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Dead Mech

Page 33

by Jake Bible

  “You mean helped him escape a monster for a father? Yeah, I know. It’s what any decent person would do,” June snapped.

  “Shut up!” a Rancher guard barked.


  “How’s it coming Jethro?” Capreze asked impatiently. “You said 30 minutes and it’s been 30 minutes.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Jethro responded, closing his eyes for a second. “Headache is getting in the way.”

  “You need me to get Themopolous?” Capreze asked, impatience instantly turning to concern.

  “No, don’t do that. She’ll just give me something that’ll dull my senses, which will slow me down more than the pain,” Jethro answered tapping at several tablets at once.

  Capreze placed a hand on the mechanic’s shoulder. “Don’t kill yourself. This is just for a tactical advantage and it’s not worth losing you over.”


  The Boiler boy cringed as the Archbishop stroked his malformed face. “He looks so sad,” the Archbishop said.

  “Yes, Your Holiness,” the Bishop responded. “Born into the heathen Hell of the Boilers must have damaged his soul greatly.”

  The Archbishop motioned for the boy to be unshackled. “Well, I shall treat him right. He will know the love of God.” The Archbishop continued to stroke the boy’s face. The boy bolted the second he was set free, but the Archbishop reached out and grabbed a hold of the child’s hair, yanking him violently back. “And he will learn to obey.”


  June and the Boss, rifles jammed into their backs, were shoved forward into the mech hangar.

  “Ahhh, the entertainment I promised, Your Holiness,” Bishop Wyble announced. “And an opportunity for you to become the mech pilot you’ve always wanted.”

  The Archbishop approached June, dragging the boy by the hand. “She’s a mech pilot?” he asked unimpressed. “She doesn’t look like it.”

  June looked from the Archbishop to the boy’s terrified eyes and back. “You better not hurt him,” she stated quietly.

  The Archbishop’s eyebrows arched. “You were not asked to speak,” he hissed. “I may take your tongue for that.”


  “Holy shit!” Jethro exclaimed. “I’ve got a visual on June!”

  Capreze leaned over Jethro’s shoulder towards the vid screen. “Jeezus Christ, she looks like Hell.”

  “Who is that with her?” Jethro asked.

  The Commander frowned. “That’s the Boss. Boiler leader. One crazy cannibal.”

  “Um, pretty sure the term ‘cannibal’ implies crazy,” Jethro said.

  “Well, then he’s crazier than the rest,” Capreze responded studying the screen. “Can you get her attention?”

  “Maybe, I don’t know,” Jethro answered. “She is facing Two.”

  “Good. Try not to get noticed.”

  “Sorta implied also.”

  “How about less lip and more work.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jethro quipped.


  June laughed. “Do you think I give a fuck about your fucked up protocols? How about you take your little boy dick back to your transport and jerk off into a sock and let the adults talk.”

  The Archbishop’s face grew red with rage and June felt the butt of a rifle against the back of her head before he even gave the order. She crumpled instantly, lights dancing about her eyes.

  “Careful, there,” Bishop Wyble said. “Don’t damage her chip.”

  “Chip?” the Boss asked. “You mean her Reaper chip? Oh, that thing is long gone.”

  “What?!?” the Archbishop cried.


  The Archbishop whirled on the Bishop’s vid screen. “You said I could have a Reaper chip!”

  Bishop Wyble’s face blanched. “I am truly sorry, Your Holiness. I did not know that the Boiler had had it removed.”

  The Archbishop shook with hormonal rage. He turned on the Boiler boy and lashed out, knocking the child to the ground. June pushed her self up and lunged at the Archbishop, but was stricken to the ground immediately. The boy tried to scramble towards June but the Archbishop stomped on his back, smashing him into the concrete.

  “Bravo!” the Boss cheered, clapping enthusiastically.


  “You! You did this!” the Archbishop snarled at the Boss, grinding his red booted heel into the small of the Boiler child’s back.

  “Yep, I did,” the Boss replied casually. “Get over it.”

  The Archbishop stomped on the boy and the child cried out. “Take this to my quarters!”

