Citrus Blossom

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Citrus Blossom Page 13

by Sarah Pond

  Now that Olivia was starting to feel better, she decided to ring Emma. Emma was thrilled to hear from her, and Olivia explained that she would have called sooner, but that she hadn't been very well. Emma tentatively asked whether Olivia had heard from Jasmine. Olivia sighed, 'She's left me messages, but I just can't think about her at the moment. To be honest, I've been considering moving back here, while I decide what to do. I think a complete change would be good for me.'

  Emma said, 'Well, it's early days, wait until you're properly better before you decide anything.'

  Once she had finished speaking with Olivia, Emma rang Jasmine to let her know that Olivia was okay. Jasmine asked whether she was coming back to London soon, and Emma said that she didn't know yet.

  A few days later, Olivia rang Emma to let her know that she was coming back to London, and Emma suggested that they meet at the Mexican restaurant when she finished work on Friday. Emma arrived to see Olivia waiting for her, and they hugged each other. 'It's good to have you back. Do you feel better now?'

  Olivia nodded, 'Yes. I really needed to get away. I still haven't decided whether to stay in London or move back to Cornwall.'

  Emma looked concerned, 'You can't go back, you have your life here now. Don't make any decisions just yet.'

  After their meal, Emma said that she had to go back to the office as she had forgotten something, and said that she would see Olivia back at the flat later. As Olivia was leaving the restaurant, she stopped in her tracks when she saw Jasmine standing a few feet in front of her. Jasmine said, 'I really need to talk to you.' There was a look of desperation in her eyes.

  'How did you know I was here?'

  'I asked Emma. I said that I had to see you. Please will you come back to my place so that we can talk.'

  She looked pleadingly into Olivia's eyes, and Olivia sighed and nodded. Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief. The journey to Jasmine's was awkward, and they made some brief, polite conversation. Jasmine asked her about her trip home to Cornwall. She wanted to wait until they were alone before she spoke with Olivia properly. When they arrived at the front door, Jasmine got her keys out and unlocked it. 'Come in, I'll make us some drinks.'

  Olivia followed Jasmine into the kitchen, watching her as she walked, she was so beautiful and graceful. If only she could have realised sooner how she felt, she would have spared them both so much pain. Olivia longed to put her arms around Jasmine, to touch her, kiss her neck. Jasmine turned around to see that look in Olivia's eyes, and oh, she knew that look so well. It made her stomach twist and her heart flip. Jasmine started making the drinks, but couldn't concentrate. With her back to Olivia, she simply said, 'I broke it off with Chloe.'

  Olivia paused, 'Oh. Why?' She wasn't really sure what to say.

  Jasmine turned to look at her, those gorgeous melting brown eyes searching Olivia's face. 'Because from the moment we were together, I knew that I didn't want anyone else, only you. I was trying to move on, but ever since you turned up at my door that evening, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, about us. I tried to push my feelings away, and I knew that I couldn't bear any more hurt, losing you was the most painful thing I've ever been through. But when you came into my office saying that you were going to leave, I knew that I couldn't let you go. Then when Emma said that you had gone back to Cornwall, I was going spare. I miss you, I want to be with you. I've never loved anyone like I love you.' Jasmine looked at Olivia, and saw tears running down her face. Jasmine whispered, 'I want to kiss you.'

  Olivia nodded silently, and Jasmine walked over to her, and leaned forward, gently kissing her. As Olivia responded, Jasmine kissed Olivia more urgently, wanting Olivia to feel how much she loved her. Knowing how Jasmine felt about her, being kissed like this, Olivia felt like she had found water after being lost in the desert, and didn't think that she would ever want to stop drinking. Eventually, they pulled apart, both of them with tears running down their faces. Olivia looked earnestly into Jasmine's eyes, 'I love you.'

  'I love you too. I've been in love with you since the day we went to the gallery.'

  Jasmine and Olivia sat and talked for a long time. Jasmine said that she had blamed herself for rushing things in the beginning. 'I should have stopped and thought. Obviously you had a lot of change going on, you were starting a new life here.'

