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Citrus Blossom

Page 14

by Sarah Pond

  Back at work a couple of weeks later, Laura was just leaving for lunch. She said goodbye to the others, then realised that she had forgotten to give Jasmine a message. Laura decided to go and tell her now, whilst she remembered it. Olivia wasn't at her desk, she must have gone for lunch already. Laura went straight to Jasmine's office, and put her head around the door. 'Jasmine, I forgot to tell you...' and stopped abruptly when she saw Jasmine and Olivia in the middle of a very passionate kiss, their hands all over one another. Jasmine and Olivia jumped back from each other, and looked at Laura, wide eyed. Laura just stood there for a moment, not sure what to say. 'Um, I'm so sorry, I should have knocked,' she blushed profusely.

  Jasmine said, 'Laura, shut the door and come and sit down. I'm so sorry about this. I should have spoken to you before now, I didn't want you to find out like this.'

  Jasmine explained that she and Olivia were dating, and were not going to let it interfere with work. Usually they kept work professional, it's just that today they had thought that they were alone. Laura was still pretty shocked, 'How long has this been going on?'

  Jasmine looked at Olivia, then at Laura. 'We dated for a few months, then stopped. We started again in the spring.'

  As Laura let this information sink in, things started to make more sense to her. She remembered the stolen glances when they'd all gone out. And she noticed at the park that they seemed very close. But she would have never imagined, not in a million years. Olivia had been going out with guys. Then she realised why Jasmine had been so withdrawn all that time, it made sense now, that things had been so strained between the two of them. 'Does Jason know?' she asked.

  Jasmine replied, 'No, not yet, but I'm going to have a chat with him this week.'

  Olivia said, 'I'm so sorry. Also, I'm so relieved that you know now.'

  Olivia and Jasmine exchanged a look, and Laura couldn't help laughing. 'You two are like a couple of teenagers. As long as you know what you're doing.'

  A couple of days later, it was nearing six o'clock, and Jasmine went into Jason's office. 'Hi, can I have a chat with you?'

  Jason looked up, 'Of course. Here, take a seat,' Jason said, moving some books out of the way. Jasmine sat down, wondering how to start. Jason spoke first, 'Can I just say, it's so great now you're back to your old self. I was so worried about you. I'm guessing that whatever it was is sorted out now?'

  Jasmine looked at Jason, she was so fond of her friend. 'Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Basically, I've met someone, and I've fallen in love,' she said matter of factly.

  Jason was surprised, as Jasmine never usually spoke of her personal relationships. He assumed that she wasn't really interested. Jason smiled, 'That's wonderful. Who is the lucky guy?'

  Jasmine hesitated, 'Well, actually, um, it's not a guy. It's a woman. It's Olivia.' She sat there, looking at Jason.

  'Oh,' Jason wasn't sure what to say.

  Jasmine continued, 'I've only ever been interested in women, and as it's no one's business but mine, I don't usually talk about it. But in this case, I think you need to know.'

  Jason looked at her, still not sure what to say. 'Well, thank you for telling me. I assume it won't effect anything here at work, will it?'

  Jasmine shook her head, 'Of course not. And Laura knows, by the way. At lunchtime the other day, you were out and Laura had gone for lunch, and came back unexpectedly. She saw us kissing in my office. We had been meaning to tell both of you,' Jasmine looked so serious and embarrassed.

  Jason couldn't help laughing, his face creasing and his blue eyes twinkling. 'Well, well. As long as you're happy, I'm happy,' and he laughed again.

  Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief, 'Phew, I was so nervous about telling you. Thanks for being so understanding.'

  It was Friday, and Jasmine was going back home with Olivia after work. Jasmine said, 'Well, Jason and Laura know now, so we can relax about work. We should still keep things professional in the office, but out of work will be much easier now we don't have to pretend there's nothing between us.'

  Olivia unlocked the door, and they went inside. Over dinner that evening, Jasmine said, 'I'd love to visit Cornwall some time, and see where you grew up. It sounds lovely. Also I'd love to meet Becky and see her gallery.'

  Olivia looked at her, 'I'd love that too. I'll be going back soon, why don't you come with me? It would make more sense us both being away at the same time. You and Jason cover for each other anyway, and if you're away with me, Laura won't have so much extra work to do.'

  Jasmine thought about it, 'I guess it does make sense.'

