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The Outlaw Biker's Betrayal: A Bad Boy MC Romance

Page 25

by Sienna Wiliiams

  Richie texted her to let her know he was spending the night at Al's house. Al's mother had made them a special dinner. Richie said she was emotional in light of the impending trip to school. They were going to spend some time with her.

  The one night at Al's turned in to a few days. In the middle of his last night away, Danielle received another text from Richie. The contact from him lit her up brighter than it did the telephone.

  "Miss you," he wrote.

  Danielle cuddled her pillow. A quiver of aching for him twitched her core. If he were here, she would have him inside her. She didn't mind being awake for this. She turned on the light in her bedroom, dimming them just so. She held the camera above her taking a semi clothed selfie to send back.

  “Mmmm,” he wrote.

  She propped the phone camera on the pillow and posed. It was a shot of her buttocks. She flexed her muscles so that her body looked its optimum. It was an amazing shot, if she did say so herself.

  “Perfection,” he replied.

  "Please delete," she said.

  "Never," he replied. "Hard for you."

  Chapter Ten

  Danielle smiled and rolled over, fully embracing her pillow. She missed him too. One more time, she relieved the unreal, amazing sex that they had shared that day. The feeling of the incredible orgasms that she experienced. She thought about them until she was satiated. She didn’t want to think about them anymore, for now.

  She drifted off to sweet sleep. She slept so soundly that she didn’t even dream. After weeks and weeks of sleepless nights when her late husband had suddenly been struck so ill, the sleep was so incredibly welcomed.

  She was awaken by a handsome prince. Richie had come home earlier than he said he was going to. His beautiful mouth brushed her cheek until she stirred.

  "Hi there, " he said with the warmest of smiles. "I have something I have to tell you."

  Danielle got way ahead of herself. She was imagining all sorts of things that he could be getting ready to tell her. She imagined that someone who shouldn’t found out about them. Whatever it was, it had to be super important if he drove over before the crack of dawn to tell her.

  She started to get out of bed. She threw back the covers and revealed a satin teddy short set. He paused.

  "My God but you're beautiful. Don't get out of bed. Here," he handed her a cup of coffee.

  "What a sweetheart," she said and cozied back up against the pillow.

  He had his own cup. The room smelled amazing."What do you have to tell me?" she asked patiently.

  "I am going back to school," he said.

  He was very proud of his announcement, she could see. They each took a sip of the wonderful coffee that he made.

  "Oh! I am so glad you came around!" she shouted with glee.

  She was careful not to get too excited with the full coffee cup in hand.

  "Are you going to be okay?" he asked her. “I mean when I am not here?”

  "I absolutely promise," she said. “And you’ll come home for school break. I mean sometimes, right? When you’re not traveling the world looking for that perfect wine technique?”

  There was a pang of disappointment but she didn't dare tell him that. It was a mild hope not grounded in reality that he would stay and that they could carry on in the magic realm of her luxury home.

  “I certainly will,” he smiled. “I miss you already. But now that mention it, the south of France doesn’t sound half bad. Maybe Sonoma? Hmm, I may have to think about this.”

  He teased.

  “Please go to school,” she said in a small voice.

  “I am going. I already put a call into my advisor. He thinks we can work something out given the circumstances,” he said.

  “I am so proud of you,” she said.

  And she was. Warmth bloomed in her heart for him. As much as part of her wishes she could keep him to herself forever, she was proud and happy to let him go. She would never forget what they share -- neither would he, she knew that -- there was nothing real about what they had shared. It was literally out of this world.

  Each partner was different. She made no comparisons between Richie and Jerry. Jerry was so amazing in all ways that were he alive today, she would never even think about straying. But he wasn’t there anymore. And Richie was here and now. It was important for her to separate from her own desires to let him go on to what he needed to do. Danielle resolved to support him in every way she could. She knew in her heart of hearts, this pleasure that they had known -- that she and Al and he shared -- would never be shared by the three of them or even the two of them again.

  He reached over and stroked her thighs. His hand was lovely and warm from holding the coffee cup. His fingers started to stray but Danielle caught them. She simply held his hand affectionately.

  "How about some breakfast?" she asked him.

  It would be the first meal in days that didn't come out of a box. It felt kind of good to create. She wrapped an apron over her satin teddy and cooked. She whipped up biscuit dough for him first. He nibbled her neck while he watched her work. He placed his hand over hers as she divvied up the dough into portions.

  Next was the bacon. Together they set up the pan. He reached around her, separating the strips in the pan. He got her vegetarian bacon and cooked it in a separate egg pan. She took the bacon out to drain it on a paper towel and just as he was about to drain the grease, she smacked his hand playfully.

