A Wolf's Savage Embrace

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A Wolf's Savage Embrace Page 6

by Darlene Kuncytes

  “Whoops!” Kat laughed, turning her head and looking up into Luke’s face. God, she thought with a groan, the man was just complete sex on a stick. He was the most masculine man that she had ever known, and just being near him was like a kick to her stomach.

  “Come on,” Luke laughed, turning and practically carrying her toward the door. She heard him tell Jim to keep the change and swore she heard Chablis or whatever, huff out a ‘what a waste’ and she giggled again.

  Sucks to be you, sweetheart, she thought with a grin and had the overpowering urge to blow a raspberry at her - but quickly stopped herself. Instead she threw the girl a dirty look - then burst into a fit of laughter when the bottle she had been holding popped in her hands and exploded – drenching the girl in gin. Let’s just see how much you like smelling like a Christmas tree – she giggled.

  Luke pulled her along as he made a beeline for the door - his mouth set in a grin. The moment they walked out of the door to the club; Luke swept Kat up into his arms and purposefully walked toward the car.

  She instinctively wrapped her arms around him, and nestled her spinning head against his neck - unconsciously taking a long, deep breath of his wonderful scent. She knew that she shouldn’t – but with her head swirling as it was – she just didn’t care. Her inhibitions had flown straight out of the damn window. He just smelled so darn good, and she just wanted to enjoy it - if only for a moment.

  Before she could stop herself – her lack of self-control reared its ugly, drunken head. “You smell yummy,” she slurred against his neck, and proceeded to inhale deeply once again – her eyes sliding closed as his wonderful essence filled her.

  She heard Luke’s deep, masculine laugh and furrowed her brows. Was he laughing at her? Arrogant ass!

  “Fine,” She bristled indignantly. “I was just trying to be nice, anyway. I hate to tell you this Benji, but you kind of smell like wet dog,” She scoffed - then proceeded to squirm in his arms, trying to get out of his embrace. “Put me down – you jackass. I am more than able to walk on my own two feet!”

  “Damn it, woman,” Luke bit out -his jaw clenching with frustration. “Would you stop wriggling?”

  Kat stilled in his arms, and gave him a smug little smile. “What’s the matter, big boy? Am I too much for you? Am I too heavy for the big, powerful, muscle bound wolf-boy?” She asked – and then burst into a fit of giggles.

  The sound of her laughter was like a shot of pure adrenaline straight to his groin – although, if he were to be honest, just the feel of her in his arms, and her squirming against him was doing a fine job of that on its own. Her musical, lilting laughter was just an added bonus, and he was finding it harder and harder to walk comfortably. Oh, for Christ’s sake, he cursed under his breath – this woman was going to be the end of him.

  He opened the car door and set her inside, leaning over to fasten her seatbelt. As he did - his shoulder brushed against her breast, and Luke tensed slightly when he heard her sigh at the contact. Damn it!

  That small sound reverberated through his entire body like a damn bolt of lightning. It was low and husky and utterly sensuous - and it would be so easy to turn, just a little, and lean in…

  Luke cleared his throat and snapped the seatbelt into place, cursing himself under his breath for allowing his thoughts to wander. He was stronger than this, damn it! He silently seethed, clenching his jaw. And no matter how this woman broke down his defenses - he swore to himself that he would not mess this up.

  When he backed out of the door, he saw that Kat had fallen asleep, a tiny smile on her beautiful, full lips - and again he was struck by her perfection. She was breathtaking as she sat there, her features soft and relaxed, and he swallowed… hard, shaking his head slightly – wanting nothing more at that moment than to lean in the few inches that separated them - and take them. Ah, Shit!

  He knew the reason for her excessive drinking was a mixture of her trying to prove to him that she could handle herself - but also that the death of the Bradford’s had affected her more than she was willing to admit.

