Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4)

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Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4) Page 14

by M. E. Nesser

  The pressure was building. I loved the sexual rides he took me on. I stroked his penis with one hand as I clawed his back with the other. I couldn’t believe how quickly I was about to climax while getting fingered by this absolutely seductive man. The more frustrated I became, the harder I stroked him. We found an intense rhythm that was electrifying. I was completely under his spell and my body could not get enough.

  “Chad, I uh…I uh…” I couldn’t even put together a complete sentence. All the blood was between my legs, and it was becoming painful.

  “Just relax and let go, baby. I want to feel all of your passion. C’mon, focus on the pleasure…how good it feels…how much you want more…”

  Before I could respond to his seductive speech, I found myself quivering from the most intimate part of me. He rubbed my clit with such expertise that I yelled as I came. The orgasm was explosive. I’m not sure if the alcohol made me less inhibited with him, but I felt the release in every square inch of my body. My eyes were closed, and I felt flushed and breathless. Even though I felt a tingly sensation everywhere and was having a difficult time staying focused, I kept stroking him, because my pussy continued to spasm from his touch.

  I was interrupted by the most mesmerizing groan. Holy shit. Chad was climaxing along with me. He made a sensual sound and then said my name as his body became even harder and exploded in my hand. It was so exciting; I kept stroking him until I could feel his body calm down.

  As I felt myself relax, I began to feel a little shy by what had just happened. I never yelled like that before. Chad must have sensed my apprehension. I felt him pull his hand out of my panties and put his fingers in his mouth. “Now, don’t you taste scrumptious,” he said seductively.

  Holy crap, he licked his fingers. I pulled my hands out of his boxers and did the same thing. Oh, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had the fleeting memory of Sara telling me that semen tasted kind of gross. It wasn’t gross, just different.

  “Not so bad yourself,” I told him.

  He laughed and lowered my body so I was lying back down on the pillow. He leaned his body over mine and started kissing me. I was eager to kiss him back. My body was tingling everywhere. After a few minutes, he leaned his head back and looked at me intently in the eyes.

  “You OK?” he asked me gently.

  “Yeah…better than OK. I just can’t seem to control myself with you.”

  “Why would you want to do that? I’m hoping to make you lose control over and over again,” he assured me. “Believe me, that was just the warm-up.”

  “You’re definitely taking me out of my comfort zone,” I told him honestly.

  “That sounds like the best idea ever. You know, I may just have to make it my mission to provide you with as many orgasms as humanly possible. How does that sound?”

  I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but it sounded like a great idea. “Sounds like a plan,” I told him.

  He kissed me again lovingly. I felt like I could kiss him forever, but I was really tired. “I hate to say this, Chad, but I’m exhausted. Want to call it a night?”

  “Sure. Do you want me to call a cab?”

  “Absolutely not. It’s late, and I want you to stay. I love sleeping with you.”

  Chad stood up and reached for my hand to help me up. “Let’s go, princess.” He led me toward my room.

  I excused myself, snuck into the bathroom, and changed into a nightshirt. I loved wearing oversize T-shirts to bed. I brushed my teeth quickly and used a makeup remover cloth to wipe some of the makeup off. I found an extra toothbrush under the sink and left it on the counter for him.

  As I walked out of the bathroom, Chad was walking toward me. He looked at me and smiled. He was standing there still wearing his snug boxer briefs. Holy crap, he was hot. I couldn’t believe how chiseled every muscle on his perfectly sculpted and tanned body was. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at him.

  “Everything OK?” he asked me.

  “Uh…yeah. I just can’t believe you stay that fit since we don’t have much time to work out. You look like a Greek God and I just…uh…can’t get over how fucking sexy you are.” The alcohol and our make out sessions compelled me to be as open as possible with this man. “Anyway, I left a new toothbrush in there for you, if you’d like to brush your teeth.” I felt like I was stammering over every word. I’d never realized a man’s body could turn me on so much. His very presence exuded a level of sexuality I never knew existed.

