A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 5

by Darlene Kuncytes

  All of our love, now and always,

  Mom & Dad

  Harper read the note over once again, trying desperately to see through her tears – feeling as if she had been punched in the gut. She shook her head slowly, a part of her refusing to accept what she had just read. Oh, God! This was a total nightmare. Her world and everything that she had ever known had just been ripped out from under her feet and she felt an overpowering wave of nausea hit her.

  “Is everything okay, honey?” The waitress asked, her face tight with concern, and Harper jumped at the intrusion – nodding slowly. “Are you sure I can’t bring you something to eat?” She asked, laying her hand on top of Harper’s. “It’s on the house.”

  “No…no, thank you. I’m fine.” The woman nodded sadly, and walked away - but not before giving Harper a glance laced with pity over her shoulder.

  Harper pulled the cash from the envelope and quickly shoved it into the pocket of her jeans. She needed to get out of here – she needed air. Everything suddenly felt as if it was closing in around her. She threw a few dollars onto the table and rushed out of the restaurant – heading towards the park near the center of town where she and her friends usually hung out. She just couldn’t deal with this right now. She just wanted to be alone and try and figure out what to do next. Did she really want to find her birth mother? The woman had dumped her seventeen years ago – why the Hell would she want to see her now?

  Harper wiped the tears from her eyes and started running toward the park. Needing nothing more at that moment than to curl up under a tree and cry her eyes out. She would deal with Masquerade and finding Elaine Winslow tomorrow. Maybe.

  Luke parked in the lot across from the club and turned towards Kat – causing her to instantly go on the defensive. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him a moment. She knew what was coming and there was just no frigging way!

  “Oh, no you don’t!” She barked, before he even had the chance to utter a word. “I am going in.” She stated stubbornly, her face set in a tight scowl, and watched as his entire body grew rigid.

  Oh, Hell no! She silently seethed. She was done with Mr. Macho telling her what to do. He shouldn’t even be here in the first place, and she’d be damned if she was going to let him dictate to her what she did, and when she did it!

  “Katrina,” he said, his voice low – but she only wildly shook her head and continued to glare at him.

  “Don’t even waste your breath, Benji. Your brain needs all the oxygen that it can get.” With that, she opened the door and slid out, giving him a smirk of defiance as she did. She pulled her hair from its ponytail and shook it out, letting the long silken tresses cascade down her back like liquid fire and Luke’s breath caught in his throat at the sight.

  When Luke made no move to exit the car, Kat shrugged her shoulders and turned toward the bar. It was only a moment later that she heard his door open – then slam shut with a resounding boom - and she knew that he was pissed. Oh, well – she thought with a smile. Screw him! Maybe now he’d take that gorgeous ass of his back home where it belonged and she wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore.

  A second later, his hand gripped her arm, pulling her to a stop. She yanked it free from his grip and scowled at him. He was not about to man-handle her.

  “You really don’t want to fight me on this,” she said, with much more bravado than she actually felt. Jesus, as soon as the man touched her, her entire body began to hum and tingle – and it was a distraction that she didn’t need at the moment in the least!

  “I think it would be best...” he began, but her finger poking into his chest stopped him.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think is best,” she bit out, emphasizing each word with a poke to his solid, rock hard body. “You are not my bodyguard - guard dog…or mother! I didn’t want you to come in the first place – and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you make me sit on the sidelines like some little, helpless piece of fluff!” With that she turned and stormed off toward the bar, the natural sway of her hips causing Luke’s body to come on full alert – in more ways than one. He cursed under his breath and stomped off after her – cursing himself; as well as the little spitfire the entire way.

  When they entered the club; the blaring strains of rock music assaulted them in ear-shattering waves, and Kat noticed Luke wince. She gave him a grin and leaned in to yell in his ear. “If it’s too much for you, Tonto,” she called with a laugh. “You can go and wait in the car! I’ll even make sure to crack the windows for you.”

