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Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One

Page 6

by Sarah Bale

  I stilled. Did she mean-

  “Persephone and Aphrodite. They were in the River Serafina.”

  Hades shook his head. “No- that can’t be. There is no such place here-”

  Vedah came into the room, eyes downward. “She tells the truth.”

  “How? This is my realm. I would know of such a river.”

  Vedah replied, “This may be your realm, but you don’t know everything.”

  “I want to see it. Take me there. Now.” Hades’ voice bounced off the walls.

  “That’s not possible, my Lord. Only those who have the gift of sight can see the river Serafina.”

  Something rippled through the air next to Aubrey and I realized she was gifted.

  “She can see the dead?” At Vedah’s nod I said, “But my brother does, too.”

  “He only sees them because he rules the Underworld. It was a gift given to him when he took power. That is not the same thing as true sight.”

  Hades was fuming, and I found it hilarious.

  Aubrey squeezed my hand. “Be nice.”

  I squeezed her hand back. “He deserves it.”

  Hermes, who sat at the foot of the bed, leaned forward. “What did they say to you, light of my life? Were they okay? Are they mad at us?”

  The way his voice quivered made me pause. Maybe he’d felt more for Aphrodite than I’d given him credit for.

  Aubrey said, “My throat hurts. Can I have a drink? Then I’ll tell you everything.”

  Hades rushed to the table and filled her glass to the brim with nectar. He came back and helped her sip. It was strange seeing the Lord of the Underworld be so… tender.

  “We should get you out of that gown,” I heard myself saying. “You’ll catch a cold.”

  She smiled, and I swear the room felt warmer. “That would be wonderful. Will you help me?”

  Hermes and Hades stared at me, but I nodded. She stood, and I took her arm, leading her to her privacy screen. There was another gown waiting, but this was a deep red. She held up her arms. I reached out and lifted the gown over her head, my hands trembling. Gods, she was perfect. Her breasts were round and full, more than a handful, with rosy pink nipples that begged to be tasted.

  “Go on,” she whispered.

  Her eyes were bright, and she leaned in toward me. I wanted to resist, but I couldn’t. Instead, I caught the pink peak with my lips and devoured her. I’m not sure who sighed first, she or I. She writhed beneath me, begging for more as I drove her to the edge of pain.

  There was a rustle next to me and Hermes joined us behind the screen.

  “One cannot be asked to resist when her thoughts are so loud,” he said, sounding breathless.

  I ignored him and focused on pleasuring Aubrey. He did the same, showering her other breast with attention until she screamed out as she came. When her orgasm had passed, she gave us each a kiss. But her eyes were sad.

  I asked. “What is it?”

  Her lips trembled. “Where is Hades?”

  I knew without looking that he’d left the room. I wanted to punch my brother because he’d caused my sparrow pain.

  Aubrey spun so she faced me and threw her arms around my neck. “She said you would come around.”

  And just like that I felt like the world’s biggest asshole. Why was it so easy to forget Aphrodite?

  Aubrey shook her head. “Let me get dressed and then we will talk. All of us.”

  She took the gown from the hook and slid it over her head. Her nipples were still erect and stood out against the mesh material. Damn.

  She smiled up at me. “Let’s find Hades. There’s a lot that we need to discuss.”

  She took Hermes arm and waited for me to get on the other side of her.

  As we left, she called out, “Christian, stay here. I’ll be back.”

  “You know the name of the spirit who follows you?”

  She replied, “He was my boyfriend before he died.”

  I tensed, and she patted my arm.

  “It wasn’t like that with him.”

  “Like what,” I asked.

  She replied, “Like it is with you, Hermes, and Hades. It was never like that with him.”

  And I swear the ground tilted a little because the feeling was fucking mutual.



  I meant what I said. Ares’ ears turned pink and I wanted to tease him some more, but Aphrodite had warned me that his ego was easily bruised.

  Hermes broke into my thoughts by saying, “Hades is in the dining room, which is perfect. I’m starved.”

  We entered the dining room. Hades was at his spot at the head of the table, a glass of wine in hand. His eyes were wary as I sat to his right.

  “I wondered where you’d snuck off to.”

  “You seemed quite fine without me.”

  His tone was wounded. It was odd to think that I could hurt someone like him.

  I shook my head. “You’re wrong. That’s why we came looking for you.”

  Ares sat across from me grabbed an apple from the middle of the table, taking a bite.

  Hades glared. “Must you chew so loud?”

  Hermes sat next to me and said to Hades, “You know he’s always been like that. Used to drive mother crazy.”

  Ares laughed, “I think he forgot because he’s been down here for so long.”

  “I’m down here because no one wants to watch my realm. Not exactly by choice.”

  I picked up some grapes and asked, “Why don’t they want to watch the Underworld?”

  Hermes was quick to answer. “There used to be more activity down here with all the new souls coming in. Hades had a gift and could soothe them.”

  Ares added, “Plus, it sucks down here.”

  I said, “I’ve liked everything I’ve seen so far.”

  Hades replied, “You’ve been here a day. You won’t feel the same after a century. Persephone never liked it down here.”