  Rancher guards grabbed the boy by the ankles and dragged him away. He reached out for June, but a blow to the head stopped all protestations.

  “I’ll feed you your balls for that,” June raged.

  “She will too,” the Boss laughed. “So, are me and the princess gonna fight or what?”


  The Archbishop seemed to calm slightly at the suggestion of combat. “Yes, a fight.” The Archbishop raised a hand and his Page stepped forth instantly. “My chair. My blanket and refreshments.”

  The Page bowed silently, dashing away. The Archbishop waved at June and Rancher guards pulled her roughly to her feet. “Strip her.”

  “What? You sick little freak!” June cried as her soiled and dirty clothes were cut away. She stood before the Archbishop, her black and blue body shaking with anger.

  “Now we’re talking,” the Boss leered.

  The Archbishop eyed the Boss lasciviously. “Him too.”

  “What?” the Boss barked.


  “We’re ready for the tactical briefing,” Rachel said, stepping into the transport and up to Capreze and Jethro. She gasped at the image on the vid screen. “Shit, is that June?’

  “Yeah,” Jethro responded solemnly.

  “Jeezus, makes me wish I’d been a little nicer to her,” Rachel said.

  “You can apologize when she’s safely out of there,” Capreze responded. “Any progress, Jethro?’

  “Gonna try right now, sir,” Jethro answered. “I hope she sees Two move and not the Ranchers. Otherwise we may have to forego subtlety and just start blasting.”

  “Do you even know the definition of subtlety?” Rachel joked.


  The Boss stood in the middle of the mech hangar, bare-assed and fuming. He glared at the Archbishop. “You gettin’ an eyeful, you fucking dress wearing pussy?”

  Several Ranchers started forward, but the Archbishop held up his hand. “Leave the cannibal be. He can take his frustrations out on the mech woman.”

  The Page returned, dragging a high backed gilded chair, a gold plated cooler and a red blanket. “Here you are, Your Holiness,” the Page puffed.

  The Archbishop sat down and twirled his hands, indicating the Ranchers should form a circle with June and the Boss in the center.


  Jethro made Two’s right fingers drum against the side of its metal body. He watched June carefully, but it was obvious she didn’t notice. He tried again and a couple of the ranchers closest to the mini-mech turned about, but quickly returned their attention to the fight about to start.

  “Shit,” Jethro muttered.

  “Tap louder,” Rachel said.

  “Why not just walk Two over there and tap on her shoulder?” Jethro mocked.

  Rachel grinned. “Why not?”

  Jethro turned to get Capreze’s reaction, but the Commander wasn’t there. Rachel’s grin widened. “He’s outside talking.”

  Jethro slouched in defeat. “What are you thinking?”


  “Jay? Jay, come in,” Rachel crackled over the com.

  “Whatcha need, Rache?” Jay responded.

  “What’s your current location?”

  Jay checked his readings. “Somewhere in Sector 48-5F. We’re still hours away from you guys.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not far from the base, though, are you?”

  “Well, with a couple of track switches we’d be
at the base in about an hour. It’ll tack on more time getting to you. I thought the base was occupied? What are you thinking?”

  “June’s at the base being held by the Ranchers. Think you could swing by and pick her up?”

  “Love to,” Jay responded.


  “Diverting the cavalry?” Capreze asked, overhearing Rachel as he stepped back into the transport. “I’m pretty sure that is a call for the CO to make.”

  “You were busy,” Rachel responded. “Plus, we have Mathew on his way. He’ll get here first.”

  Jethro quickly turned back to his tablets as Capreze looked away from his daughter.

  “What?” Rachel asked. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “About Mathew,” Capreze said. “He’s heading straight for the UDC stronghold.”

  “What?!?” Rachel cried. “Why?!?”

  “In case things go south here, we need someone to try and shut them down. And he has the best shot.”


  June and the Boss stood staring at each other. The Archbishop looked from one to the other then clapped his hands together. “Well… fight!”

  “Yeah, I ain’t feeling it,” the Boss said. “Maybe you and bruised titties here should duke it out while I watch.”

