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Project Genesis

Page 7

by Howard, Michelle

  With inhuman speed, Vin wrapped his hand around the nape of her neck, feeling the soft skin and bones he could crush with one determined squeeze. He forced himself to meet her frightened gaze and ignored how the look bubbled nausea in his stomach. “It’s nothing you need to know about, Helen. Just remember when I take you home to keep your mouth shut about the things you saw on that street with the Rekabians and Alpha Squad. If you say anything, anything at all, you’ll see first hand the other side of me and it won’t be pretty.”

  The threat did the trick. Her breath caught, eyes wide. Hurt. Fear. Sadness. It was all there. If Vin ever wondered what a terrorized Helen looked like, the expression on her face revealed it all. Not even the Rekabians had brought to the surface such a mix of emotions on the face of the woman he craved. One more black mark against his name to prove Vin Michaels didn’t warrant any semblance of happiness.


  Frozen muscles held Helen immobile. Gone was her easy going lover with his silken whispers and erotic touch. In his place stood a man Helen didn’t even know. Didn’t want to know as evident by the unspoken threat of his words lingering in the air.

  “I won’t talk about you or your men.” She couldn’t control the way her voice quivered. Vin let her go but Helen kept her phone in her pocket and forced her arms to remain loose at her side when she wanted to wrap them around her waist and rock. The soothing gesture would have been too telling. “How soon can I go? Now would be ideal.”

  The loud sound of a screeching alarm cut off whatever he’d prepared to say. Helen jumped and found herself up close and personal with the muscles she ogled earlier, hands planted on his shoulders. Vin sat her aside immediately and strode to the closet. He dug around and came out with a black shirt which he pulled over top of the white tee. He tucked the hem in his waist and added the heavy utility belt.

  His lightweight body armor spread over his body an instant later. Passing her with a light touch to her hair, the gesture at odds with his threat moments ago, he trekked back across the room to dig through a pair of discarded black pants. Finding what he sought, Vin stuck a small black circle and loop around his ear. He pulled a large metal case from under the bed and removed a handheld gun in a holster which he proceeded to strap to his left thigh. Next, he removed the larger weapon she remembered from the attack at her office.

  He stood in one fluid motion. A warrior preparing for battle. Giving in to the need, Helen wrapped her arms around her waist and followed him into the outer room. The alarm continued its discordant notes. She barely noticed the sofa, TV and table set-up. “What’s going on, Vin?”

  His every action conveyed urgency. “I’m being sent out.”

  Sent out, as in leaving? Adrenaline shot through her veins and a sense of spiraling out of control made her stumble.

  Someone thumped loudly on the outer door. “Ten minutes,” a rough masculine voice shouted.

  Helen thought it might have been Harkum. She reached out and grabbed Vin’s arms. “You can’t leave me here. You said I could go home if I promised.” She didn’t want to stay here. Not with this lover turned enemy.

  His face said it all. The tough mask of a man she thought she knew. “I’m sorry. I have to go. I’ll take you home when I get back.”

  Slowly, Vin pulled her hand away from his sleeve and stepped back. They stared at one another. Someone pounded on the door again. Fear churned through her veins yet Vin continued to watch her with his unwavering stare. By some miracle, she found the strength to accept his answer. “Okay.”

  Vin hurried to the door, jerking it open. His eyes bored into hers, sincerity blazing. “I should have called.” Not wasting another moment, he left followed by the sound of multiple boots running down the hall.

  The door closed quietly behind him.

  Helen pushed back fear and worry. Time for that later. She needed to know what was going on and the best way to do that was to see what the news hounds were saying. Helen raced around the coffee table, grabbed a complex looking remote and turned on the television. Media coverage poured forth. She clicked several times. The first three news channels all had the same feed scrolling at the bottom of the screen.

  ‘Rekabians attack.’ Click.

  ‘Earth in jeopardy.’ Click.

  ‘The end has come.’ Click.

