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The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Kat T. Masen

  Millie got all mother hen on me, worried about my well-being, but I continued to lie because it was easier than telling the truth, for now.

  Eliza, my receptionist, is wearing an awfully low-cut top—coral color with some weird pattern I don’t care for. Beside her, Lilliana, my Chief of Marketing—is also dressed rather sexy. I bite down to keep my mouth shut but suspect the reason why they’re showing so much skin despite the tenacious snow outside—is sitting inside my office.

  “Good morning, ladies,” I greet, forcing a smile.

  “Good morning, Ava.” Eliza grins overbearingly. “Your father is waiting inside your office.”

  “Of course he is,” I mumble beneath my breath. “Do me a favor? Place a jacket on because I can tell you now my father only has eyes for my mom.”

  Walking to my office, I don’t turn back to see her reaction. Behind the glass doors, I see my father is on the phone, standing next to the window. The moment he lays eyes on me, he ends his call.

  “Ava.” He sighs with a loving smile. “Happy New Year, sweetheart.”

  I fall into his embrace as he kisses my hair, something Dad has always done for as long as I can remember. The smell of his aftershave lingers in the air, calming my anger as his presence shifts the room’s energy.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I tell him, then slowly pull away. “To what do I owe this visit?”

  He motions for me to sit, and even in my own office, he still dominates the room. I admire the suit he wears—Armani, of course. They love to style him. As I recall, Mom mentioned years ago they often send new clothes to him. He is an influencer in his own right, and despite his ignorance, I’m aware there are several online accounts dedicated to him. It’s comical until photos come up shirtless from his younger years and there are eggplant emojis in the captions.

  “Just checking in on my daughter. Anything wrong with that?”

  I cross my legs, resting my hands on my knees. “I love you, Dad, but you’ve got an agenda, and I’m assuming it’s about what happened in Miami.”

  He keeps his gaze fixed. “Maybe, I am concerned about you.”

  “It’s bullshit, okay?” I mouth, trying to control my temper. “How dare they pull a last-minute thing like that on me. I’m about to walk into a meeting in which people’s jobs are on the line. I don’t know how this happened, but someone is going to pay. Do you know how many people I have to answer to because everything I was supposed to do was endorsed?”

  “Ava, you have every right to be upset. I wish you’d called me that night. I would have gotten my people onto it.”

  “C’mon, Dad, I wasn’t going to ruin your night too.” I sigh dejectedly. “I’m a big girl. Therefore, I pay people the big bucks to sort out messes like Miami. This isn’t the first bump in the road, and it sure as hell won’t be the last.”

  “The offer is there,” he reminds me calmly.

  “I know,” I respond, releasing a breath. “So, tell me, how was New Year’s Eve?”

  “Let’s see… Rocky ended up naked in the pool. Ashton fell asleep by eight. Your mother drank too many Jell-O shots.”

  “It’s not a party without Rocky naked in the pool.” I laugh, shaking my head. “Age has not tamed him.”

  “Aside from that, it was a good night.” His expression shifts, the smile wavering as his eyes fixate on me with concern. “How about you?”

  “Oh yeah, it was fine. Just went out.”

  He continues to gaze at me, stilling his movements to observe my reaction to his question better. It’s almost become second nature to be silently interrogated by Dad. Though, we’ve always had a strong relationship. When it came to Millie, they used to butt heads a lot, probably because Millie is so much like Mom. The two of them often sided with one another, which only riled up Dad. Plus, they were both argumentative, part of being a lawyer.

  As for my relationship with him, we’ve always remained close, more so than with Mom at times. I definitely got away with more growing up, hence why I was dubbed his ‘favorite’. Only by my sisters, though, he never actually said it out loud.

  It’s not like it’s a competition, but Mom is busy these days doing the grandparent thing, which ties her bond to Millie. I guess it’s natural, given that Will and Millie are in that stage of their lives.

  “Look, Dad. I don’t want to hear I told you so. Save the lecture for another time,” I warn him as best as I can. “I’m trying to work through things right now.”

  “Ava, it’s me,” he assures me, softening his tone. “I’m not going to lecture you. You’re an adult now, a very successful one at that.”

  “Here’s the short version, Dad.” I take a deep breath, then release quickly. “I walked into my apartment and caught Olivier in bed with some guy’s dick in his ass.”

  Dad scowls, shaking his head in silence. “I’m sorry, Ava.”

  “What’s there to be sorry about, Dad? I’m an idiot. I got caught up in how great we looked on the outside while ignoring the signs. They were all there. And guess what I have to do now? Pretend none of this happened.”

  “We’ve all had scandal happen in our lives. Trust me, present company included. Keep your head high and always remain professional,” he advises, straightening his posture. It’s almost like he did it on purpose as I follow suit, bringing back the confidence which has crumbled over the last few days. “Nasty comments will be said. Just have your publicist make one blanket statement. It’s important Olivier does the same.”

  “C’mon, Dad, what are people going to say when they find out he’s gay?”

