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Legends of Windemere: 03 - Allure of the Gypsies

Page 51

by Charles E Yallowitz

  “You two . . . you two really . . . make an entrance,” Sari happily slurs, coming up behind the pair and draping herself over their shoulders.

  “She’s already drunk?” Luke asks in surprise.

  “I told you that she’d be hard to handle,” Nyx laughs. Sari’s booze-coated breath makes her nose wrinkle and her vision blur.

  Sari hiccups and covers her mouth to stifle a belch. “This is . . . we’re gonna . . . fun time! Yay!”

  Luke stares at the gypsy girl with an embarrassed, but slightly amused, smile. After everything that has happened to him, he thinks it is finally time to relax and enjoy his life. Before he can second-guess himself, Luke takes the first drink that is offered to him and chugs it in a single gulp, much to the delight of the drunken gypsy hanging on his arm.


  The streets of Haven are filled with a crowd that refuses to make even the slightest noise. Every man, woman, child, and beast listen intently to the sound emanating from the central stage, which is nothing more than a ten-foot tall pedestal. On top of the marble construct is a small form with a shiny flute delicately placed against his lips. Zephyr calmly sits on the edge of the stage, his bare feet swinging in the air. His song is pure and soft, but it has the power to carry itself through the entire town. None of the partygoers know how long they have been quietly listening to the song when it finally ends on a low, long-held note. A deafening roar of applause breaks the silence and continues for several minutes.

  “I guess they like my improvisation,” Zephyr humbly whispers.

  “Are you surprised, my boy? It was both heart-warming and gut-wrenching,” Zale squeaks from behind the boy. The orange squirrel sways on its paws as if it’s dancing. “It was a beautiful piece that will never be heard again unless you write it down before you forget.”

  “I am glad that you approve, sir,” the boy says, nodding to the squirrel.

  Zale wiggles his nose and sits on his haunches. “You don’t have to call me sir. I will settle for mister or my lord.”

  “Are you a lord?” Zephyr asks curiously.

  Zale stares at the boy while he considers lying. He notices the excited look on Zephyr’s face and sighs heavily. “I am nothing of the sort. I am merely a talking squirrel who has left his place of employment.”

  “You mean squirrels don’t have nobility?” the boy inquires, genuine wonder in his voice. “Then, how do they know who gets which nuts or who has which tree?”

  Zale chatters in laughter before he can talk again. “You give small things too much thought. Squirrels have no need for nobility or rules. We survive and enjoy our life. It’s something that you humanoids should learn to do. It makes life much more meaningful.”

  “I see,” Zephyr says softly.

  The boy packs his flute away and begins groping for the ladder he used to get onto the stage. Zale curls his furry tail around the boy’s hand to safely lead him to the top rung. His fingers are within an inch of the ladder when the boy stops, looking around with a wide smile. Zephyr awkwardly scrambles to his feet with a confused Zale gripping his forearm.

  “He’s below us,” the boy whispers excitedly.

  “Who? Are you in debt with a gang?” Zale asks, craning his neck to see who is below the stage. “I knew I should have checked your background before taking you on as a client.”

  “I have to see him,” Zephyr proudly states.

  The blind bard takes a confident step off the ten-foot stage, causing Zale to screech in terror. The squirrel flails wildly when he loses his grip and separates from Zephyr’s arm. He closes his eyes waiting for a hard impact, only to feel a painful tug on his tail and the sensation of hovering upside down. Zale slowly opens one eye and quickly shuts it when he sees the upside down face of Nyx a few inches from his face.

  “Hello, rodent,” the caster drunkenly slurs, continuing to hold him by the tail.

  Zale opens his eyes and pretends to gag. “Your breath smells like a dwarf’s beard clippings.”

  “Your fur smells like an ogre’s tongue,” Nyx counters, dropping the squirrel on his head.

  “I take it you know each other,” Sari says who is happily suckling on the end of a wine decanter.

  “We had a brief, but memorable encounter,” Nyx admits, grabbing one of three mugs of ale that hover around her. “So, why are you interested in the child? You seemed so happy working for Ionia. I’m guessing you got fired.”

