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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

Page 23

by Iris Bolling

  Judge Maggie glanced at James Jr. "Mr. Brooks, this is a statement of your own making?"

  "Yes, Your Honor. I have not spoken with my father regarding this testimony. We did speak about testifying in court. His advice to me was to tell the truth. There was no more discussion than that. I understand my father's concerns and I wish to put his mind at ease as well as this court's."

  Judge Maggie knew his father's concern as well. James Brooks was a private individual and his son's life was about to be turned upside down. She was a mother and understood the damage this day had done to the Brooks family. However in the name of justice she had to allow Kirkland to present his case. In the name of decency, she could control how the information was presented to this child.

  "Your motion is overruled, Mr. Kirkland. Proceed with your statement, Mr. Brooks."

  "Your Honor, I object."

  "Your objection is duly noted and overruled." Judge Maggie turned to James Jr. "Have your say, son."

  James Jr. cleared his throat, then turned to the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my father is James Avery Brooks. My uncle is Vernon Eugene Brooks. I have heard jokes at the dinner table or around the house of my uncle making mistakes. I did not at any time inquire into those mistakes for I understand there were many." Members of the jury smiled. "I only know that what happened, hurt my father and mother. In fact I've been told that led to their divorce. My father and Uncle Vernon, well, they fought, as brothers do, then they made up." He then turned to Kirkland. "District Attorney Kirkland, I am not privy to actions which took place prior to my birth. I understand the job you have to do. I, however, will not be a party to you destroying the foundation of my family, which is to love and honor your mother and your father. Your question was asked and answered. It will not matter how many different ways you ask. My reply will be to my knowledge, on my birth documents and in my heart, my father is James Avery Brooks."

  Judge Maggie turned away from the jury and smiled. She looked up at Kirkland. "Are you finished with this witness, Mr. Kirkland?"

  Kirkland stood in the middle of the floor not certain in which direction to go. He looked over at his table where Bruce sat with a look on his face that said I told you not to go there. "No further questions for this witness."

  "Your witness, Mr. Brooks."

  "Mr. Brooks." James stood proudly smiling at his son. "Have I told you how very proud I am of you?"

  "Objection, Your Honor. Relevance."


  "I'll rephrase. Have I told you how much I love you today?"

  "Your Honor." Kirkland stood, frustrated.

  "I have no further questions of this witness, Your Honor." James smiled.

  "The witness is excused."

  James Jr. stepped out of the witness box and walked over to the table where his father stood. He extended his hand to his father. James took his hand pulling him into a hug and kissed him on the top of his head. James whispered in his ear, "I love you, son."

  "I love you, too, Dad." He walked through the swinging gate, took a seat next to his mother who immediately pulled him into a warm embrace.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Your next witness, Mr. Kirkland," the judge called out.

  Neal looked around. The courtroom was packed today. A number of media outlets had requested seats due to Taylor Brooks’ presence. No cameras were allowed, however, that did not stop some from snapping a picture or two. This was the moment Neal wanted---no, needed to shine.

  "The prosecution calls Taylor Brooks to the stand."

  The doors of the courtroom opened and Taylor walked in dressed in a conservative blue A-line dress, heels and her hair down around her shoulders. One step behind her was Jason Whitfield. Telephones with cameras clicked as Jason took a seat behind Vernon and Taylor walked up to the witness box.

  "Please raise your right hand." Taylor did. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

  "I do."

  "Please state your name."

  "Taylor Lynn Brooks."

  "Good morning, Ms. Brooks. My condolences on the loss of your mother," Kirkland began. "Are you nervous?"

  "Yes." She smiled.

  "You sing before millions. Surely this small group shouldn't intimidate you."

  "Is there a question there, Mr. Kirkland?"

  Kirkland smiled. "Permission to treat the witness as hostile."

  "Denied." Judge Maggie put her hand up to stop the protest from James.

  Kirkland kept his composure. Taylor looked from the judge to him, then to her father. Vernon smiled and so did she.

