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Citrus Blossom

Page 8

by Sarah Pond

  Now Olivia made eye contact, how could Jasmine know? 'As I looked at the painting, I thought about how it hadn't changed in nearly two hundred years, how it captured a moment in time. It took me back to being a kid, standing opposite the painting, when things seemed more certain. I suppose what with breaking up with Liam, leaving home and moving here, new job, new life, not to mention what's been happening with us... I felt like I didn't know anything any more, and it scared me. Sorry, I haven't been very good company this afternoon. Did you enjoy the gallery?'

  Olivia looked up at Jasmine, who simply said, 'Yes, it was lovely.'

  Jasmine put her arm around Olivia, who snuggled up beside her. What Jasmine really wanted to say, was that Olivia was the most beautiful person that she had ever met. That sharing moments with her made her heart sing in a way she never dreamed it could. That today, she had fallen in love.

  They must have drifted off to sleep on the sofa, for Olivia came to with a start. She looked at the clock, it was nearly ten. She started to get up, and Jasmine opened her eyes. 'Oh, did I fall asleep? Sorry.'

  'We both did,' said Olivia, stretching, then getting up.

  Jasmine looked at her watch, 'It's getting late, I'd better be going.'

  'Would you like to stay here tonight?' asked Olivia.

  Jasmine hesitated, 'If you're sure that it's okay, I'd love to. I'll go home after breakfast.'

  They went and got ready for bed. Olivia got under the covers, and rolled onto her side. Jasmine slid in beside her, and turned over to cuddle her, her front snuggled up to Olivia's back, with her arm around her. Jasmine listened to Olivia's breathing slow down as she drifted off to sleep. Jasmine lay there awake, praying that she hadn't rushed things with Olivia too much.

  In the morning, Jasmine woke up to see Olivia laying next to her, smiling. 'Hello,' she said sleepily.

  Jasmine smiled back at her. Waking up next to Olivia was amazing, something she had dreamed of, and thought would never happen. 'Hello. You look beautiful this morning,' Jasmine said softly.

  Olivia smiled, 'So do you,' and leaned over to kiss Jasmine.

  Olivia moved closer, and kissed Jasmine deeply, her tongue searching Jasmine's mouth. Jasmine groaned, and kissed her back. Olivia broke the kiss, saying, 'I'm sorry about yesterday. I just got overwhelmed. I feel better for having a good sleep.'

  Jasmine looked into Olivia's eyes, 'That's okay, there's no need to apologise,' and kissed Olivia.

  They got up and had breakfast, then showered and dressed. Jasmine said that she was going to head home. As much as she would love to spend another day with Olivia, she thought that Olivia could do with a day to herself. 'I'll see you at work tomorrow, have a good day,' and kissed Olivia.

  'Yes, see you tomorrow. Thank you for yesterday.'

  She watched Jasmine walk down the steps, and down the road, then closed the door. Olivia decided to spend the day relaxing at home. She could read, watch a film later, maybe. She thought back over the last couple of days. It had been a whirlwind, and although she had felt overwhelmed yesterday, she had also never felt more alive in her life than when she was with Jasmine.


  Olivia walked into the lounge, and noticed a book on the coffee table that she hadn't seen before. Maybe Jasmine had left something behind. She walked over, and saw that it was the Turner book that she had been looking at yesterday in the gallery shop. There was a little note on it that simply said, 'For you.' Olivia picked it up, thinking how thoughtful of Jasmine it was. She opened the cover, and saw Jasmine's handwriting. 'Olivia, I have had the best weekend of my life. Thank you for sharing it with me. All my love, J x.'

  Emma came home about eight o'clock that evening, whilst Olivia was sitting on the sofa, flicking through a magazine. 'Hi, did you have a good weekend?' Emma asked.

  'Yes, good thanks.'

  'Only good? Come on, you appeared Saturday morning wearing the same clothes that you wore for work on Friday. Spill the beans!'

  Olivia felt her cheeks colouring, as she remembered Friday night. 'I just stayed with a colleague from work. We had eaten out after work, and it was getting late, so it was easier to stay over.'

  Olivia knew that she didn't sound very convincing. Emma reached towards the coffee table, and picked up the Turner book. 'Ooh, this a lovely book,' and before Olivia could stop her, she saw the inscription.

  'Well, I think there might be a bit more to the story here,' she smiled at Olivia.