  “No no. You have to wait and see,” she said.

  “I do, do I?” he said.

  She fried the biscuit dough in the bacon grease. Once again, Richie ensconced Danielle with his tall big body and his long arms. It was a flirtatious cooking session but nothing came of it. They just had such tremendous affection for one another.

  After all was said and done, they put together eggs, biscuits and bacon and enjoyed a fat breakfast out in the sun room. The warmth streamed through the windows and it was luscious. The view outside of their equestrian lawn was spectacular. Danielle was filled with gratitude.

  Of course it was easy to be grateful when she was a thirty something stepmother being fed a delicious full meal by her sweet nineteen year old stepson. Despite all that had happened, life was good.

  “So we were thinking you might like to drive up with us," he said. "Nothing more than having your wonderful company. I promise no fun stuff."

  He winked. They were both on the same page. In another place and time, she and Richie might have been super good together. For now it was clear they were just friends. If the time was right again, she would welcome the experience.

  “I will think about it,” she said. “Not decided. I am not sure I know what I want to do with myself. I was thinking this is a super big house and I might like to get a roommate. You know maybe a girlfriend to share the place with. One of the women who likes riding horses.”

  "I think that's a fine idea," said Richie.

  He leaned across the table and kissed her. It was a simple, chaste kiss. They finished their breakfast and went about their days, separately.

  In Too Deep with the Montana Cowboy Brothers

  By: Steamy Reads

  In Too Deep with the Montana Cowboy Brothers

  © SteamyReads4U, December 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads Publishing

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter One

  Alicia sighed as she walked down the warm street of Bearcreek, Montana. Alicia had lost her teaching position last month due to a massive layoff the school district was having which was unfortunate for her.

  “I’m so tired of doing this day end and out,” Alicia searched online every day for jobs that were hiring and she went to ten business establishments on a daily basis and dropped off her resume and a cover letter. So far she wasn’t receiving any calls for interviews. The one interview that she did have was for a waitressing position at a popular night club. The only reason why she didn’t get that job was because they said she was “over-qualified.”

  Alicia never understood what over-qualified meant. If she was there looking for a job then as long as they thought she’d be able to do the job they should have just given it to her. She always thought to get a waitressing job a woman had to be fairly attractive. Men told her constantly that she was beautiful with her even ebony skin and her curvaceous body. Her breasts weren’t incredibly big, only at 38 C, but her hips were wide and her rear was plump. She always kept herself looking her best. She went to the hair salon weekly and got her shoulder length hair treated and she kept her nails done. She could dress professional or any style to fit the occasion.

  “I just need to find something quick,” she had saved up some money to help her pay her bills, but that would soon run out and if she didn’t do anything soon she’d be homeless. She applied to teaching jobs but Montana schools weren’t looking for elementary school teachers at the moment. She was willing to work any job as long as it’ll keep a roof over her head. She walked by construction workers then and they began whistling at her.

  “Hey baby, why the long face?” A man asked. Alicia decided to ignore them. She had too many other things on her mind to listen to the men flirt with her. Alicia made her way into a liquor store and went to the counter.

  “How can I help you sweetheart?” the cashier asked and Alicia pulled out some money.

  “Let me get that big bottle of vodka up there,” Alicia pointed to it and the man turned around and grabbed it.

  “$15.98” Alicia handed the man sixteen dollars and she shook her head when he attempted to give her change. She took the bottle from the man, which he was nice enough to wrap up in a nice paper bag, and she walked out of the store. She was stressed out and she felt like nothing was going her way. She wanted to have a drink to relax her mind and hopefully put her back in high spirits. She was still angry that the school laid her off the way that she did. She gave the school five years of her life. She had worked their quickly after receiving her teacher’s certification when she was twenty-two years old.

  “I guess if you don’t have tenure the school doesn’t really care about you.” She walked the rest of the way home thinking of what she could do to get a cash flow coming in.


  When Alicia got home, she wasn’t surprised to see an eviction notice on her two bedroom apartment door. She had saved up enough to pay majority of her utility bills, but she was only able to give the landlord half of the rent.

  “These people are so money hungry, I told them I’d have the money as soon as my unemployment check comes.” Alicia ripped up the noticed and threw it into the garbage. She literally pleaded with her landlord and told him of her current predicament. He assured her that he understood what she was going through and was going to give her a little more time to come up with the money. So why did she come home just to find that notice on her door? Alicia got a big glass out of the cupboard and poured some orange juice into it. She then broke the seal of the vodka and poured it into the glass.