  The Archbishop snapped his fingers and two Ranchers stepped forward, rifles aimed at the Boss’s crotch. “Fight or you lose your manhood,” the Archbishop snapped.

  The Boss lifted his hands. “Hold on, no need to threaten the Little Boss.” He turned to June. “Guess they want a show.”

  “Guess we’ll give them one,” she responded.


  “They have agreed, Your Grace,” Deacon Montoya stated.

  The Bishop turned his attention away from the vid feed of the mech hangar, muting the connection. “Have they? Delightful. See, Montoya, what did I tell you? Everyone has their price.”

  “Yes, Your Grace was right, as always,” the Deacon agreed. The Bishop waved away the flattery as Montoya continued. “They will have their people in place momentarily. Shall we have them wait for our arrival?’

  “Dearest me, no, Deacon! Cripple those mechie heathens now,” Bishop Wyble ordered. “Let them take the casualties, not us.

  “Of course, Your Grace,” Deacon Montoya responded.


  “I apologize, Your Holiness, but I have to step away. Business at hand,” the Bishop said over the vid feed.

  “Of course, Bishop Wyble. Do as you must. It is your honor and duty,” the Archbishop said, his attention on June and the Boss as they circled each other, looking for a tactical advantage.

  “Thank you, Your Holiness,” the Bishop said, bowing his head slightly. “I shall not fail His Glory.”

  “Yes, yes, Bishop. Send them all to Hell and the honor of becoming a True Disciple will surely be bestowed upon you,” the Archbishop praised automatically, dismissing the Bishop.


  Mastelo stood next to Capreze as half of the Skinner council approached.

  “Good morning to you all,” Mastelo greeted them. “I did not expect you to join us.”

  The councilors looked to each other and then at Mastelo. “A decision has been made, Mastelo. It is not in our people’s best interest to ally with the mech outcasts,” an older woman stated. “You will return with us and remain in seclusion so as not to impede what has to be done.”

  Mastelo’s jaw dropped. “This must be a mistake. Has the entire council agreed to this?”

  “Most,” the woman answered.


  Harlow glanced down from her cockpit at the conversation below. She watched as two council members split away and approached the Skinner fighters. The fighters’ body language instantly changed as the councilors spoke to them. The new body language was something Harlow could read very well. Aggression.

  Several of the Skinners glanced in her direction and then at Bisby, who was still on the ground double checking his mech’s hydraulics.

  Harlow tapped her com. “Hey, Biz?”


  “Carefully take a look around. I don’t think the friendlies are so friendly anymore.”

  Harlow reached behind her and withdrew two long blades.


  Out of the corner of his eye Capreze watched Bisby undo the strap on his sidearm indicating the pilot was well aware of the situation. Without drawing attention, the Commander glanced towards Harlow’s mech, seeing her descend quickly, her blades strapped to her back. Capreze loved his people.

  “Councilors,” Capreze soothed. “Before anything gets out of hand, let’s sit down and discuss this.”

  A shorter man took a step forward. “I am sorry, Commander. But the discussion has ended. You and your people are on the losing side. We cannot afford to be on that side also. I am sorry.”


  Several Skinner fighters moved to encircle Bisby, their long knives drawn. The mech pilot cracked his knuckles and grinned. “I don’t know what’s going on boys, but don’t do anything you may regret.” He felt lucky right now that the carbines were laid out and disassembled for cleaning. He could dodge blades easier than he could dodge bullets.

  “It is not personal, Pilot,” one of the fighters said. “We mean you no dishonor, but our futures are no longer joined with yours.”

  “Oh, I can fucking guarantee that your futures are about to be way different than mine,” Bisby sneered.


  “I’m all set!” Jethro shouted. “Let the Commander know we can start fucking shit up!”

  Rachel slapped the mechanic on the shoulder. “Great job, Jethro.” She stepped to the transport door and froze. “Fuck. This doesn’t look good.”

  Themopolous, trying to make sense of the nanotech data she had, looked up from her tablet. “What’s wrong?”

