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A Wolf's Savage Embrace

Page 19

by Darlene Kuncytes

  As they made their way through the clearing and over to the old farmhouse where they had been held captive, Luke’s body tensed when he saw headlights pulling up the road and he quickly pushed Kat and Harper behind him - his body instantly going into attack mode – a low growl emitting from his chest in warning.

  He watched as a black sedan came to a screeching halt in front of the house and the driver’s and passenger side doors flew open and two people came rushing out.

  “Holy shit!” Luke laughed when he saw Abby and Desmond come running towards them.

  Kat peered around Luke’s massive frame and felt the swell of relief hit her as her friend and her mate ran towards them at breakneck speed.

  “Oh, thank God!” Abby cried as she threw herself at Luke – who quickly wrapped his arms around her and hugged her fiercely.

  To Kat’s surprise, Desmond grabbed her gently by the wrist, and pulled her into his embrace, hugging her tightly. “I was afraid we would be too late,” he whispered, leaning back finally and gracing her with a smile.

  Abby let go of Luke and grabbed Kat. “We have been worried sick!” She cried, tears rolling down her face as she rocked Kat. Kat watched as Luke and Desmond embraced, and her face broke out into a wide smile. This was her family.

  Kat pulled away from Abby and turned to Harper, who had stepped back when the embracing had begun and stood there quietly, anxiously kicking at a stone in the dirt – looking extremely uncomfortable.

  “Abby, Desmond,” Kat said, motioning Harper to come over. “This is Harper - my sister.”

  Abby immediately grabbed the girl and swallowed her up into her arms, kissing her cheek. “I am so happy to meet you Harper,” she laughed. “This is my mate, Desmond.”

  Harper watched as the impressive man walked over to stand behind Abby, wrapping his arm around her waist and extending his other hand out towards her. She took it and gave him a nervous smile - a little intimidated by the man’s impressive stature. He just oozed authority, and she couldn’t help the little shiver that ran up her spine – but when he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, and his mouth turned up in a grin – she melted.

  “Welcome to the family,” he said softly, and Harper instantly felt at ease.

  “Are you the Vampire?” She asked in awe - and Desmond burst out laughing.

  “That I am. Would you care to see my fangs?” He asked, chuckling good naturedly.

  Harper’s mouth dropped open and she nodded. “Can I?”

  Desmond gave her a wink and flashed his fangs, causing the girl to gasp. “Wicked,” she breathed, before turning to look at Abby like she was the luckiest woman in the world – and Abby had to agree. “So, you’re a fairy?” She asked – clearly impressed by the couple.

  Abby smiled and took her hand. “Actually, I’m part Fey.” She looked back at Desmond over her shoulder and winked. “They don’t particularly like being called Fairies,” she replied, mimicking Desmond’s words to her when he had first explained to her what she was – and he kissed the top of her head affectionately.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  Abby laughed- the beautiful, lilting sound filling the night, and Harper looked to where Luke and Kat stood, their arms tightly around each other, their faces pressed together, making out like teenagers, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Believe me,” Abby chuckled. “I am far from being offended.” She leaned in closer to Harper and whispered conspiratorially into her ear. “I called them Fairies myself until my husband pointed out that little bit of information. Who knew?”

  Desmond turned and looked to Kat and Luke. “What the hell happened?” He asked, and Luke broke free from Kat’s lips and let out a loud groan.

  “I think we should probably get the hell home before I even begin to get into it all.” Luke laughed, giving Abby a strange, thoughtful glance before breaking out into a grin. “Some of these assholes took off into the woods, and I’m not sure if they’re still lurking around.” He looked to Desmond and his smile faded. “Des, they had a Vampire with them,” he informed him, and was completely stunned when his friend nodded.

  “I know. I caught his scent when we were in Kat’s apartment. I take it that he took off?” He asked, but it was Harper that answered.

  “The miserable coward took off after he almost whipped Luke to death,” she bit out, her anger evident and Desmond couldn’t help but smile at the obvious affection the girl had for his friend.