  She turned and pushed her way through the crowd towards the bar – only to groan when she noticed three bartenders. Damn! How in the hell was she supposed to know which one to talk to?

  Well - two guys and a cute little brunette, she thought with a shrug – this she could handle. She found an empty stool at the end of the bar and squeezed her way in, giving the burly bartender one of her best smiles. He returned the gesture and leaned on the bar – blatantly eyeing her up and down.

  “Hey there, beautiful,” he said, his mouth turning up in a smile that she couldn’t help but notice didn’t make her heart skip a beat like a certain wolf’s did – and she cursed under her breath. “I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing you in here before. What can I tempt you with?” He gave her a wink, and Kat inwardly groaned. Oh, Christ – the guy was pathetic. She’d hung clothes on better lines than that!

  “Tequila,” she replied, trying desperately to keep the smile on her face – but this guy was just too pathetic for his own good, and she was finding herself hard-pressed to keep up the act.

  “And a scotch.”

  She stiffened at the sound of Luke’s voice in her ear, and suddenly felt the heat of his body against her back.

  The bartender glanced at Luke, the smile fading from his lips in an instant, and gave him a nod. “Sure thing.” He turned and busied himself with getting their drinks as Kat elbowed Luke in the stomach, her lips now set in a tight line and her eyes blazing.

  “Just what in the hell is wrong with you?” she ground out between clenched teeth.

  “Not a damned thing as far as I can tell,” he replied, his breath blowing softly against her cheek, and Kat felt that now familiar shiver run up her spine – and silently damned the mangy cur to the fiery pits of hell.

  “Arrogant ass,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Not arrogant,” Luke corrected her with a chuckle, and rested his arm on the back of the stool on which she sat, and she instantly stiffened at the contact. “Confident.”

  Kat swiveled in the chair slightly so that she was facing him, and her lips turned up into an angelic smile. “Well, I’m confident that you are an arrogant ass,” she cooed, then turned back to the bar as the bartender set their drinks down in front of them.

  Luke threw a fifty down on the bar with a nod and reached for his glass, downing it in one gulp. Kat glared at him and threw back her Tequila the same way – not about to let this jackass think she couldn’t handle herself.

  “I’ll take another,” she said, smiling as sweetly as possible at the bartender. “Um, I’m sorry handsome, but I didn’t catch your name.” Kat swore she felt Luke tense slightly, but chose to ignore it. Screw him! She thought flippantly – if he thought that he was going to take charge of everything she did – he had another thing coming. He wasn’t her damn keeper!

  “Jim,” he replied, returning her smile with a quick glance at Luke. “What’s yours?”

  “Katrina,” she purred, and was almost positive that she heard Luke growl. She bit her bottom lip to keep herself from laughing as she threw back her drink - setting her glass down and winking at Jim. “Keep them coming, please.” He nodded and grabbed the bottle.

  “Katrina,” Luke whispered; his mouth at the line of her jaw and again she shivered. Damn him to hell! “I don’t think…”

  Kat shrugged him off and glanced at him again, her eyes spitting fire. “Just step the hell off, Benji. I know what I’m doing.”

  “That would be a first,” Luke grumbled, and Kat shot him a look that would have brought most men to their knees. But Luke wasn’t most men. He just gave her a grin and placed a soft kiss against her neck – his mouth so damn warm.

  “Stop that!” She croaked out, and felt him chuckle against her skin – sending a current of electricity straight to her core. “Why don’t you go lie in the corner and gnaw on a bone like a good boy?” She ground out.

  “I’d much rather gnaw on you,” he whispered in her ear as he took her lobe between his teeth and tugged.

  Kat’s heart slammed in her chest, and she swallowed – hard. Damn, this man could do things to her body that no other man ever had before. She grabbed her drink and threw it back, hitting Luke’s shoulder with the back of her head in the process, and she swore it felt like she hit a brick wall. Sweet mother of God - but the man was a solid tower of muscle.