  For whatever reason, she was trying with everything that she had to prove to him that she could do this alone. And no matter how much he fought her on it, she was determined to try and push him away – but he was not about to allow that to happen. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, there was something between them. And as irrational as it might be, he knew that she was his to protect – to cherish.

  He could see the fear in her eyes, and wanted so much to take it away from her – but didn’t know how, and that realization just didn’t sit right with him. He was a leader for God’s sake. Always the one to take control, but now… he shook his head again, wondering when his world had turned upside down - and it was only a moment later that he admitted to himself that it was the moment he had walked into that damn bar and saw this woman standing there – so bravely standing up defiantly to Desmond – trying with everything that she had to protect her friend. He was instantly taken by her strength and her bravery – not to mention her entire essence, and he realized with a slight grin, that at that moment in time – he was lost.

  He raised his hand and gently cupped her cheek, his eyes studying her perfect features as she slept. She looked so peaceful; so damn beautiful and he gave himself a mental shake; dropping his hand and stepping back - silently closing the door. She needed rest, and he needed to relax. This damn little witch had him strung tighter than a piano wire about to snap.

  Luke got into the SUV and headed toward the small motel that he had spotted earlier in the evening as they had made their way to the club. Maybe a good night’s sleep was what they both needed.

  Kat was suddenly aware of being lifted in strong, firm arms, and cautiously opened her eyes - her mouth as dry as cotton. Luke had her cradled against his chest as he walked through the door of the motel room - and Kat tensed when he strolled across the room and laid her down on the king sized bed. A deep feeling of dread hit her full on when she realized that it was the only bed in the room. Oh, crap!

  “Luke,” she protested, sitting up and trying to get off of the bed. She felt the room begin to spin and swallowed, trying desperately to regain her senses.

  He sat down beside her and pushed her back against the pillows with a gentle touch to her shoulder. “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Easy, red,” he murmured. “You need to get some sleep. It’s been a rough day and we’re both tired.” He eyed her cryptically a moment. “Not to mention that one of us is more than a little drunk,” he finished with a grin, and quirk of his brow that brought a scowl to Kat’s face. She suddenly felt like an errant child being reprimanded for raiding the cookie jar. And it was not a feeling that she liked in the least.

  “I am not drunk!” She protested harshly - then groaned when she got a head-rush from raising her voice. She threw her arm across her eyes and moaned. Oh, she was going to pay dearly for this tomorrow, she thought with a grimace. Just what in the Hell had she been trying to prove, anyway? That she was tough? That she could out drink him? Oh, man- she was a complete idiot!

  She heard Luke chuckle and unconsciously ground her teeth together. There he goes again, she thought angrily – he’s laughing at me. She took her arm away from her eyes and leaned up on her elbows – giving him her best “if looks could kill” glare.

  “I am just so freaking glad that you find my discomfort so damn funny! I just live to amuse you, asshole.” She bit out – her eyes blazing, and wanting nothing more at that moment than to throttle the damned fool.

  Luke leaned forward and braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, bringing his mouth within a hairsbreadth of hers. “I actually find you completely adorable,” he corrected huskily, his eyes traveling over her face, only to stop and rest on her full lips.

  Kat felt her stomach flutter and her heart bounce around in her chest at his nearness – and she bit back the sound of encouragement that wanted to spring from her mouth in the worst way. His warm breath
caressed her lips as his spicy scent filled the air. Oh, Hells Bells. The man was just too sexy for his own good - or hers! His eyes lifted from her mouth and he met her gaze - and she saw his expression fill with a heat that turned her bones to jelly.

  She waited with anticipation, and just a hint of trepidation as his body moved ever so slowly closer to hers, and a Nano-second later, she felt a current of electricity hit her when his chest brushed against her breasts – causing her nipples to instantly tighten and pucker almost to the point of pain. Oh, dear, dear God.

  Luke feathered Kat’s mouth with his, the contact as soft as a butterfly’s wing. He felt her lips part slightly when they made contact, and a soft sigh escaped her as her eyes fluttered closed. His tongue swept out and traced her lips, slowly and thoroughly – as if he were branding each curve to memory.

