Book Read Free

I Like That About Her

Page 10

by Aleks Mitchell

  “You do too,” I replied.

  “And I will be. We both will be.”

  I smiled as I felt the weight on my chest, slowly start to lift. I told Jason the truth. Now I just had to admit it to the rest of the world.

  The rest of the week was super hectic, but Chandler and I managed to still spend a little time together each day after school.

  It was Friday night and we planned on having another sleep over, this time at her house. But, when I got to her house, she was waiting outside.

  “Hey,” she smiled.

  “Hey yourself,” I replied. “What are you doing outside?”

  “You and I have a date!”

  “We do?”


  “In public?” I asked, surprised. We had yet to go out together in public, at least not as a couple.

  “Yes, that’s usually where dates take place,” she laughed.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. Come on, let’s go.”

  “Can’t you just tell me?” I wasn’t really a fan of surprises.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” she smiled.

  I sighed as we got into her car.

  “Don’t be such a baby,” she laughed. “It’s way too adorable. It makes it impossible not to reach over and kiss you right now.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to act like a baby more often.”

  She smiled as she backed the car out of the driveway.

  “How do we have the whole theater to ourselves?” I asked from beside Chandler.

  Chandler brought me to the movie theater she worked at. We were watching one of the latest horror movies that came out. Though, we hadn’t really been paying much attention to the movie.

  “My boss really likes me,” she shrugged.

  “So, your boss knows about us?”

  “No, he thinks we’re just friends.”

  “So does everyone else,” I said with a sad smile.

  “Hey,” she said as she put her hand to my chin, lifting it gently. We looked into each other’s eyes. “One day everyone will know just how much we mean to each other, but until then, we know and that’s all that really matters.”

  “I just wish people were more accepting. Me and you being together doesn’t change who we were. It doesn’t make us different.”

  “Well, sometimes people are afraid of what’s different.”

  “That sucks for them. They’re missing out.”

  “They sure are,” she smiled.

  I smiled as I leaned in. She leaned in and met me half-way, our lips colliding. We stayed that way for the rest of the movie.

  On the way home, Chandler and I grabbed something to eat and then headed back to her place.

  “Do you ever miss California?” I asked her.

  “Sometimes,” she shrugged. “I had a lot of friends there that I miss, but I still keep in touch with them so it’s cool. I like it here.”

  “Why?” I laughed. “I can’t wait to get out of New Jersey.”

  “I like the seasons. In California it didn’t usually go below sixty degrees outside. I can’t wait to see snow again.”

  “Yeah, I’ll admit snow is great. But, it would be awesome to live in California.”

  “It was pretty awesome, but I’m still glad we moved here. If we hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met you.” She looked over at me and smiled, but turned back to the road right away.

  “I’m glad you moved here too. It would have sucked to have never met you.”

  “I don’t know. I think we would have crossed paths eventually even if I didn’t move here.”

  “How?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “I think we’re soulmates,” she said seriously. She had stopped at a light so she was able to look at me with a serious expression.

  I quirked my eyebrows at her in question.

  Chandler burst out laughing a moment later. “Okay, I know that sounded really crazy.”

  I laughed. “Maybe a little.”

  “But, in all seriousness, I feel like we were meant to meet, if that makes any sense.”

  “You know, it actually does.”

  Chandler turned back to the road as the light turned green. She started driving, but a second later I felt the wind get knocked out of me as I heard a loud crash from my side of the car.

  The next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital bed, mom and Andy by my side. I wasn’t sure what happened, but I had a terrible headache.

  “Hey, thank God you’re awake,” mom cried. “I was so worried.”

  “What happened?” I asked groggily.

  “Some douche bag ran a red light and crashed into you and Chandler,” Andy revealed.

  “Is she okay?” I asked frantically.

  “She’s fine,” Andy reassured me. “She just got a few cuts and bruises. He hit the passenger side so you got most of the impact.”

  “The doctor thinks you have a concussion,” mom added. “He wants to keep you here over night.”

  “I don’t want to stay overnight. I feel fine.”

  “It’s just a precaution, honey. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Fine,” I sighed.

  “I have to go give the nurses our insurance information,” mom said. “I’ll be right back.”

  As mom walked out, Andy turned to me and smiled.

  “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

  “Thanks, I am too. Are you sure Chandler’s okay?”

  “Faith, she’s fine. I swear. Her parents are with her now.”

  Chandler walked in at that moment. When I saw her standing in front of me I sighed in relief. Until I actually saw for myself that she was okay I was going to feel sick to my stomach with worry. But there she was, standing right in front of me. She did have a few cuts and bruises, but other than that she looked perfectly fine.

  “Hey,” she smiled.

  “Hey,” I smiled back.

  Andy looked between the two of us awkwardly. “I’ll just give you two a minute. I’m getting a soda, do you guys want anything?”

  “No, thanks,” we both replied in unison.

  “Aww isn’t that cute,” Andy smiled.

