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Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4)

Page 11

by M. E. Nesser

  “Like what you’re touching?” he asked.

  “More than anything I’ve ever touched before. Your skin is soft but every part of your body is hard as a rock.”

  “There is another part of me that is hard as a rock. If my boxers are in the way, feel free to take them off of me,” he suggested.

  I reached into the back of them and shimmied them down. When they reached his thighs, I used my toes to pull them the rest of the way off. As my hands went back to feel his ass, I felt him reach behind my body and mimic what I was doing. Our midsections were rubbing together as we kissed and massaged each other’s asses.

  At some point, Chad lifted my shirt up and over my head so our chests were melting into one another. I could feel his erection against my stomach. He was incredibly hard and I had the strongest urge to touch it. I pulled back slightly so I could get my hand between our bodies. When I found what I was looking for, I wrapped my fist around him and began to stroke him up and down. Every few strokes, I would reach under his penis and fondle his sac. It was heavy and tight. Since there was this new space between us, he reached in front of me and massaged my clit as I continued to touch him. He kept using his fingers to glide down my soaking entrance. The harder I stroked him, the deeper he buried his fingers. While he filled me with his fingers, he was still able to use the palm of his hand to put just the right amount of pressure on my clit.

  As the intensity grew, I sucked on his mouth, his jaw and his neck with a renewed purpose. Whatever part of his body I could get my mouth on was as necessary as the shallow breaths I was taking. He sucked on me with the same amount of enthusiasm. The pressure we were putting on our midsections was becoming more frantic as we were both chasing our release.

  “You are so fucking sexy Emily,” he groaned into my ear.

  That’s all it took. I found myself biting his shoulder as I came. I must have squeezed him even harder while I climaxed because I felt him explode in my hand and all over my stomach. Holy crap, I could not get enough of this man.

  When we came down from our mutual highs, we both laid back on our respective pillows. I started to laugh. “My God, you are probably the sexiest man on the planet. My body has never felt this alive.” I turned my head to look at him. “You’re incredible.”

  I heard Chad laugh as he looked at me. “You’re pretty damn sexy yourself. Wow, that was fun.” Fun was an understatement.

  He turned his body towards me again and snuggled against the front of my body. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me lovingly on the lips. He was such a strong man but he treated me so gently. I felt safe and adored. It was a heady combination. “Good night, Emily. I’d like to say I’m sorry we didn’t get any studying done but I’m not. You’re much more interesting than the crap we were supposed to read. Tonight was awesome, and so are you. Now let’s get some rest. We have a lot of reading to catch up on tomorrow.”

  I knew he was right but I wasn’t sure I would ever come down from this high I was experiencing. I turned away from him and rolled on my right side, and he snuggled as close as possible against my back. This incredibly hot guy was turning my world upside down, and now he was spooning me. He felt strong, powerful, gentle, and loving all wrapped up in one beautiful package. There were a million thoughts roaming around my head and even more feelings stirring in my body. His left arm reached around me and held my left hand. His right arm reached above my head and rubbed my scalp. I was asleep in a few minutes.



  I woke up with a mane of dark-brown hair in my face and a warm body snuggled up next to me. I could feel my morning erection against her back. I pushed her hair off of my face and then brushed it off of her own. I ran my fingers through her hair and stared at her profile. She really was beautiful. My fingers must have been just enough to wake her.

  “Are you staring at me?” she mumbled.

  She never said the expected. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. You are a beautiful woman, Emily.”

  She rolled toward me so we were face to face. She grabbed my face and pulled my mouth to hers. She kissed me gently. I kissed her back with more conviction.

  “Thank you for sleeping over last night. That is the best I have slept in a really long time,” I told her.

  “Me too. Hey, what time is it?” she asked.

  “Almost eight. We’d better get up.” Getting out of bed was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to spend the entire day in bed with this little vixen. It was obvious Emily felt the same way. She gave me a chaste peck on the lips and reluctantly got out of bed. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. I slowly got up and started getting clothes out for the day. I was really hoping we would have had more time.

  She came out of the bathroom dressed and ready for the day. She put her hair in a ponytail, which made her look young and playful. I loved the fact that she was wearing the same clothes two days in a row. I don’t think the ‘old Emily,’ as she referred to herself last night, would have been so nonchalant about not having a change of clothes. It was fun putting a kink in her structured life. My plan was to shake things up for her on a more regular basis.

  “Hurry up,” she said. “I want to stop by the deli and grab a coffee and croissant on the way to class.”

  “Ah, the romance is over. My damsel desires caffeine and carbs. Give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready.”

  The deli wasn’t too crowded, and we made it to class by five minutes to nine. We sat next to each other, and I felt a connection to her that was intense yet comforting. I smiled at her. She smiled back. We discovered a lot about one another in a short time and it was impossible for me not to be excited about how the relationship was progressing. Now it was time to concentrate, however. Law school took a lot of time and effort and we were both determined to excel. Since I no longer had to speculate whether or not she was interested in me, I could truly focus.

