Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One

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Ruled By Pain: Goddess Unveiled Book One Page 14

by Sarah Bale

  I squared my shoulders. “I have. Christian.”



  He came closer and reached out, caressing my face. And then he slapped me. Pain exploded on my skin and my eyes watered. My husbands thrashed against their bounds in anger and Christian simply laughed.

  “This is great. I never imagined I would outwit three Gods.” He gave me a look. “I knew you’d be easy to fool. You were always too naïve”

  I had to know. “How were you able to manage this?”

  He grinned, but it wasn’t the sweet smile of the boy I’d known my whole life. This was the face of a monster who was drunk on power.

  “Vedah came to me a year before my death with an interesting proposition. Said I could become immortal if I helped her. It was an easy choice. All I had to do was screw you over, not literally, of course. She made that clear- no sex. Not that I wanted to fuck you, though.”

  Hades said, “I hate to break it to you, but Vedah lied. You can’t become immortal. You’re dead.”

  “Then how was I able to strike your wife?”

  The air turned cold and I shivered. Hades was very angry.

  Christian went on. “See, you three aren’t the only ones with tricks up your sleeves. Once Vedah figured out how to swipe magic here and there our plan became easy.”

  Keep him talking, little flower.

  This ass doesn’t know he’s telling too much.

  He’s too cocky for his own good.

  I said, “But you died. I watched you. I held your hand…”

  I could still remember him hooked up to all those machines at the hospital. His parents sobbed as they made the choice to let him go. I sat one of side of the bed and held his hand as the machines were turned off. There was a moment right before he passed where his eyes opened, and he gasped for air. It was awful to see, but he was gone a moment later.

  “A price I had to pay to get what I wanted. And let me tell you something- it was awful tailing after you for four years. You are the most boring person I know.” He went on, “I’m just glad Vedah listened to me and had the man follow you into the diner. Otherwise I’d still be stuck listening to you moan and groan about being alone.”

  So, it was he and Vedah who had the man follow me that night, which led me right to Hades.

  Hades met my gaze. Vedah knew where I was going that night…

  Does he know she’s been captured?

  Hermes coughed. I don’t believe he does.

  Christian sighed. “Stop having your private conversations. It’s rude.”

  Ares snorted. “If you had real powers you’d be able to jump right in.”

  Christian snapped his fingers and one of the beasts reached out and struck Ares so hard blood flew from his mouth.

  “Is that all you’ve got, you pussy?”

  Christian said, “I’m not going to kill you no matter how much you beg. Vedah said she wanted the honors.”

  He frowned and the air shimmered green around him. He was mad at Vedah for not being here. And uneasy.

  I said, “She’s pretty smart making you do all the hard work while she sits around.”

  He glared. “She’s a busy person.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Is that what she told you? Okay.”

  I drug the word out, making it sound like I didn’t believe him.

  “She is. She’s an Oracle and-”

  “Christian, how many people use Oracles these days? Come on, man, she played you. You were nothing more than her lackey.” I leaned forward. “What are you going to do when she comes after you?”

  His fears danced at the front of his mind making it easy to find his weakness.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you’re coming after me because I’m an easy target, right?” Without waiting for him to answer I rushed on, “But I was made to be a Goddess. How easy do you think it’ll be for her to kill you?”

  Hermes spoke in a soothing tone. “You’re right, Aubrey. Why else would Vedah be late? She’s going to make this poor boy do her dirty work and then she’s going to steal all of the power for herself.”

  “No. You’re wrong.”

  “Christian, trust me.”

  He met my gaze and I willed him to see my words as truth.

  “You… oh my god, you’re right.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “How could I have been so blind?”

  For a moment I felt hope. But then his fist swung through the air and made contact with the side of my face. My vision blurred, and I saw starbursts.

  “You fucking bastard!” Ares spat out.

  Hades roared, “I’m going to kill you.”

  Christian laughed. “No, you’re not. I’ve already told you how this is going to play out. I kill Aubrey. Vedah takes care of the three of you.”

  “And then what?”

  Christian turned to me. “Excuse me?”

  “What happens after she kills them? Are the two of you going to sail off into the sunset? Get real, Christian. There’s still time to end this before it’s too late.”

  He moved closer to me and I worried he was going to strike me again. Instead he brushed my hair from my eyes.

  “You never did give me enough credit. Don’t think I didn’t see the pity in your eyes. Hell, I bet that’s why you agreed to date me.”

  He was partly right. I’d watched kids bully him throughout school. After graduation all of our friends left, but he remained. Accepting his date request seemed like the natural thing to do when there was no one else left.

  His eyes flashed. “Too bad you didn’t know that you were manipulated into dating me. Of course, it made it easier for me to push you in the right direction. And now look at us.”

  My heart thrummed in my chest. Was it possible I had been misled all along?

  Hermes said, “You fool. You can’t manipulate what is to be. The Fates are the only ones with that power.”

  To me, he said silently This boy lies or has been bewitched by Vedah.

  Christian snorted. “The funny part is that you can’t see the bigger picture. You’re all so blind.”