  It took all the willpower that Luke possessed not to just throw her back against the mattress, and take her – to show her his intentions, and it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life to keep from doing just that.

  Instead he turned his head slightly and gently kissed his way down to her neck, trailing his tongue along the path his mouth was taking, and he felt her shiver. He nibbled his way down her collarbone to the soft swell of her breast and Kat arched slightly – silently urging him on, and Luke growled - low and deep in his chest.

  His lips teased and toyed with her taut nipple through the t-shirt that she wore, and he realized with a start, that his arms were shaking from the overpowering need to just rip the material from her, and taste her silken flesh. God, how he wanted to taste it!

  He could smell her arousal - and in the next instant, when she made a soft mewling sound deep in her throat - Luke came to his senses.

  No! He wouldn’t take her this way! When he made love to her, he didn’t want it to be with her in a drunken haze. He wanted her to know, and to remember each caress – each touch – and he’d be damned if he would take her any other way – no matter how much his body protested.

  With a heavy sigh, he leaned back, and away from her – his eyes sweeping up to her hers and holding them. With a smile of regret, he pushed her back against the pillows and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering much longer than he had intended.

  “Get some rest, red,” he murmured, and saw the look of confusion cross her face - only to be replaced a moment later with hurt, and what looked to be anger. She closed her eyes and turned her face away from him.

  Luke stood, and silently walked into the small bathroom – hoping a nice long, cold shower would ease his heated flesh.

  Kat lay there in the darkness, listening to the sound of the shower running, and fought back the emotions threatening to burst forward. Just what in the hell had just happened? She silently questioned, biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt to stave off the rush of tears that so wanted to break free.

  She knew that it would have been a huge mistake for things to have gone any further between them – but still, the deep aching sense of loss that she felt when Luke had rejected her - hurt like Hell. It tore at something deep inside her with the force of a freaking freight train.

  Kat flipped over onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillow with a frustrated groan. God, this just sucked!

  The feel of his mouth on hers – on her breast, had been a little slice of Heaven, and caused her to crave so much more. Damn that man! He made her want things she damned well should not be wanting.

  She closed her eyes and tried desperately to let sleep take her. She just wanted to fall into that dark abyss and forget about the man in the next room who was taking a piece of her heart with him each moment that they spent together. Trying to ignore the pounding in her head as well as her chest, she finally fell into a fitful sleep.

  Luke braced his hands against the wall of the shower and took long, deep breaths as the ice cold water rained down on his overheated body. Christ, he was on fire!

  He shook his head and chuckled softly at his behavior. It seemed as if he lost all control where the feisty little witch was concerned – no matter what he tried to tell himself to the contrary.

  She had him running around in circles with his tail between his legs, and it was a feeling that he was not in the least comfortable with. He choked out a laugh and turned off the water – stepping from the shower and grabbing a towel. His briskly dried himself and threw on a clean pair of boxers.

  When he walked through the doorway and into the room, his eyes instantly went to the bed where the witch in question was curled up on her stomach - her breathing soft and even in slumber, and he said a quiet prayer of thanks that she had finally fallen to sleep.

  He wasn’t sure that he would be able to stop himself this time if he had to look into those beautiful eyes of hers again. He was a strong man – but even he had his limits. And he was not use to being denied what he wanted. And damn if he didn’t want her – with every fiber of his being.

  He took a long ragged breath, and reminded himself that he needed to bide his time, and when she realized that he wasn’t going anywhere, and that she could trust him – then he could show her just how much she meant to him.

  Christ, he thought with a disgusted grunt – when had he become such a wuss? His entire body screamed out in frustration, urging him to take what he wanted, but he fought for control. In time.