  The more Jasmine thought about it, the more excited she became. 'Yes, let's do it. I will obviously run it by Jason, but I know he'll be fine with it. Before we hired you, most of the time we only had Laura.'

  Olivia explained that she hadn't yet told her friends and family about their relationship. 'If you're okay with it, I would just say we're friends initially, I want them to get to know you first. Also, I don't yet know how I'm going to tell them.'

  Jasmine understood, and there was no way that she was going to rush anything, she had learned that the hard way. Olivia asked Jasmine how old she was when she came out. 'It was about ten years ago, when I was twenty. I was madly in love with this girl, and couldn't hide it any more. My Mum had already guessed, and she was very supportive. My Dad, on the other hand, had a really hard time with it. He wouldn't have my girlfriend in the house, and if I tried to talk about her, he would either change the subject or leave the room. It wasn't long after that, that I moved out, which helped relieve some of the tension. He's better than he was, but I just don't talk about my personal life with him, and he doesn't ask. My Mum has tried talking to him over the years, but he's very old fashioned. He's fifteen years older than my Mum, too, and has different ideas about how things should be.'

  Olivia looked at Jasmine, 'That's such a shame, you poor thing. I hope my parents are okay when I do eventually tell them. My Mum and Dad are great, you'll love them. And I think you and Becky will get along really well.'

  Jasmine smiled, and leaned over to kiss Olivia.

  Work was so much easier, now that Jasmine and Olivia could talk openly about their plans and their weekends. Laura and Jason were pleased that they were both so happy. Jasmine had a chat with Jason about going away with Olivia, and it was all agreed. Olivia spoke to her Mum, who was delighted that she was bringing a friend. 'Mum says you can stay in Ben's old room. He's been living with Tina for quite a while now. We reckon that they will tie the knot soon, they way they've been talking.'


  Olivia and Jasmine were all packed, and ready to set off for Cornwall. Emma and Matt took them to the station, and helped them with their cases. 'Have a great time guys,' Emma hugged each of them in turn, then they boarded the train, and sat down.

  Jasmine said, 'I'm excited, but also quite nervous. Also, I've been thinking, when we get back, I'd like you to meet my Mum. I was thinking we could go out for dinner, maybe.'

  Olivia looked at her, 'Yes, I'd like that. And don't be nervous, everyone is really friendly, you're going to love it.'

  On the long journey, Olivia talked about growing up in Cornwall. She didn't remember Middlesex at all, as she was only two when her parents moved them all. Olivia talked lovingly about long summers at the beach, and how lovely the people were where she grew up. She adored the beach at St Ives, and her favourite part of the train journey was that of the ride from St Erth to St Ives, when she would get her first glimpse of the beach. Olivia so wanted Jasmine to experience this, so had asked her Mum to pick them up from St Ives, even though it meant lugging their cases onto another train.

  As the train approached St Ives, Jasmine agreed that the view was enchanting, and watched Olivia as she looked excitedly out of the window. Olivia saw Jasmine watching her in the reflection on the window, and turned to smile at her. Jasmine looked deep into Olivia's eyes, 'I love you so much,' she said. Olivia's stomach flipped over. />
  As the train pulled into the station, Jasmine and Olivia stood up, and collected their cases. They got off of the train, and Olivia saw her Mum waving, and walking towards them, with arms outstretched. 'Darling, it's so good to have you back.' She hugged Olivia, then smiled at Jasmine. 'You must be Jasmine, Olivia's told me so much about you. It's lovely to meet you.'

  Jasmine said, 'It's lovely to meet you too. Thank you for letting me stay, it's so kind of you.'

  They headed to the car, Ella chatting away, updating Olivia on what had been going on. They still spoke regularly on the phone, but where Ella lived, everyone seemed to know everyone else's business, so there was always some news. When they arrived back at the cottage, Jasmine exclaimed, 'Oh, this is so beautiful.'

  Olivia's Dad came to greet them. Ella said, 'Steve, this is Jasmine.'

  They shook hands, Jasmine saying how pleased she was to meet him, and thanking them again for letting her stay with them. Steve said that he would take the cases upstairs, saying that Olivia would show Jasmine her room later. He told them to have a sit down after their long journey. Jasmine loved Olivia's parents, they were so welcoming. Olivia was thrilled. Ella and Steve had prepared a lovely meal, and they all sat down together to eat. They chatted away, and Jasmine was saying how she was looking forward to seeing Becky's gallery. After dinner, they had coffee, then Olivia said she would help clear up. Her parents were having none of it, and said to go and unpack. Olivia showed Jasmine where Ben's room was, next to hers. 'This is my room,' Olivia said.