  After the very long and complicated lecture, Emily and I agreed that Mexican food was calling us. We went back to our favorite place to get burritos. We chatted about everything and about nothing. We had a lifetime of experiences we wanted to share with each other. We agreed we should go our separate ways after our afternoon classes, or we would never get any of our schoolwork done. When the second afternoon class ended, I mentioned I was hungry.

  “Well…we both need to eat. Why don’t we grab something at the cafeteria, and then we’ll go our separate ways?” she suggested. It was obvious neither one of us wanted to be alone.

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. I was looking forward to spending more time with her. “That sounds good to me. Let’s go.”

  I took my time eating because I didn’t want our time together to be over. “Where are you off to after we finish?” I asked her.

  “Probably to the library. If I go back to Dad’s place, I’ll probably fall asleep. What about you?” she asked me.

  “I was thinking the same thing. This is silly. Why don’t we just go over to the library together?”

  She looked like she was processing the most complicated theory. “I think that would be nice. I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to concentrate,” she said worriedly. “Your maleness is quite distracting you know,” she said with a huge smile on her face. I couldn’t help but remember when she teased me about my maleness last night.

  “Well, I’ll try to keep my maleness under control as best as possible. It’ll be tricky, but I’d do anything for you. Listen, I promise if we can’t be productive in the same room, I’ll go somewhere else. Deal?”

  “Deal.” We both laughed because we had made the same deal the previous day, but it hadn’t worked out like we’d planned. We cleared the table and walked to the library. I loved the kind of deals we made. I was so tempted to take her hand while we walked. I couldn’t believe how badly I wanted to touch this girl. I resisted because we both needed to get some work done. The simple act of touching her would most likely get us both riled up.

  We found a smal
l table in the back of the library. Most of the tables were full. It was very quiet. We sat down and reached into our bags to retrieve the materials we each needed. A part of me was relieved to be sitting next to her. Another part of me was confused by all of the intense feelings I was experiencing.

  We each pulled out a book and started reading. About an hour later, Emily stood up. “I’m going to get something to drink. Can I get you anything?” she asked me.

  “An iced tea would be great. Thanks.”

  She scooted off and was back before I had a chance to start reading any more. I must have been daydreaming since the moment she’d walked off. She sat down and handed me the iced tea. When I touched her hand, I felt a heat. We definitely had a physical connection that was very intense.

  We spent another two hours reading, before I noticed Emily kept trying to stifle her yawning.

  “C’mon, Em, let’s get going. We need to get you to bed.”

  “Em, huh? That’s what my sister, Sara, calls me. I like hearing it out of a man’s mouth. And you’re right, I’m beat. But what is this ‘we’ business you’re talking about?”

  Oh, crap, maybe I was sounding pushy. I didn’t want to scare her. “No, I just mean you should get going. You were starting to close your eyes as you were sitting here. Listen, I’ll wait for a cab with you.”

  We gathered our books and walked outside. The area in front of the library was pretty deserted. We had a short walk to get to the street so we could flag down a cab.

  “Should we share a cab?” Emily suggested.

  I didn’t think that was a good idea. “No, our places aren’t in the same direction. It’ll just end up wasting time and costing us more.” Boy, being reasonable was not feeling right.

  “You’re probably right.” She sounded disappointed. I turned to face her. She looked disappointed too. I needed to touch her again. It had been too long.

  I moved closer to her and wrapped her body in my arms. My mouth found her, and we began to explore each other. She could titillate my senses with her mouth alone. I found myself backing her up against the front of a small building. She pulled me closer and started pulling at my hair. God, I loved how that felt.

  Her one hand tangled in my hair while her other hand slid down my back and pulled my hips closer to her. I could feel her pushing her midsection against mine. This girl was insatiable. There we were making out in public again. Granted there were hardly any people around, but it wouldn’t have mattered if there were.

  I nuzzled her neck, and I could hear her panting in my ear. If we didn’t watch ourselves, we were going to get arrested for indecent exposure. That was something neither one of us could risk, with getting law degrees. I backed away from her reluctantly.

  “What is it with you and the sides of buildings?” I asked. “If you don’t get going, we’re going to get busted for lewd behavior, and we can’t risk that.”

  Emily pulled her coat up and gave me a defeated smile. “You’re right. We’d better call it a night.” She walked to the street and waited for a cab to pass by. One showed up within a few minutes. She looked at me sadly like she didn’t want to leave me, which I didn’t want her to do, and said, “Good night, Chad. Until tomorrow.”

  “Night, Em.”

  I found myself a cab a few minutes later and went back to my apartment. It was pretty late by the time I walked into my place, and I realized I was beat. I whipped off my clothes and crawled into bed. Emily was the last thing I thought of before I fell asleep.



  I woke up the following morning and couldn’t believe it was Friday already. With my new infatuation with Chad, I was losing track of time. I was getting my work done, but I was having a really difficult time concentrating. I had this nagging feeling that there was something going on that night, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what it was. I got up and walked into the kitchen to look at the calendar I’d put on the refrigerator. Oh, crap. It was the BIC Benefit.