  “Thanks. I’d love to brush my teeth.” Chad gave me a huge smile and went into the bathroom, and I stood there trying to figure out what to do. On one hand I was utterly exhausted. On the other hand, I was completely exhilarated. The reasonable side of my brain won out, and I crawled under the covers. I laid there for only a few minutes before Chad exited the bathroom. He walked over to the far side of the bed, turned off the light, and crawled under the covers next to me. I turned toward him so we were facing each other.

  “Thank you for tonight,” he said quietly. “I had a great time.”

  He made my heart flutter. “No, I need to thank you. Tonight was magical.” I boldly leaned forward and kissed him.

  He kissed me back and then said, “OK, enough of this. We need some rest. Roll on your other side.”

  I did as I was told. He wrapped his body around mine and started to brush my hair away from my face with his fingertips.

  “That feels really nice,” I said sleepily.

  “I’m glad. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day that I am thoroughly looking forward to.”

  He moved his hand from my head to wrap his arm around my torso. I could totally get used to this. He felt amazing snuggling against me. I put my arm under his, and within a few minutes I was sound asleep.



  I woke up to a beautiful woman wrapped around me. It was a wonderful way to start my day. Emily had one arm curled under mine and the other wrapped around my waist. One of her legs was draped between mine, and her head was nestled by my neck.

  I couldn’t remember ever cuddling with a woman like that before. I felt warm, and the connection I was experiencing with this woman made the warmth an aphrodisiac. I found myself rubbing her back as I watched her sleep. I wanted to touch her. I needed to touch her. She must have sensed my movement. I could feel her gradually come out of her slumber.

  “Chad?” I heard her whisper.

  “I’m right here, princess. How did you sleep?” I asked her.

  “Better than I’ve ever slept…ever. Wow, what time is it?”

  I looked over at the small clock next to the bed. “It’s eight thirty. I don’t remember sleeping this good either. Heck, I can’t remember the last time I slept past seven.”

  “Oh crap, I’m late.” Emily jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

  “What are you late for?” I asked loudly, so she could hear me through the closed door.

  “I promised Sara we would meet for breakfast and then go shopping for a baptism outfit for Brian. We’re supposed to meet at nine. I should have said something last night. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize,” I told her. “I really need to hit the library today. Since we’ve met I’ve gotten a little behind on my studies, and I need to get some work done.”

  “Well, I won’t apologize for being a distraction. This has been one of the best weeks of my life,” she said as she came over to the bed to sit beside me. She put her hand on my chest, and I covered her hand with my own.

  “Well, the fun has only begun,” I said as I squeezed her hand. “I have a lot of things planned for us. I’ll get dressed quickly and get out of your way.”

  “Take your time. You can let yourself out whenever you’re ready. I’m going to run, though. Talk to you later?” she asked me cautiously.

  “Of course. I’ll talk to you in a few hours. Have fun with Sara.” I kissed her quickly, and she skipped out of the room. Emily was so much happier than she had been nearly a week earlier. I felt
extremely good about being the reason for her lighthearted mood.

  I stayed in bed for a few minutes, going over everything that had transpired between the two of us the previous night. I could tell Emily was eager to explore her sexuality. I was looking forward to taking our relationship to the next level. I still couldn’t believe she’d stayed with her last boyfriend as long as she had. It had to be quite a sacrifice for her.

  I loved how responsive her body was to mine. I couldn’t wait to make love to her. But I would wait as long as she wanted me too. Sometimes passion takes time. As long as I was the one to introduce it to her, I’d be happy. Now I had to focus and get some studying done.



  I ran into the diner, and I saw Sara sitting at a booth in the corner. She was alone. “Where’s the baby?” I asked her.

  “Katharine offered to watch him so you and I could have some girl time. Damn, you look great, sis. It must have something to do with the hunky California boy. OK, fess up, what’s going on with him?”

  I didn’t know where to start. “He’s amazing, Sara. I’ve never felt like this before. He stayed with me at dad’s place last night.” I had to admit that to her. It was too exciting not to share with someone.

