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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 2

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Just as Kat reached out to grab the handle of the front door, a slow, silky voice stopped her cold, and her entire body stiffened with awareness. Oh, Crap!

  "Just where do you think you're going, red?” Luke asked, and Kat turned to find him standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a mug of steaming coffee in his hand.

  Her entire body heated at the sight of him standing there; wearing nothing but a pair of flannel pajama pants - slung low on his tapered waist. His gloriously tan, muscled - broad chest bare - and she swallowed hard. Good Lord! The man was beyond sexy, and Kat felt her blood rushing through her veins like a tidal wave – causing her skin to grow warm in an instant. He had that sultry, just woke up look that made her weak in the knees.

  "I'm leaving," she said, trying desperately to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Abby's fine; Argramon is gone - there's nothing to keep me here any longer. I’m getting bored, and I've got a life to get back to.”

  Luke set his coffee down on a nearby end table and walked over to her - his eyes intense. He studied her silently a moment before running his finger up her arm - causing her to shiver. "Would your leaving have anything to do with your early morning phone call?" he asked softly, his gaze boring into hers, and Kat began fidget nervously.

  "Yes and no," she lied - damning his bionic wolf hearing. "It was a friend checking up on me, and it made me realize that I need to get back. My…my job is probably already gone as it is.”

  Luke leaned in towards her; his mouth dangerously close to hers. "Male or female friend?" He asked, his warm breath caressing her lips like a gentle breeze - and she could smell mint and spice…and Luke.

  "That is none of your business, wolf-boy.” She replied, bristling slightly.

  Luke chuckled, his eyes gleaming, and lightly brushed his lips across hers with the lightest of touches. Kat jerked back, hitting her head on the front door with a sound thump; then proceeded to spit out a string of very un-ladylike curses as she glared at him.

  "You seem a bit on edge, Katrina,” he whispered, his silky, smooth tone causing that damn, pesky little shiver to run up her spine once again, and she fought it with every ounce of strength that she had – but the coiling of heat in her belly had other ideas. It hit her full on with a mighty wave.

  Kat pressed her hands against his chest and shoved - unfortunately not moving him an inch - and clenched her teeth. Geez, the man was a fricking mountain!

  "I'm no such thing," she ground out; holding his gaze. "I just want to get out of here - and you're holding me up."

  Luke watched Kat closely - knowing without a doubt that she was lying through her teeth. If he had learned anything in the past few days about the comely witch, it was that she was enjoying spending time with the pack; and hopefully with him.

  He found spending time with her was enjoyable and easy, and even though they butted heads more often than not - he found himself looking forward to their little riffs. She heated his blood as no other woman ever had, and he was not about to let that end – not yet at least.

  Kat was not only beautiful with her thick auburn hair, and sparkling hazel eyes - but she was smart and witty and Luke found himself wanting to talk with her for hours; something that he had never cared to do in the past with any woman.

  His eyes traveled over her face, only to land on her full, plump lips. Lips that men would die to taste; and women would pay dearly for.

  “What's got you running, Katrina?" He asked; his brow raising.

  "Nothing...I..." she stammered, feeling quite uncomfortable under his close scrutiny. Why in the Hell did the man have to be so infuriatingly yummy?

  "Don't lie to me sweetheart. I'm not stupid."

  "I didn't say you were stupid," she retorted – but a moment later her lips turned up in a snarky grin. "Although..."

  "Don't even try and go there," he murmured, taking a step closer, and Kat flinched as the lengths of their bodies touched, and she felt the heat radiating off of him. Oh, sweet Jesus, she silently groaned. "Where are you running, Kat?" He asked again, and she swallowed hard.

  "Luke, let's just say that I need to get back to my life and leave it at that...ok?" She winced at the pleading tone of her voice. Jesus! This man instantly turned her into a blithering idiot, and she was not happy with that at all. Damn him!

  Luke’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her even closer; his eyes narrowed. "If you don't tell me, red - I swear to God, I'll just track you and make your life miserable.”

