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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 8

by Darlene Kuncytes

  Luke nipped at her skin gently, before tracing his tongue along the inside of her thigh and slowly traveling to her core - his mouth cherishing her, as his hands slid up her legs - only to station themselves at her hips – holding her still.

  “Oh, God…Luke, please.” Kat whimpered, as his tongue teased her already swollen and throbbing bud – and it was wondrous.

  “Hmm?” He hummed against her soft, velvety folds - and Kat swore that she would shoot right up off of the bed, and hurtle straight through the ceiling like a rocket. Good Lord!

  “Damn it, wolf!” She cried, curling her fingers in his hair and pulling. Luke hesitantly stopped what he was doing and looked up at her, a grin spreading across his lips. When he saw the need in the fiery redhead’s eyes - his smile only widened.

  Kats anger flared at his grin – knowing full well that he knew the effect that he was having on her and was enjoying every blasted minute of it - but at the moment, she couldn’t have cared less. She wanted him. And she wanted him now! “Get up here,” she commanded, and Luke broke out laughing.

  “Damn, red,” he murmured – sliding up her body very slowly - placing soft, hot kisses along the way. He stopped a moment to give her breasts some much needed attention before kissing his way up to her collarbone. “You’re not one for pleasantries - are you? Right on to the main event,” he said, stationing himself between her legs as he studied her face.

  Although, if truth be told – he wasn’t sure that he could hold back himself. He wanted her so desperately that he knew their first time would be fast and hard. There would be plenty of time for tenderness later - he silently promised.

  Kat shook her head – wanting to tell him that she needed him – more than she had ever needed anyone before. That it seemed as if she had been waiting for this moment her entire life. That she had envisioned this since the first time she had set eyes on him – but knew that she couldn’t. Instead - she just graced him with a saucy little smile and quirked her eyebrow up at him.

  “I’m not really one for fun and games - fido. If you want to play, go get a ball and we’ll play fetch.” She whispered - her voice low and husky.

  Luke leaned in, bringing his lips close to hers – close, but not close enough. “Believe me, baby. In time, you will be,” he promised, before lowering his mouth and taking hers.

  He kissed her with a heated hunger - his tongue taking possession of hers with the deep pounding need that seemed to be consuming him, and Kat met his passion with the same.

  Kat’s hands played with his hair as she returned his kiss – wanting nothing more at that moment than to have him inside her. She wriggled beneath him – silently begging him to finish what he had started. Damn, but she needed this man – more than she ever thought possible.

  When he finally complied and slowly slid inside her - she felt her heart flutter, and her head get fuzzy. Oh Lord, it was the most magical, erotic sensation that she had ever experienced, and she felt her breath hitch in her throat as he filled her to the hilt – touching her where no man ever had – and it was unbelievable.

  Suddenly she felt this strange light-headedness hit her. It felt as if she were floating in the air on wave after wave of pure bliss. Her eyes widened when she suddenly felt a tingling start at her toes and begin to make its way slowly, torturously up her body. What the hell?

  “What in the…” she heard Luke moan, as he broke their kiss and looked at her – his intense gaze alight and glowing with passion. “Do you feel that?” he asked – clearly confused; and she nodded slowly. “Christ, woman,” he whispered, shaking his head slightly as his mouth turned up in a smile – and Kat felt her heart clench. “What the hell are you doing to me?” With that, his mouth claimed hers once again as he began to move his hips - driving into her with all the need that he felt - and the tingling in their bodies only increased.

  Kat wrapped her long legs around his hips tightly as she moved beneath him - her hands going to his back and pulling him closer as she dug her nails in - and heard a deep, sexy growl rumble in his chest.

  “Shit, sweetheart,” Luke gasped, as he drove himself faster and faster into her heat, his heart pounding in his chest like thunder. “You’re killing me here.” He buried his face against her neck and kissed her throat, his lips and breath hot, and Kat moaned, moving her hips with his – feeling things she had never felt before. This was beyond amazing! It was as if every nerve ending in her body had been electrically charged and was alive and buzzing. Sweet Lord! Would she – could she survive this?