  Impossible. Helen sank onto the sofa and turned up the volume. The anchor stared intently into the screen as he dispassionately reported on the deaths around the world. Helen’s eyes zoomed on the images whirling behind him. Houses and cars on fire, entire neighborhoods ablaze. Devastation everywhere. Some smaller cities in remote locations completely destroyed. Gone.

  Helen gnawed on her knuckle. The camera zoomed on the oval shaped black alien craft hovering in the air as it fired upon an ocean liner. Moments later, the ship exploded. Tears burned the back of her eyelids. The reporter droned on as the screen behind him faded to black.

  Vincent had rushed out to face this. He and his men would battle creatures who possessed no concern or value for human life. The thought of his death sent her heart plummeting and for a moment, Helen couldn’t catch her breath. Her palm pressed against her chest until the ache eased off. Despite the threat he’d left her with, Helen preferred he remained unharmed.

  Beeping interrupted the broadcast and the smooth face of the anchorman was replaced with the President of the United States. President Lucy Harrison’s somber expression beat the anchorman hands down. “Good evening, everyone. Today has been a day of great sorrow. As reported earlier, the alien life forms we know as the Rekabians have launched a full scale attack against the United States. Our fellow countries report similar escalated attacks. As we prepare to defend the world we love, we mourn those we’ve lost.”

  She paused, blue eyes glittering with unshed tears and swiped her hand over the sleek fall of her jet black hair. Helen thought the hand trembled but President Harrison continued. “We will not fail. Earth will unite in our fight until we win and send these invaders on their way.” Rose colored lips firmed and the President pulled her shoulders back. “The battle has just begun.” Muted applause and flashes of light followed her declaration.

  Vice President Stone stood at her side. If he’d been injured earlier, there was no sign. He wore a crisp navy suit, white shirt and a yellow tie with a flag tie pin. On and on the reports rolled in. Every show highlighted the invasion of Earth as its featured story. The death toll climbed, other countries reported similar losses. It seemed there was no easy way to fight this enemy.

  Helen turned the television off and stared blindly at the empty screen. So many thoughts raced through her mind. Getting to her feet, she pondered what to do next. Watching back to back news stories hadn’t been the smartest but at least she felt better prepared. Knowledge truly did equal power in her experience and Helen needed to know all she could about the Rekabians in case she faced another situation like this evening. Information on how to kill the suckers was most important to her way of thinking.

  Helen glanced around searching her surroundings. This space belonged to Vin. She wondered if her visual exploration would give her more insight into the man. The television screamed male purchase, all fifty inches while the sofa showed signs of its last days. Even the coffee table appeared used and worn.

  The living area was as bland and devoid of personality as the bedroom. This place reminded her of a vacationer’s hotel room except even hotels had decorative flair. From the scarred wooden table, to the nicked plaid sofa and the fifty inch flat screen all of it could have easily belonged to anyone.

  Helen checked the clock briefly allowing concern for Vin’s safety to overshadow the hundred other items on her mind. It neared midnight and the day in whole had been a long one. The brief nap did nothing to rejuvenate her exhausted senses. She paced as tension gradually pulled knots in her shoulder.

  Helen ran her hands through her hair, pulling the loose rubber band free. If she could use her phone, she could start putting the pieces of he
r life together over the internet but she didn’t want anyone questioning her whereabouts. Best to wait until she returned home.

  Sucking in a breath, Helen decided it wouldn’t be wrong if she went through his place with a fine tooth comb. Two things could occur. One, she’d get busted if he came back soon or two, she’d find out more background on Vincent Michaels because Helen realized, she really didn’t know him at all.

  Helen decided to start with the living area. Nothing out of place to the visible eye except a stack of mail on a small side table in a totally darker shade of wood. She rifled through generic pamphlets on fitness, coupon books for a fast food place with two squares cut out and an outdated renewal for an internet book membership.

  The last gave her pause. A book membership. She scanned Vin’s place but found no sign of books laying around. Her steps led her to the bedroom area. The covers creased in the middle where she’d rested but otherwise precise and neat. While the other room had carpet, this floor had tile in a rustic brown. She remembered the chill on her feet distinctly.