  Rachel reached out and grabbed an auto-shotgun, placing the butt against her hip as she drew her sidearm. “Start the transport, Jethro,” she ordered. “If you have to, get yourself and the Doc out of here.”

  Jethro looked at the external vid feeds. “Shit.”


  Rachel walked down the transport ramp, her eyes on her father and Mastelo. She could tell by Capreze’s hand gestures that he was trying to calm things down, but the stance of the Skinners told her it wasn’t working.

  And then, in the blink of an eye, a skinner councilor moved and Mastelo fell, the hilt of a knife sticking from his throat. Capreze ducked and rolled as two blades whizzed by him. Rachel brought up her shotgun and started firing, dropping three Skinners.

  “Fucking go!” she yelled back at Jethro as she dove to the ground her shotgun barking.


  The Boss landed a powerful right hook against June’s cheek, knocking her head back, making her stumble. “Remember the pit, bitch?” he said, dancing to the side, sizing up the damage he had wrought. “I grew up in that fucking hole. You may be UDC trained, but I’m pit fight tested.”

  He lashed out with two quick kicks, connecting with June’s mid-section. The pilot doubled over and tried to catch her breath. Her diaphragm refused to obey and she thought she’d pass out from lack of air.

  The Boss grabbed her by the hair, slamming his knee into her face.


  Harlow didn’t run, she didn’t hurry, she didn’t speak. She just casually pulled her long blades from her back, taking one in each hand and walked towards the onrushing Skinners.

  Four came at her immediately once they were within range and four Skinners fell, missing limbs and heads. The others stopped dead in their tracks.

  Harlow stayed silent and waited. The Skinners eyed her nervously, looking from her blades to their fallen comrades and back. The mech pilot could smell their fear, see the uncertainty in their eyes. They had her outnumbered, but she had them out-skilled by a longshot.


  June, choking on the blood pouring into her sinuses, coughed and spat. The Boss jumped back away from the red s
pray. “Hey now, don’t go wasting the good stuff.”

  Shifting his weight to his right side, the Boss lashed out with his left foot, connecting with June’s face, sending her sprawling across the hangar floor. He looked away from the fallen pilot and at the Archbishop. “This’ll be over soon then the two of us should talk. I think we got off on the wrong foot.” The Boss returned his attention to June. “Just give me a minute to finish.”


  Bisby put two bullets in the heads of each Skinner that charged him. He didn’t bother to reload his pistol when the 18 cartridges were spent, he just flipped it around, the grip now a club.

  Eight Skinners stepped over the nine bodies on the ground, each no longer taking the mech pilot for granted. One drew his arm back and threw his knife, aiming for Bisby’s head. With equal agility, Bisby snatched the blade out of the air, expertly grabbing the hilt.

  “You think I haven’t practiced that move, you dumb fucks?!?” he sneered, now with blade in hand.


  Jethro had the transport ramp and door secured before the hostiles could get in. He heard them pounding on the outside, their bloodthirsty calls making him shiver. But, that had to wait as he glanced at the vid screen connected to mini-mech Two.

  “Ahh, shit,” he cursed, seeing June take a beating from the Boss. “Fuck!”

  Themopolous looked out one of the transport’s portholes and gasped. “We have to do something!”

  “Yeah, Doc, I know!” Jethro exclaimed. “June’s in trouble too, so get your ass over here and help!”

  Themopolous glanced at Jethro. “What do you need me to do?”


  The Boss waited for June to catch her breath and get to her feet.

  “Kill her!” the Archbishop screeched in his cracking, teenage voice. “Kill her now!”

  “Where’s the sport in that?” the Boss asked. “I thought you wanted a show.”

  June hocked a gob of bloody mucous onto the floor between the Boss’s feet. “Fuck you, Boiler. You won’t take me.”

  “Dear, dear Rachel, haven’t you learned? I’m in charge. Whether in a fight or a nice sit down family dinner, I’m in charge.” He feigned a left jab and June fell for it, never seeing the right connect.


  Slash. Hand. Slash. Arm. Slash. Head. Thrust. Intestines.


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