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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 17

by Darlene Kuncytes

  “I am afraid that she will be forced to take his life,” he informed them solemnly. “They do not want this union to happen. So she will be forced to destroy what she loves most if it has. And if they have already been…well, intimate - their child will, of course - be killed.” He was silent for a long moment, seemingly deep in thought. Finally he ran his hands across his eyes and sighed. “And you said her sister?” He asked, and Marcus nodded, thinking that Kat could quite possibly already be pregnant brought an overwhelming fear for her to twist his insides in a vice-like grip. “Then she and her sister must be the dark and the light.”

  “Just what in the bloody Hell does that mean?” Marcus growled, silently wondering if they had a snowballs chance in hell of finding them in time. This just seemed to get worse and worse.

  “That, I am not entirely certain of. Only that it is said that two sisters would be brought together – one of the darkness and one….well, I am sure you can guess the rest. I am sorry - but that is all that I have been able to discover. The texts that I have been able to get my hands on have been limited and have been extremely difficult to decipher. I have spent centuries trying to figure this all out.”

  “Christ,” Marcus snapped. Not knowing what the hell they were supposed to do next.

  “They have a Vampire working with them.” Brianna offered, finally finding her voice, and Sebastian gave her a look filled with affection.

  “Most likely one of the very old school of our kind,” he replied. “I would assume that it would be safe to say that he is desperate to stop this as well. I am sure he is one of the few of us left that refuses to live by the rules that have been set. He enjoys the killing, the power he holds over humans - and will do everything he can to keep that from ending. A pity really – so uncivilized.” He turned his nose up as if the very idea was repulsive. “Although, I will admit, that I myself enjoy a nip or two right from the vein on occasion – but as you know personally, love. I never kill, and my partner’s always thoroughly enjoy the experience.”

  Marcus looked to Brianna who was flushing brightly, and refused to meet his eyes - and it suddenly hit him that they had done more than just casually date. He gave her a grin, and looked back to Sebastian.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have any idea who it is, would you?” He asked, and the Vampire shook his head.

  “I’m afraid not. I will be more than happy to ask around for you, but I fear that your time is limited.” He glanced at the grandfather clock that stood in the corner and frowned. “There is a full moon tonight and they will want to end this quickly. I’m afraid that if they have your friends, they will want to finish this immediately. They will not want to wait and take any chances. Their very existence is at stake.”

  Marcus felt the overwhelming sense of dread wash over him as he glanced from Brianna, then back to Sebastian. “Holy Hell,” he whispered.

  Chapter 14

  Luke pulled again at his restraints - his teeth clenched in fury. “Son of a bitch!” He growled; sweat beading on his forehead from the effort. He knew that it was useless, but he just wouldn’t give up! Not until he had Kat safe in his arms.

  His wolf howled in frustration for its mate, and Luke cursed again – yanking on the shackles. He needed to get the hell out of here before these crazies did whatever it was that they were planning to do.

  He knew in his gut that whatever was going on - it was big, and it involved everyone he cared about – and he was not about to let any of them be hurt. He would die before he’d let harm come to his family – and there was no way on God’s green earth that he wasn’t going to have a long happy life with his Katrina at his side.

  He growled again as he slammed the back of his head against the wall in frustration. The urge to kill rippling through his body with a vengeance.

  Harper braced herself against the wall of their prison, and watched as Kat paced relentlessly around the tiny room, her brows furrowed with anger. She had no idea how much time had passed since Elaine’s little visit – or even how long they had been locked up in this hell hole for that matter. But what she did know was that her sister was seriously losing it.

  Kat was like a caged animal, and no matter what Harper did – she could not get her to calm down. Kat had searched the small room for anything that could possibly help them, and when she found nothing of use, she had pounded on the door screaming in frustration – her body shaking uncontrollably.

  And now – she paced, her eyes darting about the room as if she were about to explode, and Harper knew that she was absolutely terrified of losing Luke – and she had no idea how to help her.

  As Harper watched her pace, she suddenly felt an overwhelming anger rushing through her veins. Anger at Kat and at Luke for getting her into this mess – anger at her parents for leaving her. She squeezed her eyes shut – trying to stave off the rush of emotion.

  No! She silently pleaded with herself. She wasn’t that person! Her mother had taught her to control her rage long ago, and Harper swallowed the lump forming in her throat as she clenched her jaw. She had to concentrate! She had to push the darkness away.

  Kat and Luke had done nothing. They cared for her – protected her. She slowly began to rock back and forth as she concentrated on the sunny meadow her mother had taken her to when she was little. Filled with beautiful flowers, they had laughed and danced and sang songs. This was where she needed to be. Where there was happiness and light.

  She shook her head and opened her eyes to find Kat standing in front of her – her mouth hanging open in surprise. “What…what’s the matter?” She stammered; terrified of the look on her sisters face.

  “How did you do that?” Kat asked, and Harper looked at her in confusion.

  “Do what?”

  Kat pointed to the corner of the room and Harper gasped when she turned and saw the patch of wildflowers blooming in the space - the same wildflowers that had filled the meadow.