  Luke didn’t know what the hell was happening – all he knew was that he was experiencing feelings that were completely foreign to him. Being buried deep inside this woman was beyond anything he could ever have imagined, and he felt the animal in him threatening to spring forward to stake claim- and he forcefully pushed it back.

  His Alpha side wanted nothing more at the moment, than to sink his teeth into her; to mark her and make her his – but he knew that no matter what his feelings, he couldn’t do that - at least not yet. He needed this extraordinary woman to accept the fact that they were destined for each other. He couldn’t take the chance of her running.

  Luke felt Kats body tightening against his, and that strange tingling increased; as if a million bees were buzzing underneath his skin. He clenched his teeth together as they reached their climax in an explosion of blinding light and electrical current. Christ, he thought as he spilled his seed into her – just what in the hell was going on here?

  Luke rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him, and stared up at the ceiling. Shit, he silently thought to himself – had sex ever been so mind-blowing? He felt like he’d been kicked straight in the gut. He didn’t know what was going on – but he did know that he wasn’t about to let it end. Now, more than ever, he knew that Kat belonged to him, and he was damned sure going to make her realize it too – no matter what it took.

  Kat laid her head on Luke’s chest and fought back the tears threatening to fall. Damn it! She silently seethed – she knew that this was going to be a mistake! How in the hell was she going to leave him now? No matter how much she hated the fact that they could not be together – she knew it was what had to be – and this little slip-up of hers had been a huge mistake. And she had the feeling that it was one that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

  All that it had accomplished; besides making her feel things she never could have ever imagined feeling – was to cement herself even more to the frustrating cur. She knew that she was falling in too deep – but seemed unable to stop it, no matter how hard she tried. She was freefalling from unimaginable heights – and she didn’t have a net. And when she hit – she was going to hit hard. Her heart was going to shatter into a million pieces, and the whole situation just sucked out loud.

  She abruptly sat up and threw her legs over the bed – only to be stopped by Luke’s arm sliding around her waist and pulling her back down when she tried to stand. “Just where do you think you’re going, sweets?” He asked, sitting up behind her and nuzzling her ear.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she bit out - mad as Hell at herself for letting this happen. It was bad enough that she had been too weak to keep him from coming with her in the first place – but now…

  She chewed at her bottom lip – trying to keep her tears at bay. Now the game had changed, and it was a game that she had no chance of winning. She needed to leave him behind, and in doing so – was going to be leaving what was left of her heart with him.

  “Mmm,” Luke murmured against her neck, and Kat had to physically stop herself from tilting her head back to give him better access. “That sounds interesting.”

  “Not for you, spot,” Kat replied, shakily – her body once again on fire. “I shower alone.”

  Luke chuckled against her skin as he pulled her back more firmly against his chest. The arm that was around her waist tightened as his other arm wrapped around her and cupped her breast, causing the peak to harden instantly, and
securely keeping her in his embrace as his hot mouth traveled back up her neck to her ear – nipping at it lightly and causing a shudder to run through her. “So much more fun with two,” he whispered.

  “Yes - as I’m sure you know from experience.” Kat bit out and tried to pull away again - but he was having none of it. With a growl, he twisted his body so that Kat ended up on her back – firmly beneath him. “Get off of me!” She squealed, hating the way her body cried out for him. It was as if her entire soul was calling out to his – and it was unsettling.

  Luke leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose, his mouth turning up in a smile, and Kat could feel her heart clenching in her chest. Sweet Lord, his smile could melt a freaking iceberg!

  “Katrina,” he said softly, his gaze holding hers - and she felt her stomach lurch. “What we have between us…”

  “We have nothing,” Kat burst out – hoping to make herself believe it - as well as Luke.