  Olivia said, 'Admittedly you did freak me out a bit, but you were so passionate, and it was so romantic. I loved spending time with you. I experienced things I'd never felt before. And after we broke up, I realised what I'd given up. Not to mention, sex with you, it's like nothing on earth.'

  Olivia gave Jasmine a look, which made Jasmine's stomach flip. Olivia asked about Chloe. Jasmine explained that they had only been dating a few weeks. Jasmine had really thought that she had lost Olivia, and eventually started to go out a bit more, encouraged by Fran and Phoebe. After Olivia had turned up on her doorstep declaring her undying love, she knew it wouldn't be fair to Chloe to keep seeing her, so she ended things with her. She didn't say anything at first because she didn't want to rush anything. But when Olivia came into the office with a letter of resignation, she just knew that she couldn't let her go. They both talked everything out, and now felt that they were coming from the same place. Jasmine said that she would talk to Jason, and tell him that Olivia would be back at work on Monday. Olivia said, 'Thank you. As I mentioned, Jason thinks it was a temporary leave of absence anyway, so that should be fine. Also, I might still need a bit of time when we're out with other people.'

  Jasmine said, 'Well, I don't tend to be one for public displays of affection, generally. Mostly, I don't think my private life is anyone else's business!'

  They decided that they would tell Laura and Jason soon, but not just yet. Jasmine asked, 'Have you told anyone about us?'

  Olivia shook her head, 'Only Emma. I wasn't going to say at first, as I wasn't sure how she would react. But I was in such a state, and it was such a relief to talk to someone, and she was so sweet. In fact, it was Emma who told me to try and get you back. She said I'd never been happier than when I was with you.'

  'Really? That's so sweet, she's a good friend.'

  'Yes, she is, I don't know what I would have done without her.'

  Jasmine looked at Olivia, 'I've got a confession. When you didn't call me back after you left work, I called at the flat to find you. Emma invited me in and I told her what a mess I'd made of things. She's very protective of you. But after we talked, she agreed to keep me updated as to how you were.'

  'You're a sneaky couple of things, aren't you,' Olivia smiled.

  Jasmine looked at Olivia, 'I wasn't going to let you go without a fight,' and leaned forward to kiss her. Then she yawned, and said, 'Well, I don't know about you, but I am so tired. It's been quite an evening. Do you want to stay?'

  Olivia nodded, and they got up and headed for the bedroom. They undressed, and climbed under the duvet, and held each other tight. 'I've missed you so much,' whispered Jasmine, tears welling up.

  Olivia looked into her eyes, 'I've missed you too. I love you,' and kissed her.

  They made love, slowly, sensuously exploring one another tenderly. Jasmine was deliriously happy, and Olivia was overcome that she had nearly lost Jasmine. Afterwards, they held each other close and drifted off to sleep.

  They awoke on Saturday morning, still intwined. Jasmine looked lovingly at Olivia, 'I can't believe you're back in my bed. I'm so happy.'

  Olivia leaned over and kissed Jasmine, 'Me too. I can't believe I wasted all of that time searching for something when it was here all along. At least I came to my senses,' said Olivia.

  Jasmine looked thoughtful, 'Sometimes it's only when we let go of things that we realise what we had. You obviously needed that time to get things straight in your head. No pun intended, by the way!'

  Olivia laughed, then looked serious. 'I know exactly what I want now, but I was so scared I had lost you for good.'

  'Well, you haven't lost me, I'm right here,' Jasmine ki
ssed Olivia.

  After breakfast, Olivia said that she would have to pop home to get some clean clothes. 'This time, you can come in with me, no more sneaking around at my place,' she said.

  When Olivia let herself in through the front door, Emma looked up, excited. She was just about to ask what had happened last night, when she caught a glimpse of Jasmine behind Olivia. Closing the door, Olivia said, 'Emma, you know Jasmine. I believe that you've become buddies!'

  'Of course, how are you?' she asked, smiling.

  Jasmine said that she was very well. Olivia laughed, 'Emma, you're like an excited puppy. Okay, let's sit down, and we'll tell you what happened.'

  Emma sat on the armchair, and noticed that Jasmine and Olivia were holding hands on the sofa. Jasmine said, 'Well, after you left the restaurant yesterday, I waited for Olivia to leave. She did look rather surprised to see me! I just told her that I needed to talk to her, and asked her back to my place.'