  He silently walked over to the bed, and slid in beside her – feeling himself instantly harden at the feel of her warm, soft curves next to him, and her heady scent as it wrapped around him like an erotic embrace. Holy mother of God, he inwardly groaned, this was pure, unadulterated torture. And he felt that he would surely combust when a moment later, she murmured something unintelligible in her sleep, flipped over, and snuggled up against his side - throwing a delicate arm across his chest.

  Luke took a deep, steadying breath and wrapped his arm around her – pulling her close, and realized with that damnable tightening in his chest that nearly took the breath from his body, that this felt right. That this was where she belonged - held safe and secure within the circle of his arms. Now, if he could only get the mule-headed witch to realize it – he’d be good.

  The first thing that Kat was conscious of as she slowly came awake was the steady pounding in her head - and she winced in pain. The next was the feel of being held against a steely, muscular frame that she knew immediately.

  She opened her eyes slowly; basking in the feel of Luke’s strong arms wrapped securely around her, and allowed herself a moment to just feel how wonderful it was to be there. Dear Lord - he was smooth and hard - and oh, so tempting. She could hear the steady thrum of his heart against her ear and smiled at the wonderful tempo it made. It was steady and sound – strong and soothing. Oh, if she could only have this forever, she thought sadly and mentally shook herself. No, that just wasn’t in the cards.

  Resigning herself that the thought was just a stupid dream, she slowly pulled herself from his arms and slid from the bed. Hoping a shower would ease the pain she was feeling – in more ways than one.

  She quickly grabbed her backpack, which Luke had so graciously left by the dresser and slipped into the bathroom. She groaned when she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess and her eyes were blood red. She dug into her pack and pulled out a bottle of aspirin.

  Quickly opening the bottle, she tossed a couple of pills into her mouth and poured herself a glass of water from the tap -downing three more glasses quickly after.

  She stripped and turned on the shower full blast, waiting until the water had turned near scalding before stepping in and letting it wash the tension from her aching body.

  Luke lay in bed; waking the instant that Kat had slipped from his arms, and stared up at the ceiling - trying with everything he had not to picture her standing naked in the shower – her soapy body slick, and smooth – and glistening.

  “Shit!” He cursed as he threw back the covers and sprang from the bed. He paced the room like a caged animal, trying to
calm his overcharged body.

  He tried to distract himself by planning out what their next move should be. They needed to find her sister, and hopefully she hadn’t high-tailed it out of town yet. Deciding that their best move would be to go back to the Bradford’s house so that he could check for her scent, he dressed quickly and plopped down in the chair by the window – waiting for the comely witch.

  When Kat walked out of the bathroom, she found Luke sitting by the window, staring out. His mouth set in a tight line. She felt her cheeks heat at the sight of him sitting there, looming like a dark storm cloud, and was again instantly struck by how primal the man was. He was dark and dangerous and utterly gorgeous. She cleared her throat and faced him.

  “What do we do now?” she asked, hating how aware of him she was. Even with her head pounding - she felt an overwhelming desire wash over her with just his presence. And it was definitely not what she wanted. She needed to find her sister and get away from Luke as quickly as possible.

  Luke turned to her and smiled, his eyes raking over her shapely figure in appreciation. She looked utterly tempting standing there in her tight jeans and tank top, and Luke felt his body respond immediately.

  “I want to head back over to the Bradford’s and see if I can pick up your sisters scent,” he said, standing and walking over to her. He stopped not a foot away from her and gave her a smile, his hand reaching up and stroking her cheek. “You look pale,” he murmured. “Guess drinking like a fish doesn’t really agree with you, red.”

  Kat slapped his hand away and glared, her chest heaving with indignation. “I am just fine, Tonto,” she snapped – even though the pounding in her head begged to differ. She turned and grabbed her backpack, walking over to the door. “Well?” she questioned, her brow raised. “Let’s get a move on.” With that she stomped out of the door, her eyes slamming shut as the glare of the morning sun hit her full force, and she inwardly groaned. Ugh, that really hurt!


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