  Olivia's head started buzzing, how was she going to explain this. She could not tell Emma that she had gone on a date with her boss, not to mention, her female boss, and they had gone back to her place for a night and morning of passion, and the best sex that she had ever had. Fuck. She still couldn't get her head around what was happening, and she certainly wasn't ready to start talking about it.

  'Oh my god,' exclaimed Emma, 'I knew it. J, that's that Jason you fancy from work!'

  Olivia started to laugh, then thought actually this is quite good. 'Umm, well, things just sort of happened. My boss is single, I'm single, so, you know...'

  'Oh my god, was that what you and Jasmine were talking about the other evening on the sofa? You both looked as guilty as hell,' Emma laughed, 'I knew you were smitten. So, how was it?'

  Olivia playfully threw a cushion at Emma, 'I don't kiss and tell!' and they both fell about laughing.

  On Monday morning, Jasmine was already at work when Olivia arrived. Olivia went to the door and tapped on it. 'Come in,' Jasmine looked up, and smiled broadly when she saw Olivia.

  'Hi. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the book, it was really sweet of you.'

  'It's my pleasure. You seemed engrossed in it at the shop, and I really wanted to get you a memento of our weekend,' Jasmine smiled, and gave Olivia a look which made her blush.

  Olivia walked over to Jasmine, and bent down to kiss her. Suddenly they heard a noise in the outer office, Laura had just arrived. They pulled away quickly, and Olivia's heart was beating fast. Jasmine looked at Olivia, 'I think it would probably be a good idea to talk about how we're going to handle work. Would you like to come back to mine after work today?'

  Olivia agreed, and went out to her desk. 'Morning, Laura. Good weekend?' she asked.

  Laura replied, 'Yes, it was lovely. Pete and I took the kids to Regents Park and we had a picnic and played football and rounders.'

  'Oh, I used to love playing rounders,' said Olivia.

  'Well, how about we get together one weekend for a game. It's better when there are more people. We can ask Jason and Jasmine too,' Laura said excitedly.

  After work, once Laura had left, Jason was still ensconced in his office. Jasmine and Olivia headed off. Jasmine prepared a meal for the two of them, and they chatted about what they were going to do about work. Jasmine was very mindful not to rush Olivia in any way, and thought a slow approach would be best. She longed to make love to Olivia again, but after how Olivia was at the weekend, when Jasmine thought that she had screwed up by telling Olivia that she was falling in love with her, she knew that she would have to take things carefully.

  They decided that at work they would be completely professional, or things might get very difficult with Laura and Jason. They agreed that they wouldn't see each other socially in the week, only at weekends, that would make it easier. Also, Olivia wasn't ready for people to know about her and Jasmine yet. Olivia said, 'I haven't told you yet about last night, when Emma came home. She asked me about Friday night, and coming home Saturday in the same clothes. I said I stayed with a colleague, which actually was true! Then she picked up the book, and read the inscription.'

  Jasmine looked worried, 'Oh, no, how did you explain that away?'

  'As it happens, Emma jumped to the wrong conclusion, thinking J is Jason. So I was just vague, and said I wouldn't kiss and tell!' laughed Olivia.

  'That could have been very awkward,' Jasmine paused, 'Come to think of it, why would she think it would be Jason?'

flushed, feeling really embarrassed. 'Er, um... after my interview, Emma was asking me about everyone. Because I said I thought Jason was sweet, she's been teasing me a bit. I said that I wasn't into him that way, and I'd never get involved with my boss. Ironic really,' and she laughed.

  After dinner, Olivia was getting ready to go home. 'Thank you for dinner, it was lovely.'

  Standing by the door, they kissed. A slow, deep kiss. As they pulled apart, Olivia was feeling breathless, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Jasmine looked at her with those deep, dark eyes, 'Stay with me this weekend. Bring your overnight bag and you can come back with me after work. I'd like to take you to the theatre.'

  Olivia thought for a moment, 'That would be lovely, thank you.'