  “I see,” Desmond murmured softly, hugging Abby close. “Marcus is in New Orleans seeing what he can dig up. I will ask that he stay and continue his search.”

  “Where the hell are we anyway?” Luke asked, glancing around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

  “About an hour and a half from the manor,” Desmond replied, taking Abby by the hand and pulling her along with him as he lead them all back towards the car. “I have to tell you my friend. I had a hell of a time tracking you.” Desmond informed them nonchalantly. Then he turned back and looked at Luke, that grin of his touching his lips. “Perhaps I should have you micro chipped, cur.”

  “Desmond!” Abby laughed, elbowing him in the stomach. “You are horrible!”

  He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. “And you wouldn’t have it any other way – would you sweetness?” He asked, kissing her once again for good measure.

  “Absolutely not,” she replied, and stroked his cheek.

  Kat and Luke walked up beside Harper, and Kat wrapped her arm around her sister’s shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.

  “You are going to just love these two,” she whispered. “And wait until you meet Desmond’s brother Marcus. He’s a doll - a big old teddy bear.”

  Chapter 16

  When they finally arrived back at the manor, Abby and Kat ushered the exhausted Harper upstairs to get her settled in as Desmond and Luke went into the study for a much needed drink.

  The two men relaxed in a comfortable silence as they sipped brandy and waited for their mates to return. The trip back had been a quiet one with Harper falling asleep almost immediately, curled up in the back seat with Kat and Luke. Kat slept on Luke’s lap - his arms wrapped securely around her and his head resting on top of hers. Abby had leaned over and dozed on and off against Desmond’s shoulder as he quietly watched the road.

  “So,” Desmond said softly, finally breaking the silence in the room, “are you going to tell me just what in the hell happened out there?”

  Luke leaned his head back against the cushion of the sofa that he was sitting on, and closed his eyes. There was so much to tell, and he was excited and nervous – and he just wanted to take his mate upstairs and make love to her for the rest of the night and most of the day. He wanted to mark her and truly make her his mate – but he needed to tell his best friends everything first.

  He sighed and opened his eyes, looking at Desmond with a grin. “I think it would be best to wait until we are all together.”

  Desmond’s brows furrowed as he silently studied his friend. Something was definitely up. When he had called Marcus to tell him that everyone was safe, his brother had whooped loudly and congratulated Desmond. Actually congratulated him! And just what in the hell for – he had no idea. His brother had acted as if he had performed a miracle – when in essence, hadn’t done anything except find their friends and bring them home. It was peculiar, and a bit unsettling. Desmond didn’t like not knowing what was going on at all.

  He narrowed his eyes at Luke- wanting nothing more at that moment than to choke that shit-eating grin right off of his face.

  Luke fought back the urge to burst out laughing with everything that he had as he watched the confusion and irritation play across Desmond’s features. Oh, just wait, my friend – he silently beamed. Christ! They were going to be fathers! Their children were going to change the world. He had his mate safely back with him, and soon – they would have a son.

  Luke’s smile faded as a bout of nerves hit him like a Mack tr
uck. Holy shit! Their children were going to change the world! What the Hell were the powers that be thinking when they decided to entrust him with that responsibility? He felt his stomach clench in fear and gulped down the rest of his brandy in one long, painful swallow. Could he do this? Hell, he knew Desmond could. The man was as near to perfect as you could get. He and Abby would be phenomenal parents – but would he?

  He got his answer a moment later when Kat and Abby walked into the room, and his eyes met Kat’s. She caught and held his gaze, her face lighting up with a smile that stole the breath from his body, and he knew right then and there that they would be fine. He loved this woman more than he ever thought it possible to love someone, and he would love their son just as much.

  Kat strolled over to him and plopped down beside him on the couch, snuggling up against his side, and Luke suddenly felt extremely constricted in his swiftly tightening jeans. Ah, hell.

  When Abby had seated herself on her husband’s lap - Desmond quirked a brow at Luke; his patience near its end, “Well, wolf?”

