Perfect Wyoming Complete Collection: Special Agent's Perfect Cover ; Rancher's Perfect Baby Rescue ; A Daughter's Perfect Secret ; Lawman's Perfect Surrender ; The Perfect Outsider ; Mercenary's Perfect Mission

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Perfect Wyoming Complete Collection: Special Agent's Perfect Cover ; Rancher's Perfect Baby Rescue ; A Daughter's Perfect Secret ; Lawman's Perfect Surrender ; The Perfect Outsider ; Mercenary's Perfect Mission Page 34

by Marie Ferrarella

  His father muttered an unrepeatable word under his breath. “You just get stupid sometimes. You know that, boy? What’s wrong with me?”

  “You want to go with Susannah?”

  “For pity’s sake. No, I don’t want to go with Susannah, but I can run this ranch—especially with Mac’s help.”

  Nathan was about to argue the point. He’d held his negative opinions about his father’s capabilities for a long time. But on second thought, maybe those opinions had always been misguided, colored by his emotions. He was seeing his father in a whole new light these days.

  “I guess you probably could do a good job. But that’s not the only reason I can’t go.”

  “What else?”

  “Sara. I can’t leave Sara.”

  Kathryn leaned forward and frowned. “You think I don’t do a good enough job with your niece?”

  “Oh, no.” Great, he was getting in deeper trouble every minute. “But Sara would never understand if I left. It’s going to be hard enough to explain when Melody and Susannah disappear. But I’ve been the person Sara has counted on her whole life, her one constant and dependable security blanket. I can’t just walk away from her.”

  “Maybe you won’t have to.” Everyone turned at the sound of Derek’s voice.

  His brother was lounging in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Nice of you to show up, brother.” No, no. Sarcasm was not a terrific way of getting help from your family. “Sorry, Derek. I’m a little uptight today. Did you have another idea?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. It’s taken me a while to line something up. But I got confirmation this morning.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? We’re discussing my responsibilities, mainly toward Sara. You can tell us your idea for Susannah in a moment.”

  “I think I’ve found the right answer for everyone involved, bro. You can thank me for it later.”

  * * *

  Susannah hadn’t seen Nathan all day, and the hours were slipping through her fingers. There was not enough time. But then, forever wouldn’t be enough time.

  Maria had come out to Sara’s quarters a little while ago and told her Dr. Black had arrived and wanted to see her and the baby in her room. Maria stayed with Sara so she and Melody could go for a checkup. Hopefully the doctor would remove her stitches so at least she would be leaving the ranch with a clean slate.

  She still didn’t have a clue where she would be going. But Kathryn and Derek had promised they would find a good place. It felt strange, learning to rely on others for her future again after trying so hard to make things happen on her own.

  But she trusted these people to help—not force her into something bad or wrong.

  “Now let’s take a look at that cut,” Dr. Black said after he gave Melody’s health a good report.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow, so I sure hope you can take these stitches out today.”

  “Well, we’ll see.” He began removing the bandage. “I’m sorry to hear you’re leaving. I assume you’re taking the baby with you. Is that right?”

  “Yes, of course.” She suddenly remembered how sad he’d been on his first visit when he was looking for someone. “Did you ever find out anything about that woman and her baby you were asking about?”

  “No.” He still seemed sad but didn’t appear to want to discuss it with her. “Well, look at that. Your skin has already knitted together. You must be a fast healer. I’ll be able to remove your sutures today.”

  She sat still while he worked on her forehead. Finally, he stepped back and surveyed his work.

  “It looks like you’re going to carry a scar from this. I did the best I could, but the wound was too jagged.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not worried. I can start wearing bangs.”

  What did she care? There wouldn’t be anyone around to be pretty for anyway.

  The tears threatened again. She chastised herself. These waterworks had to stop. Everything was happening for a reason. And even after all he’d said, she still felt that Nathan would be better off without her in the long run. He wasn’t in as deep as she was. He could find someone else someday. She knew she never would.

  This was happening the way it was meant to be.

  “Is she going to live, Doc?” Nathan’s voice preceded him into the room.

  Her heart stuttered as he appeared. It was so much easier to think of leaving when he wasn’t around to remind her of all she would miss.

  “Probably for a very long time,” Dr. Black answered. “Unless she runs into another car explosion, that is.”

  “Not to worry. No explosions of any kind where she’ll be going.”

  The doctor chuckled as he packed up his bag. “Well, good luck to you.”

  After the doctor left, she sat down on the edge of the bed. “What’s the news? Where will I be going?”

  Nathan sat down beside her and took her hand. “Before I explain, I have something to say. To ask.”

  His expression seemed so unfocused—not like Nathan at all.