  Back at work, Olivia was pleased that they had decided to keep work separate to their social time. It would make work easier, and it also helped her because she was still getting her head around what was happening. It was almost like she was living two lives, one which was familiar to her, the one where she had moved to London and was starting a new career. The other life, she just didn't know at the moment. It was exciting, and unlike anything that she had ever done, or been before. Was this the real me, she wondered. Had Jasmine unleashed a side of her that she never knew existed. If she hadn't come to London, and got the job with Jasmine, none of this would be happening. Still, Jasmine had awakened something in her. When Jasmine had told her that she wanted to kiss her that first time, she could have said no. Olivia had let it happen, and not only that, but she had kissed her back. Afterwards, Jasmine had made it clear that she would never do something like that again. But Olivia had wanted it, and she hadn't realised how badly until Jasmine had shown up at her door. Olivia came to, to see Jasmine walking towards her, with a smile on her face. She realised that she had drifted off with her thoughts, and sat up straight, smiling back at Jasmine. Jasmine handed her some letters to deal with, and Olivia brushed her hand as she took them. She looked up at Jasmine, into her dark eyes, and saw the look of longing in them. Then she suddenly remembered where she was. 'Okay, leave them with me,' she said, clearing her throat.

  Jasmine went back to her office, and sat down. She couldn't wait for Friday to come around. She found it almost unbearable to be around Olivia all week and not be able to touch her or kiss her. Especially just now, watching Olivia as she walked towards her, seeing that look on her face, and feeling the touch of her hand on hers. Still, work had to be work, they would have plenty of time together at weekends. Jasmine also knew, after the day that they had been to the gallery, that she did not want to overwhelm Olivia.

  Friday eventually arrived, and as they were leaving work, Olivia said that before the play, she would like to take Jasmine to dinner at her favourite Mexican restaurant in Covent Garden. They made their way there, and it was already starting to get busy, with people chatting noisily and animatedly at the bar. They sat down, and ordered some drinks. Olivia said she would have the fajitas, and Jasmine ordered the same. Jasmine told Olivia about the play that they were going to see. 'It's a new play, called Farinelli and the King. It's about King Philip V of Spain, and Farinelli, the eighteenth century's most celebrated castrato, who restored the King's sanity with his beautiful voice.'

  They talked about the theatre, which Jasmine loved. Olivia had only seen a couple of West End shows when she was a child, and she was excited about going to the theatre. Jasmine said, 'These fajitas are delicious, I can see why you like it here.'

  'Emma introduced me to this place. Actually, that day when you rang me to offer me the job, we came here to celebrate,' Olivia smiled at the memory.

  Jasmine looked at Olivia. 'I remember the conversation clearly. You were so excited, so vibrant. I was thrilled when you accepted.'

  After dinner, they walked around the corner, and headed to The Duke of York's theatre. London on a Friday evening was bustling and buzzing as usual. Olivia loved it, it was so different to back home. The thought gave her a strange feeling. This is my home now, she thought, although it still felt a bit temporary to her. Jasmine led the way in to the theatre, and they took the stairs down to the stalls, where their seats were at back of the theatre. It had been tricky getting tickets at all, as it was a limited run and was very popular. Jasmine was so pleased that Olivia wanted to come to the theatre with her, it was one of her passions, and she loved that she could share it. Often, she would go to shows on her own, although sometimes she would go with friends. She watched as the musicians came on stage and began to play, the music drifting into the auditorium. The stage was lit by candlelight, with candles around the lavish set and descending from the ceiling in chandeliers. Jasmine was enchanted by the play. When it ended, she turned to look at Olivia, who had been completely engrossed in it. They smiled at each other, and got up to leave. They headed back to Jasmine's place, discussing the play. 'Thank you so much, I really enjoyed it.'

  Jasmine looked at Olivia, 'I'm so glad you did. Thank you for dinner, it was lovely.'

  When they got inside, Jasmine took Olivia's jacket and hung it up. For a moment, they stood there looking at one another, then they drew closer and kissed, becoming more and more passionate. Jasmine breathed in the scent of Olivia, relishing the feel of her. Olivia still couldn't believe that Jasmine wanted her, but as they sank into the kiss, all thoughts disappeared. They drew apart, and went into the kitchen to make drinks. Rocky appeared, purring, and Jasmine prepared him some food. Olivia watched Jasmine as she busied herself, taking things from the cupboards, and thought how graceful she always looked. She remembered when she had first laid eyes on Jasmine, walking into the office for her interview. She had thought then how beautiful she was. Olivia would never have dreamed in a million years that she would wake up in Jasmine's bed. 'A penny for your thoughts.'

