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Nicole: Star Crossed Lovers (A Wish for Love Series Book 2)

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by Shales, Mia

  "Unfortunately? But you always loved New York."

  "I still love the city but I find that I need to get away - to distance myself from the noise, the crowds and the chaos." He placed his elbow on his knee, bowing his head until he straightened up again. Nicole felt a strong urge to stroke his neck and feel the tiredness and tension melt away at the touch of her fingers.

  "You work too hard."

  "Perhaps. But that's the only thing that gives me pleasure. At any rate, the only thing during these past eight years."

  She could not help but pay attention to the import of his words, but before she could react he continued.

  "But I'm happy you're worried about me." He spoke simply, without cynicism, and she found it hard to contradict him.

  "How many films do you produce each year?" she asked.

  "I try to direct one film in two years. The rest of the films we produce are directed by others. Of course, besides directing, a lot of my time is taken up with the management and financial side of running the company."

  "What's your current film about?"

  "I'll tell you all about it while we eat. I'm starved."

  "Me too," she had to admit. Her lunch had consisted of a few crackers and cheese and while on the flight she had refused the stewardess' offer of a light meal.

  His hand touching her back, Daniel led her into the house. Let him not touch her, she prayed as they walked through the large room, if he doesn't touch her everything might turn out all right.

  He momentarily hugged her waist in an intimate gesture as though saying I know how you feel but let's not have any misunderstanding. I intend to touch you, touch every part of your body, whether exposed or hidden, to awaken you from your long sleep. His sociable, decorous touch had so aroused her erotic and impassioned imagination that Nicole felt ashamed. She could not let her emotions run away with her. She must stay calm.

  "Nicole," he halted, gazing at her intently.

  Why in damnation did he have to be so good-looking. She tried to look inscrutable, afraid he would read her thoughts.

  "Nothing will happen tonight that you don't want. I promise you that."

  What was she supposed to say? She could not admit that the problem was just those things she wanted and not those she did not want. She couldn't reveal the impact his mere presence had on her and how much she despised herself for feeling so attracted to him after all the grief he had caused. He smiled slowly and she felt drawn into the depths she saw in his eyes.

  "Nothing you don't want," he repeated.

  They entered the open dining room overlooking the sea and for a minute she stopped still in her tracks. The dining terrace was lit by a score of glimmering candles.

  Daniel held out a chair and then sat across the round table set with Wedgwood china and crystal. Joseph and Marie entered so silently that Nicole felt their presence only when they served the first course and Joseph filled the long-stemmed crystal goblets.

  "It's so gorgeous here," she looked around the room, "and even though I always felt Cairns was the loveliest place on earth it can't compare to the spectacular beauty here. You're a fortunate man."

  "I suppose I've had more than my fair share of luck."

  "I always knew you'd succeed. I never had any doubt about that."

  She began to eat the salmon mousse which was shaped like a fish and decorated with tarragon leaves and capers. She took another sip of wine.

  He grinned at her. "I'm glad you like this house. I bought it because it reminded me of you, even though I didn't believe I would ever see you again."

  "Truly, I consider it a compliment to be the inspiration for such a place."

  "That's why I was so anxious for you to come here. I knew you would fall in love."

  He was so cocksure of himself. Over his light-gray cotton shirt, casually elegant, he wore a dark blazer that emphasized his height and broad shoulders. An expensive Patek Phillip watch on his right wrist radiated success and power.

  "It was a dirty trick to bring me here." She couldn't project the appropriately angry tone and he laughed, a laugh that made him seem relaxed and carefree.

  "I knew you'd probably hate me for it but I felt it was worth the risk."

  She couldn't help herself and grinned back, attempting all the while to maintain a vestige of dignity and not burst into laughter. "To tell the truth, I was furious how you fooled me but the sunset disarmed me. The sight was so stunning that all the negative feelings like rage and vindictiveness seemed so..." she searched for the right word, "unworthy."

  He looked at her affectionately. "I would have given a lot to be with you at that moment, to look into your eyes and see that magical green shine with wonder."