  Kirkland moved to stand in her direct line of vision to her father. "Where were you on the night of October 10th of this year?"

  "It depends on the time."

  "At the time of your mother's death."

  "I can't say for certain because I don't know what time my mother died." Kirkland began to speak. "I think you want to know where I was at nine forty-five," she offered.

  "Permission to treat the witness as hostile."

  "Denied." Judge Maggie did not elaborate.

  "Ms. Brooks, please tell us where you were at nine-forty five on October 10th?"

  "We had just arrived at my mother’s home."

  "Please tell us what happened."

  Taylor lowered her head, took a deep breath and exhaled. "I heard a gunshot. I got out of the car and ran inside."

  "What did you see?"

  "I saw my father standing in my mother's living room with a gun in his hand."

  "Where was your mother?"

  "On the floor behind him."

  "Did it surprise you to see your father standing over your mother's body with a gun in his hand?"

  "Seeing my mother in a pool of blood was more surprising," Taylor replied coldly.

  "Your Honor, will you instruct the witness to answer the question."

  "I'm sorry, Your Honor," Taylor replied then turned back to Kirkland. "Yes."

  "Why did it surprise you? Hadn't you heard your father threaten your mother on several occasions?"

  "Objection." James and Vernon stood. James gave Vernon a sideways glare. He sat down. A few members of the jury chuckled. They were clearly getting a kick out of the little brother, big brother scenario taking place in court.

  "Leading the witness," James stated.

  "Rephrase, Mr. Kirkland."

  Kirkland sighed. "Ms. Brooks, have you ever heard your father threaten your mother?"


  "Please tell the court what you heard your father say during that threat."

  "I will have your body disassembled and distributed across the Potomac River if you speak one more time."

  "How did your mother respond?"

  "As she always did, she ignored him and kept talking."

  Members of the court chuckled.

  "Was she afraid of him?"

  "I couldn't say."

  "Couldn't or won't?"

  "I could not say, Mr. Kirkland. My mother never indicated she was afraid of my father. Not to me. She indicated my father pissed her off regularly. That I understand. I love him but he pisses me off sometimes too. But isn't that what fathers are supposed to do?"

  "I'm asking the questions," Kirkland sneered. "Are you afraid of your father?"

  Taylor laughed. "No." She shook her head.

  "Your mother is dead, Ms. Brooks. I don't find any humor in that."

  "Objection!" Vernon stood. "Watch your tone, Kirkland."

  "Sit down," James said through clenched teeth as he stood. "Your Honor, I apologize for my client’s outburst, however he is correct. Mr. Kirkland is attempting to intimidate the witness."

  "Your Honor, my questions are personal and I am certain since the defendant is her father she will attempt to avoid answering my questions. Again I request to treat her as a hostile witness."

  "I don't see where she has avoided anything, Mr. Kirkland. Let me remind you I gave you a little leeway her
e. Get to your point," Judge Maggie ordered.

  "You are the deceased’s only child, correct?"


  "What about your father?"

  "What about him?"

  Kirkland smiled. "Are you his only child?"

  "As far as I am aware. But he is sitting right there, you can ask him."

  "I'm asking you."

  "And I," Taylor replied.

  Kirkland walked in an angry manner. "Ms. Brooks, have you witnessed your father with other women?"


  "Would you tell the court who and where?"

  "I see him regularly with my grandmother, Gwen Brooks. My aunt Ashley Brooks and my Aunt Nikki."

  "Your Honor…" Kirkland complained.

  "You asked the question, Mr. Kirkland. The witness answered."

  Kirkland watched the jury's reaction to Taylor Brooks. They liked her. It was bad enough they were in awe of her because she was a superstar, then they had sympathy for her because of her mother's death, now she had to show them intelligence. He was losing ground.

  "To your knowledge has your father slept with women other than your mother?"

  "Objection, Your Honor." James threw a look Vernon's way when he was about to say something. "Question is out of this witness’s purview."