  “I took a temporary leave of absence if you must know,” the squirrel contends, looking around the ground. “Wait. Zephyr! Where did that boy land? I swear to the gods he better be okay.”

  “I’m fine, sir!” the boy calls out from behind the squirrel. Zale turns around to see his charge standing with Luke and shaking his hand.

  “Don’t you ever do that again!” Zale exclaims, leaping onto the child’s shoulder.

  “I was fine. Luke wouldn’t let anything happen to me,” Zephyr innocently insists.

  “True, but I have to know where you are in order to help you,” the forest tracker claims, a warm smile on his face. “If I had any more to drink then I might not have caught you. You could have landed on your head and hurt yourself.”

  Sari giggles and playfully interjects, “Also, he could have fallen on your thick head and split in two.”

  “That isn’t funny,” Nyx snaps.

  “Which part?” the gypsy asks. She shakes the final drops of wine from the decanter and licks them off her arm.

  “The child being split in two. Luke having a boulder for a head isn’t something new to me,” the caster says with a small burp.

  “Behave yourselves,” Luke hisses, briefly glancing at his companions. “Zephyr, this is Nyx and Sari. They are the ones who helped save me.”

  “Hello again,” the girls say with smiles. Sari gives a low curtsey while Nyx does a simple bow. They are both surprised when Zephyr walks up to them and reaches up to feel their faces.

  “I was right. You are both very pretty,” the child compliments them.

  “Getting one out of two right isn’t bad,” Zale mutters. Nyx glares at the rodent and flicks a small zap at his nose. A patch of dandelions grows from his nostrils forcing Zale to sneeze erratically. Luke yanks the flowers out of his nose, which causes Zale to squeak in pain.

  “How is your training for the contest going, Zephyr?” Luke asks, handing Zale a scrap of cloth for his runny nose.

  Zephyr blushes and kicks at a stone in the grass “It is going well, but I am getting a bit bored with the local tutors. They are having trouble adjusting their lessons for someone who cannot see. They insist on basics and moving slow.”

  “Useless, old fools!” Zale exclaims, his voice a higher pitch than before. “This boy is already twice as talented as all of them. That contest is as good as his.”

  “Do you agree with him, Zephyr? Please, be honest,” Sari warmly requests.

  “I don’t know because I don’t know who I am up against,” Zephyr meekly claims. “I could do great or I could embarrass myself.”

  “True, but you’re going to try anyway,” Luke says confidently.

  “It would insult the kindness of Lady Goldheart if I refused the challenge,” Zephyr says. He nervously grinds his heel against the ground until a small pile of dirt collects under his foot.

  “You have a good heart, kid,” Nyx hiccups.

  “So, what are you going to do now that you’re alive again?” Zephyr asks, taking Luke by the hand.

  Luke pats Zephyr on the shoulder. “I have a long road ahead of me. I have to leave Haven soon and travel with these young ladies to save Windemere. I don’t know the details, but I do know that a great evil that is about to return. I’m one of the heroes chosen to protect the world and people like you. Don’t be surprised if you hear about my adventures during your travels.”

  “Do you believe that you will die?”

  “It’s always a possibility.”

  “If that happens again then come to see me and I’ll f
ix it.”

  “I’ll remember that, but now I have to repay you for helping me,” Luke says, taking a deep breath and bowing low to the ground. “I know that I promised to take you to Gaia, but there are very dangerous people after me who will have no misgivings about attacking a blind child. I can’t place you in danger even if it means breaking my original promise. I ask for both your apology and a chance to make it up to you. I am here to grant you a wish in return for helping me.”

  “You don’t have to apologize for putting my safety ahead of your promise,” Zephyr mentions, reaching out to put a hand on Luke’s head. “You already found a sponsor to support me. If I was keeping track then there is nothing else that you owe me.”

  “Be quiet,” Zale whispers greedily. “He is a Callindor, so we might be able to get something good out of him. Let’s see what he has to offer.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Zale. He can’t give me what I really want,” Zephyr admits shyly. “Nobody can. It’s a child’s dream that I still hold onto.”