  He was giving me the perfect opening to tell him what she had said. But would he listen?

  I moistened my lips. “About that – she wanted me to tell you something.”

  Hades stilled and waited for me to speak.

  “When Vedah had me step into the river Serafina, I didn’t know what to expect. When I was pulled under and couldn’t breathe, I thought I was going to die. But then I heard their voices.” I glanced at Ares and Hermes. “Persephone and Aphrodite.”

  “Go on.” Hermes said in breathless tone.

  “Persephone was the one who assured me that I wasn’t going to die, which was a serious relief.”

  It had been, too. After I inhaled I knew it would be moments before I died. But I didn’t. Instead, Persephone reached out to me, pulling me to an underwater cave. She hugged me and then we were able to talk. I was so similar to them that it was scary, but Persephone assured me that was on purpose – I was the best of both of them. Spring and Love. Light and Beauty. Hope and Warmth.

  I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. “She wanted me to tell you, Hades, that she came to consider the Underworld her home because you were here and that the time you spent apart hurt her. She said you were too hard on yourself, too.”

  His eyes were sad. “I’m not too hard. I deserve everything I get.”

  I touched his hand. “She said you would say that. She mostly wanted you to know that she was at peace. They are both at peace now.”

  They both stressed this fact several times. They were in a better place and could rest now.

  I said to Hermes and Ares, “Aphrodite wanted you to know that she loves you both, but that it was her time to go.” I said to Ares, “She said she’s sorry you weren’t with her, but she wanted it that way.”

  He shook his head. “No, it was her husband who-”

  “It was her. She told me she made him swear not to tell you how close to fading she was.”

  She had been afraid he would lose himself even more if he was there when she faded. Plus, she had wanted to honor her h
usband before she died – something she’d never done in life.

  Ares blinked at me, not wanting to believe what I said. But deep down he knew.

  I turned to Hermes. “She said you deserved a chance to be with someone who will love you for the right reason.”

  I hadn’t understood what she meant, but she said he should know this above all else.

  “She always said she was only with me because I could get messages to her other lovers.” He shook his head. “I just never believed her.”

  That made sense. She told me that she was selfish, and he was too kind. Her last selfless act was to tell me of the danger that was seeking me out. I shivered. But Aphrodite’s last words had unsettled me.

  Hades stared at me. “What else is there?”

  I wanted to look away, but he held my gaze captive. He was worried about me, though I knew he didn’t want to be.

  I shrugged. “What do you mean?”

  “I can see it in your eyes and hear echoes in your thoughts. Something they said frightened you. A lot.”

  Damn. I really needed to control my thoughts more. There was no use beating around the bush.

  “They both warned that something dark was coming. Something bad.”

  They all exchanged looks, probably having a conversation that I wasn’t privy to.

  I asked, “Do you know what they were talking about?”

  Hades dipped his head once. “Vedah mentioned the other Oracles sensed the same thing.”

  Ares hit the table and I jumped. “Why didn’t I know about this?”

  “You were drunk earlier. Remember?”

  He cursed. “I still should have been told.”

  Hades sighed. “Yelling doesn’t help things, you fool. We need to figure out what is coming so we can protect Aubrey.”

  “Me?” I exclaimed. “Why me?”

  He replied, “Because I believe it is you they seek. You’re a new Goddess with untapped powers. A perfect weapon.”

  It was the same thing Persephone said to me right before she and Aphrodite disappeared.

  I shivered and stood. “I’m tired. I’m going to my chambers.”

  Hades reached out, catching my arm. There was a spark where he touched me that made me want to run away from him and pray he chased me.

  “Stay. Please. I know you’re scared, but we will protect you.”

  Hermes and Ares nodded. I knew now that I could trust them- but could I trust myself around them?

  Hades smiled up at me. “You can trust us because we are meant to be together.”

  But deep down he didn’t care about me.

  He had the decency to look away.

  “You say that, but when you look at me I feel the sadness you carry for Persephone. How can you protect me when you wish she was still here?” I glanced at Ares. “And you would sacrifice me just to have Aphrodite back. Hermes is the only one here whose heart and intentions are pure.”

  Hades shook his head but didn’t deny what I said.

  Ares replied, “That statement proves that you are meant to be here, Aubrey. You’ve heard our thoughts, right?”

  “Only here and there. But what does that matter?”

  Hades answered, “Because only our mate can hear our thoughts.”

  Hermes nodded. “It’s true, light of my life.”

  I still wasn’t convinced.

  I said, “I’d still like to go to my chambers.”

  Hades said, “I will stop by shortly.” At my look he went on, “I promised you time with your spirit before he crossed over.”

  And just like that my heart fell into my stomach. How could I have forgotten about Christian? I nodded and all but ran to my chambers.

  Christian waited near the window, his form not as bright as before. But, god, the smile he gave me killed me.

  I said, “I’m sorry for leaving you behind, but there’s so much that’s happened today. Too much. And I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

  He sat next to me on the window seat and I felt better. More calm. We stayed like that until there was a knock on the door. Hades entered a moment later with a vial in his hand. He held it out to me.