  BIC referred to Believe in a Cure. My father and grandmother had started the foundation after she’d gone through treatment for breast cancer. The benefit raised a great deal of money for cancer patients and their families every year. BIC had helped countless families in and out of the New York City limits. My sister had even been working there for a few years.

  I was supposed to be going with Martin that night. I doubted he had removed it from his calendar. I was sure he had figured out that I wouldn’t be going with him and that I wouldn’t want him there. He was pretty dense, however. He may still have thought we were going together since he left countless voicemails on my phone demanding me to return home where I belonged. God, that would be awkward if he showed up. I thought I’d better send him a message to reiterate that we wouldn’t be going together.

  “There is no need for you to come tonight since we aren’t dating.”

  A few minutes passed before I heard back from him.

  “When are you going to stop this foolishness and come back here where you belong?” I thought he would have gotten the hint when I didn’t return the countless messages he left me.

  Had he not read what I’d written? He was incorrigible…and frustrating.

  “It’s over, Martin. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”

  “It’s not over. I’ll meet you at the benefit tonight, and we will talk.”

  Why wouldn’t he get the hint? I didn’t want to be with him anymore. What could I say to make him understand? Then I had an idea.

  “I’m taking someone else with me. Don’t embarrass yourself by showing up.”

  “Taking your sister does not constitute as a date. I’ll meet you there.”

  “No, please don’t. I’m bringing another man.”

  “Another man? Have you been cheating on me?”

  “No, I haven’t been cheating on you. I’ve met someone since we broke up. That’s all.”

  “Well, aren’t you just like your mother? One good man wasn’t enough for you.”

  “It was unexpected. I have to go.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this to us. It’s going to be the biggest mistake of your life.”

  I didn’t respond to the last message. I couldn’t. I was too upset. He was delusional. He couldn’t get it through his thick skull that I wasn’t going back to him. Hopefully telling him I was going with another man would keep him away. Now I had to see if that other man would be willing to join me.

  I was almost late getting to class, so I knew I’d have to wait until the class ended before I could talk to Chad. As the professor walked away from the podium, I turned to Chad. “I need to ask you something. Are you by chance free tonight?”

  He smiled at me before answering. “Are you asking me on a date?” Oh, he was being cute.

  “As a matter of fact, I am—”

  “I accept.” He playfully interrupted me.

  “You don’t even know what we’re doing,” I said sternly.

  “I don’t care. As long as we do it together, I’m sure it will be fun.”

  He was so pleasantly agreeable. “I need to be honest with you though. It’s a black-tie affair. It’s for a cancer foundation my dad and grandma started. There’s an open bar, dancing, and a lot of gourmet food. They raise a great deal of money every year. It’s actually the function where my father fell in love with his wife, Katharine.

  “Anyway, I was supposed to go with Martin. I messaged him today to remind him it isn’t necessary for him to accompany me, since we broke up. He was still planning to come so he could talk to me. He thinks I’m going back to him. I never will. I’m sure of that. He wouldn’t concede to staying away until I told him I had a date. He assumed it was my sister. I told him it was a man. I was hoping you would be that man.”

  Chad listened to me patiently while I blurted all of that out. I sat still, just waiting for a response. He rested his elbows on the table and put his chin in his hands. “So let me get this straight. I might get the chan
ce to duke it out with ole Marty at a formal party dressed in a tuxedo? I am so in!” He beamed.

  “Well, I hope he won’t show, but if he does, I would be proud to have you by my side defending my fragile and tainted honor, as he so rudely suggested.”

  “Oh, you’re giving me ammunition. Believe me, I don’t need any. I hope he shows up. I’d love to show him what he lost.”

  Chad stood up and grabbed his stuff. We were walking toward the door when he stopped me. “Hey, you know anywhere I can rent a tux? I can’t say I have one just lying around in my closet.”

  I had no clue. “Let me ask my dad. He’ll probably know where you can get one. Let me give him a call.”

  “I’ll meet up with you later. I have a meeting with my advisor in a few minutes. We can figure the specifics out after next class.” Chad sauntered away in the sexiest, most cavalier way. He wasn’t trying to do anything noteworthy but simply walk, but his muscular frame and confident demeanor exuded sex. I continued to watch him until he rounded a corner and was out of my sight. Man, I was getting more smitten by the minute.

  I went and sat down on a bench so I could call my dad. He picked up on the first ring. “How is my aspiring attorney today?” he asked me.

  “I’m actually doing great, Daddy. Listen, I have a question. I’m bringing a friend with me tonight to the benefit, and he needs to get a tux. Any suggestions where he can rent one?”

  “So you aren’t bringing Martin?”

  “Absolutely not. I even messaged him today reminding him that we weren’t dating anymore and that he shouldn’t come tonight. He still thinks I’m moving back in with him. He doesn’t believe it’s over. I hope he doesn’t show tonight.”

  “So who’s the young man you’re bringing with you?”


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