  Worry and anxiety nibbled at Helen’s mind. She felt the simultaneous need to run and hide. Which probably explained why she nearly jumped out of her shoes when the knock sounded on the door. Helen left Vin’s private sanctuary and approached the door with trepidation. He hadn’t left any warnings about the door. She slid her hand in her pocket and fingered the cell phone there.

  Immediately, she pulled her hand out. What was she thinking? Calling him would prove pointless if he battled Rekabians. Helen edged closer, took a deep breath and opened the door a crack. A tall, bald African American faced her calmly. “Ms. Scott, my name is David Slade. May I have a word with you?”

  Instinct warned her to slam the door in his face. His creepy brown eyes dared her to make such a move. Helen stepped back slightly but remained in the doorway, not inviting him in. “Yes?”

  His slight grin conveyed his amusement at her actions but Helen didn’t care. “I’d like to come in and talk unless you want to have this conversation in the hall.”

  The hall worked fine for her since knowing his name did nothing to calm the stranger danger vibe he gave off. Helen withheld her thoughts and cocked her hip to the side. Considering he knew her name and Vin hadn’t exactly left her any instructions except to keep her mouth zipped, Helen preferred to err on the side of caution. “Is there a reason we need privacy?”

  He chuckled and slid his hands into the pockets of tailored slacks which went in line with his custom jacket. Give the guy a door prize, he could buy a good suit although his tie choice left a lot to be desired. Paisley print didn’t do it for her. Or him.

  “I see why he likes you.”

  He? As in Vin? “Hmmm.” Helen played along. She could do this dance all evening. It reminded her of meetings with her overseas vendors. One just had to watch and follow the cues.

  “Let’s start over.” He extended one hand toward her. “I’m David Slade, Vin Michaels' boss.”

  Helen had no choice but to shake it as etiquette dictated but she added a nice squeeze for good measure and made sure to flash all of her teeth when she smiled. “That’s great. I’m Helen Scott as you’re already aware.” Next move, slimy.

  David glanced over his shoulder, confirming the empty hall behind him. “I wanted to speak with you about the earlier incident with the Rekabians. To get your perspective.”

  Right. Because the six man team with Vin had left blanks. Helen held her ground. “Of course, Mr. Slade. How can I help?”

  His shoulders hunched forward and he grinned good naturedly but the twitch in his left cheek warned of his burgeoning anger at her resistance. “Please, call me David.”

  Helen let her silence and his invitation hang between them.

  David straightened, fire snapping in his gaze. “You’re going to want to step back Helen Scott so I can come in and speak with you.”

  No way to misunderstand the order in his statement or the hidden threat. She moved away from the door, allowing him to enter Vin’s space but moving slowly to make sure he understood she chose to move. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it. His eyes leisurely strolled over her frame from head to toe, pausing with heavy emphasis at her chest.

  Helen didn’t let his attempt at intimidation phase her. She worked for arrogant men every day and they could ring this Slade guy out to dry with their bully tactics. Helen clasped her hands behind her back, uncaring if her chest rose with the gesture. A small smile played about her mouth. Using sexual body language was kids play so if this overgrown soldier thought she’d back down from his dirty leers, he needed to run another google check on Helen Scott.

  “I think we may have gotten off to a bad start. I’m here to talk to you about the attack this afternoon. I hoped you’d have details to share about the Rekabians to assist us in defending the country.”

  “Okay.” Helen walked to Vin’s sofa and made herself comfortable, planting one foot on the floor and propping the other at the back of the cushions to rest her chin on her knee. She caught a lingering whiff of lemons. “You want me to give details on an event that a trained group of military men witnessed?” Her brow rose and she infused her tone with doubt. “I’m not sure how much more I can add.”

  “Ms. Scott, let’s not play games.” He folded his arms over his chest and eyed her relaxed pose. The sneer that appeared on his face didn’t surprise her. This was a man used to cowering people. “You saw things today. Things that should have remained secret.”

