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Bound To The Flame

Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  So this was it, she would be bound to him even in death, her soul never allowed to roam free. “You could let me go; I would never cause any trouble. I simply wish to be free.”

  “As do I, but I am bound to you against my will. Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be. You can not fight me. This will be done.”

  Trinity sobbed, he was right of course, he was stronger and could overpower her and bend her to his will. There was no use fighting him, she would give in to her fate and die now. It would no doubt be quick, one bite from those jaws and she would be dead.

  She walked slowly to the altar, it was high and she could not climb on it without his aid. He moved towards her, the heat from his body seeming to grow more intense with each movement. He offered her his great claw to hold onto as she climbed up onto the cold stone slab.

  There were blood stains covering it, many small patches of dark blood. She felt sick, soon her blood would be joining it, mingling with all the bound virgins that had gone before her.

  She went to lie down but he ordered her to sit instead with her legs dangling over the side. Then he moved so his head was in front of her, he used his long muzzle to push between her thighs, the scales on his head smaller and not so rough.

  Lifting a long claw he dragged it across her clothes until the beautiful ceremonial dress fell in shreds either side of her, exposing her body to his heated gaze. She did not blush or try to cover herself. Instead she felt the first tendrils of arousal begin to unfurl in her stomach. They flared out, making her sex wet and heated.

  Now she felt ridiculous, how could she feel any desire for such a beast? It must be the fear of death playing tricks on her mind.

  He stood and his large lizard like eyes took in her swollen breasts and flushed cheeks. He sniffed her, his great forked tongue tasting the air as he had done in the great hall. To her astonishment his tongue flickered over the soft skin of her thighs, making her clit throb in its need to be touched. She was reminded of the stranger who had shown her such pleasure with his mouth last night and her mind filled with all the things that great forked tongue could do to her.

  Then these things were no longer in her imagination, his snout pushed her thighs further apart and she felt his warm breath on her sex. The lips of her labia swelled, his tongue flicked out to taste her properly there. Sliding upwards along her sex, probing just a little inside her as it worked up towards the hard bud of her clit.

  She nearly exploded when he touched her there, her orgasm so close. Instead of allowing her to come he lifted his head and his forked tongue worked its magic on her breasts, sliding around either side of her nipple to hold it prisoner. Then he slowly rubbed them each in turn until they were swollen and sore.

  Trinity glanced down and saw how aroused the dragon was by all this. His cock huge between his hind legs. She swallowed the panic rising in the chest, what if he meant to put that thing inside her, it would split her in two. Was that how dragons sacrificed their tribute?

  Then the thought was gone as he returned his tongue to her sex, working it deep inside her, probing her until he reached her innocence. He pulled back a little and worked one part of his tongue inside her sex while the other flicked over her clit.

  Her hips bucked and she moaned in pleasure at his touch. She closed her eyes and blocked out his monster cock, instead concentrating fully on the pleasure his warm tongue gave her. Trinity felt the nearness of her climax, her body tensed and he used his tongue to push her over the edge into oblivion. She howled with pleasure as his thick forked tongue was used on her mercilessly. He continued until she crested the wave and her sex pulsed around his thick tongue.

  Before her orgasm had left her he made her kneel on the altar. She knew this was it, this was the end. “Please spare me,” she sobbed.

  “The ritual must be completed,” was all he said before rising onto his rear legs and moving to cover her body with his. She was on all fours, his scales scraping along her back as he moved to mount her. She felt the thick long phallus pressed against her sex, and then he began to slide into her. She tensed her body for the pain and shock of having the monster cock inside her. “Please, please stop.”

  “I can not.” His voice sounded different, yet in some way familiar.

  She felt him breach her sex, push deep inside her, her mind tried to blackout, to spare herself the agonising pain of death. But it was revived by pleasure. Inside her an incredible warmth filled her body. She felt the stinging pain of her innocence being taken, and then the vibrating thrum of his cock inside her.

  Her nails broke as her fingers curled against the stone slab in the intense pleasure of the moment. He penetrated her completely, filling her impossibly, yet not as painfully as she had feared. She might live after all. Then he drew back, the sliding friction exciting every inch of her sex.

  Deep he thrust into her again, filling her with the vibrating length to the hilt. Her sex pulsed again, her climax quick and hard. But he did not stop, he gripped her hips and began to pummel her sex, in and out he thrust. It was only as she reached orgasm for the second time that her mind, in its confused state, caught onto the feeling it was hands not claws gripping her hips.

  She tried to turn around but he gripped her hair roughly and made her face the altar, not allowing her to look at him. Yet there was no mistake it was a human hand that gripped her hair so painfully. The confusion did nothing to temper her arousal, she came again, a long and drawn out orgasm that left her sobbing.

  The dragon's rhythm changed, speeding up, he began to jerk hard into her. She could not comprehend how deep his cock seemed to press, it hit something deep inside her. Then she felt him begin to swell, her sex stretch wide, and a great warmth filled her.