  “Easy there, sweetheart,” he laughed, and motioned to Jim for another Scotch. When Kat started to push her glass towards the man and smile sweetly, Luke gently took her wrist and stilled her.

  “Slow it down, red. I don’t want to have to carry you out of here.”

  “I’m a big girl, Blackwater. I work in a bar for God’s sake!” she replied, as she shook off his hand. “I am perfectly capable of walking out of here under my own…my own… volition.”

  As she spoke, Luke noticed that she was starting to slur her words slightly, and his lips turned up in a smile. She might have worked in a bar – but it was more than obvious she didn’t usually drink in them. His woman was a light weight – he thought with a chuckle; and at the rate she was going, she’d be dancing and shimmying up on the bar in no time – and as much as the thought of watching her dance around appealed to him – that was something that he would much rather be a private performance. He didn’t relish the thought of any of these yokels’ taking in her considerable assets. In fact, the thought of any man other than himself seeing it made him see red. His wolf growled with possessiveness and Luke fought to keep it a bay.

  “Come on, Glinda. Dance with me.” He whispered in her ear.

  The arm that was around the back of her chair was suddenly around her waist and gently pulling her from her seat in a slow, fluid motion before she could even think of voicing her objections. Luke pulled her against his side and guided her to the dance floor as the strains of an old 80’s ballad filled the bar.

  Oh, my ever loving Lord – she thought as Luke pulled her into his arms and pressed her against his body – guiding her arms up and around his neck. His hands moved in a smooth, fluid motion down to her waist, then around to slide to the curve of her backside – pulling her even closer against his muscular frame - and she could feel his wonderful heat blanketing her.

  My God, she groaned as her breasts pushed up against his steely chest, and her nipples instantly pebbled – she had died and gone to Heaven!

  As soon as Luke pulled Kat into his arms - he felt his entire body respond to the feel of her pressed up so intimately against him - so warm and soft – and his.

  He dipped his head and nuzzled her neck - basking in the sweet scent of her. She smelled of perfect spring lilacs, and a warm summer breeze – and it was beyond intoxicating. He found himself just wanting to drown himself in her.

  He felt Kat shiver slightly, and pulled her a little closer as their bodies swayed together in perfect tempo - and Luke found himself fantasying that they were alone and naked on a bed, moving together as they were now.

  Christ, she was amazing; and he was finding it harder and harder to concentrate. Everything about this woman drew him in - her laugh, her scent – her body. All he wanted to do at that moment was to throw her over his shoulder and take her away from here – to feel her wonderful flesh beneath his fingers.

  Again his wolf howled; but this time in desire and frustration - and he had to fight to keep from letting it win. He needed to bide his time with her. She was like a skittish colt that would turn and bolt if he pressed her too hard. And he was not about to let that happen.

  The song ended and Kat pulled away from him - her eyes sparkling brightly and her cheeks flushed pink. She gave him a nervous smile, before she turned and walked back to her seat without uttering a word - and Luke couldn’t help but notice that she walked a bit unsteadily, and grinned – wondering if it was from the Tequila or their dance. Lord knew it had affected him.

  By the time Luke joined her; she was setting her glass back down on the bar and laughing at something Jim had just said. Luke felt an overwhelming possessiveness wash over him as the burly bartender poured her another drink and gave her a wink, brushing his hand against hers as he said something to her that Luke thankfully couldn’t hear over the din of music blasting through the club – knowing without a doubt that it would most likely just send him over the edge.

  Damn it! Luke was not the sort of man to bide his time and play nice. What he wanted he took – but Kat brought out a whole other side of him that he had never shown before, and it was throwing everything off kilter.

  He was fighting an inner battle between what he knew he needed to do and what his entire body, soul and mind desperately wanted to do. And at that particular moment in time it was to grab the bartender by the throat and knock him on his ass.

  “So,” Kat was saying as he walked up behind her. “I feel like I’ve seen you before.” She threw back her Tequila and grinned at him, nodding when he held the bottle up to her in question. Or were there two bottles? She questioned herself blearily - blinking her eyes as she tried to clear them.