  Anger crossed Luke’s perfect features and Kat swallowed back the lump forming in her throat. “Don’t you dare try and tell me that you didn’t feel that.” He ground out, his entire body tensing and his eyes snapping with anger.

  “Ok, Blackwater, - you stubborn son of a bitch! I’ll admit it.” She took a deep, steadying breath and glared at him. “We just had fan-freaking-tastic sex! It was the best sex that I have ever had. Are you happy now?” She snapped; her mouth set in a tight frown. “Did I stroke your poor fragile little ego enough, dog boy?” Kat was close to scratching his eyes out for making her admit it; but damn it! – It had been the best she had ever had - and it was so much more. And she hated that fact - hated it with every fiber of her being. Hated it because it could never go any further; and she wanted it too - so very badly.

  Luke’s lips lowered towards hers, and she waited tensely for his kiss – thinking it would be rough and demanding – but her eyes widened a moment later when his lips finally touched hers. His kiss was so soft and gentle that she found it hard to think clearly. He lightly feathered his lips against hers before kissing the side of her mouth – then her jaw.

  Oh…no…no…no! Hell NO! Kat silently screamed. She could take his stupid, irritating he-man ways – but this tenderness – oh, sweet mother of God - this would surely kill her!

  “It was more than just that, red,” he murmured against her skin, and she stiffened slightly. “You felt that electricity,” he went on – moving above her and caging her in with his body, “that connection. I don’t know what in the hell it was…but I’ve never felt anything like it before.” He leaned back slightly and caught her eyes with his – and she could see the fire in them - his Alpha shining through. “And I want more.”

  “And when you’ve had your fill,” she asked, her voice cracking ever so slightly, and she cursed herself again. God, she really sucked at this. “You’ll let me leave?”

  Luke’s body instantly stiffened; his eyes flashing once again with anger. He was off the bed in a flash, his gloriously nude form storming over to the window and staring out. She watched as his muscles tensed – his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

  “Is that what you really want?” She heard him ask softly, and her breath caught in her throat.

  Of course it wasn’t what she wanted – she wanted to scream at him – but it was what she needed to do. And - the sooner the better. “Yes,” she whispered, and prayed that he couldn’t hear the lie in her voice.

  Luke clenched his jaw and closed his eyes – his entire body strung as tight as a coiled spring about to snap. Shit! That was not the answer he had been hoping for. He knew that she was lying – yet the words still stung.

  After what they had shared, he was more certain now than he had ever been that she was his. The only problem standing in their way was making her realize it! His jaw clenched as he turned around to look at her.

  Shit! He silently seethed at the sight of her sitting there, propped up against the headboard – her beautiful body exposed. Her skin - as smooth and perfect as silk, beckoned to him - and he fought the urge to pounce on her and devour every square inch of that glorious satiny flesh with every fiber of his being. Mine! His wolf screamed at him again - and he glared at her.

  Kat watched Luke closely; her eyes widening slightly. She knew that he was mad as hell – but it couldn’t be avoided. She had broken too many rules as it was already, she thought with a sigh. She needed to find Harper and get all of this mess finished. Perhaps, once that was done… No! She couldn’t think that way! Who knew what Lexie’s Coven was capable of? And she had been the one to kill the stupid bitch – no one else. She had practically begged Desmond to let her finish her off. And now she was the one who needed to deal with the consequences – not these people that she had grown to care for so much. And it wasn’t fair to let Luke get caught in the crosshairs because of her and her freaking messed up life.

  “Here’s the deal,” Luke said finally - his tone low and dangerous. He slowly walked over toward the bed – as if he were stalking her; and Kat felt her body flush from the mere heat of his gaze. “You’re stuck with me until we find your sister.” As he spoke, his eyes traveled over her body very thoroughly, and Kat swallowed hard – wanting nothing more at that moment than to grab the twisted sheets and cover herself - but her stubborn pride wouldn’t allow it. She needed him to think that he didn’t affect her the way that he did.