  Helen shrugged. His conversation mirrored Vin’s except Helen doubted David’s presumed good intentions.

  “Let me be frank. What you witnessed is top secret classified information. The government wouldn’t take it lightly if this information slipped out.”

  Because she had a reputation for blabbing? He knew nothing about her if he thought that. “I understand.”

  “Do you?” He moved from the door and sidled closer. “I’m assuming Michaels’ had the opportunity to make things clear to you.”

  Helen eased her hand in her pocket and fingered her cell. “Crystal.” She bared her teeth when she spoke.

  Slade chuckled. “You’ve got balls.”

  Helen lifted her chin. “Actually, I don’t.”

  Waves of danger flowed on the current and her courage faltered in the face of the anger he couldn’t contain. David Slade was not a man to play with and in that moment, she sensed him contemplating how far he could go with her but something held him back.

  The corners of his mouth turned down as his gaze hardened but Helen continued. “Look, Mr. Slade, Vincent Michaels stressed the need for secrecy around whatever his team and this place have going on.” She lifted a hand when he sought to interrupt. “You don’t have to come at me like the heavy in a bad sci-fi vid. I’m not planning on talking because I’m not sure exactly what I saw.”

  “How well do you know Michaels?”

  “Not well at all,” she answered truthfully, keeping her breathing steady and ignoring the sweat dampening her palms. The man who had rushed out of here was as different from the man who’d sweetly held her while she slept as night from day.

  “Perhaps, I didn’t phrase that correctly.” Slade rocked back on the balls of his leather covered feet. “Did you have a sexual relationship with him?”

  Her chest hurt from her heart’s increased thumping. Deep down an inkling warned her not to admit to anything regarding her personal relationship with Vin. “I’m not sure the discussion requires an answer to that.”

  His teeth flashed. Only instead of humor, Helen thought of hungry alligators circling prey. Not willing to be an easy meal, she pushed to her feet, leaving the faux safety of the sofa and its soft cushions smelling of Vin.

  “You mistake my interest in knowing. Michaels and his team are dangerous men. A woman like you needs to use caution in her judgment.” His alligator smile widened. “Harry Little wouldn’t want you to suffer harm, I’m sure.”

  Considering Mr. Littl
e founded LS&G, Helen ascertained he cared about all his employees. “Vincent’s secrets are safe with me, Mr. Slade.” Maybe if she convinced him of her seriousness to never speak of his soldiers, he’d leave.

  Slade reacted when she said Vincent’s name but recovered quickly. “Vincent,” he repeated, dragging the syllables out. “Yes, Vincent’s secrets.”

  Helen felt as if she’d missed a step. The thick feel of suspicion and anger grew directly in proportion with his reactions. Slade took a step closer and Helen stumbled back. She flushed, hating her knee jerk panic.

  Slade pursed full lips and studied her. Helen tensed, calculating how fast she could reach a knife in the kitchen when he suddenly backed up a step. “I think you understand me. I’ll arrange for a ride to take you home, Ms. Scott.” Helen shivered at the look he aimed her way. Any attempt at camaraderie on his part fell away. “The sooner the better, don’t you agree?”

  “Absolutely,” she chimed in. Never let it be said she didn’t know when to answer in the affirmative.

  Helen walked him to the door. Before he left, his hand reached out, catching her off guard, and fingered a strand of her loose hair. She wished she hadn’t removed the rubber band.

  “Secrets have a way of getting out, don’t they Ms. Scott?” The hair curled around his finger.

  Which secrets in particular?

  Secrets about Alpha Squad.

  Secrets about her relationship with Vincent.

  Secrets about her upbringing.

  Helen kept her lips pressed tight together. His hand tightened enough for her to feel the resistance at her roots. Right when she contemplated giving him a knee to the groin, he let her hair go and left. She slammed the door behind him and slumped against it. With her palms pressed along the frame, Helen gasped in deep breaths like a fish out of water. Her body ran hot then cold. From the corner of her eyes, she watched the fine tremors in her hand. What the hell did Vin have her mixed in?

  Chapter 8


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