  Whilst Jasmine was relating the story, Emma noticed that she and Olivia kept exchanging loving looks. 'I told Olivia that she is the only person in the world for me, that I'm head over heels in love with her, and here we are!'

  Emma was hugging herself with glee, 'That's so romantic.'

  Jasmine smiled, and said to Emma, 'I owe you thanks, apart from these last few days, Olivia told me that you encouraged her to tell me how she felt about me a few weeks ago.'

  Emma replied, 'To be honest, she hadn't been herself for such a long time, it was driving me mad, because she wouldn't talk about it. Then, when she finally told me, everything made sense. You obviously make each other very happy.'

  Jasmine and Olivia beamed at each other, then at Emma. 'You're a good friend, I can see why Olivia thinks the world of you.'

  That weekend, Jasmine and Olivia decided to go back to the National Gallery. Unlike before, when Olivia had become quiet and distant, now she was animated, and they chatted excitedly about the paintings. Jasmine loved the Canaletto paintings. 'The detail and the architecture are just stunning. I feel that I could walk into the painting, it's so rich with life.'

  Olivia watched Jasmine, she was enthralled with the paintings. One of the Canaletto paintings was called London: Interior of the Rotunda at Ranelagh. It turned out that the building was in Chelsea, but was demolished in 1805. Jasmine loved the way that the decor and lights shone out from the painting. After spending a long time looking at each of the paintings, they continued exploring the gallery. They walked through another set of doors, and approached The Fighting Temeraire, and Jasmine stood next to Olivia, watching her take in the wonder of the painting, and gently held her hand. Olivia turned, surprised. She smiled at Jasmine, and there they stood together, each feeling that electric connection. Jasmine leaned to whisper in Olivia's ear, 'I want you. Now.'

  Olivia looked up, surprised. Jasmine took Olivia's hand, and they headed away from the paintings. Jasmine led Olivia down the steps, and everything was black marble and white walls and tiles. Jasmine was heading towards the cloakrooms. Olivia couldn't quite believe this, the woman do didn't do public displays of affection, holding her hand, and now this. Jasmine pulled Olivia by the hand, underneath the labyrinthine arches and down the few steps. Fortunately there didn't seem to be anyone else in the washrooms, and Jasmine pulled Olivia into a cubicle with her. Locking the door, immediately her lips were on Olivia. 'Oh my god, I couldn't wait another minute, I want you right now,' she said urgently through her kisses.

  Fuck, this is hot, thought Olivia. Jasmine ran her hands over Olivia, kneading her breasts, kissing her neck. She didn't know how on earth she had managed all of those months without Olivia, and now that she had her back, she couldn't keep her hands off of her. She felt as though, if she let go for too long, she might lose her again. She pulled Olivia's denim skirt up to her hips, and put her hands down her pants, 'Fuck, you're so wet.'

  When Jasmine talked like that, it turned Olivia on even more. Olivia kissed Jasmine back, and ran her hands over Jasmine's bottom, then she undid her trousers, slipping them down her hips. Being back with Jasmine felt so right, how on earth had she walked away from this. The feel of Jasmine, the excitement that she felt, the overwhelming love was mind blowing. Holding Jasmine with one hand, she slid her other hand down the front of Jasmine's pants. Leaning against the wall of the cubicle, their breathing becoming more erratic, they could feel the excitement, the need, the desperate wanting. They could both feel that sensual build towards release, their breathing becoming more ragged, and a feeling of lightheadedness as the sensations took them higher. As they kissed, their lips felt like they were hot wired to their core, and like an explosion, they came together, panting and feeling their legs weaken. They leaned into one another, breathing heavily, then both laughing. Olivia was hoping that no one had heard them. 'You are so fucking hot,' Jasmine kissed Olivia again.

  After readjusting their clothes, Jasmine stepped out of the cubicle, followed by Olivia. Jasmine looked very cool, and Olivia was bright faced, and looking as guilty as hell. A lady was washing her hands, and did a double take as she saw the two women coming out of the same cubicle. Jasmine smiled very sweetly at her, and as the woman left, Olivia burst out laughing. 'You are so naughty,' she said to Jasmine.