  "Take it easy, gentlemen. I’m going to allow this question. Mr. Kirkland," Judge Maggie spoke. "You are playing with fire. Get to the point."

  "Your Honor," Taylor interrupted. "My apologies, however I don't mind answering his questions." She turned to her father. "Daddy, stop. Uncle Butchie, let him ask his questions. I'm okay."

  Judge Maggie turned to Taylor. "Thank you, Ms. Brooks. However, there will be certain questions Mr. Kirkland will ask that your uncle, not your father, should object to."

  "Okay, but it is just going to make the day longer. I know my daddy and my uncle and they will object to every question Mr. Kirkland asks."

  Members of the jury laughed.

  "Order in this court or I will clear it," Judge Maggie yelled. "I will see counsel in my chambers now." She hit the gavel and walked out.

  "Your Honor," Kirkland started the moment he walked into the judge’s chamber. “I request Vernon Brooks be removed from the hearing."

  "I will do no such thing, Mr. Kirkland," Judge Maggie stated as she leaned against the front of her desk with her arms folded. "You brought this on yourself by calling the defendant's child as your witness. As for you, Vernon Brooks, you know how a client is supposed to behave in court. You have an above average attorney in your brother. Let him do his job. The questions are going to be asked. Let the witness answer. Are we clear?"

  "Yes, Your Honor," they all replied then returned to the courtroom.

  "Ms. Brooks, you are still under oath. Please continue, Mr. Kirkland," Judge Maggie stated as she took her seat.

  "Let me repeat my question. To your knowledge has your father slept with women other than your mother?"

  "No. Not to my knowledge. My mother did."

  "Your Honor, instruct the witness to answer only the question asked."

  "Ms. Brooks, only answer what is asked."

  "Yes ma'am." She hesitated. "But, Your Honor, isn't the purpose to discover the truth?"

  "Yes, however, the prosecution has the right to present its case in the manner he deems necessary to prove his version of the events."

  "Your Honor, please."

  "Mr. Kirkland. You are out of order. You are trying the court’s patience. Get to your point and do it now."

  Kirkland stood in Taylor's face. "Isn't it true your father had multiple affairs during your parents’ marriage?"

  "I don't know," Taylor replied.

  "You don't know or are you afraid of your father?"

  "No, I'm not afraid of my father."

  "Your father viciously assaulted your recording partner didn't he?" Taylor hesitated. "Didn't you see your father assault Nigel "Nail" Lamont in his recording studio in Atlanta? We have it on tape, Ms. Brooks."

  "I don't know what you have on tape, but I did not witness that."

  "Oh, come now, Ms. Brooks." He walked briskly to the evidence table. He held up a picture of her walking into the studio. "This is not you?"

  "Yes, that is me."

  He threw the enlarged picture on the witness box. "Will you read the date and time that picture was captured?"

  "September 4th, 3:20 pm."

  He snatched the picture and held up another. "Is this Vernon Brooks entering the same studio?"


  He repeated his previous action. "Will you read the date and time stamped on the photo?"

  "September 4th, 3:35 pm."

  He looked at the jury. "You and your father were in the same building within 10 minutes of each other and you did not see him?"

  "That is not what you asked."

  "Answer the question, Ms. Brooks. Did you see your father in that studio?"

  "Yes." Taylor was getting frustrated.

  "Yet you are testifying you did not witness your father assault Nigel Lamonte? Come now, Ms. Brooks. You stated earlier you love your father. Is that true?"


  "Do you love your farther more than you loved your mother?"

  "No. I love both of my parents."

  "Don't you mean loved, past tense, since your mother is dead?"

  "Objection." James jumped up.

  "Withdrawn." Kirkland waved it off. He was on a roll and did not want to lose his momentum. He rushed the questions one after another.

  "Aren't you daddy's little girl? Wouldn't your father do anything for you?" Vernon sat up when he heard the question.

  "Yes. I believe he would."

  "Wouldn't you do anything for your father?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "Would you lie for him?"

  "No, he would never ask me to."

