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Bet Me

Page 12

by Catherine Mann

  Her restlessness continued. “I’m only a cousin.”

  “They just let you leave?” He thought they kept a pretty tight hold on the royal family members over there, but then as she’d said, the place was in turmoil.

  “They had no choice. I’m an adult who makes her own decisions.”

  “Yet you still go home often.” He figured she must feel strong ties to keep up those visits. Might she one day change her mind? That unsettled him more than it should. He only wanted an affair, not anything permanent. No more attempts at a trip to the altar for him.

  Her eyes got that faraway look again. “Just once a year now. I go because I love my family.”

  “Even Ting?”

  “Ting and I have a bond.” Her fingers stilled and she finally looked at him. Stared at him, her pupils dilating in a mutual longing he couldn’t miss. “Shouldn’t we.” She paused, cleared her throat and started again. “Uh, shouldn’t we turn in and rest up so we’ll be fresh in the morning to look for diamond brokers rather than looking at each other?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Her eyes snapped with anger. “We’re not on display, so there’s no need.”

  “Just calling it as I see you.” He couldn’t resist needling her. Why did she insist on denying who she was? She could be Kim Wong, American cop who happened to have Cantou royal blood. As he saw it, she didn’t have to choose between the two.

  Except expressing that opinion would be counterproductive to what he wanted—to kiss her. Antagonizing her would not put her in the mood.

  He swung his feet to the side and leaned his arms on his knees, angling closer to her. “The first time I saw you in Cantou, I couldn’t look away.”

  She turned her head to face him. “Hmm…I remember. Even after you persuaded the guards you didn’t mean to nearly tackle me at the fruit market, you didn’t try to feed me some corny line like so many guys do. You weren’t intimidated by the whole royal thing, either. You just asked me out to lunch.”

  “I remember. I was there.”

  She laughed, low and soft, the sound riding the breeze, and just like two years ago, he couldn’t look away. Screw waiting. He had to taste her now.

  He leaned forward and captured her lips.

  Strawberries. How could he have forgotten that her lip gloss tasted like strawberries? He damn well wouldn’t forget that detail again. When he’d stolen that quick kiss after her shower, she hadn’t put on her make-up yet, so there’d been no strawberry gloss to taste. Now he had to find out what else he’d forgotten about the taste of Kim…if she would give the okay.

  She sighed, her hand drifting up to tease along the back of his neck. All the encouragement he needed.

  Hand plunging into her hair, he parted her lips with his tongue and searched deeper, sweeping inside for a more intimate kiss. He definitely wouldn’t lose the memory of the feel of her at this moment. How he knew, he wasn’t sure. Somehow their time together now was more vibrant than before, on high speed, high energy.

  Because of the life-and-death stakes of earlier today? Of the barracks horror?

  Maybe. He was a different man than he was two years ago. He’d learned the precarious nature of life, a tough one for flyers taught to believe they were invincible. He was still working to put the different perspectives together, but he did know he wouldn’t miss out on pursuing the chance to be with Kim this time.

  He skimmed his hands along her waist, hauling her closer until the soft curves of her breasts pressed to his chest. He wanted more. The soft whimpers in her throat indicated she felt the same.

  “Kim.” He nipped along her neck, up to her ear. “Share my bed.”

  She flung her head back to give him better access. “Is that a question or a command?”

  “Could I command you?” His roving hands stopped just below her breasts. An inch higher and he could fill his hands with her.

  She clamped her fingers around his wrists and looked him in the eyes with a wry twinkle, the fog of passion there, but slowly replaced by a sense of reality. “Try it that way and see how it goes for you, big guy.”

  He laughed against her damp lips. “Then consider it a question, one I’ve asked before on more than one occasion, if I recall correctly.”

  “Your memory is perfect and you know it.”

  “And you still haven’t answered yet.”

  “Marc, I’ve only just seen you one day.” She eased back her answer with a sigh, a hint of reality sliding into her eyes. “One very intense day, packed full of adrenaline.”

  “We knew each other well.”

  “Two years ago. Sure, we have some history, and I won’t lie.” She pulled his hands from her but linked their fingers together and set them on his thighs. “Yes, I’m attracted to you, and I assume from that kiss that the feeling is mutual, but that doesn’t mean it’s right to follow through on that attraction.”

  The proverbial splash of cold water made its way over him. This night wasn’t going to end the way he’d hoped; however, he would take heart in the fact she hadn’t closed the door completely. “I take it you’re saying no, but you should consider the fact you’ll be safer if we share a bed. I can guard you better.”