  He roared, a mixture of man and dragon. Trinity wondered if she could see him whether it would be a man or dragon mating with her. Maybe he changed between the two, was it something he could control, or did it claim him in some ancient magic?

  The warm seed inside her was too much for her body to contain, she felt it trickling down her legs but still he filled her. His cock painfully large, the muscles of her sex screamed in objection, and Trinity guessed this was the moment when he would split her in two and kill her.

  But she accommodated him entirely until her inner walls contracted around his pulsing cock and they seemed locked together for an endless time. She cried out, her soft voice wrapping around his agonising roar. Their orgasm lasted until he had emptied his seed into her completely. Her sex contracted to draw it up into her womb where one day she would breed him an heir.

  Then it was finished, he released her and she collapsed down until her face pressed against the cold stone of the altar. It woke her from the dreamlike state she had entered. The warmth of him disappearing as he moved away, to be filled only by the cold of the air and the stone. It seemed as though he took part of her with him.

  Her heart beat faster when he was near, she felt more alive. In that moment she knew what it meant to be bound to him. It was not simply some meaningless marriage ceremony; it was instead a mingling of their life blood, their very life breath.

  Chapter Three

  Trinity lay still on the altar, her thoughts wandering. She tried to focus on what had happened but her mind wanted to shut down and not think about it. Her naked body became chilled against the cool mountain air, but she did not care. She would die here on this slab of cold lifeless stone.

  Then the warmth returned, and she felt the beat of his heart even though he was still some way off. He came to her and wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from the altar. As she moved to rest her head on his shoulder she saw the fresh blood on the stone. She had bled after all, her innocence had been ripped from her and that was the offering to his gods.

  She now knew why she had been made to stay pure, this was her sacrifice to them and the binding was now complete. Did he feel it too? Was that why he had returned rather than leaving her to die?

  She closed her eyes and let
him take her where he wanted.


  Trinity had no knowledge of what happened after he took her from the altar. She did not remember riding on the dragon, so she had no idea how she got down from the ledge. All she knew was that she was warm and comfortable in a soft bed.

  She woke to find fruit and cold meat on the table next to the bed, which she ate before falling back into an exhausted sleep. The stress of the last few days had taken its toll and she simply wanted to blot everything out. Hours must have passed before she woke again, her body feeling stiff from being still for so long.

  Sitting up she let her head clear before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. It was then that she realised she was completely naked. Sifting through her thoughts she remembered the day the dragon had brought her here and blushed at the way he had shredded her clothes and then mated with her.

  What was she to do? She had no clothes; she had brought nothing with her. Packing anything had never been mentioned, so no one in the city must have expected her to survive being bound to the dragon either. So what should she do now? Spend the rest of her life walking around naked?

  The dragon would certainly enjoy that, he could mate with her at will without having to remove her clothes, and let’s face it there was no one else to see her. Her life would be even emptier than before, only the dragon to speak to, because the valley was her prison now. Green and pleasant, but a prison all the same.

  In desperation to maintain at least some semblance of modesty she wrapped the furs from the bed around her body. Then she pushed herself up onto shaky legs and stumbled forward across the stone floor.

  Her mind began to work, taking in the stone room, even though it was hung with tapestries and had some furniture, there was no mistaking the fact that it was a cave. Carved out of the rock to form a room, there were no windows only torches hung on the wall to give any light.

  So she hadn't left the ledge, somehow she was inside the mountain. She made her way to the entrance and walked through a thick stone doorway into another room, bigger than the one before. In this room was a large stone table and several bookshelves filled with enormous books.

  Trinity made her way to the shelves, intrigued as to whether the dragon could read. It seemed such an odd thing for a mighty beast to do. Reaching her hand out to the first one she came to she pulled it slowly from its resting place.

  It was tremendously heavy, she had to hold it in both arms to carry it to the table. Once there she lifted the heavy leather bound cover and it fell open loudly. Inside she was astonished to see drawings of dragons being ridden by beautiful maidens dressed in flowing gowns.

  The dragons were different colours, reds and golds, blues and greens. They were all similar shapes to the dragon she had seen yesterday, her dragon. By the side of the drawings was text in different writing, but all of it looked as though written by a female hand.

  She ran her finger under the words, the language older than that taught now. Words she did not know, perhaps that had dropped out of use, were carefully written on the thick paper. The words she could make out told the story of each dragon and his bound virgin.

  The stories spoke of the great deeds the dragons performed for the sake his mate's people. By the time she had read the third story she felt puzzled. She skipped ahead, skimming the pages, a frown becoming increasingly etched in her brow.

  The one thing all these dragons and their mates had in common was that they all loved each other deeply. They would willingly sacrifice themselves for the other, and some did, with their mate following them to death in unbearable sorrow.

  Feeling angry, and a little cheated, Trinity slammed the book too. “Fairy tales.” She muttered to herself. How could a young woman fall in love with a beast? It's not as though they courted their mates, they were bound with no choice, no way to escape their fate.