  She looked at him entranced, hypnotized by his enticing words.

  The spell was broken when Marie entered, tray in hand, and removed the empty plates and glasses. The next course was served with clean glasses filled with red wine. Nicole tasted. "I'm not an expert in wines but this is wonderful."

  "It's excellent," Daniel agreed. "It’s a Mouton Baron Philippe 1970. I received both it and the wine we will drink with the main course from the Baroness Rothschild when she and her husband visited a year ago. It's from their vineyards."

  "You're trying to impress me."

  He laughed. "I am."

  The conversation shifted to other topics. She told Daniel about her painting and the well-established galleries in Sydney and Brisbane where her works had been exhibited. About her trip to Europe two years ago and her plans to travel to India next summer. He described the movie he was directing, gave an account of his parents' move to a house on Long Island and his plans for a documentary on his childhood in the immigrant neighborhood of Brooklyn. "I'm still undecided because I feel the film may be too personal, too revealing. But the idea intrigues me."

  The main dish, herbed rack of lamb, was served and Nicole had to admit to herself that she enjoyed his company. Although they spoke of personal matters he was careful to avoid assailing her with distressing and painful memories and slowly she thawed in the tranquillity of the evening.

  One by one the candles dimmed and flickered out. Nicole noticed but said nothing, not wanting to spoil the atmosphere.

  "Shall we dance?"

  She hesitated. It was one thing to enjoy his company while they sipped wine and spoke idly and another thing entirely to be in his arms, to feel his sinewy body beside hers.

  "I don't think it's such a good idea, Daniel," she murmured, but he clasped her hand and drew her to her feet.

  "Come! Relax and enjoy yourself. I won't harm you." He led her away from the table as the dramatic and exhilarating music of the tango swirled about them. With the first sensuous steps she lost any desire to resist. In this dance a man was a man and a woman a woman. The air was charged with intimacy. They whirled in perfect unison and she surrendered to the ecstasy of his body so close to hers. His hand moved from her back to her neck. Before she divined his intention he released her barrette and ran his fingers through the golden curls released from all constraint.

  "I've wanted to do this all night. To see that marvelous hair frame your face, fall from your shoulders to your back," he said into her ear. "It always reminded me of a cascade of shimmering gold coins."

  She lifted her head and found herself looking straight into his eyes. They were as opaque as blue velvet.

  She was overcome. Her body melted into his, her lips thirsted for his. His arms embracing her, they danced to distant spheres, consumed in a frenzy of desire. When the music stopped she remained motionless in his arms which refused to release her.

  "Daniel," she whispered. She stepped back and he let her go.

  Her legs barely carried her as she sank into a chair and tried to catch her breath.

  He stood still, looking at her. "I know you want me. You can't run any more. You...” He stopped in mid-sentence and Nicole could have sworn the expression on his face was one of consternation. The room brightened and She turned a

  Marie, Joseph and James stood in the doorway holding an enormous cake with twenty-nine candles. Before she could utter a word they burst out singing 'Happy Birthday To You'. Marie placed the cake carefully on the table and they formed a small semi-circle around her.

  "Happy birthday, Nicole," Daniel smiled at her.

  She wanted to thank them and tell them how they had touched her but the words refused to come out. She looked at them and back again at the cake and two large tears dropped onto her cheeks.

  "Why are you crying, dear?" asked Marie, concerned.

  "She is crying because she's happy," Daniel repeated the explanation he had been given eight years ago. "You're happy, aren't you?" he asked gently and Nicole nodded.

  Relieved, they laughed.

  "Now you can blow out the candles and make a wish," said James. "We can't wait to taste this luscious cake Marie has been baking all day long."

  Nicole blew out all the candles in one long breath and her small audience clapped hands delightedly. It was like celebrating with a real family. She felt loved and important and clung to the moment even if it should prove illusory.