  I rolled my eyes as Andy left the room.

  As soon as Andy left Chandler rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

  “I was so worried about you,” she said. It sounded like she was crying.

  “I’m fine,” I assured her. As we pulled apart we looked into each other’s eyes. She gave me a quick peck on my lips before sitting down beside my bed.

  “You wouldn’t wake up after the accident,” she said. “I kept trying to wake you, but you were knocked out cold. I’ve never been more scared in my life. I thought I’d lost you. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t wake up.”

  “Hey,” I said as I took her hand in mine. “I’m fine, okay? We’re both fine. That’s all that matters now.”

  She looked bothered by a cut on my head.

  “That looks like it hurts,” she grimaced.

  “It’s not so bad. I’m sure it looks worse than it feels.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, you still look like the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “I don’t know about the most beautiful girl. If you’ve looked in the mirror before then you’ve seen a more beautiful girl than me.”

  “Even lying in a hospital bed, you’re still the best flirter around,” she laughed.

  I laughed back, but my face instantly fell when I saw who had just entered my hospital room. My dad was standing right in front of me.

  “Dad?” I asked in shock.

  “Faith,” dad sighed as he came forward and enveloped me into a tight hug. “Andy texted me and said you were in an accident. I came as soon as I heard.”

  I hugged dad back as tightly as I could. I would never admit it out loud, but I had really missed him.

  As we pulled apart dad looked me over.

  “I’m fine,” I assured

  “Are you lying?” he smiled. He knew I liked to lie a lot about my feelings.

  “She really is,” Chandler said. “She does have a concussion though so she has to take it easy.”

  “You must be Chandler,” dad smiled as he extended his hand to her in greeting. “Andy mentioned you. I’m Todd.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Chandler smiled as she shook his hand in return.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just got a few bruises. Nothing major. The other car hit Faith’s side so she got the brunt of the hit.”

  “I’m glad you both are okay,” dad said as he turned back to me. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you Faithy.”

  I smiled at the nickname and pulled dad in for another hug. I looked over his shoulder and smiled at Chandler. She smiled back and gave my hand a light squeeze. Tonight was scary, but it had brought me back together with dad. Chandler and I were okay and dad was back in my life.

  Chapter 14

  Chandler and I spent the weekend apart, resting at home. It felt like the longest weekend I had ever had. I couldn’t wait to see her on Monday morning.

  I was giving her a ride to school because of the accident. Her car wasn’t exactly drivable anymore. Luckily we only lived a couple blocks away from each other so it was easy to carpool.

  Andy and I left early to pick up breakfast from the café down the road from our development.

  “Aww, you’re such a good girlfriend, bringing your significant other breakfast,” Andy joked.

  “Be quiet,” I smiled. “It’s so not a big deal.”

  “You want to make sure your girlfriend gets the most important meal of the day!”

  “Seriously, Andy, it’s just a muffin and coffee.”

  “A muffin and coffee for your girlfriend,” he smiled. “So sweet of you!”

  “Alright,” I replied as we drove into Chandler’s driveway. “I’ll be right back.” I grabbed the coffee from the middle cup holder and grabbed the bag with Chandler’s muffin in it.

  “Take your time, girlfriend,” Andy joked.

  I rolled my eyes at him as I slammed the door shut and made my way to her front door.

  After ringing the doorbell, Chandler’s dad answered.

  “Hey, Faith,” he smiled.

  “Hey, Michael,” I said, returning the smile.

  “You know, we should probably have a key made for you already,” he joked. At least I hoped he was joking. I guess we did spend a lot of time at each other’s houses.

  I laughed as I came inside. Michael shut the door and then turned to me with a smile. “Andy and I were going to give Chan a ride to school, since the accident and all.”

  “That’s really nice of you.”

  “It’s nothing. We should actually carpool more often, since we’re so close to each other.”

  “That’s a great idea. Good for the environment.”

  An awkward silence engulfed the room. Luckily, Chandler came down the stairs at that moment, book bag in hand and a smile on her face.

  “Hey,” she beamed.

  “Hey!” I exclaimed, grateful for her timing. “I got you your favorite. Chocolate chip muffin and a coffee, no cream, just sugar.”

  “Aww, thanks,” she smiled, accepting the coffee and bag.

  “No problem.”

  Chandler headed towards the kitchen to get something and I turned toward Michael just in time to see him eyeing me suspiciously.

  My eyes went wide at the look he was giving me. He quickly changed his look of suspicion to a wide grin.

  “You two are such great friends,” Michael commented.

  “Um, yeah,” I agreed. “Well, Chandler’s been really great.”

  “Of course I am,” she exclaimed as she entered the foyer. “Ready to go?”


  “Have a good day, girls,” Michael smiled as he gave Chandler a kiss on the cheek.

  “You too,” I smiled nervously.

  “Bye, dad.”

  As soon as we got outside I released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  “What’s wrong?” Chandler asked with a smile as she eyed me curiously.

