Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4)

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Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4) Page 15

by M. E. Nesser

  The program was intense but fascinating. I enjoyed learning and was determined to ace all of my classes. There were countless attorneys around the country, and I wanted to set myself apart and really make an impact on society. The East Coast programs had the better reputations, which is why I chose to go there. I wanted to get the best education possible so I could be the most qualified attorney.

  The students were a lot friendlier than I had expected. I joined two study groups, which was important to me academically and it was also a good way to meet people. I always enjoyed study groups; they helped me process material better. I was going to school with some brilliant minds, and I enjoyed our intellectual exchanges. It made me look at concepts from different points of view. Not all of the students I worked with were open-minded, but I liked to think I was. Listening to opposing arguments made me think of concepts from varying avenues, which I found fascinating. Group discussions were always helpful to me.

  Last summer I was called for jury duty. I was disappointed I wasn’t picked to be on a jury. A friend of my dad’s was an attorney, and he’d said law students were usually not picked. I wanted to experience what it was like to be a part of the process. Now I’d probably never get to serve. I did work at the district attorney’s office that summer as an intern. I learned a lot there. It was an experience that reinforced my desire to get into law.

  Excelling in law school was my main objective. Finding a girl was a secondary thought…or so I thought. Much to my surprise, I was smitten with Emily. She was bright, and I always found that attractive in a woman. And from everything I witnessed this week, she was genuine. She also seemed honest and trustworthy, which I surmised from the countless hours we spent talking. Those were all traits I found extraordinarily appealing.

  I found her physically attractive because she didn’t try too hard. She was naturally beautiful. She wore very little makeup and had a flattering wash-and-go kind of cut that obviously didn’t require a lot of time or product. I hated girls who took forever to get ready and had so much hair spray in their hair that I couldn’t run my fingers through it.

  Although she wore designer clothing, nothing she wore was flashy or ostentatious. She presented herself in an attractive and conservative manner. No one would be able to tell she came from such a wealthy family because she wasn’t stuck-up at all. In fact, she was a lot more down to earth then I expected. Her reserved demeanor wasn’t snobby, just shy. It was endearing. And once you got to know her, the shyness seemed to slip in the background. The girls I had dated before her had been more outgoing from the onset of meeting them, but they didn’t possess the characteristics that I now found important. I’d grown up and changed a lot since then. I was ready for a more adult relationship.

  I had to admit that finding out Emily was so compassionate about others and had such a great sense of humor was a welcome surprise. It might have been premature to think about the future, but she was definitely the kind of woman I could see myself with for the long haul.

  My study group was at noon on Saturdays in the part of the library where talking was permitted. There were six of us in this group. Today we debated civil rights. It got heated at times but ended well. We usually met for about an hour and a half. Today our session lasted nearly two hours.

  When we disassembled, I went to get something to eat. I grabbed a chicken sandwich and a bowl of fruit at the cafeteria. I needed to put in a few more hours in the library, but then I needed to do something physical. My legs got restless if I sat around too much.

  That gave me an idea. When Emily and I went paintballing, I saw the facility also offered laser tag. I asked her if she ever played before. She said she hadn’t, but she’d be interested in playing. That might be a fun thing to do later. I decided to send her a message.

  “Hey, Em, plans later?”

  “No. What’s up?” she replied instantly. That made me happy.

  “Laser tag?”

  “Really? I’d love to!”

  “Meet at Extreme Sports at six, then grab a bite after?”

  “I’m in.”

  “Great. I’ll call and reserve us some spots now.”

  “Thanks, Chad. See you in a bit!”

  I was so psyched she agreed to go. I could have gone alone, but that wouldn’t have been as much fun. I gave the place a call and reserved our spots. There was a group starting at six fifteen, so meeting there at six was perfect. Now I had a few hours to focus on some work, and then I could have a great night.

  Emily was waiting for me when I arrived at the facility. She was dressed casually and had her hair in a ponytail. She looked young and beautiful. “Hey there. Don’t you look cute as a button?”

  Emily blushed. “Why thank you. I’ve never really understood that expression, but I like it. I’m excited to play. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I’m glad you were free to join me. It’s much more fun to play with a friend.”

  She gave me the most radiant smile. “Well, I’m delighted you consider me a friend. I hope I can figure out the game and don’t embarrass you too much.”

  “Oh, stop it. It doesn’t matter how well you play. It’s about having a good time and figuring out the schematics. I saw how agile you were when we went paintballing. The same kind of agility is needed to play laser tag. You’re small and quick. Those are important attributes in this game,” I explained to her.

  That seemed to make her feel better. “Well, then let’s get in there and get suited up,” she said.

  The facility was an adult playground with countless shelves of equipment. The entranceway was brightly lit and the varying guns, suits and ammunition adorning the shelves made the room very colorful. The staff was young and enthusiastic and made every patron feel welcome.

  The room where the laser tag took place looked like a dungeon in a castle. There were varying levels the players could climb on and hide behind. It took a minute for our eyes to adjust to the dark, but once we could see, the battle began.

