felt that she was properly a part of the company now. This was what she had envisioned when she applied for the job, and Jasmine was such a great boss, she always had time for Olivia.


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