  “I…I’m not sure. I was mad, and I started thinking about this meadow by our house that my mom would take me to and…” Harper shook her head, trying to figure out just what in the hell was happening now.

  Harper stood and hesitantly walked over to the flowers, reaching out to stroke one of the purple buds. As soon as her fingers touched the delicate petals, they begin to wilt and shrivel, turning black in an instant, and Harper gasped as she jumped back as if she had been burned.

  “Shit up a pole,” she breathed and turned to Kat – her eyes wide and frightened. “What’s wrong with me?” She asked, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “I don’t know,” Kat breathed, as she watched in fascination as the flowers began to die and turn to dust. She looked back to Harper and found the girl near tears, her lips trembling and her face deathly pale.

  Kat walked over to her and pulled her into her arms, stroking her hair gently. “Shhh, honey,” she cooed. “There’s nothing to worry about. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s all right. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”

  Harper sniffled and looked up into Kat’s face. “My mom always told me that I had to keep my anger in check,” she explained softly. “But sometimes it just sneaks up on me – and I…I have to go to a place where I was happiest.”

  Kat smoothed the hair away from Harper’s face and tried to smile. “We are going to get out of this,” she promised her again. “We are going to find Luke and...” she broke off, her fear choking her.

  Dear God –she needed Luke! She needed to know that he was ok. She needed to see him smile.

  She needed to feel his heat, smell that scent that was utterly and completely Luke.

  The lock being turned in the door caused Kat to be abruptly jerked from her train of thought and she turned – her eyes narrowing as she waited – pushing Harper behind her protectively.

  Elaine stepped through the doorway, flanked by the two men that had been with her at the apartment and Katrina glared at her mother as her body
began to tremble. She never imagined that she could hate someone as much as she did this woman. She wasn’t her mother! She was an evil bitch that cared about no one but herself.

  “My darling daughters,” she murmured as she strolled over to them. “It is time.” She smiled wickedly, her eyes practically glowing with excitement. “Tonight we end all of this nonsense once and for all, and secure our place in this world. Come.” She held out her hand as if Kat and Harper would rush to her in joy, only to furrow her brows a moment later when they didn’t.

  Kat had felt a strange humming start in her belly and quickly sweep through her body when her mother beckoned to them, as if invisible hands were at her back – pushing her towards the woman – but she fought it with everything that she had. She would not go anywhere near this woman willingly.

  “Interesting,” Elaine mused, tapping her finger against her chin. “It seems that your wills are a bit stronger than I had anticipated.”

  Elaine turned to the two men standing so silently near the door and snapped her fingers. “Bring them – we have people waiting.”

  In an instant, Kat and Harper were yanked towards the door – their arms held securely behind them as they were led out of their prison. Elaine followed, softy chanting.

  As they were being pushed along the dark corridor, Kat searched in vain for any sign of Luke – her heart breaking when there was only an eerie silence. They were shoved up a set of stairs and through a doorway – taking them outside through the storm cellar of a very old farmhouse.

  Kat could see a fire blazing off in the distance and heard the distinct sound of voices. What sounded like a lot of voices, and her legs began to tremble. She turned to look at Harper who was staring straight ahead with wide, frightened eyes.

  Kat knew that this was not good – but with a straightening of her back she decided that she would not go down without a fight. She would do everything and anything within her power to stop whatever these crazies had in mind. She would give up her life to make sure Luke and Harper were safe.

  They were led to a clearing where the fire blazed, and Kat noticed at least twenty people in black robes standing around what looked like an altar of sorts. She searched hurriedly for any sign of Luke and felt her hopes dash a moment later when there was none. Where was he?

  The voices stilled as they approached and a hush fell over the clearing as all sets of eyes turned to watch Kat and her sister – and she could feel the evil radiating off of them. Oh, this was so not good at all!

  Luke glared at the door as it opened and two burly men walked in. His mouth pulled back in a snarl as he watched them approach.

  “It’s time wolf,” the one ground out as he unlocked the chain from the wall that held Luke’s wrist and handed the length to the other man when Luke viciously yanked on it. He burst out laughing at the Were’s futile attempt. “It’s no use,” he informed him as he removed the band from around his neck, and then moved to the other side to release that chain as well. “This silver has been charmed as well, so you might as well save your strength.” He glanced at the other man and gave him a knowing smirk.

  “Where is Katrina,” Luke growled as they pulled him along through the doorway.

  “No worries, wolf,” the man spit out, his eyes gleaming dangerously. “We’re taking you to see your lady love right now.” Again the man burst into laughter and Luke tried to lunge for him – but he snapped the chain and kept him immobile.

  Luke felt his rage welling up inside him as he was dragged along the stone corridor, and swore that he would see these bastards’ dead. As soon as he got Kat and Harper out of this, he would kill them all – and enjoy every blasted moment of it. His wolf howled in fury – wanting nothing more in that moment than to get out.

  Kat and Harper were shoved through the circle of people and led over to the altar. Black candles flickered and dripped wax onto the makeshift table and Kat’s eyes widened when she caught sight of a large silver dagger laying there - just out of reach. She gulped back the fear and glanced around at the Coven.