  “And that is?”

  He said, “That all of this is bigger than Vedah and me. You asked what I was going to do after the four of you are dead. Let me tell you.” He leaned in. “Vedah and I are going to meet the others and then we will rebuild this earth with beings unlike anything that has been seen before.”

  My skin tingled. Others?

  Hades asked, “Who else is involved?”

  “Like I’m going to tell you.”

  A small wisp of smoke left his lips and drifted toward me. Against my will, I inhaled, and to my surprise, I saw his thoughts. I laughed out loud, unable to help myself.

  “What’s so funny, bitch?”

  I laughed until tears streamed down my face. Christian turned, and I saw another glimpse of his thoughts. When he lifted his hand to strike, I was prepared for the impact.

  “Tell me what’s so funny, you bitch.”

  I replied, “You don’t know who the others are. Vedah doesn’t trust you enough to tell you.”

  He was left speechless.

  How do you know this, little flower?

  I can see his thoughts. He’s about to punch me again.

  Christian struck me cheek in the same spot. My skin burned, and blood trickled down my cheek.

  “Hitting me isn’t going to help anything, Christian.”

  “You might be right, but I’ll feel better.”

  Don’t push his buttons, sparrow. It is killing me watching him hurt you when I can’t do anything in retaliation.

  I said, “Christian, I’m only going to say this one more time. Free us, before it’s too late.”

  “Too late? Too late! You have some fucking nerve, Aubrey.” He walked around Ares and pointed. “Your protectors are literally in chains. And you’re in shackles. You have lost.”

  I stood tall. “It is you who is about to lose.”

  The aura a
round Ares turned violent red and his chains burst. He jumped to his feet and the two beasts lunged at him.

  Christian screamed, “How did you do that?”

  I closed my eyes and allowed the red aura to free me as well. Rubbing my wrists, I stepped toward Christian.

  “I gave you a chance and a choice. Remember that.”

  Hades cried out as Christian came toward me. The murderous look on his face should’ve frightened me. Instead, it fueled me. Ares fought the beasts and Hermes struggled to free himself. But I focused all my attention on Christian.

  We moved around each other in a wide circle. His thoughts were all over the place. How had I freed myself? Where was Vedah? Had she lied? Would the others save him if he called out for them?

  I laughed. “Honey, no one is going to save you. You are in my husband’s realm and our loyal subjects are prepared to defend us.”

  I projected an image of the palace where the spirits were ready to fight. Charon led them with Cerberus at his side.

  “That’s not real! Stop that!”

  I moved in closer to Christian. “Did you really think you would leave the Underworld? That Vedah would uphold her end of the deal?”

  There was another burst of his thoughts and I smiled.

  “No one is coming. Give up now.”

  “No, you stupid bitch. You are the one who needs to give up.” He lunged for me. “I’m going to kill you.”

  His words stirred something in deep my soul and I easily dodged him.

  “You’ve forgotten one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m a Goddess, you dumb fuck. And no one threatens me at my home.”

  The warmth I’d been feeling deep in my soul rose to my fingertips and shot forward, hitting Christian square in the chest. He screamed as the skin melted off his bones.

  “No! This cannot be. You are not that strong.”

  I laughed. “You are wrong. I am stronger than anything you’ve ever seen before.”

  More heat shot from my fingers until it turned blue and full of wind, like Hermes, then red, like the rage Ares felt, and finally fiery, like Hades. Christian screamed I knew he was close to being done. My hands dropped to my side and he moaned.


  I stood over him. “The time for begging is over. I gave you a chance to cross over. And just now I offered you another way out. Instead you chose death, but death is too good for you.”

  I waved my hand and the beasts that fought Ares disappeared with a yelp. Hades’ and Hermes’ chains vanished and they rushed to my side.

  “What do you want to do with him?” Hades asked.

  I smiled. “He will spend the rest of his days here, in Tartarus.”

  Hades nodded. “And so it shall be done.”

  Christian screamed as his mangled body was dragged far away from us by invisible beings. He was no longer a threat, but there was still work to be done.

  Hades pulled me against his chest and brushed my bruised cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head as the power inside of me finally settled. And then a sob left my lips.

  Ares came up and touched my arm. “What is it, my sparrow?”

  “I- I thought I lost you all.”

  Hermes limped to me and smiled. “Never.”

  Hades’ face was tense. “We have to warn the others. They need to be prepared.”

  “Why should we?” Ares spit out. “They didn’t come when we needed them.”

  An image of Zeus flashed across my mind and I gasped. Hera was reaching out to me. A moment later Amphitrite did the same.

  I said, “They are too consumed to hear our pleas now. Their wives are close to fading.”

  All three of my loves stared at me.

  “How do you know this, Aubrey?” Hades asked.

  “Because I can hear the Goddesses.”

  Hermes asked, “Your powers?”

  “I think they’ve finally come. I feel stronger, but the biggest thing is I can hear them – the other Goddesses. Hera is close to fading and she’s ready. She told me that Zeus is too stubborn to see what’s happening.”

  Ares snorted. “Sounds about right.”