  Sara looked shocked. “Wow, I didn’t see that coming. You just broke up with Martin. That was fast, huh?”

  I felt like I needed to explain. “Nothing happened. Well, that isn’t exactly true. We did make out. And Sara, it was the kind of make out that has never happened to me before. It was so…hot!” Now I was embarrassed.

  “Ooh, the California boy knows how to push your buttons?” she wondered with a huge smile on her face.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m not used to that. I was a little embarrassed by how intensely my body responded to him, but he was incredibly loving and affectionate. He made me feel beautiful and adored. It’s all so new and so unbelievably wonderful.”

  “But you didn’t do it? Where did he sleep?” she asked.

  “We slept together, but that’s all we did was sleep. It’s actually the second time we’ve slept together without…you know. I’ve never spooned with someone before. You know who needed his space, so I didn’t interrupt his sleep, as he liked to say. Chad and I made a pact never to speak his name again. We were wrapped around each other like we had been sleeping together for years. It felt amazing, and I have to admit I’ve never slept that soundly in my entire life. He admitted he had never slept that well before. I can’t believe how my life has changed in less than a week.”

  Sara reached over and grabbed my hand. “I’m so happy for you. It’s about time you left Mr. Stuffy Pants. What happened when he showed up last night? I was too far away to hear what you said to him.”

  “I told him it was over. I was grateful to have Chad by my side. Martin and I exchanged a few volatile words, and he left. I think he gets it now. I know he’s not happy about it, and I imagine I’ll hear from him again, but I don’t care. I have zero regrets.”

  Sara kept smiling at me. “I’m so psyched for you, but I don’t understand something. Why didn’t you and Chad have sex last night?”

  I had to think about that. “I don’t know. I’m not really ready and Chad understands that. I did just move out of his place, you know. We were both tired, and we did fool around right before we went into the bedroom. Chad knows I need a little more time and has shown me the utmost respect in that department. We definitely have a connection, though, and I know the sex will be infinitely better than it was with—what did you call him? Mr. Stuffy Pants?”

  We both started laughing hysterically. The waitress came over and took our orders. She came back and poured me a cup of coffee and brought Sara an orange juice. Once she left the area, I had to ask Sara a question. “So, I need some advice.”

  “Of course. What’s up?”

  “Well…I was wondering what you do about your hair…down there?” I pointed to her lap. This was embarrassing.

  Sara laughed as she said, “I get Brazilians, Em. My girl is great. She takes about ten minutes. I can text you her number if you want.”

  I knew that was what men probably expected. I wasn’t sure. “Mr. Stuffy Pants forbade me to wax. He said he didn’t want his woman to look like an infant. Sometimes I’d shave part of it, but it always got irritated and then itched when it came back in. Waxing is better?” I needed more info.

  “Waxing is the bomb. You’ll be doing it for you, not him. You’ll feel cleaner and sexier. It’s pretty crazy. There is this weird sense of empowerment and confidence that happens when you get it all waxed off. I did it through most of the pregnancy. Have you ever waxed anything but your brows before?”

  “No. I’m scared it will hurt.”

  “It’s no big deal. The first time is the worst. After that your hair will come in finer and thinner, and it hardly hurts at all. You’ll be addicted. Trust me.”

  “I do. Thanks, Sara. I wasn’t sure what guys expect.”

  “It’ll be more about you, but he will appreciate it, trust me. Jackson loves that I wax every month. Chad will also be a fan. Want me to call her and see if you can get in today?”

  The thought of waxing it all off terrified me, but I wanted to see what it was all about. “Uh…sure.”

  I waited while Sara called the salon. The only opening was at ten thirty. Sara offered to go with me after we finished breakfast. There was no turning back now. I was getting my first Brazilian bikini wax.

  After the appointment was made, we talked about the baby as we ate our breakfast. As wild as Sara could be, it sounded like she had really adapted to being a mom. She enjoyed nursing and didn’t mind getting up in the middle of the night to feed the baby.