  Jasmine gave her a wicked smile, and said, 'Let's go and get some lunch.'

  Back at Olivia's on Sunday evening, she and Jasmine had had a wonderful weekend. Olivia was so happy. Emma came home, smiling at the two of them snuggled up on the sofa. She commented on how cosy and happy the two of them looked. Olivia and Jasmine smiled at each other, and then at Emma. Jasmine said that she would have to leave soon, to get organised for work in the morning. They hadn't really discussed when they were going to tell the others at work. They decided to wait and see how it went for now. They kissed goodbye at the door. After Jasmine had left, Emma went and sat down. 'Okay, I want the details!' she said.

  Olivia told her about the gallery, and how they had visited it before. 'Jasmine said that's when she knew she had fallen in love with me.'

  Emma said, 'Aw, that is so romantic, and what else happened.'

  Olivia blushed. Emma said, 'Come on, you've got to tell me, you have a very naughty look on your face!'

  So Olivia told her how Jasmine had touched her hand, and that Jasmine had wanted her there and then. 'Wow, that is so hot, what happened next?'

  'Well, Jasmine took me by the hand, led me to the toilets, and pulled me into a cubicle. She said that she had to have me right now. And we fucked, and it was amazing. In public, Jasmine may seem sophisticated and refined, but behind closed doors, she is the freest and sexiest person I've ever met. Not to mention, she has a filthy mouth!' Emma looked flabbergasted. 'And then Jasmine walks out, cool as anything, and smiles at this woman who was washing her hands!'

  Emma laughed, 'You two are a right horny pair! You obviously drive each other wild. It's great to see you so happy.'

  Olivia walked into the office on Monday morning, feeling very happy. She said good morning to Laura, who was really pleased to see her back. Olivia asked if Jasmine was in yet. Laura said no, this was the first day in weeks that she had arrived before Jasmine. 'Hopefully she's at last taken my advice, and is going to slow down a bit, she's been working way too hard,' explained Laura.

  Jason arrived, smiling cheerily. He always seemed very relaxed, Olivia didn't think she had ever seen him in a bad mood. Jasmine arrived, smiling and looking gorgeous. 'Good morning all,' she said as she breezed into her office.

  Laura looked at Olivia, 'Well, someone's looking better. To tell you the truth, Jason and I have been so worried about Jasmine recently. Jason tried to talk to her, but we couldn't get anywhere.'

  Olivia replied, 'She probably just got bogged down with work.'

  Jason and Laura noticed how much lighter the office felt now that Jasmine was back to her old self. She usually left the office at the same time as the others, and was so happy now. Whatever had happened before, they were pleased it was over. They starte
d to socialise again. If they went out for lunch together, Laura would sometimes catch a glance between Olivia and Jasmine, like she had seen when they had played rounders that time. Maybe they had had a falling out, she wondered. Anyway, it all seemed good now.


  Spring was turning into summer, and Laura arranged another game of rounders and football. They met in Regent's Park like before, but as it was June now, it was much warmer than when they had last got together. Felicity and Harry ran over to Olivia, and gave her a hug. They split the teams, with Laura, Olivia, Felicity and Jason against Peter, Jasmine and Harry. Leaving their picnic rugs and food bundled up, they started kicking the ball around. It was very friendly and fun, and the kids were having a whale of a time. Gradually, the adults became more competitive, and the game started becoming more of a rugby match, with them picking the ball up and running with it. At one point, Jasmine tackled Olivia, and they both fell to the floor. They were laughing so much, that they couldn't get up. Looking down at Olivia, Jasmine leaned forward to kiss her, then remembered where she was. Felicity came running up to them and threw herself on top of them, and they all laughed helplessly. Laura and Jason went over to help them up, and they all decided that it was time for lunch. Whilst they were eating, Peter said, 'It's great that you all get on so well together. I suppose that's the advantage of working in a small company, especially when it's your own business. At our work, we have a Christmas meal and an occasional party, and that's about it.'

  After chatting for a while, they decided to have a game of rounders. The children seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of energy, and they played all afternoon. Laura was so pleased that they were all socializing together again.


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