  Kat and Luke glanced at each other and burst out laughing, which only caused Desmond’s already tight features to darken slightly. How they could find humor in the situation was beyond him – he thought with a scowl.

  Luke watched Desmond a moment before deciding to let him off of the hook. As much as he enjoyed tormenting the blood-sucker, he was desperate to be alone with Kat. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, giving his friends an apologetic smile.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. I just can’t help but enjoy watching your husband squirm, Abs.” He gave her a wink. “Christ, where do I even start.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “All right, first off is - Kat and her sister are kind of like a power team,” he began, looking down into her eyes in admiration. “Katrina has the ability to give life. She can heal – whereas Harper is sort of like…” he trailed off, trying to find the right words.

  “In Harper’s own words,” Kat piped in. “She’s the damn Grim Reaper.”

  When Desmond and Abby’s mouths fell open, Kat couldn’t help the grin that came to her lips.

  “Thankfully, Constance Bradford knew this and raised Harper with the ability to control it. She’s a strong, loving, wonderful girl, as you will find out soon enough - who is fiercely loyal to those she loves.” Kat looked back to Luke and gave him a look that was both excited and a little nervous. He leaned in and kissed her gently.

  “The witches wanted to put an end to an event that would change our world,” Luke continued, giving Kat a quick wink. “That event is the birth of two children that will bond together all supernatural beings.”

  “What children?” Abby asked, sitting up a bit straighter on Desmond’s lap and watching them intently.

  “Well,” Luke murmured, that shit-eating grin returning to his face in an instant. “Yours and Desmond’s… and ours,” he finished, looking back to Kat. He heard Abby’s sharp intake of breath.

  “What? You can’t mean…” Abby breathed, and when he turned back to look at her – her face was one of total shock – but it wasn’t even close to the shock registering on his friends face.

  Desmond sat there as still as if he were made of stone – his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in disbelief. Not a sound came from him.

  “What’s the matter, daddy,” Luke snorted. “Cat got your tongue?”

  “Lucas, are you sure?” Abby asked, afraid to even hope that this could be true. She knew that Vampire’s couldn’t father children, and had been perfectly content with that. But to think that she could actually have Desmond’s child sent a shot of electricity through her entire body. Could they be that blessed? Could this really be true?

  “Yes, Abs. I’m sure. Our children will be born, grow up…fall in love, and change the supernatural world as we know it. The blending of our species, for lack of a better term - will bond the supernatural beings. They will show them that we can co-exist in harmony, and evil will be sent straight back to Hell, where it belongs. Your fathers and Des’ dream will finally become a reality.”

  Abby placed a hand to her stomach and looked to her mate – who was still sitting there in stunned silence. He still hadn’t made a sound or moved a muscle. “Des?”

  He seemed to snap out of whatever place he had been, and looked at her - his expression one of complete bewilderment. “Could… could this actually be possible?” He whispered, nearly choking on the words as they passed his lips.

  “Oh, it’s possible my friend,” Luke chuckled. “And I’m fairly sure that it’s already happened -considering the way the two of you have been humping like bunnies for the past few weeks.”

  Kat gasped and chucked him on the chest. “Lucas!” She reprimanded, but he just gave her that grin of his.

  Abby blushed to the roots of her hair as she touched Desmond’s face. “Des, are you all right with this?”

  “You…you should be resting. Shouldn’t you?” He breathed out distractedly - then hugged her to him tightly, burying his face in her hair, and inhaled her scent greedily. Not sure that he could even hope that this wasn’t a dream.

  Abby leaned back and looked into his eyes, seeing the shock and worry in them. “Desmond, I feel wonderful.” She leaned forward and kissed the crease in his brow, her fingers brushing against his cheek. “Stop worrying so. I’m only pregnant,” she said with a smile that lit up her face. “There will be plenty of time to rest. I need to know if you are okay with this. We never discussed the possibility of ever being able to…” she trailed off, her eyes shimmering with tears – her heart clenching with happiness. This was so much more than she could have ever expected – and there were no words.