  “Okay.” She couldn’t imagine what was going on.

  He cleared his throat. “Last night you said you loved me. Do you still feel the same way?”

  Stunned, she nodded. “I…um…don’t think that’ll change anytime soon. But it’s all right. I understand that you don’t feel the same. I’ll learn to live with it. Don’t worry.”

  “Quiet,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Just listen. As it happens, I do love you—more than I ever thought possible. I was wrong not to tell you before, but I thought it would be too hard on you knowing you had to leave a man who might just perish from missing you.”

  “You…what?” Had she heard him right?

  “I love you, Susannah Paul. And I love Melody. And I want to spend the rest of my life telling you both that. I will make you a promise. Not another day will go by that you won’t know how much you are loved.”

  “How? On the telephone? I don’t want that for you. It’ll be too hard. Find someone else, Nathan—someone who can stand beside you on the ranch you love.”

  As much as she thrilled to hear him say the words, she hurt for him. Something that had been the hardest thing she’s ever done just became impossible.

  “You’re not listening.” He bent his head and lasered a quick kiss across her lips. “Keep that pretty mouth closed for a second. I won’t be saying I love you on the telephone but in person. In bed. Every morning. And every night. I’m going with you and Melody. That is if you agree to the plan and want me.”

  Not want him? It would take a thousand years or more to explain how much she wanted him.

  “Wait a minute.” She shook her head. “What plan? What about the ranch? What about Sara?”

  “My father has agreed to run the ranch until we can return. I don’t expect the Devotees will be here forever. Someday they’ll go. And when they do, we’ll be able to come home.”

  She thought of Sara, how vulnerable and sweet she was. Susannah couldn’t stand the thought of Sara being without Nathan. It might kill the little girl.

  “But what about…?”

  “Sara? Derek and Kathryn came up with an idea. I guess it was mostly Derek’s plan. He’s certainly surprised me.”

  “What’s his plan?”

  “Well, Kathryn’s been concerned for some time that Sara wasn’t getting the best treatment here on the ranch. She told Derek about some special treatments for autism that she’d read about, and he looked into them.”

  “But Kathryn is so good with Sara.”

  “Yes, she loves her—almost as much as I do. But she also knows her limitations. Out here away from civilization, Kathryn can’t try any of the new treatments or medicines they’ve come
up with in the past few years that might help Sara.”

  “Oh, but Sara can’t leave the ranch. It’s all she’s ever known. What would she do without you and Kathryn?”

  Nathan grinned. “You love Sara, too, don’t you?”

  “Certainly. Why?”

  “Because Derek found a special medical center and school in the northeast where they are having miraculous results with autistic children like Sara.”

  “A school? With other kids?” It sounded like a dream come true for Sara.

  “Yes. And wait until you hear about one of their programs. They pair the children who seem ready up with assistance dogs. The staff use canine therapy to promote socialization skills.”

  “Sara might love that. What a great idea.”

  Nathan moved in closer. “It’s a great idea as long as you and I and Melody are all there to back Sara up and get her used to her new circumstances. I wouldn’t want her to feel abandoned.”

  “No. That’s not a good feeling.” She knew because she’d felt that way for most of her life. “So the plan is for all of us to go? What about Kathryn?”

  “I asked her to come with us to help get Sara settled.” Nathan took a breath. “I thought you and I and Melody could use the extra hands—since two of us will be on our honeymoon.”

  “Our what?”

  He took her in his arms and held her close. “It’s all part of the plan,” he whispered. “Marry me, Susannah. None of this will work without you. I won’t work without you. We… I need you to make life worthwhile.”

  Her tears started up again. But this time she knew they were happy tears, and she could almost stand them running down her cheeks. Smiling at Nathan, she found she’d lost her voice.

  “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded and pulled him down for another kiss. This time she put every unsaid word behind it.

  She’d been so alone for so long, and now it amazed her that she would have a whole family. More than that, Nathan had somehow made her feel like she deserved them.

  Wasn’t that astounding? The useless little girl she once was had broken out of her sad cocoon and turned into a butterfly. Having to leave the ranch wouldn’t be an end to everything she’d grown to love, after all.

  Her new life was turning into something beyond special. She was leaving the ranch much wiser than when she came and going away with the knowledge that she and her baby were loved.

  She might be losing the ranch she’d come to love, but she was taking friendship and love along with her. She now had a sweet baby girl to give her life meaning and a man she loved more than life itself.

  Wasn’t life crazy? Running away from her old life had turned into the most magnificent new beginning she could ever have imagined.


  Everything was set for their departure from the ranch before dawn. But no one seemed eager to leave.