  Daniel handed her the knife and Nicole cut the cake, giving every one a thick slice. They sat around the table and the conversation was lighthearted. James recounted amusing anecdotes of service with his former employer, an eminent English lord, and they applauded with enthusiasm when he imitated the nasal accents of the British aristocracy.

  After a short while Marie and Joseph cleared the table and James bid them all good night.

  "The coffee will be ready in a moment," Marie said as she and Joseph left the room. "Where would you like to be served?"

  "In the living room," Daniel answered, "it's getting chilly."

  Nicole and Daniel went indoors and Nicole was suddenly aware of her loose hair. What would they think? The thought embarrassed her but it was too late to do anything about it, and besides, everyone had acted as though it was perfectly all right. Maybe they hadn't noticed.

  The living room, which Nicole had seen fleetingly as she walked through, was large but informal and unpretentious. The lamps glowed softly and the oversized sofas looked inviting. Daniel removed his blazer as Marie entered carrying a tray with coffee. "I'll see you tomorrow, dear. If you want, I'll give you a tour of my kitchen."

  Nicole waited for her footsteps to die away before lighting into Daniel.

  "You take everything for granted, don't you? I have no intention of spending the night here. I want to leave right now." She suddenly felt foolish and childish.

  "And where will you go?"

  "I insist you take me home," she said weakly, knowing she had already capitulated.

  "That's impossible, and besides, it's early yet. It's only ten-thirty and I still haven't given you your birthday present."

  He walked over to the black cabinet near the wall and opened one of the drawers. He returned and sat by her side, presenting her with a box wrapped with a gold ribbon. She looked at him protestingly, intending to spurn his gift, but something held her back.

  Now she understood! He hadn't intended to impress her. He tried to make an old dream come true and give her the feeling she belonged to a warm and loving family. He wanted to pamper her.

  She opened the box and cried out in surprise. It was a necklace. Colombian emerald, aquamarine and tourmaline set in various shapes and sizes.

  "I love buying you emeralds. It's your stone."

  "It… It's…"

  "Just don't start crying again," he entreated and she caught the impish gleam in his eye.

  "I don't know what to say. This is the most enchanting jewelry I've ever seen but I really can't accept this from you."

  "Why not?"

  "It's so beautiful! And so expensive!"

  He looked at her uncomprehendingly for a moment and then burst into laughter. A happy, uncomplicated laugh. "You haven't changed a bit."

  She pushed him away in mock anger with a spontaneous movement and as he fell backwards, he drew her closer. She found herself lying on top of him, her hair brushing his face and her lips just inches away from his.

  "Stay here tonight," he said, his mesmerizing eyes never leaving hers. "I want to wake up in the morning with you at my side. I want to feel your warm body next to mine.” He drew a deep breath. "I need you so badly." He gently lifted her hair from her face.

  She knew she must decide. She must make the timeless choice between the heart and the mind. She longed to be part of him, to feel once again the passions only he could arouse. She craved his love. But she knew his love was for one night only. Tomorrow he would forget her and she would be alone once again.

  A swift movement and he turned over, his arms pinning her beneath him. His eyes were two shining sapphires as he declared, "I won't leave you again, Nicole. You're part of my life."

  He didn't declare his love for her, but it was enough. Her body relaxed and all her defenses fell. She pulled his head down, with a desperate need to finally assuage the hunger that tormented her. One arm slid under her head as the second found her throat. His lips were hot and voluptuous and she met them willingly. His tongue separated her lips and met hers. Time stood still. She moved beneath him and pushed her knees up between his legs. He held her close, his mouth continuing to arouse her red hot desire. She could feel his hardness pressing the center of her erotic desire and increased her urgent pressure. He groaned and lifted his head as she opened her eyes and met his, enflamed by ardor. He freed himself from her embrace and stood up. With a swift gesture he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He pushed the door open and put her down in the middle of the room. The porch lantern cast a subdued light.

  "Wait!" She disengaged herself. "Turn around until I tell you to look."

  He complied. She ran to the living room and scooped up the chain and the earrings in her purse.

  "You can turn around now."