  Sari drunkenly blurts out, “He wants to see.”

  “Yes. I want to see the faces of those around me for one night,” the boy claims, wringing his hands. “It will be just enough time to memorize the faces of my friends. I really want to see what Sir Zale and Lady Goldheart look like.”

  “Why just a night?” Luke asks.

  “If I know that it won’t last more than a day then I won’t get attached to being able to see,” Zephyr replies, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. “Still, it is a foolish dream. My world of sounds, smells, and touches are good enough for me.”

  “Quit your crying! I can do it,” Nyx slurs, finishing the last of her ale mugs.

  “Uh, you can barely stand up,” Sari mentions.

  “Shut up. I want to try something,” the caster demands, reaching out her hand. “I just need to put my hand on the boy’s eyes.”

  “That’s me, Nyx,” Luke states.

  “Oops. Sorry, little brother,” Nyx coughs, moving her hand over Zephyr’s eyes. The boy tenses at the feel of her cool hand, a twinge of fear needling its way into his mind. He can easily imagine what could go wrong with a drunken caster attempting to fix his eyes.

  “You’re related?” the boy asks, hoping to stall Nyx.

  “He’s my friend, but I look after him like a brother,” Nyx answers gleefully. She smiles and looks at the gypsy who is quietly watching her. “Just like Sari is my friend and my little sister. I don’t have any real family, so I have to build my own to make me happy. Maybe that’s what you need to do to be happy too, Sari.”

  “Leave me alone!” the gypsy shouts. She suddenly rushes away from the little group, knocking people out of her way.

  “What’s her problem?” Zale asks to no one in particular.

  Nyx hiccups and groans in frustration. “She ran away again? We should put a leash on her or tie her to a horse. Do you think you could go after her, little brother?”

  “I’ll go when you’re done here,” Luke promises, his eyes locked on the direction Sari ran. “This spell is more important and Sari won’t get too far.”

  “Okay. Now, we are going to allow you to see until dawn. This way you can see a sunrise, a sunset, and the moon. It’s more than what you wanted, but I don’t see why we should leave out the big stuff,” Nyx explains, talking rapidly and stroking Zephyr’s cheek with her other hand. “There may be a pinching sensation, some discomfort, some pain, or nothing at all. This is a brand new spell, so I can’t be certain what the side effects will be. I’d recommend that everyone take a few steps away in case . . .”

  “In case of what?” Zale inquires, his fur raised along his back.

  The caster’s hand glows a cool blue before slowly changing to red and then yellow. Zephyr’s body shakes slightly as the glow continues changing colors and begins to envelope his head. A bright flash erupts from Nyx’s eyes, which startles Zale enough to make him duck behind Luke’s leg. Her eyes continue flashing until the glow around Zephyr’s head bursts into a horizontal rainbow, passing through his eyes. Nyx lets her hand drop from the boy’s face and takes a deep, sobering breath. Zephyr blinks his eyes and reach out to push the caster’s ebony hair out of her face.

  “I was right about Nyx. She is pretty,” Zephyr whispers in excitement. “I like her eyes. I didn’t know eyes could be violet.”

  Luke bends down to look him in the face. “Her spell really worked?”

  “I can see everything. The edges of my vision are a little fuzzy, but I’m fine with that,” the boy answers, bending down to pick Zale up. “Wow. You are a very bright color, Sir Zale.”

  “Uh, guys?” Nyx interrupts. She begins looking around, her eyes becoming narrowed slits.

  “Thank you so much for this gift, Lady Nyx. I will forever remember your face and write a song about your kindness,” Zephyr swears, taking her hand and kissing it. “You are a very powerful caster and I hope that you get stronger in your art.” He is a little confused when her hands quickly reach out and grope at his head.

  “This isn’t Luke. The cheeks are too plump,” Nyx mutters to herself.

  “He’s also too short to be me,” Luke adds with an amused smile. “I guess she’s blind. Did you plan this, Nyx?”