  “Your dad! He knows about us!”

  “No he doesn’t,” she laughed.

  We were busted and she was laughing about it? Shouldn’t she be more nervous about her dad knowing about us?

  “I’m telling you, he totally does. He was just looking at me all suspiciously.”

  “Is it possible that you’re just letting your paranoia get the better of you?”

  “No, okay, this is not me being paranoid, Chan,” I disagreed as we got into the car.

  “What are you being paranoid about now?” Andy asked, having caught the last part of our conversation.

  Chandler laughed as I glared at the both of them.

  “Chandler’s dad knows about us.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” Chandler said. “If he knew he would have just said something. Besides, we’ve been really careful.”

  “I don’t know,” Andy commented. “You two do have an awful lot of sleepovers. I don’t even want to think about what’s going on behind that door.”

  “Shut up, Andy,” I blushed.

  Chandler smiled at me slyly and quirked her eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and smirked at her. If Andy wasn’t here I would kiss her right now.

  “Anyway, my dad wouldn’t care. He’s really cool with gay people. He’s pretty liberal. Both of my parents are.”

  “Lucky,” I commented. “Both of our parents are practically bigots.”

  She looked at me sympathetically as Andy pulled out of the driveway.

  “I’m sure if your parents knew about you, they’d change their minds.”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “Chandler’s right, Faith. Mom and dad love you, no matter what.”

  “Loving me and accepting me are two completely different things.” I sighed as I gazed out of my window. I guess they both got the hint that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore because the conversation ended.

  I was the happiest I had ever been in my life now that I was with Chandler. I just wished I could share it with mom and not be worried about how she would react.

  After practice let out, I was officially beat. We were getting closer to the championship so we were practicing twice as hard. I wanted to go straight home and go to bed, but we had a huge chemistry test tomorrow.

  Chandler and I were studying at her house. She was so much better than me at chemistry. She always seemed to get everything right away. I had to review things a little more than she did to completely understand the concepts. She was so smart. I really admired that about her.

  “Okay, so basically you just have to balance everything out,” Chandler explained. “It’s kind of like in algebra. Whatever you do to one side, you have to do to the other, but opposite. So, if the temperature is increased on one side, on the opposite side the temperature would be decreased so that everything is in equilibrium. Make sense?”

  “Actually, yeah, it does now. You are so much better at explaining this stuff than Bernstein is.”

  Chandler started explaining something else, but I was too focused on her to pay much attention. That was the one downside to studying together. It usually ended with the two of us making out, effectively ending our study sessions early. It was amazing we were both still doing so well in our classes.

  “What?” Chandler asked gently as she looked over at me.

  “What?” I asked back, trying to play dumb.

  “You were staring at me,” she smiled. “Were you even paying attention to anything I was just saying?”

  “Honestly, no,” I smiled. “I was too mesmerized by how smart and amazing you are.”

  “Well, that’s true,” she joked. “I am pretty amazing.”

  I laughed as the two of us shared a quick kiss.

  She looked at me adoringly. “But, you know
you are too; amazing.”

  “Not as amazing as you are.”

  “I don’t know. I mean I could be biased because you’re my girlfriend, but I happen to think you set the bar pretty high in terms of amazingness.”

  “Then I guess we’re both amazing.”

  “Especially, when we’re together,” she added.

  We were so cheesy. I guess that’s what happened when you were so happy with someone.

  “So, do you think you’re going to see your dad again?” she asked carefully.

  “I guess so,” I shrugged. “Yeah, I probably will. After seeing him I realized just how much I missed him. After all, he’s my dad. I don’t want to stay mad at him forever. I don’t think I can, if I’m being honest. It’s too hard. It’s exhausting carrying around so much anger.”

  “Yeah and you’re already a pretty angry person as it is,” she joked.

  “Ha, ha. Very funny.”

  Chandler brushed her hand over my cut on my forehead. She sighed as she looked me in the eyes. “Does it still hurt at all?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “That night was so scary. When you didn’t wake up right away, I thought I had lost you.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. We’re both okay.”

  “I know, I just,” she stopped, tears developing in her eyes. “I just don’t want us to waste any more time. I think life is way too short to not say how we feel and what we want.”

  I smiled at her as I nodded in agreement. “What do you want right now?”

  She looked at my lips as she moved forward, slowly until she was just inches from my lips. “This,” she said as her lips collided with mine.

  I deepened the kiss, placing my hands on her hips, bringing us closer together. Our kiss was getting pretty heated until she pulled away suddenly and looked at me affectionately.

  She opened her mouth to say something, but the words didn’t come out right away. She looked me in the eyes and we held eye contact before she found the words she was looking for. “I love you, Faith.”

  I opened my mouth, a little shocked at hearing her say those words out loud. I looked down at her lips and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

  When we pulled away from each other I looked her in the eyes and said it back. “I love you too, Chan.”


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