  She knew in an instant that it was a promise, and not a threat - and gulped back the tears threatening to spring to her eyes. Stay strong, she told herself. You have got to stay strong!

  "I...I can't," she choked out, her expression tortured. "I need to... to pick something up, and I need to go alone."

  "That sounds a bit mysterious, red - and I'm a very curious creature by nature," he explained, his mouth whispering along her cheek as he spoke. "Not to mention that I'm quite perceptive. Something has you upset enough to take off running like the Devil himself was at your heels.” He brought his lips to her ear and gently took her lobe between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug before whispering, "So give, sweetheart. Where are we going and what are we picking up?"

  Kats eyes rolled back in her head and her mind buzzed at his sensuous onslaught. It would be so easy...she thought, gulping slightly. Just so damn easy to just turn her face, - just a fraction of an inch, and touch those wonderful lips with hers. To feel what it would be like to taste him – kiss him.

  As much as she hated herself for it; her survival instinct kicked in and she once again tried shoving him away. This time, he let her bridge some distance and took a step back. Kat glared at him, her face flushed red. "We, are not going anywhere, Benji! Got it? Or do I need to find someone who speaks dog to make you understand? Cesar Millan, perhaps?"

  Luke chuckled, deep in his chest – his expression unreadable. “Well then, since I highly doubt that the dog whisperer will be available on such short notice - I guess you're staying," he replied simply, reaching down to pick up her backpack from the floor. Kat looked down in horror. Just when in the hell had she dropped that?

  "You can't!" She shrieked - making a grab for it - but Luke easily held it away from her. "You can't keep me prisoner! That's…that’s kidnapping, you arrogant ass!"

  Luke broke out laughing, his eyes gleaming devilishly. "Yes, I suppose it would be," he replied evenly, as if they were discussing the weather.

  Everything that had happened in the last hour came crashing down on Kat all at once, and she burst into tears - something that she was most definitely not prone to doing. She hadn’t cried since she was ten years old - but there was just no holding it back.

  All of the anger and hurt and frustration hit her full force like a Mack truck, and she just couldn't stop it. The flood gates opened and were not about to close anytime soon - and her body shook from the impact of it.

  "I...I have to go get my sister," she sobbed, and Luke pulled her into his arms - holding her tightly. "It was my mother on the phone and she told me...she...she…that bitch told me that I have a sister that I never knew about. And now because I killed Lexie - she's in danger! Everyone's in danger!” She sobbed against him, sounding completely broken.

  "Ah, baby," Luke cooed, his hand tenderly stroking her hair as he held her snugly against his strong, firm chest. "I'm so sorry. But it's going to be all right. We'll go get her, and everything will be fine - I promise." He kissed her tear-stained face before gracing her with a gentle smile. "Come on," he urged, leading her into the kitchen. "Let's get you a cup of coffee and we'll work this all out. I just need to dress, and pack a few things..."

  "No!" She squeaked, shaking her head wildly. "I told you - I have to go alone! I ...I don't want you to come with me," she cried. "I don't even like you!"

  "Yes, I know," Luke chuckled, as he eased her into one of the chairs at the table. He grabbed a mug and poured her a cup of coffee, setting it down in front of her. "But, whether y
ou like me or not, Kat - I am going with you. End of discussion.”

  Kat buried her face in her hands and groaned - knowing that she was fighting a losing battle. This man was as stubborn as the day was long, and was not use to being told no. He was a damn Alpha for God’s sake! That meant that he was not questioned when he gave an order. Damn it all to Hell! She silently screamed. This was beyond a cluster fuck!

  Thirty minutes later, Luke came strolling back into the kitchen - freshly showered and dressed in a pair of faded jeans that hugged his muscular form much too favorably. His long raven hair hung in a single braid down his solid back.

  Kats breath caught in her throat at the sight of him, as her eyes scanned up to his black t-shirt -which hugged his broad chest like a damn second skin - accentuating his wash board abs that were much more than just a measly six pack. The man was packing at least a twelve!