  Olivia suddenly came to, realising she had drifted off into her own world. She looked up to see Jasmine watching her with an amused expression on her face. 'Oh, sorry. Actually, I was remembering when I first laid eyes on you. I thought you were so beautiful. I was just thinking that I never would have imagined what was going to happen with us.'

  'You thought I was beautiful?' Jasmine was beaming at Olivia.

  Olivia nodded shyly, then looked down. Jasmine asked, 'What did you enjoy most about the play this evening?'

  Olivia thought for a moment, 'I think how Farinelli's voice touched the King's soul, and how the King described it as transporting him to the stars.'

  Olivia looked up to see Jasmine looking right into her eyes, in that way that she did, 'You transport me to the stars.'

  Jasmine spoke to Olivia in a way that no one had ever done so before, as if she was the only person in the world that mattered. Olivia closed the space between them, and kissed Jasmine on the mouth. Jasmine responded eagerly, and they were all over each other, hands everywhere. 'Oh, I've been longing for this week at work to finish, I don't know how I managed to wait all week,' Jasmine said through their kisses.

  They moved to the bedroom, beginning to undress one another urgently, then fell onto the bed. Jasmine began kissing slowly down Olivia's neck, her breasts, her stomach, savouring each piece of bare flesh. Olivia rolled over, and she was now astride Jasmine. She moved back, and slid Jasmine's trousers down her thighs and discarded them. Jasmine was a mass of sensation as she felt Olivia's fingers softly sliding her lacy white panties down, trailing down her hips, her thighs, down to her ankles. Olivia climbed back on the bed, kissed Jasmine on the mouth and slowly moved down her body, her fingertips tracing along her skin, kissing her body as she continued moving downwards. Jasmine was writhing with sensation and pleasure, and her responses turned Olivia on even more. Olivia was highly aroused, and knew what she wanted to do, but she was feeling nervous. She had never done this before, and she wanted to do it right. As her lips reached the apex of Jasmine's thighs, she paused. Jasmine whispered, 'You don't have to do this...'

  Oh my god. Jasmine couldn't believe it. She was so highly sensitised, and she didn't want
the feeling to stop. Olivia was determined, 'I want to...' and Jasmine felt Olivia's soft sweet lips on her, tentatively searching and stimulating her. Holy fuck, that feels amazing. Jasmine felt lightheaded with sensation, with desire, with love. She had never felt this way before, and it overwhelmed her. A tear escaped, and ran down her face.

  Olivia was rhythmically exploring Jasmine. She loved how she could have this effect on Jasmine, and elicit such pleasure. Olivia could hear and feel Jasmine nearing orgasm, and held her as she cried out, convulsing and groaning with pleasure. Olivia pulled back, laughing, 'Not bad for my first time!'

  Jasmine was breathless, practically speechless. As she began to reclaim herself, she breathed, 'Holy fuck, talk about a trip to the stars.'

  Olivia moved up the bed, and Jasmine kissed her with fervour. 'I want you to feel as good as I do,' she whispered in Olivia's ear.

  She moved down Olivia's body, and Olivia's stomach twisted with that familiar feeling of expectation and excitement, knowing what was about to happen.

  As they lay in bed together afterwards, Olivia's body subsiding from her orgasms, Olivia was thinking that she didn't know she could feel so connected with someone, both physically and spiritually. It was an amazing feeling. She turned and smiled at Jasmine, who licked her lips and whispered, 'You taste so sweet, I can't get enough of you.'

  Olivia thought, holy mother of fuck, that was hot. They kissed again, and then fell back on the bed. 'I never knew a night at the theatre could be so exhausting!' laughed Olivia.

  They both lay there, holding hands, laughing.


  A few weeks later, the weekend was approaching. Laura had arranged for everyone to get together for a rounders game. Although it was now November, Sunday was forecast to be dry and bright. Never mind if it was a bit colder now, they would soon warm up once they got running around. Sunday morning was as good as the forecast. Olivia and Jasmine had decided to travel to Regent's Park separately. Emma had been quite surprised that Olivia was home on Saturday evening. Lately, Olivia had hardly been there at weekends. She assumed that Olivia must be spending more time with Jason, although whenever she tried to ask questions, Olivia was very vague. Ah well, at least she seems really happy. Come to think of it, she always seemed happy, and always had a rosy glow on her cheeks. Well, something was obviously agreeing with her.


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