  He opened his eyes and stared at her. He was silent for a long minute and raising his hand to her earlobe, touched the green stones, and then lowering it, touched the chain at her neck.

  "I wasn't sure you'd remember," he said, his eyes moving slowly from her face to her throat to her naked body. She stood before him, stripped of her clothes except for the narrow lace underpants hugging her hips. She was exactly as he remembered her. Delicate and at the same time daring and sensual, aware of her femininity and its power over him.

  This was the woman he loved.

  The palm of his hand continued its slow glide downwards. He could feel the hammering of her heart and the tremor of desire. She moaned softly as he sat on the wide bed behind them, pulling at her hips until she stood between his legs. He kissed her smooth, flat belly and his teeth bit lightly at the velvet skin above the lace. She ran her fingers through his hair and lifted her head, closing her eyes. Pleasure spread through her body in ever-widening circles. His mouth kept moving around the thin lace of the underpants as his hands removed the last barrier between her and his lips. She was under his spell. She saw and heard nothing. She only felt the ecstasy coursing through her until it reached the hidden point between her thighs, lifting her to heights she had never known till now. She was lost in a paradise of pleasure.

  "Daniel," she repeated his name, "oh, Daniel."

  His hands left her hips and he swiftly removed his shirt and divested himself of the rest of his clothes. She could neither speak nor move, only stare at his perfect physique with eyes drunk with sensuousness. He lifted her and lay her down on the bed. She drew him close as her body arched. Her hands moved over the muscles rippling on his back, finding the indentations of his pelvis. He stroked her hair, pushing her head back, kissing the throbbing vein in her neck.

  "My love," he groaned.

  He deliberately slowed his movements and she opened her veiled eyes.

  "Tell me what you want," he commanded softly and she obeyed.

  "I want to make love with you."

  He raised himself an
d penetrated her. Her body stiffened suddenly, unused to the sensation. He lifted his head, a look of surprise in his eyes.

  "I haven't been with anyone for a very long time."

  He said softly, "I won't hurt you."

  He moved within her, at first slowly and gently, letting her set the rhythm of their desire. Her wanton movements stoked the fire that devoured him, and they united as they gave themselves up to the rapture of the ancient ritual of love.

  The sun's rays crept over the horizon when they finally fell asleep in a close embrace.

  Chapter Five

  Long past dawn a shaft of sunlight caressed Nicole's body as she awoke. Her eyes still shut she stretched, allowing the warmth to enter.

  "Good morning," a motherly voice said.

  "Good morning," she shyly replied to Marie’s greeting. What must Marie think of her? But Marie looked at her affectionately as though it was the most natural thing in the world to find Nicole in her employer's bed.

  "What time is it?"

  "Almost eleven."

  "Where is Daniel?"

  "He went for a dip in the sea. He said he'd be back soon. His instructions were that I bring you toiletries and a choice of clothes. We thought you would be glad to wear something clean and fresh as you didn't bring a spare set of your own."

  Almighty God! Did he really think she would agree to wear the cast-off clothes of his former lovers? "No thank you, Marie, I prefer to wear my own."

  Marie seemed flustered. "I'm very sorry but I sent your clothes for dry-cleaning into Port Vila and they won't be delivered until this afternoon."

  "Really?" Nicole was stunned. The nerve of him. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness but I think I'll wait here until Daniel returns."

  Marie looked perturbed but made no comment. She left the room and Nicole, still in bed, looked around. The room was flooded with light that poured in from the outsized windows. Recliners and ottomans in various designs and stripes of beige and cream were smothered with soft pillows, vases were filled with orange and white flowers and the tables were piled high with books, magazines and albums. On the dresser was a nineteenth century camera. A large painting hung over the sitting area and Nicole stood, wrapping the sheet about her, to see it better. Dated 1852, it was by Thomas Rossiter and portrayed a young family - father, mother and two children - in front of their house, which was set high on a hill by the shores of a lake. A sudden ache gripped her chest. Those young parents could have been Daniel and herself.


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