  “I don’t think so, sweetheart,” Jim replied. “I’d sure as Hell remember you.”

  “Do you know a Tommy Kerns?” she asked, trying hard to focus. “He’s a friend of mine from way, way back - and I swear I remember him talking about this place. Although, I’ve kind of lost touch with him as of late and was trying to hook up with him again.”

  “Tom Kerns,” Jim mused, his brows furrowing in concentration. “The name sounds familiar. Hey, Crystal,” he called to the little brunette, and she immediately came hopping over - her mouth set in a wide grin.

  “Yeah?” She asked, and her eyes widened when she saw Luke standing behind Kat like a looming force of nature.

  “Aren’t you friends with a Tom Kerns?” he asked her.

  The brunette nodded emphatically – her eyes never leaving Luke’s impressive frame, and she licked her lips. “Yeah, but he moved away a while ago, and opened up a bookstore in…” she trailed off, trying to remember the name. “In, Chatawa or…Chesnee. That’s it! Chesnee. It’s about an hour from here.”

  Kat nodded, not liking the way the little bitch was eyeing Luke up and down at all. She knew the moment that he had stepped up behind her, because her entire body instantly tingled with awareness - so the woman’s attention had to be focused on him. And really, Kat thought with a snort - who could blame her? The man was utterly, earth-shatteringly delicious! But that didn’t mean that she had to like it!

  “Do you happen to know the name of the shop?” Kat asked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she fought the overpowering urge to snap her fingers in front of the little twits face just to get her attention. It was more than obvious that she liked what she saw standing behind Kat – and that just pissed her off.

  She motioned to Jim to pour her another drink and felt Luke’s hand on her back. Screw you, she silently fumed. If she wanted another shot, she was sure as Hell going to have one – although if truth be told, she was already seeing double and knew that it wasn’t the best of idea’s – but dancing with Luke had thrown everything into a distracting tizzy, and a little liquid memory eraser was just what she needed at the moment.

  “I think Kern’s Korner - or something equally as tacky.” The woman said, her gaze still on the damn wolf standing so silently behind her. “I’m Crystal, by the way” she murmured, shooting Luke a saucy little grin and batting her eyelashes - and Kat stiffened – fighting the overpowering urge to scratch the
girl’s eyes out with everything that she had.

  “Luke,” she heard him reply, the deep baritone of his voice washing over her body and instantly warming it.

  Good God! She was like a damn cat in heat! The next thing she’d probably do was to start rubbing up and down on his leg. She giggled at the thought – then snorted loudly, and her eyes widened. Oops! She thought with a cringe. She really had had enough! Damn! That hit her like a ton of bricks.

  “I think my sister here has officially been cut off, Jim,” she heard him say, and her eyes widened in horror. Sister? What. The. Hell?

  Kat watched as the bartender’s expression changed to reflect the same surprise that she was feeling, and he looked at them with a mixture of disgust and something else that Kat couldn’t quite identify – disappointment maybe?

  Kat knew what he must be thinking after the way Luke had nuzzled her neck - and held her so damn intimately, as they had danced. Oh, Holy shit! Just what was the damn cur up to now?

  “Um, yeah…sure thing,” Jim said, clearing his throat – suddenly seeming very uncomfortable.

  And the light suddenly went off over Kat’s tipsy head. The damned fool knew it would scare the man away from her! Son of a bitch! That really took some nerve. His damn Alpha ways were just not going to fly with her!

  She tried to turn in her seat to shoot him a glance, but the motion caused her already blurry vision to trigger her equilibrium to malfunction, and she nearly slipped to the floor. Oh, jump up my ass – she thought with a scowl.

  Luke’s arms were instantly around her and pulling her up against him. He chuckled softly as he held her steady. She was aware of the little brunette – what was her name? Kat silently wondered, glancing at the girl…Chablis? Charmaine? Oh, whatever; who really cared - and she giggled softly. Kat knew that she was staring at them, but so what? Let her!


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