  Jasmine walked into the blue and white bedroom, with its pretty blue and white check curtains and duvet. The cottage was on a hill, and Olivia's room had a view over the rooftops of the beach in the distance. Jasmine thought that it was beautiful. She walked over to the window, looking at the view. Wistfully, she said, 'Why would you want to leave this behind, it's beautiful.'

  Olivia walked over to stand beside her. 'Something was calling me, and I had to discover what it was. I think it was you.'

  Jasmine turned to Olivia, tears welling in her eyes. That was one of the most beautiful and romantic things that she had ever heard in her life. Olivia kissed Jasmine, and she could feel the love, that connection that had brought them together. They stood for a long time, in each other's arms, looking at the view.

  In the morning, Olivia went to knock on Jasmine's door. She heard mumbling, and opened the door. 'Morning sleepy head!' Jasmine was just waking up. 'Did you sleep well?'

  Jasmine rubbed her eyes, and sat up, 'Yes, very well thank you. I think I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.'

  Olivia replied, 'It's the sea air, very therapeutic.'

  They went down to breakfast in their pyjamas. Jasmine felt like a little girl again, having a sleepover. Ella greeted them, 'Morning girls, what would you like? We've got cereal and toast, juice, tea and coffee.'

  Olivia said, 'Oh, coffee for me please. I expect Jasmine will have tea.'

  Olivia said that today they would be meeting up with Liam, Becky and Dan at the cafe at lunchtime. They had a leisurely breakfast, and Ella asked Jasmine more about London, and about her publishing company. Jasmine felt so comfortable here, it was so different when she was with her parents.

  At the cafe, Olivia went to order some drinks, saying to Jasmine that the milkshakes were the best that she had ever tasted. Jasmine said, 'It's years since I've had a milkshake. Which flavour do you recommend?'

  'I love the coffee one, and the banana one is gorgeous if you fancy something fruity,' she raised her eyebrows at Jasmine.

  Laughing, Jasmine said, 'Oh, definitely fruity!'

  Olivia ordered the shakes and they went to sit down. When the drinks arrived, Olivia watched Jasmine expectantly. Jasmine said, 'Mmm, yes, it's delicious. It's almost as delicious as you,' and she gave Olivia a cheeky look.

  Olivia looked at Jasmine, but before she could say anything, she looked up as she heard her friends coming into the cafe. It was all hugs and kisses, and then Olivia introduced Jasmine. 'Liam, you've already met, and this is Becky, and her boyfriend Dan.'

  They all shook hands, saying how pleased they were to meet one another. Becky wanted to know all about Jasmine, and Jasmine wanted to hear about the gallery. Becky said, 'Pop into the gallery, and I'll show you around.'

  Jasmine replied, 'Thank you, I would love that. Olivia's told me so much about it.'

  Olivia asked, 'How is your new assistant getting on?'

  Becky replied, 'Really well, but it's not the same without you.' Jasmine smiled at Olivia.

  Becky continued, 'Her name is Lucy, and I think she has a bit of a thing for Liam. She's always asking what we've been up to, and fishing for information about him!'

  'Don't be daft,' laughed Liam, embarrassed.

  Olivia said, 'Well, you're a good catch, I can see why she'd like you.' Liam looked at Olivia sadly, and Olivia felt awkward, and changed the subject.

  Dan asked, 'So, do you have any plans for the week?'

  'Actually, yes. Jasmine has never been to Cornwall before, so there's loads to show her, and she really wants to go to the Eden Project.'

  'You'll love it there,' said Becky.

  They spent a few hours catching up, then they said their goodbyes. Olivia said, 'Let's go to the beach, I want you to see it close up. Also, we have to go for a walk along the beach at dusk, it's magical.'

  As they walked along, Olivia wanted to know what Jasmine thought of her friends. 'They're really nice, and they obviously think a lot of you. They miss you, too.'

  Olivia was thoughtful, 'You know, when I came back last time, after I gave you my resignation, I was seriously thinking of staying here.'