  The bags were in the SUV. Sara had been prepared and genuinely seemed to be looking forward to the trip. Just a second ago, Nathan had left Melody in the kitchen with his father and Maria as they took advantage of their final moments of playing with the baby. Even Mac had stopped in to say goodbye.

  Derek planned on driving them to the airport in Cheyenne within the hour. But Nathan had a funny suspicion the person Derek would be most unhappy to see leave the ranch was Kathryn. Interesting, but it was a puzzle for another time.

  Right now he needed to check on Susannah. Melody’s things were already packed up and stowed. And Susannah couldn’t have much packing to do. She barely owned any clothes—a situation he planned to remedy when they arrived in Boston.

  So what was taking her so long?

  Easing open the bedroom door, he stuck his head inside to see if she was dressed yet. She stood in front of the dresser, looking at herself intently in the mirror.

  “What’s up? You ready?”

  She didn’t turn, but said, “Almost all set.”

  When she still didn’t move, he strode over to stand behind her. Checking out what she was looking at in the mirror, he saw the images of two people who were very much in love. It made him grin just to think of how happy he was that he would be standing beside this woman for life.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Trying to decide whether to comb my hair over my forehead or leave it back.”

  It was so unlike her to primp that he had to ask, “Why? What difference does it make?”

  “I don’t want people to be uncomfortable looking at me.”

  “Why would they be?”

  She tsked at him. “You know. The ugly scar, silly.”

  He pulled her back against his chest, letting the warmth of their love surround them. “What scar? All I see is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Laughing, she pushed her hair off her forehead but then scowled at her image.

  “Listen, if it really bothers you, we can consult with a plastic surgeon in Boston. I’m sure it shouldn’t be any problem to fix it.”

  She turned away from the mirror and stepped up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I love you, Nathan. If it doesn’t bother you, I think I’ll keep it this way.”

  His chest swelled with pride in her. “Okay, but why the change of heart?”

  “It occurred to me that if I wanted to go back to Cold Plains now, I could. Those Devotees wouldn’t want me anymore—now that I’m not perfect.”

  He swung her off her feet and twirled her around the room, brimming over with happiness. “Oh, but to me you are perfect, darlin’. Let’s get on with our new life.”

  She was his wonderful love. And no matter where they lived, their lives together were bound to be absolutely perfect.

  * * * * *

  ISBN: 9781459220928

  Rancher’s Perfect Baby Rescue

  Copyright © 2012 by Harlequin Books S.A.

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  There’s something rotten in Wyoming.

  With its beautiful, blissful residents and close-knit community, Cold Plains seems the ideal place to settle down. But Dr. Rafe Black senses the crack in its veneer the moment he arrives. On a desperate mission, he can’t allow anything to stand in his way. Including the captivating woman who could be harboring the town’s most horrific secret…

  Reeling from the revelation that she isn’t who she thought she was, Darcy Craven isn’t leaving until she uncovers the truth about her past. She knows she shouldn’t trust the handsome healer with the sad smile. But every step brings Rafe and Darcy closer together—and closer to a truth that could cost them their lives.

  A Daughter’s Perfect Secret

  Kimberly Van Meter


  Chapter 1r />
  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  Three months ago…

  Rafe Black couldn’t still his fingers. A pile of tiny bits of shredded paper from his straw wrapper betrayed his nerves as he checked his watch one last time.

  Abby was officially one hour late.

  “Another tea?” The waitress, young, fresh-faced and clearly trying to earn a good tip, smiled in earnest until she saw the mess on his table. “You got something on your mind?” she asked, gesturing to the paper pile.

  He didn’t want to be rude, but his thoughts were narrowed to a point and there wasn’t much room for chitchat. “No more tea,” he said, sending the hint he wasn’t up for sharing but then added to soften the brush-off, “Thank you, though.”

  The waitress nodded and scooped up his pile with a small smile. “Just holler if you do.”

  He rubbed his forehead, massaging the tension pulling on his brows and bunching the muscles in his neck. Where was Abby? They’d agreed to meet here, at this grubby diner about forty miles outside of Cold Plains, Wyoming, following a hurried and frantic phone call from Abby after she’d dropped a bomb on him.

  If Abby were to be believed, she’d given birth to his son only months earlier, and now they were both in danger.

  Had she been lying? His gut told him no. He’d heard the fear in her voice. Felt the terror even from across the telephone line. Which was why, when she’d sent him a photograph of the boy—a damn spitting image of him with his dark hair and eyes and Abby’s cupid-bow mouth—and begged him to wire $10,000 to a Western Union in Laramie, he hadn’t hesitated. He simply went to his savings account, made the withdrawal and then persuaded Abby to meet him here—today.


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