  “We need to warn him and Poseidon about the others Christian mentioned. But there’s something I want to try first.”

  Ares wiggled his eyebrows. “I really hope it’s a sexual position.”

  I laughed. “Fiend. Maybe later.”

  I reached out, taking Hades’ hand into mine. “Come, my dark Lord. Let us make life in the gardens.”

  He let me lead him from Tartarus, which was much easier than getting there, back to the palace, to the dead gardens. I wasn’t sure if my theory was right, but it was worth a shot. Hades watched me, eyes leery.

  “Why do you need me?”

  “You told me that Persephone made things grow down here when there was no light.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “But what if there was light?”

  “Aubrey, there’s not.”

  I kneeled and tugged his hand, so he joined me.

  “There is. Our love is light. The Lord of the Underworld and the Goddess of Spring and Love.”

  His eyes flickered with hope. I held onto his hand and touched the ground with my free hand. He did the same. At first, there was nothing, but then there was a spark.

  He glanced at me in surprise. “Did you feel that?”

  I grinned. “I think it’s working.”

  He squeezed my hand and there was another spark. This time it made out entwined fingers glow a golden yellow.

  His eyes watered. “I haven’t felt this in a long time.”

  “Felt what?”

  “Sunlight on my skin. When I took over the Underworld it was one of the things I had to give up.”

  More rays came from our fingers until the ground began to glow. In front of us a single flower sprouted. The little bud swayed to its own rhythm and then bloomed.

  Hades gasped. “It’s a sunflower.”

  “Look,” I said, pointing.

  All around us different flowers sprouted and grew. Roses, orchids, lilies, and so many more varieties. The wind blew, and I inhaled the wonderful scent of spring.

  “I’m worried this is a dream. That I will blink, and it will go away.”

  I replied, “It won’t go away. Not as long as I’m here with you.”

  He leaned over and kissed me.

  I caressed his face with my hands. “I saw something before that gave me hope.”


  “In the caves you were worried, but there was also love. Do you love me, Hades?”

  His cheeks darkened. “I thought it was obvious.”

  “It’s obvious that you care for me. And that our sex is earth shattering. But-”

  His lips crashed against mine in a kiss that left me breathless.

  “I love you, little flower. I’ve loved you all along.”

  Sunlight kissed our skin and he held me close.

  “I love you, too, Hades. So much.”

  On this day there were no shadows around the Lord of the Underworld. And I was going to make it my personal goal to make him feel this way every day.

  “You already do, wife.”

  “Will you two stop being so sappy,” Ares said behind us.

  Hermes wiped his eyes. “Stop being an ass, Ares. I think it’s beautiful.”

  Hades shook his head and stood, helping me up. The garden continued to grow and blossom as we watched.

  Ares said, “I have to admit it looks pretty amazing.”

  The fountain near us gurgled as water filled the bottom level.

  Hermes clapped his hands. “I know where we can get some fish for the ponds and fountains.”

  I laughed. “Does that mean you’re going to ‘borrow’ some?”

  Hermes winked.

  Hades said, “I never understood why there were fountains down here. Now it makes senses – the Fates knew tha
t one day Aubrey would be here.”

  I took his hand in mine and reached for Ares. Hermes came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “My cup is full.”

  Hades squeezed my hand. “As is ours.”

  Ares warned, “But we must prepare ourselves. The War is just beginning, and we still don’t know who Vedah was working with.”

  Hermes said, “I fear I must leave soon to see our brothers. They will want to hear our news.”

  I didn’t want him to leave, but I knew it couldn’t be helped.

  “Go then, my love. Go and warn the others. We will prepare down here and be ready to help the land Gods when they call.”

  Hermes kissed my head and was gone a moment later. I would do my best not to worry too much about him while he was gone.

  Hades said, “Let us have one last meal before we prepare.”

  I shook my head. “No, my dark Lord. It is not food I want.”

  I tugged both their hands, leading them back to the palace. In the entryway, I stopped.

  “I bought some oils at the adult toy store. One that warms the skin during penetration. The other for anal sex.” I took a step away from my husbands. “I’d like to use them both. At the same time.”

  Their lust surrounded them in a pulsating red.

  Ares grinned. “I like the way she thinks.”

  I held up my hands. “One more thing. You have to catch me.”

  From the moment I’d arrived to the Underworld I’d wanted Hades to chase me. His eyes flashed fire and I took off. Their footsteps echoed as my husbands came after me and I couldn’t wait for them to catch me.

  I might not know how the War would end, but I knew one thing – anything was possible with my loves at my side.


  I stepped away from my viewing pool, dread spreading through my body. It was a strange feeling, this anxiety. Mortals felt it all the time, but I never understood how awful it was until this moment. Aubrey, Goddess of Spring and Love was safe. For now.

  The same could not be said for Hera who grew worse each moment that passed.

  Sister. Do you hear me?

  Nothing. I hadn’t heard from Doria in weeks. Not since Vedah betrayed us. Vedah must have sensed my thoughts because she reached out to me. I, of course, ignored her.


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