  Jasmine looked at her, a heavy feeling in her stomach. She really didn't want to think about what might have happened. 'I'm so glad you didn't.'

  'Emma kept telling me not to rush into anything. Of course, I didn't know that you and she had been scheming!'

  'Well, I did turn up on her doorstep in a bit of a state! Emma didn't know that you'd tried to resign.'

  Olivia sighed, 'I didn't want to tell anyone anything, until I knew myself what I wanted to do.'

  They walked down the steps, onto the sand, and sat down. Now it was the end of June, and the weather was improving. There were lots of people around, families having picnics, and children laughing and building sandcastles. They both took their shoes off, and rolled up their jeans. Olivia pushed her feet into the sand, she loved the feeling of it between her toes. Jasmine said, 'You're so lucky to have grown up here, it's idyllic.'

  Olivia looked across to Jasmine, 'It's great that I get to share it with you.'

  They sat on the beach all afternoon, sometimes chatting, and a lot of the time in companionable silence, watching everything going on around them. Jasmine found the sound of the sea washing up on the shore very relaxing. Although there were a lot of people around, there was so much wide open space here. Every now and again, Jasmine and Olivia's hands would touch in the sand, and they would look at each other and smile. They went for a paddle, too, feeling the water splashing around their ankles. Jasmine loved hearing the seagulls, listening to the waves, and the sounds of laughter from the children on the beach. Everything felt so fresh and spacious here, it was wonderful.

  Late that afternoon, they were ready to eat. Olivia's favourite place was a small cafe on the Wharf, and they walked up the beach towards it. After eating in the tiny restaurant, Jasmine agreed that the food was excellent. Dusk was approaching, and Olivia took Jasmine for a walk along the beach. They walked slowly, watching the sky change colour, and how it changed the hue of the sand. There weren't many people around now, just a couple of people walking their dogs. 'I love this time of day on the beach,' said Olivia.

  She held out her arms, face up to the sky, and started to spin around. Jasmine laughed, watching Olivia spinning around freely, laughing. 'Come and dance with me,' Olivia grabbed Jasmine's hands, and they span around at arms length. Then they fell in a heap on the sand, laug
hing. They lay side by side, looking up at the sky, with sand in their hair. Olivia reached across for Jasmine's hand, and there they lay, until it started getting colder. Then they sat up, and shook the sand from their hair. Jasmine looked at Olivia, so happy. Jasmine said, 'Thank you for today, I've had a wonderful time.'

  Somehow, being here on the beach, Jasmine felt a new freedom, like the normal rules didn't apply, and she embraced Olivia, kissing her deeply, passionately. When they arrived back at home, Ella greeted them, 'My word, you two look like children who have been playing in the sand all day! Why don't you go and get showered, and I'll make you some hot chocolate.'

  Olivia and Jasmine headed upstairs, and to the bathroom. They showered, put on their pyjamas, and headed back to the cosy lounge. Ella brought in hot chocolates and biscuits for them. 'Thanks, Mum.'

  'Thank you, Ella, this is lovely.'

  They all sat down and chatted about their day. Ella said that tomorrow, Ben was coming over with Tina. After Olivia and Jasmine had gone to bed, Ella was saying to Steve how pleased she was that Olivia had made such a good friend in London, and how happy she seemed to be. Steve agreed, 'It's like when she was younger, and every day was an adventure, she always had something to be excited about.'

  Ben and Tina arrived the following afternoon, and Olivia introduced them to Jasmine. They all sat in the lounge, and then Ben said, 'We've got some news for you. We've just got engaged!'

  Tina held out her hand, showing a fine platinum band with a single diamond in the centre.

  'It's beautiful,' exclaimed Olivia, and jumped up to hug Tina, and then her brother.

  Their parents were thrilled, and Steve said that they would go out tonight to celebrate. They all asked lots of questions, and Ben and Tina said that they planned to get married in the spring, although they hadn't set the actual date yet. It would be a fairly small wedding, and they would like to have a marquee in the garden at her parents place for the party afterwards. Jasmine saw how happy they were, and thought that they made a lovely couple. Although this was the first time that she had met Olivia's family, she felt really included. Olivia's family was so different to hers, and they all seemed much closer to one another. Jasmine watched Olivia chatting with Tina, asking about what kind of dress she was going to have, and thought how lucky she was to have met Olivia. She loved her so much, it felt like her heart was going to burst.


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