  “Pour this over your spirit when you are ready. Just know that you will only have a few moments with him. After that he will need to cross over.”

  I asked, “Will he go into a river?”

  Hades gave me a half smile. “He can, if that is his wish. Or he can pass to whatever afterlife his religion believes in.”

  This surprised me.

  “You can do that for him?”

  “I know some of the other Gods. I think they would be willing to make an exception for a case like this as I’ve done for them in the past.” He bowed. “I will leave you alone.”

  I was touched by his thoughtfulness. But I didn’t want him to leave. I started to ask him to stay when he smiled at me.

  “I know, little flower, but this is something you should do alone. My presence will only upset him.”

  When he was gone I turned to Christian.

  “Are you ready?”

  He nodded. I uncorked the vial and caught a whiff of something floral and spicy. I poured it over his head. Slowly, he lost the glow around him until he looked almost like a human. But when I went to throw my arms around him I discovered he was still very much a ghost.

  “Aubrey, I love you so much.”

  His voice! Oh, how I had missed hearing his sweet voice!

  My eyes watered. “I love you, too, Christian. I should have never asked you to stay behind.”

  “No! I wanted to. I wasn’t ready to leave you.” He looked down. “But now I know I was wrong. I held you back.”

  “That’s not true-”

  “It is. But maybe everything happens for a reason. I mean, you might not be here if I hadn’t basically cock blocked you for the last four years.”

  A half laugh, half sob left my lips. “Stop. You know it wasn’t like that.”

  “Maybe. But now I can leave knowing you’ll be taken care of.”

  I suddenly felt so alone.

  “I don’t know about that. I don’t know them-”

  “Aubrey, come on. You know that’s not true. You’ve dreamt of them before.”

  I stilled, realizing he was right. My dreams had always been different, or so my parents said, but now they made sense.

  “Oh, my god, I have, haven’t I?”

  He frowned and his whole being rippled. “Aubrey, there’s something I need to say before I go. Don’t trust the Oracle.”

  “Vedah? Why not?”

  “She’s hiding something. While you were gone she came in here looking for someone. When she saw me, she got angry and left.”

  “Who was she looking for?”

  “It was a name I had never heard before. And she was pissed that they weren’t here.” He flinched as he rippled again. “I just heard my Grammy calling my name. I think it’s time for me to go. I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together.”

  His Grammy had passed away when we were in grade school. It warmed my soul to know that she was waiting for him in whatever afterlife he was going to.

  “Thank you for staying with me, but it’s time for you to find your peace.”

  He smiled. “Goodbye, Aubrey Davies. I’ll never forget you.”

  “And I’ll never forget you.”

  He was gone before I finished speaking.

  It was strange. I thought losing him would devastate me, but all I felt was relief that he was at peace now. I wondered if that’s how Hermes felt about Aphrodite. A tear slid down my cheek and I brushed it away. It was time to figure out who I was supposed to be.



  I half listened to what Hermes and Ares rambled on about. My thoughts kept going back to Aubrey. How was she handling the loss of her spirit? Would it devastate her? I shifted in my chair. And why did the thought of her being upset over his passing still piss me off?

  “Are you even listening to us?”
Ares stared at me, anger in his eyes. “We’re trying to figure out if Zeus or Poseidon know anything and you’re sitting over there with your head in the clouds.”

  I replied, “As I said before, our brothers don’t know anything. Plus, Vedah hinted that they have their own problems.”

  Hermes said, “I could always go and see-”

  “No, you need to stay here. We might need your skills to protect Aubrey.”

  Ares snorted. “As if the Messenger God could protect her when the God of War is here.”

  Hermes was quick to say, “Trojan War.”

  I bit back a smile. He had a point…

  “Fuck you! When are you going to stop holding that over my head? I made one mistake several thousand years ago. Let’s go over your record, shall we?”

  I stood. “I’ve had enough of your bitching.”

  Even as I headed toward my chambers I could hear them going back and forth. I rubbed my temples. When I was alone, I sat on the edge of my bed. The last day had been a blur of agony and hope, an odd combination.

  Aubrey was in danger and it pissed me off knowing I might not be able to protect her. She was a new Goddess which meant she could be fatally wounded if the person knew what they were doing. Something told me they did.

  A sharp pain shot across my chest, taking my breath away. At least that was one thing that hadn’t changed. With Persephone, there was always pain in one way or another and it seemed the same would happen with Aubrey. The thought of my former Queen hurt, but not as much as the thought of losing Aubrey.

  There was a light knock on my door. When I looked up, I was shocked to see the source of my pain standing there in a dark red gown that made her so beautiful it took my breath away.

  “Can I come in?”

  I gave a short laugh. “This is the third time today you’ve sought me out. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  She came into the room and closed the door. Her hands shook slightly, which piqued my interest.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to try something.”

  Before I could ask what she meant, she walked toward me, letting her gown fall to the ground. Her body took my breath away, but I couldn’t do this. What if I couldn’t protect her and I had to watch as she faded away, too? I closed my eyes. I couldn’t bear that.


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