  Sweet Lord, she inwardly groaned - the man was a God – and at that moment - she despised him for it. The thought of being alone with the arrogant ass for God only knew how long, caused her entire body to clench with need.

  She chewed at her lower lip as a small part of her wondered if they could pull this off. She guessed her mother or someone from Lexie's Coven would be none the wiser that he was traveling with her, if they just got in - got her sister, and then got the Hell out. Then she could have him drop them off at her apartment and part ways - keeping him safe. Yes, her inner voice agreed - it might just work! And her bitch of a mother never had to know. What did she owe the woman anyway? Her main concern was keeping Luke safe, and if they kept the fact that he was traveling with her on the down-low – well, she just might be able to pull it off. Couldn’t she?

  "So, sweetheart," Luke said, giving her a smile. "Where're we heading?"

  Kat sighed and stared into her empty cup - wondering if she was making the biggest mistake of her life. "Destiny Ridge, South Carolina," she sighed in defeat.

  "Sounds promising," he laughed, pulling her to her feet and walking towards the door. "Let's get a move on. I want to stop and see Des before we head out."

  Luke took Kats hand as they walked up the steps to the front door of Desmond’s estate - his strong fingers intertwining with hers. When he paused at the door and knocked, she gave him a curious glance. The two men were as close as brothers, and each time that they had been to the house, Luke had always just walked through the entrance - never bothering to announce himself.

  “I'm not taking the chance of walking in on them running around the place naked," Luke explained with a grin. "I'm fairly sure Des would kill me if I ever saw Abby in any form of a state of undress. And I am just not in the mood to have my ass handed to me on a platter by the possessive bloodsucker at the moment."

  Kat couldn't help herself - she burst out laughing. Yes, from what she had seen of Desmond and his protectiveness of Abby, she had no doubt that he would do serious damage to the poor fool who ever stumbled upon his mate in the nude. She nodded her understanding and waited – painfully aware of the feel of her hand in his.

  The sounds of laughter reached their ears and Kat rolled her eyes as Luke fidgeted beside her uncomfortably. Suddenly the door opened and Desmond stood there, a slight scowl marring his face.

  Desmond LaGrange was a foreboding sight standing there. Well over six foot tall, with his muscular body covered only in a black robe - his jet black hair and piercing sea blue eyes, completely mesmerizing – and Kat was again taken by his impressive figure. There was no denying that the man was a spectacular sight, and just oozed with a quiet intimidation.

  His expression softened somewhat when he saw Luke and Kat standing there; but there was still a subtle look of annoyance that he couldn’t quite hide at being disturbed. He and Abby had only been bonded a little over a week, and Kat was quite certain that he was not willing to share her yet - or ever if she had to guess. The two of them were completely and utterly in love.

  "Katrina, Luke," he said, motioning them in.

  As Kat walked through the entryway, she caught sight of Abby rushing down the stairs - awkwardly cinching one of Desmond’s robes around her waist.

  As she hit the second to last stair, her feet caught up in the much too long hem of the robe and she tripped, propelling herself forward with a shriek. Kat gasped, but in a flash, Desmond was there, catching her securely in his strong arms.

  "Are you all right, my love?" she heard him whisper in her ear lovingly, and Kat couldn’t help the sigh that passed her lips.

  Their love was a powerful force that radiated off of them and touched everyone that was witness to it.

  Oh, to only experience something half as pure, Kat thought to herself, and was suddenly aware of Luke standing behind her, his arm wrapping itself around her waist - and she tried desperately to keep her beating heart quiet.

  "Always the graceful one, Abs," Luke chuckled - his breath blowing against Kats neck as he spoke - and she involuntarily shivered.

  Abby graced him with an earthshattering smile; her emerald green depths sparkling with happiness. "Captain Klutz at your service," she laughed, then turned her head back towards Desmond; who still held her firmly in his embrace, as if afraid to let her go. She raised her hand to his cheek and cupped it gently. "Thank you, darling," she murmured softly. “for catching me once again.”