  They stood facing them, their faces obscured by the black hoods of their robes and Kat could feel their excitement – in radiated off of them in waves. She watched as Elaine made her way over and stood in front of them.

  Ever the drama Queen, Elaine raised her arms to the group and smiled. “Starting tonight,” she called, looking at the group standing in front of her. “Finally, once and for all, we will secure our place in the world. This is only the beginning for us.”

  There was a murmuring of approvals from the crowd and Kat looked to Harper, who was standing there – her mouth hanging open in fear, as she took in the scene unfolding before her. Her hands were wrenched securely; and painfully behind her back again, and Kat struggled against the arms holding her - trying to get to her sister.

  Elaine walked over to Kat and touched her cheek, causing her to jerk back and glare. She grabbed Kat’s hair and pulled her head back – causing her to gasp in surprise. And before Kat could protest, her mother poured a vile of foul tasting liquid down her throat.

  Kat choked and gagged, trying desperately to spit out the disgusting liquid, but enough had gone down her throat that she was suddenly very dizzy. She felt the bastard who was holding her let her go and she collapsed to the ground, choking viscerally – feeling a deep burning sensation running through her veins. She vaguely heard Harper gasp and turned her head in her direction, where she saw her sister struggling to get free and get to her – but the man that had held Katrina in his grip walked over and grabbed one of her sister’s arms and helped to hold her prisoner- giving her a vicious shake as he did.

  Elaine looked down at Kat and smiled, her eyes gleaming. She turned back to the Coven and nodded, and Kat was suddenly aware of them beginning to chant – softly at first but with a growing intensity.

  Kat’s vision blurred then cleared as her stomach heaved – trying to expel whatever she had consumed, but nothing came out. She struggled to stand, but found that the burning in her veins and the dizziness sweeping over her just wouldn’t allow it. Her blood felt like it was on fire, and she tried to take air into her lungs – trying desperately to gain control.

  When Kat heard Harper gasp again, she looked up to see a furious Luke being led in chains by two men. He fought, growling viciously as his Amber eyes glowed with his fury and Kat let out a blood-curdling scream – unable to stop the terror coursing through her very soul. She was now living her nightmare.

  Luke yanked at the chains and growled, his wolf howling in frustration. When he first heard, then saw Kat – his blood ran cold. She was on the ground, trying to stand as her screams ripped through the night and Luke wanted nothing more at that moment than to kill; to rip, and tear these bastards to pieces.

  His blood thirst was all-consuming and he was struggling to keep his wits about him and not let the animal take over. He needed to get them out of this, and blind rage was not the way to do it. Not when he couldn’t shift.

  He was vaguely aware of the sound of the Coven chanting as he was pulled deeper into the circle – but his eyes were on Katrina. Damn it to hell! The bastards had done something to her.

  He growled again, baring his teeth and lunged to the side, trying to get to one of his captures – but the damned silver was weakening him - as well as preventing him from shifting.

  Son of a bitch, he seethed – needing more than anything to get to his mate. He chanced a quick glance at Harper who was standing there silently between two men – her face a mask of terror, and Luke growled again. This was his family, God damn it! And he would not let them be harmed!

  Kat screamed until she realized that she was growing hoarse, and the chanting around her grew louder. There was a small part of her that found the sound strangely calming.

  It was melodic and soothing and she suddenly felt her head clearing and she grew quiet – letting the voices embrace her. She could feel her anger - hot and heady, coursing through her body in ripples, and welcomed it. I
t felt so good.

  She looked up at Elaine who stood there silently, watching her intently.

  Elaine held her hand out to her, and Kat realized with a start – as if she were watching from outside of her body - that she was taking it and letting her mother help her to her feet.

  There was a strange vibration going through her that made Kat feel something she wasn’t sure was necessarily a good thing. It was a darkness creeping over her that was stealing the breath from her body as well as the emotions from her soul – and a part of her liked it. She didn’t want to feel anymore. She didn’t want the pain or the hurt. She liked this numbness – this anger.

  “We are ready,” Elaine called over the voices, and the members of the Coven nodded – continuing to chant. “My daughters,” Elaine said, taking Kat by the hand and motioning for Harper to be brought closer. “We finally have the dark and the light - the power to give and take life. But, we must end this threat against all that we have worked so long for.” The chanting grew louder and more orgasmic as Elaine addressed the Coven, and she smiled darkly. “The child my daughter carries is an abomination.” She grit out, looking to Luke. “If this child is allowed to survive, he will bring an end to our world. He will destroy all that we are. We could not stop that damn Vampire and his whore of a Fey from creating their offspring. But she will no longer pose a problem if we end this tonight!” She glared at Luke, who now stood completely motionless, his face registering the shock he was feeling straight to his core. “Let them have their precious daughter. She will never be able to fulfill the prophecy alone.”

  Elaine nodded to a hooded figure that stood to her right and the man walked over to stand in front of Luke. She nodded once again and he raised the whip that he held and slashed it across Luke’s chest with a resounding crack that echoed through the night – echoing above the din of the voices.

  Luke was in a daze. Elaine’s words stunning him. The child she carries? He looked to Kat, who stood there, her face expressionless – her eyes almost black.


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