  The dragon had not wooed her in any way, she had been expected to submit to him when he wanted to take her virginity. She thought of the way he had taken her on the stone altar, but she couldn’t feel angry about it, instead her head became filled with the vision of his long forked tongue as it snaked out towards her before he pushed it deep inside her sex.

  Shaking her head she picked the book up and returned it to the shelf. Her thoughts now clearer, she began to think about where she was and how she had got here. Where was the dragon, or was it a man? Somewhere in her mind she remembered being lifted by a man. The books had only shown drawings of dragons, it seemed impossible to think of the beasts changing into men.

  Trinity was now consumed with a need to find the dragon, to find out about the very nature of him. This beast that had only been alive for eight years. It was impossible that he could be the man she thought she saw last night, he would only be a boy. Yet the creature that had mated with her had been all man.

  She picked the book up and with some effort pushed it back into place on the shelf. Looking at the one next to it she saw it was very similar, she pulled it out and placed it on the table. Opening it she was surprised to find it filled with similar drawings and writing as the first. It seems that someone had kept a chronicle of all the dragons and their bound partners.

  “One day the keeper of records will tell of us in those books.”

  Trinity jumped, she had no idea there was anyone else in the room. She whirled around and stood with her mouth open in shock. There before her stood the man who had propositioned her the night before the ceremony.

  “What are you doing here?” Her mind was still processing his words, and then the meaning of them sunk in. “What do you mean by us? I am bound to the dragon.”

  “Yes you are, and in a way so am I.”

  “Don’t talk in riddles.” She felt angry now, had he been sent to the castle by the dragon to try to seduce her into giving her virginity and so break the bond.

  “I apologise. You really do not know who I am, and I thought I pleasured you sufficiently that you would remember.”

  “I remember you trying to break my promise, by seducing me.” She couldn’t believe that despite her anger she still felt the pull of him. Her body reacted as it had that night, heat flushed her cheeks and inflamed her sex. She had an urge to drop the furs that covered her modesty and let him feast on her flesh with his hands and mouth.

  “You resisted me then, but I do not think you are able to now.”

  “I am stronger than you think.”

  He took a step towards her. “Really? Your body tells me otherwise.”

  Trinity swallowed nervously, he was right this was terribly hard, yet she was bound to the dragon. “Your master would not approve of you teasing me like this.”

  “My master?” He looked at her, genuine confusion covering his face. Then his eyes lifted and brightened with what she could only describe as mirth. “You really do not know who I am, do you?”

  “I know enough that I want you to leave.”

  He took another step towards her and she was powerless when he reached out and tugged the fur from her grasp. “I do not like to be told what I can and cannot do in my home.”

  “Your home?”

  “Yes,” He let the blanket fall to the floor and she stood naked in front of him, no thought of her modesty now. She wanted him to look at her, to see what he had no right to touch or taste.

  “Where is the dragon? I do not think he would like you looking at his property in such a way.”

  He laughed, low like a purr, she felt again the magic effect he had on her. “He shares everything with me.”

  “Including his mate?”

  “Especially his mate.” He leaned forward and kissed her neck his hot lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. His hand reached up and stroked her breast, she knew she should push him away, but couldn’t.

  “Please stop,” This the nearest she could get to refusing him.

  “No. I know you want this as much as I do.”

  “But I belong to another.”

  “Your virtue is safe, do not w

  His mouth descended on her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth where he flicked his tongue over it. She moaned and grasped his hair tightly in her hands and drew his head down further. Her sex raged with the need to have his mouth on her there too, she wanted him to make her come and then to take her hard.

  Sliding his hand down her stomach he continued teasing her until at last he slid his fingers inside her slick heated sex. Trinity found herself wantonly spreading her thighs wider to allow him access to her core. Her body throbbed in its need for him to plunder her body in any way he wanted.

  She knew she should feel as though she was betraying the dragon, but she didn’t. He moved her towards the table, pushing her back so she perched on the edge. Then he knelt before her and kissed her heated sex and flicked his tongue over her clit.

  Her hips bucked as she tried to push her mound into his face. He gripped her thighs and held them in place while he went about plundering her sex with his mouth and tongue. Nipping at her soft flesh, pushing his tongue inside her he made her come. She cried out, clutching at his hair and stroking his back before raking her nails across his taut skin.

  Pulling back he pushed his black hair, from his face. For the first time Trinity saw it was tinged with red as the flames from the torches danced across it. The fire seemed to love him, as he moved the flames changed direction as though leaning towards him.

  Trinity pushed herself off the table and turned to leave, heading back to the bedroom. Her mind a jumble of emotions, it was him, he was the dragon, but what magic could change him into a fully grown man when he should only be a child?

  He followed close behind her, reaching out for her arm which she tried to pull away from. His grip tightened painfully, and she cried out.

  “I’m sorry,” he said releasing her. “I am not used to touching anyone. I will learn to temper my strength.”

  Trinity backed away from him, her face showing her confusion and growing anger. “It was you, that night. You came to tempt me to break the pact between the dragons and my people.”


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