  “To be honest, Ava, people will voice their opinion on you, then move on. Olivier’s life will change forever. A straight man coming out is never easy. While I disagree with how he handled your relationship, you have to understand he has a bigger issue at hand. There are a lot of people in this world who don’t support same-sex relationships. If you can find it in your heart to close that chapter in your life, be the woman I raised you to be and support him as a friend. Now is not the time to air your anger in public.”

  “You’re right, Dad. It won’t be easy for him.”

  “I’m taking it your mother and sisters don’t know?”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t want to talk about it. I’m humiliated, Dad.”

  “You’ve got the Edwards blood. This will make you stronger. Now listen, I have a meeting downtown, and then I’m flying back home tonight. When are you coming home?”

  “Soon, I promise. I’ll schedule a shoot or something, so I can claim it as a business expense.”

  “Now, that’s the girl I raised,” he bemuses.

  “Smart and an angel, right?”

  “I don’t know about angel…you’ve had your moments.”

  I throw an amused glance at him. “Don’t tarnish my reputation as an angel. Just admit it, Millie has been more of a headache than me.”

  “You got me there, kid. Though Alexa is proving to be a very challenging daughter.” He chuckles softly. “Okay, listen. I need to meet Will.”

  “Will is here?” I ask, unaware of his visit to the city. “I might see if he is free for dinner tonight.”

  “Just text him,” Dad suggests, then rises from the chair. “Now, go to your meeting and make sure you show them who’s boss.”

  “Always do, Dad.” I wink with a lopsided grin. “I’ve learned from the best.”

  Will had a last-minute change of plans. A client he was supposed to meet for dinner came down with some infectious bug. When Will told me he could meet for dinner, I welcomed the chance to catch up with him since it has been a while since we saw each other last.

  “My favorite brother-in-law,” I greet while leaning over to hug Will.

  “What do you want?” He pulls away, scrutinizing me with his blue eyes. Just like Dad, he’s wearing a designer suit. Armani, again, of course. Like two peas in a billionaire pod. “You’re in trouble, aren’t you?”

  I take a seat at the table, ignoring his stare while I place t
he napkin on my lap then motion for the waiter to serve us. I need wine—stat. This restaurant, Luciano’s, makes the best pasta in the city and is known for stocking vintage wine.

  “What makes you think I’m in trouble?”

  “Because you’re making my wife’s life hell by giving her the runaround and not answering her texts.”

  The waiter stops at our table, and without even looking at the menu, I know exactly what I want. Will takes a moment, then orders a steak medium done. When the young man leaves, Will focuses his attention back onto me.

  Pushing my shoulders back, I inhale deeply. “I’m trying to process things rather than get all dramatic. Let’s be honest here… when Millie and I are together, things can get out of control with our emotions.”

  “Oh, you think?” he responds sarcastically. “The two of you on the phone is like listening to some overbearing soap opera.”

  “Yes, see? I guess it’s why I’m trying to work through this rather than act irrationally.”

  As I sit across from Will, the truth is still a hard pill to swallow. I’m scared to talk to Millie because the guilt would eat away at me. But, in reverse thinking, I have nothing to be guilty about, technically. Will and Millie are happily married with a son. It’s not like she’d be jealous. She has the love of her life, her soulmate.

  Yet, it doesn’t make what happened with Austin and me less forbidden.

  He is still, and forever will be—her ex-fiancé.

  “What’s going on, Ava? This isn’t like you.”

  “Olivier and I broke up.”

  He nods, eyeing me. “I’m sorry. Amelia mentioned you guys had some issues.”

  My eyes widen, suddenly annoyed at my sister. “Does she tell you everything?”

  “No, and to be honest, most of the time, I’m not listening if it’s about girl drama.” Will purses his lips as the waiter arrives with a bottle of wine. When the wine is poured, we both take a long drink. “If that’s any consolation.”

  “And I slept with someone,” I blurt out of nowhere despite my annoyance. “You know, rebound fuck. Not that I mentioned that to Dad this morning.”

  “It’s probably best you don’t,” Will agrees. “So what? We’ve all done it. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

  “I’m not that bad of a person, and it was just one night,” I admit, trying to convince myself once again.

  As I twist the napkin between my fingers, I glance at Will, wondering if he could read my thoughts? Imagine if he found out, it wouldn’t go down pleasantly. When it comes to Millie, Will is over-protective in an alpha male way. He prefers to think she has no past, and he’s been the only one.

  I clear my throat, then continue, “We both needed comfort for different reasons and agreed it was a one-time thing.”

  “What’s the problem then? It sounds to me like you have your sex life under control.”

  “I do. I mean, there’s still the issue with Olivier.”

  “Don’t waste your time, Ava. What are you looking for, anyway? You’re twenty-five, just have fun. It’s too young to settle.”

  “Oh really?” I laugh, leaning back into my chair. “Too young? Did you not propose and marry my sister when she was of the same age?”

  “That’s different.”

  I cross my arms in amusement. “Please explain, Mr. Romano?”

  “Well, for starters, no one else was going to touch her.”

  “Keep going, Lex Junior.”

  Will cringes, hating when I use that nickname on him. “Stop giving me that look. Amelia was always meant to be my wife, end of the story.”

  “You know what? You are right. Maybe I need to stay single for a while, swear off men.”