  “No. At most, I thought I might pass out for a few hours, but I didn’t think I would give him my eyesight. How am I going to enjoy the party?” the caster whines, rubbing at her useless eyes. “I can’t see any of the stuff that I want to eat or drink. Damn it! I promised Alyssa that I would do sky arts at midnight. I can still do it, but I won’t be able to see it.”

  “I will guide you through the festival if you want,” Zephyr politely offers. “It is the least I can do.”

  “Very well,” Nyx whispers after a few seconds of silent defiance.

  Zephyr gently takes her by the arm while Zale hops to the ground, taking his position ahead of them. Nyx reaches out to put her hand on the boy’s head, making sure she knows who is there.

  “It is me. Luke is standing a few feet behind you,” the boy assures her, laughing softly.

  “This is not doing my pride any good,” Nyx sighs.

  Luke finally gives in to his temptation to tease his friend. “Remember to aim straight up for the sky arts.”

  “Shut up and find our gypsy,” she growls. Using her magic, Nyx pulls Luke by the ear until their noses touch. “Don’t you dare tell her about this or I’ll never hear the end of it. If that happens, I will make you suffer.”

  Nyx takes a confident step forward, but steps on Zale’s tail, nearly tripping over the scrambling beast. Zephyr quickly guides her to the nearest building where she accidentally walks through the door. Luke is just about to turn away when he hears a large crash from the building, followed by Nyx’s angry voice.

  “Who put this strange table . . . it’s a piano? Why is there a piano in front of the door? You brought me into a music shop? What in all of Windemere were you thinking, kid? Get me to a tavern! I need a drink! I swear that this is the last time I do anything nice for people!” Nyx shouts over the laughter in the store.


  The river’s gurgling hides Sari’s choked whimpering as Luke silently inches toward her. He crouches under the veil of a healthy willow, watching the gypsy wipe at her eyes. Sari wanders to a patch of moist grass by the river where she sits down and continues to sob into her skirts. Luke waits until her crying stops, making her body shudder before stepping into the open.

  “Hi,” he says awkwardly.

  “Hello to you,” Sari mutters without looking at him.

  “So . . .” starts Luke, running a hand through his hair and staring at the young woman.

  “Just say what is on your mind,” the gypsy demands. “There isn’t any reason for you to tip-toe around me.”

  “Nyx told me to come after you. I’m here, but I don’t know what to say,” Luke admits with a weak smile. “I can’t even figure out what has you upset.”


  “That’s a broad subject.”

  “Lately, my life has been a disaster.”

  “I’ll admit that you have had a rough time, but things are looking up,” Luke says, trying to be happy and upbeat. “You get to travel with Nyx and myself and we always have fun. It will be an exciting adventure.”

  “I don’t care about that!” Sari furiously snaps. She finally looks at Luke with a face bathed in sorrow and rage.

  “Then, what do you care about?” Luke softly asks.

  “I don’t know,” Sari whimpers, starting to cry again. Luke sits next to her and gently holds her hand. The gypsy lets her breathing slow as she turns to stare at the rushing river.

  “You wonder why you have to be the one to save the world. There’s no reason for you to be chosen because you don’t believe that you’re special,” Luke explains, feeling Sari slowly take her hand away. “Well, the gods always have a reason for what they do. Have some faith in them since they have been here longer than us and will continue existing long after we’re gone.”

  “That isn’t it, hero,” Sari declares, absent-mindedly rubbing at where Luke touched her hand. “The fact is that I don’t care if Windemere is destroyed because I will be going with it. I’m actually looking forward to that.”

  “You must be joking,” Luke whispers, staring at the gypsy. “I can’t believe you are serious about wanting to be destroyed along with Windemere. Not after the courage you showed when helping Nyx escape Kalam’s lair or when you helped me fight the Sword Dragon. You also saved me when I became that dragon. Nothing you have done makes sense if this is what you truly want.”

  Sari clears her throat and wipes her nose with a leaf. “I did all of that, so Nyx wouldn’t be hurting.”

  “And?” Luke asks, expecting more.

  “And what?” the gypsy asks, her voice cold and edge. “I didn’t want to see Nyx get upset because someone that she cares about was dead. I know how that feels and I don’t want to see anyone I know go through it.”


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