  Jackson was finishing his last semester at Yale that December and planned to live with the two of them and our parents once he graduated. He interned at a local adverting agency, and they told him he was guaranteed a job when he finished. I was happy for him. He was a great guy who adored my sister.

  Sara spent the summer being a mom and was now back at college. I was happy for her as well. Katharine had been a huge help from the get-go, and she’d hired a nanny so Sara could finish her degree. Sara would finish in May. It was funny because most girls would expect their mothers to help out when they had babies, but our mother was no longer a part of our lives. Thank God our father married such a wonderful lady. Katharine was as loving and attentive as any mother could be. We both loved her so much.

  After breakfast we went to the salon. The wax took only about ten minutes and didn’t hurt quite as badly as I’d thought it would. The technician was really fast and funny, and I knew I would like having this done on a regular basis. It felt very naughty being completely bald. I had never shaved it all off, so I didn’t know what it would feel like. It was like I had this dirty little secret no one would ever know about unless I told them.

  When we left the salon, we took a cab to Bloomingdale’s to buy a baptism outfit for Brian. The baby section had the cutest clothes. I loved the fact that my sister had a baby. Brian was adorable and made everyone so happy. Sara and Jackson seemed genuinely happy, and it was obvious the baby strengthened their bond.

  Before the baby was born, I’d felt jealous that my kid sister was having a child. It wasn’t like I wanted one, but I resented her for having one first. It was a silly feeling, but it was honest. Now I felt nothing but joy for everyone. Brian Collins Jensen was everyone’s beautiful child. I didn’t feel jealous at all anymore. I loved him as much as everyone else did.

  It didn’t take long to find the perfect outfit. It was a little white-satin tuxedo. We giggled like schoolgirls picking it out. It was going to be adorable on him. We also bought several hundred dollars’ worth of new outfits for him. He probably had plenty of clothes to wear, but we couldn’t help ourselves. Baby clothes were too cute.

  As we were leaving Bloomingdale’s, Sara turned to me and grabbed my arms. “Thank you so much for coming with me today. I want you to be a part of B
rian’s life, and I was worried you weren’t supportive of us having this baby.”

  “I know I was apprehensive at first, but I’m really happy for you. I love Brian, and I love you. You know that, don’t you?”

  Sara hugged me as tightly as was humanly possible. “I do know that. And I’m so grateful for you. I know we have Katharine in our lives now, but I still feel like it’s just me and you, you know?”

  I understood, and I could tell that Sara was feeling emotional. I needed to be the voice of reason. “But it’s not just us anymore. That’s what’s so wonderful. We have Dad, Katharine, Jackson, and of course the baby. We are blessed.”

  “I know. You’re right. And maybe we can add Chad in the mix?” she teased.

  “Um…maybe. I sure do like him. It’s like my whole world has been turned upside down in just a week. I haven’t even had time to process everything. I was paintballing on Tuesday and dancing at a gala on Friday. I’m excited about the next time I get to see him. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl.”

  “Well, you never dated in high school, so you are kind of like a schoolgirl. Chad is just way hotter than any guy we knew in high school, so I think it was definitely worth the wait. He is so damn sexy. If I weren’t with Jackson…” she continued to tease me.

  “Paws off, sister. I’m going to keep this one for myself. For now, at least.”

  We both started laughing. Sara hugged me again, and I said good-bye to her. I had to get to the library and get some work done.



  I was born and raised in California. There is a certain laid-back and casual lifestyle that is prevalent among native California residents. We like to hang out on the beach, surf, sail, hike, and ski. Although I was raised to work hard and get good grades, my folks were adamant that my sister and I made time for physical activity and for fun. It was a great atmosphere to grow up in.

  I was a little nervous moving to New York. I knew the climate was not as favorable as California and that the lifestyle was much more hectic and intense. Although I looked forward to the change, I was leery of the kind of people I would meet. I had a few friends who had gone to college on the East Coast, and I had heard mixed reviews about their experiences. So far my experience was better than I had expected.


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