  As Will raises the glass to his lips, he chuckles behind it. “How long will that last?”

  “What? You don’t think I can stay single?”

  “Edwards girls are born to break hearts. Somewhere, out there, a man, or maybe several men, just felt the earth move at your admission. I give you one month.”

  “One month? I’m going to prove you wrong, Romano.”

  Will sits back in his chair with a cocky grin, then extends his hand. “Happy to shake on it, sister-in-law dearest.”

  “You’re a billionaire,” I remind him with a satisfied smile. “You should be placing money where your mouth is.”

  Extending my hand, I follow through with a handshake while I snort at his smug expression. Despite Will being irrecoverably in love with Millie, he was bred the same way as all men. Always thinking with their dick and assuming women are the same, that we all need a man.

  Well, I’m not just any woman.

  I’m Ava Edwards.

  And I refuse to let any part of me break again all because of a man.



  They say bad luck comes in threes.

  From the humiliating event in Miami to Olivier in bed with another man, then to add icing to a screwed-up cake, Olivier decided to run his mouth.

  One, two, and fucking—three.

  To deflect from his sexuality, Olivier chose to leak private information about me—who I previously dated to a list of men I had slept with before our relationship. Although most of it was a lie, the list was rather impressive if I was an outsider looking in. High-profile billionaires, A-list celebrities, and there was also a prince mentioned.

  I should be so goddamn lucky.

  But then Olivier took it to another level by leaking a topless photo of me taken on a secluded island during a getaway. Of course, it went viral.

  I want to kill him.

  My legal team went in guns blazing, working nonstop to protect my brand and everything I worked so hard for.

  The whole ordeal is a nightmare, dragging on for a month passed. It’s a mistake I vow never to repeat. How could I be so naïve to trust a man and even have him move in with me when clearly, I didn’t know him at all?

  Love and intimate relationships aren’t worth all the turmoil. Sure, I bet against Will, but I have no qualms about staying single. More than ever, not worrying about a lover sounds perfectly fine.

  Then there’s the matter of my father.

  To say he isn’t impressed is an understatement. I’ve seen him angry when business deals were compromised, and more notably, when Will and Amelia’s affair leaked, but this is the next level of rage. He’s on the warpath, and the person caught in the crossfire is, unfortunately, my mother.

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” I say quietly over the speaker, unable to get out of bed. My eyes glance at the clock on the nightstand, noting the time and quickly calculating how early it is for Mom. She has always been an early riser, much like myself, but the stress of life has worn me out of late. “This is a never-ending mess.”

  “Ava, this isn’t your fault,” she reminds me, softening her tone. There’s always something in her voice that calms me down. Unlike my reactive father, Mom is rational. “People do things when they’re hurt.”

  “But I don’t understand? I’ve done nothing to hurt him. He left me for another man. I’ve said nothing regarding his sexuality nor tarnished his name at all. Aside from a blank statement saying we parted ways, I’m innocent here.”

  My eyes close while I pinch the bridge of my nose, tired of this constant state of despair I’ve been finding myself in. The ripple of bad luck is like poison seeping through my veins, a slow, agonizing pain that makes it impossible to fight against.

  “You will get through this, honey. You’re strong and so much like your father it’s crazy.”

  “Speaking of Dad…”

  Mom clears her throat. “He has already left for the office.”

  Dad is also an early riser but heading to the office at five in the morning is enough to tell me he is not coping, still on a mission to destroy Olivier.

  “He hasn’t returned my calls or my texts. I know he is angry, but that holiday was on a private island. I wasn’t walking around in public.”

  A loud sigh escapes Mom. �
�You know your father, Ava. If someone comes after someone he loves, he won’t stop until that person pays the price.”

  “Wha… what does that mean?” I panic slightly. “What will he do to Olivier?”

  “Honestly? I’d say he’ll be hit up with a lawsuit as well as a forced public apology.”

  I throw my head back against the pillow, releasing a groan. “God, Mom, what the hell is going on with me?”

  “You’re experiencing life. The ups and downs.”

  “More like downs.”

  “It won’t always be this way, Ava. First, you need to remember who you are. Grieve this relationship, then hold your head up high and show the world you won’t take shit from any other man.”

  I laugh softly. “So you haven’t heard of the bet I made with Will? I swore off men for a while.”

  “Oh, Ava, taking my mom hat off for a moment,” she conveys with a faint chuckle, then continues, “a girl needs to get laid sometimes.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t put Eric’s hat on?”

  “Too many years as his best friend. I’m ruined.”

  Releasing a sigh, I fidget with the edge of my duvet. “But I’m serious, Mom. I’ve dated men and just experienced living with someone. Men are hard work. I don’t need all the bullshit that comes with falling in love. I get you and Dad did it, Millie and Will. I mean, sure, it looks nice, but heartache is brutal.”

  “No argument from me. It is hard work. I’ve gone through my share of heartache,” she reminds me wistfully. “But sometimes, life doesn’t allow you to avoid the inevitable. Falling in love can be the best or worst time of your life. It’s not always a fairy-tale ending.”

  “So, what you’re saying is, I’m screwed even if I try to control everything?”


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