  Desmond lowered his head and kissed her. "Always, sweetness," he replied before dipping his head to whisper something in her ear that made Abby's cheeks flame red - and Kat was once again awed by the perfect beauty of this couple - all dark and light, complimenting the other. It was as if some higher power had created them for the soul purpose of being together – and it was beyond humbling. To be witness to their bond was nothing less than awe-inspiring.

  "Oh, for God's sake - can't you two give it a rest," Luke laughed, his hold on Kat tightening just a fraction, and her entire body tingled.

  After only a moment, she gathered her strength and stepped away from him to move closer to where Desmond and Abby stood.

  "You just wait, Lucas!" Abby tittered, walking over to give each of them a hug. "How about some coffee?" she asked, pulling Kat along with her towards the kitchen without giving them the opportunity to protest – but Luke was grateful for the distraction. He needed a minute alone with Desmond.

  "Sounds good," Luke called to their receding backs - then gave Des a look that the vampire immediately understood and motioned him toward his study.

  "We'll be along shortly, my love," Desmond informed Abby with a smile.

  Desmond closed the door to his study and motioned for Luke to take a seat. He made his way around the large mahogany desk and sat down, giving Luke a knowing smile. "So tell me, my friend. What has you so troubled?”

  Luke took a deep breath and gave Desmond a weary smile. "I don't even know where to begin," he said, running his hand over his eyes. "Kat found out this morning that she has a sister."

  Desmond's eyes widened slightly, but he remained silent; knowing that there was more to come.

  "Shit, Des. She's in danger because she killed that witch. And she says that now we're all in danger, and she wants to go get her sister alone, and I know there is more - but she just won't tell me. And it’s frustrating the hell out of me.” He finished with a shake of his head - completely exasperated.

  Desmond squeezed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "What do you think she is keeping from you?" he asked quietly, and Luke shrugged.

  "I just don't know. But I get the feeling that Lexie's Coven is much more of a threat than she is letting on. She’s really scared, Des.”

  "Let me see what I can find," Desmond offered, his tone quiet and serious, and Luke knew he was worried that Abby might yet again be in danger. Her Fey blood was a commodity that many in the supernatural world still desired, and Luke knew that Desmond worried constantly that someone would eventually get to her- even though his reputation was a huge deterrent - and the Vampire would move Heaven and Earth to insure her safety.

  "We're head
ing out to South Carolina to pick up her sister," Luke went on. "I think that the Coven is more interested in Kat and her, than anyone else - but I wanted you to be aware. I don't want to take any chances with yours or Abby's safety.”

  "I appreciate that, my friend." Desmond said, standing and walking over to Luke. "I will find out all I can of her Coven - but I want you and Katrina to return here once you have retrieved her sister." He laid his hand on Luke's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Safety in numbers and all that," he said lightly, trying to ease Luke's worry. "Is there anything you need? Cash…credit cards? Anything at all, just ask."

  Luke shook his head and stood also; smiling at his friend in gratitude. "Can you take that woman's damned stubbornness away?" He asked with a grin, and Desmond burst out laughing.

  "If I could, don't you think I would have done that with my mate?”

  "So,” Abby said as she poured the water into the coffee maker. "Tell me what's going on with you and Luke?"

  Kat groaned, and dropped her head in her hands. "Nothing! Absolutely nothing."

  "Oh, come on Katrina.” Abby scoffed; taking a seat beside her and pulling one of her hands into hers. "I see the way that man looks at you.”

  "Abs, it's complicated. The man infuriates me - he's stubborn and arrogant and...” she shook her head sadly, her throat suddenly feeling tight. "And I need you to talk him out of going with me."

  "Going?" Abby asked in confusion. "Where are you going?"

  "Oh, Lord Abs. Everything is just such a mess. My mom called me this morning and told me that I have a sister.” She shook her head angrily. “A sister for God’s sake! And that I have to go get her – that…she’s in serious danger."

  Abby's mouth dropped open - her eyes as huge as saucers. She knew that Kat and her mother weren't close - but to hear that she had a sister came as a complete shock. "You never knew?" she breathed and Kat shook her head miserably.


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