  “Things will be alright,” Alicia took a deep breath and swallowed the liquid. She was just going through a rough patch. She was doing all that she needed to do and now she had to be a little patient. After she drained the glass, she poured another mixture of vodka and orange juice. “Just keep trying,” she said again and drunk the contents of her glass. After a few glasses, she was starting to feel a little light headed. Alicia got up and went into her bedroom and grabbed her laptop. “Time to see what new postings are up” Once the laptop started up, she quickly went to a few sites that she went on to search and apply for jobs. She scrolled through the list of places hiring in her area and noticed that majority of the listings she either applied to, or emailed the company regarding the posting.

  “I’ll just check on another site,” typing in another name in her search engine, she scrolled through the list of jobs and it was the same result as before. All of the listings that were on the site she had already applied to. She slammed the laptop closed and lied down on her bed. Her head was spinning from the alcohol and she found herself to be pretty hungry. She didn’t get up though, feeling too lazy to cook anything she just lied there and let the warm tears fall down her face. Everything was going well in her life before this happened. She had to sacrifice a lot of things when she got laid off in order to have food and the basic necessities.

  Alicia was hoping that the alcohol would make her feel a little better, but it had appeared to have done the opposite. She was feeling worse than how she was feeling before she started drinking. “Just try to think positive Alicia.” She told herself and her eyelids began to get heavy. She didn’t take off her clothes or even wipe off her make-up; she simply allowed sleep to overtake her because she truly believed that she’d feel better with sleep.

  When Alicia woke up the next morning, she had a splitting headache. “Ugh, drinking didn’t help me at all.” Alicia said and got out of bed. She was surprised to see that she was still wearing the suit that she had been wearing yesterday when she was job hunting. Sighing, she took off her clothes and made her way into the bathroom. She turned on the tub and began filling it with water adding lavender, rosemary, and some more oils into the water. The oils had a soothing and relaxing effect and she needed all the relaxation she could get. She made the water as hot as she could stand it and lowered her body into it.

  “Ah” she moaned as the hot water caressed her sore skin. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. She wanted to start this day optimistic and possibly have it end on a positive note as well. She grabbed her towel, dipped it in the oily water, and placed it over her face. She was sure she looked like she had been hit by a train. These oils would make her skin softer and it’ll reduce some of the puffiness she knew she had around her eyes. She stayed in the tub for thirty minutes and decided to get out once the water began to get cold. Alicia looked at her voluptuous body in the mirror.

  “I definitely could have done that waitressing job,” she spat out. She wasn’t the skinniest woman in the world, but she was thick and she knew that guys liked that. She had a lot to offer the restaurant and she knew that she would have gotten a lot of tips. She would’ve felt awkward if one of her former student’s parents came in and saw her working there, but she needed a job and they should know that times were rough when teachers were being laid off left and right. Alicia dried off her body and wrapped the towel securely around her. She went back into her bedroom and picked her laptop up off of the floor. She looked at the job posting sites that she looked at last night and noticed that they hadn’t posted anything new. She sighed and just as she was about to shut down her laptop, a classified ad caught her eye.

  “Looking for a mail order bride, must be in between the ages of twenty-five and thirty. Must be a BBW, dress well, and know how to cook.” Alicia looked at the ad I sighed. Who would respond to something like this? She looked at the benefits that the person would get. “$1,000 a week, room and board, and
would be under the same health insurance as the client.” She thought that was good benefits, but there was no way she was going to do that. She looked to see if any teaching jobs had been posted and was surprised to hear banging on her front door.

  “Who could that be,” Alicia got up and opened her door not knowing that her life was going to be changed at that moment.

  Chapter Two

  “I can’t believe that you actually posted an ad like that.” Donald said as he and his brother Daniel had lunch together. Daniel shrugged his shoulders.

  “Hey man, I don’t be saying nothing to you with all those women you have coming in and out of your house. I’m just trying to find one.” Daniel said as he picked at his eggs.

  “Look, whoever answers this is clearly desperate and a prostitute.” Donald said quietly as a waitress walked passed them. “Plus you’re going to move the woman in your house. What happens if she’s a serial killer?”

  “I’ll run a background check on all the women that I am interested in.” Donald threw his hands in the air in disbelief.

  “You’re treating this like you’re hiring a new employee.” Daniel owned an advertising firm and for only being thirty-two years old, he was pretty successful. “Are you going to check her for diseases too? Because I know you’re going to sleep with her.” Daniel sighed and drunk the rest of his coffee.

  “You act like I’m going to pound her as soon as I see her.” Daniel said and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I’m not doing this for sex, I’m doing this because I’m lonely and I don’t have enough time to date people.” Donald thought the whole mail order bride idea was crazy. He didn’t even know where Daniel got this idea from.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” Donald said and folded his arms. “You’re going to get her tested right? Regardless of what you’re saying now you’re going to eventually sleep together.”


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