  Laser tag was a blast. There were ten guys and only two girls playing. The girls had a definite advantage, since they were both petite and agile. We played for almost an hour and a half. By the time we were done, Emily and I were both sweaty and tired. When the bell went off to signal the end of the game, I walked over to her and took my helmet off.

  “Well, what did you think?” I asked her.

  “That was so much fun,” she said enthusiastically. “I can’t thank you enough for inviting me. It was a great workout too. I never knew this place existed a week ago, and now I am obsessed with it. It’s funny how a stranger opened my eyes to new things in a city I’ve lived in my whole life.”

  “I hope you don’t see me as a stranger anymore,” I said playfully.

  She smiled and leaned toward me. “Nope…not anymore.” With that she kissed me chastely on the lips. I was so drawn by her beautiful face and flushed complexion that I wanted a better kiss than that. I reached for the side of her face and pulled her in for a kiss that made a statement.

  She didn’t hesitate to kiss me back. It was much more passionate than the first one. God, I couldn’t get enough of this girl. More than anything I wanted to take her home and ravish her body. She kissed me back with a purpose. I was getting more turned on than was appropriate in a crowded area. It took every ounce of willpower to break away from her.

  “Hungry?” I needed to create a diversion.

  She looked disappointed that I’d ended the kiss. “Yeah, actually. I am.”

  “Chinese, Japanese, Mexican? What are you in the mood for?” I asked her politely.


  “Thai? Do you have a place you’d recommend?” I hadn’t had any Thai food since I’d moved here.

  “Yep, let’s go. It’s only about fifteen blocks from here.” Emily grabbed my hand, and we left the building. We chatted the entire way. We talked about the laser tag game and how much fun we’d had. I still couldn’t believe that this woman was so agreeable to do such fun and ra
ndom things with me with so little notice. It was such a pleasant surprise. My first impression of her had been way off. Looks most definitely could be deceiving.

  It took us a little while to get to the restaurant, but I didn’t care. We never ran out of things to talk about. I was glad she wanted to walk and not take a taxi. It gave us more time together. Besides, there was a really cool vibe and energy when you walked through the streets of New York. I loved it.

  Dinner rocked. It was a little restaurant hidden away on a random side street. The tables were positioned so close to one another that I felt like I was sharing a table with the people sitting next to us. I never would have found this place on my own.

  We ate heartily and made friends with the couple sitting next to us. It was impossible not to. Emily and I both ate with chopsticks and made a point of sharing our food with one another like we had been together for years. Our comfort level was amazing. It didn’t seem possible that we’d known each other for such a short time.

  When dinner was over, I wasn’t sure what to say or do. It was the first awkward moment of the evening. I didn’t want the night to end, but I also didn’t want to pressure her. She could tell I wanted to say something.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “I, um, wanted to know what you wanted to do now. If you want to go home, I get it. Last night we were up late. I just am not looking forward to the evening ending,” I admitted honestly.

  “I don’t want the evening to end either. How about we go back to my place and watch something mindless on television and drink some wine?” she suggested.

  I was psyched that she’d offered that as an option. “I’d like that. Let’s go.” We split the bill and left the restaurant. It was obvious we were both anxious to be alone. There was a connection that made me want not only to be with her but also to touch her. Now I would have the chance again.

  We grabbed a cab and were back at her dad’s place in ten minutes. On the elevator ride up to the top floor, I could feel Emily tensing up.

  “Are you nervous? Listen, Em, I was able to sleep next to you twice and remain a perfect gentleman—well, sort of. If that’s what you’d prefer to happen again tonight, then I promise to be on my best behavior,” I assured her.

  “Thank you. The thing is I don’t want you to be a perfect gentleman. On the contrary, I’m excited and nervous about taking this to the next level. I’ve never had so much fun or done so many new things with anyone, ever, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there are countless private things I’d like to try with you,” she said to me.

  I leaned in and gave her a kiss. “Well, my lady, there are numerous private things I’d like to do with you as well. Please don’t be nervous, just excited. We won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. OK?” I told her as I looked in her eyes and held the sides of her face.

  The bell rang and the elevator opened. We walked to her door, and she unlocked it.


  We walked into the penthouse and set our bags down. “I feel pretty sweaty and would like to take a shower,” she said. “What about you?”

  “I’d love to take a shower with you,” I told her. I knew that probably wasn’t what she meant, but I liked the idea. Apparently so did she.

  “Well, let’s take a shower…uh…together,” she said cautiously.

  I didn’t want her to be nervous. I wanted her to feel comfortable around me. I knew this could go one of two ways. I was hoping it went in a positive direction. No, I was going to make sure it was the best shower of her life.

  We walked toward her bedroom, and I could sense her apprehension. “We don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable,” I told her.

  “I’ve just never taken a shower with a man before,” she admitted coyly.

  “Well…then I better make this the best shower experience of your life!” I wanted to reassure her that everything we did together should be fun and not full of tension and anxiety. I didn’t want her to overthink anything we did together. I wanted her to experience more spontaneity in her life.