  "I ask you again, Ms. Brooks, didn't you witness your father assault Mr. Lamonte?”

  "No, I did not."

  Kirkland picked up the remote control to the video player. "I offer into evidence this video recording." He clicked the button.

  "Objection," Vernon yelled. "Approach."

  The judge looked at James. "Approach, Your Honor." They both stood and rushed to the podium. "Your Honor, this video was not on the evidence list. The defense would like an opportunity to review the video prior to it being shown in court."

  "This video has been viewed by millions of Ms. Brooks’ followers. It is the video release of her last single with Mr. Lamonte."

  "The purpose of showing it to the jury?" James asked.

  "It is yet another motive for Mr. Brooks’ actions against his wife."

  "Your Honor, this will devastate my daughter," Vernon stated. "Do not allow this line of questioning."

  "If it leads to motive, I will allow the video. I'll caution you on your questions, Mr. Kirkland."

  "Yes, Your Honor."

  They all walked back to their tables. "Proceed cautiously, Neal," Vernon stated in a chilling voice that caused Neal to miss a step.

  As Neal leaned across the table, Bruce whispered, "Think about this, Neal."

  Neal jerked the paper as he glared at Bruce, then leaned against the table.

  "Ms. Brooks, please identify this video."

  Taylor visibly shook. "It's the video for Pleasure."

  "Your latest single with Nigel Lamonte, correct?"


  He pushed play. "You guys look like you are really into it."

  "It's called acting, Mr. Kirkland," Taylor replied in a chilling voice.

  Vernon willed his daughter to look at him, but she didn't.

  "I'll say."

  "Is there a question," James objected.

  "Were you involved with Mr. Lamonte when this was shot?" He continued to watch the video with interest as he asked the question.


  "Sure looks like you are. Were you a virgin, Ms. Brooks?"

," James shouted. "Relevance."

  "I'm getting there, Your Honor."

  "I'll allow it. Ms. Brooks, please answer the question."


  "Are you still a virgin?"

  "Your Honor."



  Her reply caused Kirkland to pause the clip and stare at Taylor. "You are under oath, Ms. Brooks. Let me repeat the question. Are you still a virgin?"

  "Asked and answered, Your Honor," James shouted.

  "There are many ways to be sexually assaulted. You want to know what he did?" Taylor yelled. "Don't play around with it, come right out and ask. Did Nail sexually assault me? Yes." She stood. "Did my mother allow it to happen? Yes. Was my father angry? Yes." Tears were running down her cheek as she continued to yell. The judge was calling for order.

  Vernon was at her side, pulling her into his arms. "Taylor, shh. It's okay, Sweet Pea."

  "Did my father kill my mother? No. Did my father assault Nail? I don’t know. But I damn sure wish he had. It's what any good father would have done."

  "Fifteen minute recess, Your Honor?" James called out.

  Jason had jumped across the barrier. Vernon placed Taylor in his arms. Cell phones were clicking as he carried her out the courtroom.

  Judge Maggie called for order. "Mr. Kirkland, are you done with the witness?"

  Once things had settled down, Neal Kirkland stood from the table he leaned against and looked directly at the jury. "Another reason why Vernon Brooks killed his wife."

  It took all the strength James had to hold Vernon back from Kirkland. "Let it go. Don't give him what he wants." James blocked Vernon's view of Kirkland.

  "Mr. Brooks?"

  "I have no questions for the witness."

  Kirkland smiled. "The People rest, Your Honor."

  "Very well. The witness is dismissed. Bailiff." The bailiff walked over to the judge, listened then stood between the defense and prosecutor's tables. He made a call on his walkie-talkie and a few seconds later two more deputies walked through the door.

  Kirkland walked back to his table and smirked at Bruce. "That's how you do it in the big leagues."

  Vernon watched as the jury was dismissed. Kirkland had drawn blood and he knew it. He waited until Bruce Murdock looked up. He held his attention for one short moment to ensure he received the message, then he followed James out of the courtroom. "James, check on Taylor for me. I'll be there in a minute."


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