  Desmond brushed his lips against hers, instantly feeling a rush of emotions wash over him – love, joy, contentment - every blasted good feeling that you could possibly feel - and gave himself a quick, mental shake. “Oh, sweetness; this is just…it’s quite overwhelming. I never thought it would be possible…” he broke off, shaking his head in wonder. “I never could have ever hoped… Of course I’m all right with this. I’m ecstatic. I just never thought…” Again he shook his head, as if trying to convince himself that this was actually happening.

  “Oh, and it’s a girl by the way,” Luke interjected with a laugh. He was thoroughly enjoying watching his friend stumble and stutter. The calm, cool Desmond LeGrange was actually in shock! Full blown – Holy Shit shock! Damn, but this was fun!

  “A girl,” Abby repeated on a sigh, her smile lighting up her face in a way that took Desmond’s breath away.

  “A girl,” he repeated in wonder, and looked to Luke. “And you said that they will grow and fall in love?” He asked, and Luke nodded. “So, we shall truly be family.” It was a simple statement, yet held the force of a hurricane.

  “Yeah,” Luke laughed, “seems that the two of you are stuck with me and my wicked, wild ways. Luckily I’ll have my mate to counter balance those pesky, irritating habits of mine.” He glanced back to Kat. “Not that she doesn’t have a few of her own.”

  Kat giggled, and buried her face against his neck - causing his already painful erection to swell to dangerous proportions. Groaning softly, he took a deep, cleansing breath and tried to swallow his desire – but it was just no use. He needed his Katrina. His wolf was howling in frustration – wanting to finally take what was his – and he was hard pressed to fight it any longer.

  “Listen, I would love to sit and chat all night, but Kat needs some rest, and you two need some alone time as well. I just kind of dropped a pretty big bombshell on the both of you and you need time to digest it all and celebrate. Why don’t we finish this conversation in the morning,” he glanced down into Kat’s eyes and saw them sparkling wickedly as she smiled up at him. “Or better yet, late afternoon. This has been a crazy few days, and we all have a lot to chew on. And even though for the most part, the Coven is gone - we still have a Vampire to worry about.” He shrugged. “Although, I really don’t think he is going to pose much
of a problem, but we can’t be reckless either. We have people we love to protect.”

  With that Luke stood and swept Kat up in his arms, and carried her towards the door. When he reached the doorway he turned and looked back over his shoulder. “Congrats guys. This is all kind of surreal, huh?” he said with a smile.

  “Yes, indeed it is. And congratulations to the both of you as well,” Desmond replied, his arms tightening around Abby.

  They said their goodnight’s and disappeared up the stairs and headed off to the guestroom. When they were gone, Desmond looked back to Abby. He studied her a moment - awe clearly written across his face. “Our children are going to be remarkable,” he murmured, softy stroking her face – his eyes filled with love and tenderness. “I still cannot believe that I should be this fortunate. I thought I was the luckiest man in the world when you stumbled into my life and now this. I just want to do everything right. My love, what can I do? Do you need to rest? You should probably eat. Are you hungry?”

  Abby burst out laughing. “Don’t you dare try to fatten me up yet, Desmond LeGrange!” she giggled, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him soundly on the mouth, her eyes sparkling. “Well, let’s see. What can you do?” She murmured, her fingers going to her lips. “Hmm… well, you can start off by taking me upstairs and making love to me the rest of the night and well into the morning,” she breathed against his mouth, and Desmond groaned as if in pain. “All the while telling me how much you love me - and how happy you are going to be when you are a daddy.”

  Desmond gazed into her eyes, his own shining brightly. “Oh, Abigail. I love you so much that I could tell you for eternity and it still wouldn’t be enough – but I do intend on doing just that. And as for our child,” he murmured against her lips as his hand slid to her still flat belly and caressed it lovingly. “She will be loved just as much as her mother. I only hope that she has your eyes and your compassion, and love of life. My, love - you have given me a gift that I never could have ever even imagined, and I am in wonder of you, my darling mate. I love and adore you – and will for eternity. Never doubt that for a moment.”


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