  “Promise?” she said quietly.

  “Yes, I promise,” I told her.



  It’s hard to discern between excitement and anxiety sometimes. I’ve always been very cautious. I’ve never been the type of girl who flew by the seat of her pants, as some people would say. Chad was helping me discover a whole new way of experiencing life, and it was amazing. I totally wanted Chad to come home with me after dinner, because I couldn’t wait to have sex with him. I also felt like I was going to throw up because I was so nervous about having sex with him. If I had more experience, this might have been easier, but I didn’t, and it wasn’t. As I said, it was exciting and terrifying.

  For one, this guy was sexier than any man I ever fantasized about being with. Secondly, he was much more experienced than I was in the sex department, which made me feel inferior. Third, I don’t even know. There were a million thirds. I felt things for this guy I had never felt before. I didn’t want to embarrass myself or, even more importantly, disappoint him. This relationship thing was uncharted territory for me.

  I was completely and utterly out of my element. I knew he could feel my apprehension. He offered to take it slow, to leave, to keep things strictly platonic…God, where did this guy come from? He couldn’t have been any more considerate of my feelings or more intuitive to my needs.

  I told him a shower did sound like a great idea. I wasn’t sure I could handle undressing in front of him, though.

  “Hey, I’ll go into the bathroom and hop in the shower. Join me when you’re ready, and if you change your mind, that’s OK too,” he said gallantly.

  “OK” was all I could muster. I walked to my closet and grabbed a plush white robe. Of course it was virginal white. It was the only robe I had, so it had to do. I walked over to the bed and put the robe down. I took a deep breath, hoping it would make me a little calmer. I was so ready for a better relationship than I’d had with Martin. Here was an opportunity. I had to take it.

  I was taking my shoes off when I realized he wouldn’t stay in the shower forever. I heard the water turn on, so I needed to hurry up. I got my clothes off in record time, threw on the robe, and ran into the bathroom. I stopped quickly when I saw his naked backside under the cascading water. It was impossible not to see his perfectly sculpted physique. The tiles in the shower were a soft beige with a subtle black design etched into them. I remember when my dad ordered the tile from Italy. The door of the shower was glass as were the two walls on either side of the shower door. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so thankful that there was no shower curtain to obstruct my view.

  He turned to look at me. There was no way he couldn’t have heard me barge in, because I stumbled at the sight of him. His wet, naked body under the overhead light was pure perfection. I stood at the entrance of the room staring at him. The smile he gave me when he saw me gawking at him was infectious. “C’mon, the temperature is perfect,” he said to me lightheartedly. He turned away after he said that, which was very considerate. He knew I was leery about being naked in the shower with him. It was very bright in there and I knew I’d feel very exposed.

  I dropped my robe and stepped into the shower. He turned, kissed me gently, and repositioned my body so I was standing under the water.

  “Tilt your head back, and close your eyes. I’d love to wash your hair,” he said.

  “Really?” That sounded appealing.

  He chuckled. “Yes, really. C’mon, close your eyes.”

  I felt him run his fingers through my hair to get it thoroughly wet. Once he felt satisfied, he pulled away for a moment, and I could hear him squeezing shampoo in his hands. That was when the most heavenly hair washing occurred. He moved my body just enough, so only my body was under the water and not my head. He massaged his large hands over my entire head as the shampoo lathered. His hands were strong, and I could feel him trying to massage some of the knots o
ut of my skull.

  “Mm” was all I could vocalize. I felt like I was being put in a trance. I felt him shift my body so my hair was under the shower again. When he got all of the shampoo out, I felt him shift my stance and then squeeze the extra water out of my hair. The sound of him pumping hair conditioner out of the bottle followed. His hands went back to my head, and the massage resumed.

  “Do you like to leave the conditioner in your hair for a few minutes?” he asked me.

  His sister or mom must have taught him that. Or maybe a girlfriend? I wondered. “How would you know that?” I had to know.

  “When my sister started middle school, she would take up to twenty minutes in the shower. My parents told her it was a blatant waste of water. Her argument was that she liked to leave the conditioner in her hair for several minutes. After a few fights, my sister learned to turn off the shower while the conditioner soaked in and she would use that time to shave her legs. So that’s how I know. Now keep your eyes closed so I can wash the rest of you,” he instructed.

  My stomach was still in knots, but I did as I was told. I tried to focus on my breathing when I felt a soapy washcloth start to rub large circles on my back. It was so relaxing. I could feel my anxiety waning with every circle. “How does that feel?” he asked in the most seductive drawl.

  “Heavenly” was all that came out this time. I couldn’t remember a time when someone aside from a professional massage therapist rubbed my back. This was so much different, and so much better.

  When he finished my back, I could feel him cautiously go lower, to my buttocks. He took his time. His slow, circular motions put me into a euphoric trance. When I felt the washcloth enter that forbidden area between my cheeks, I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn’t. I was savoring every feeling. I started to feel unsteady on my feet.


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