  “No!” She burst out, knowing that her instructions were that he could not be with her. Who knew how much damage she might have already done? They had seen them together – for God’s sake! It didn’t matter that Luke had been in his wolf form – that bastard that got away knew it was a Were that she was traveling with – and that just wasn’t good. “I’ve told you…I need to find her alone.”

  What little resolve that Luke had left, snapped with her words. He reached over, and in one smooth, fluid motion - grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off of the bed and slammed her up against his body. Kat gasped at the current that ran through her as their bare flesh made contact.

  “You listen to me, Katrina.” He hissed - his eyes blazing into hers. “I saw what they did to your sisters’ family. I can track her – you can’t. And as much as I’m sure it pains you to admit it - you need me - and are not doing this alone! I absolutely forbid it.”

  That last statement instantly got Kat’s dander up, and she glared right back at him - her eyes spitting fire. “You forbid it?” she ground out. “You listen to me – you puffed up jackass. I can do this on my own! I don’t freaking need the big bad wolf to protect me!”

  “Well, that is just too the fuck bad!” He shot back. “This is how it’s going to be. We find your sister, and then you can both go along on your merry way!”

  That is - if you still think you want to, he silently added. “And in that time, I promise not to touch you again.” He finished, hating himself for making a promise he knew he couldn’t keep. It was taking every ounce of strength that he had at the moment not to throw her back down on the bed and take her again...and again.

  “You’re touching me now,” Kat whispered defiantly, her eyes going to the hand circling her upper arm, and Luke dropped it as if he had been burned - and took a step back, his lips turned up into that damn smarmy grin of his and she instantly felt the loss – deep in the bowels of her soul.

  “That I was – my mistake. Go and take your shower, red,” he said, turning and grabbing his discarded jeans from the floor and slipping into them. Kat watched him with intense interest, loving how the worn material hugged his muscular thighs so enticingly. The man could definitely rock a pair of jeans, she thought with a groan.

  When he faced her again and saw her gawking at him – his smile only widened. Before she could stop herself; her eyes traveled to the fly of his jeans – which was still unbuttoned, and she flushed to the roots of her hair. Holy shit! She cursed, trying to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. He looked like a freaking Calvin Klein ad! Now that was just playing dirty.

/>   “Luke, this isn’t finished,” she said, trying desperately to keep her voice steady. “I need to do this alone.”

  “Well, sorry about your bad luck, red. That’s just not going to happen - so you might as well stop trying to convince me. You’re beginning to sound like a damn broken record.” With that he scooped up his t-shirt and headed towards the door, pulling it over his head as he walked. He slammed his feet into his boots and glanced back at her. “I’m going to grab us something to eat.”

  It wasn’t until he closed the door behind him that Kat let out the breath that she had been holding. Damn it! Why were things just getting more and more complicated? She chewed at her bottom lip as she debated on whether or not she should just grab her stuff and get out while Luke was gone – but after only a moments deliberation she decided against it. He would just track her if she did that, and just be all the more pissed off at her – and at the moment, that was the last thing that she needed. The man looked as if he was about to spontaneously combust as it was.

  She plopped down on the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. Shit! She had made a total mess of things! Just what in the hell was she going to do now?

  Chapter 4

  Luke placed his to go order at the small diner across from the motel and pulled his cell phone from the pocket of his jeans – calling Desmond. After what seemed an eternity, the vampire finally answered – sounding completely ticked off at being disturbed - and Luke didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what he had to have been doing.

  “Lucas,” he said, sounding completely distracted and Luke sighed heavily – knowing that the vamp was surely otherwise occupied with Abby at the moment. Christ, he thought with a shake of his head, and a grin – when wasn’t he pre-occupied with the beautiful little fey?

  Since the two had become mated, it was like freaking honeymoon central at Desmond’s estate – even to the point that Desmond’s brother Marcus was making himself scarce.


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