  She chuckled low and long. “You’re such a man. That just proves you’ll use any excuse.” Another laugh slipped free. “I’ll be sleeping in my own bed. Leave the door between our rooms open if you’re that concerned. You’ll be as close as across the room, and don’t forget I’m a cop. Come in unannounced and you very well might get shot.”

  A woman who could take care of herself. He had to admit he found that hot. Marc stood, their hands still linked. He tugged her to her feet so she faced him. He couldn’t resist stealing one last kiss, no lingering, just a quick brush, her strawberry gloss long gone but the taste of pure Kim still very much there and too damn enticing for him to let the kiss go on much longer.

  “Goodnight, Marc,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “Night, Princess.”

  Letting go wasn’t easy, except he reminded himself the weekend had only just begun. Yes, they had an investigation to complete. Except the way he saw it, getting closer to Kim and solving the case weren’t mutually exclusive. Tomorrow was a new day. Kim’s assistant undoubtedly had a schedule for them to follow.

  But Marc had plans of his own.


  KIM FOUND WAKING in the morning to an empty bed all the tougher when she’d made out with a hunk the night before.

  Sending him off had been tough. Really tough. Having him insist they keep the connecting door open didn’t help much, either. She’d jerked awake at least a million times, jarring at the sound of him rolling over or snoring ever so slightly in his sleep.

  Scrubbing the sleep from her eyes, she grabbed her BlackBerry from beside her bed and scrolled through her messages. A few messages from friends—and an interesting snippet of info from Captain Pearson that she couldn’t wait to run past Marc.

  After she brushed her teeth and hair.

  Three minutes later, she raced to the connecting door to Marc’s room and knocked on the door frame, tugging her overlong Dodgers’ T-shirt to her knees. His bed was empty so she walked in.

  “Marc?” she called just as he stepped out of his bathroom with a towel around his waist.

  Ah man, sometimes life just didn’t play fair. The broad expanse of his muscled chest was sprinkled with dark hair that just begged for her hands to sweep over it to brush away the droplets of water. If she didn’t have a day’s worth of investigative work ahead of her, would she indulge herself?

  She wouldn’t know because she did have a job to do.

  Kim clenched her hands as added insurance against temptation and stepped into the room as if it made no difference to her if he flat out dropped that towel. “I just heard from Captain Pearson. They found some hidden financial records for Mr. Chiang and he’s in debt up to his eyeballs. His lifestyle looks normal, but when you dig de
eper, he’s got two mistresses.”

  “Ah, two money pits.”

  “Pretty much. One has a suite here and another has her own condo downtown.”

  “Pricey.” He reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a pair of boxer shorts, khakis and a black polo shirt. “All the more reason to give credence to the diamond scam and lay the blame on Chiang’s doorstep.”

  “But we’ve got people watching every inch of this place, even the vault, and nothing’s moving so far.” She tore her eyes off his hands choosing clothes. Would Marc actually dress in front of her? Rather than risk finding out, she spun on her heel and turned her back to him to give him privacy to dress while they talked. “We’ve even been watching the women’s jewelry—mine, too.”

  “Yours are paste. I checked,” he said, the rustle of clothes accenting his words. “Even that weighty outfit you wore to the casino on the first day.”

  Kim fidgeted, finding that hearing him dress felt just as intimate as seeing him step into those boxers. “That was more beading than rhinestones.”

  “Sure, but there are all sorts of expensive jewels and precious metals that can be used as currency.” He paused for the length of time it took for a zip. “I actually know a bit more about jewels than the average layperson. My mother made and sold jewelry—another reason why I was a logical fit for this assignment.”

  “All a good starting point for the day.” She didn’t hear any more noise from behind her, but she didn’t want to turn unless she knew for certain. “Are you, uh, finished dressing?”

  Now she did hear sounds. His footsteps padded along the carpet, closer and closer still until she could feel the heat of him behind her.

  He lifted her hair and pressed a long, slow kiss against the vulnerable curve of her neck. “I’ll meet you for breakfast in a few minutes, Princess.”

  “Uh-huh.” Wow, what a stunning response, but she couldn’t push much more past her hormone-stunned brain after that mind-numbingly hot kiss. She could only walk ahead into the sitting area to wait for him, when it hit her….

  She’d never found out if he’d been fully dressed or not.

  AFTER BREAKFAST and stuck in the middle of a day scheduled to the microsecond, Marc could understand how this royal family stuff could get old fast. He was already in the mood for some serious alone time in a cave. He’d had enough of being managed to death by an agenda. Not to mention followed by photographers, an assistant, protective detail and all-around sycophants.

  At least the next item on the list of activities afforded them a hint of privacy. Marc eyed the manmade creek that wound through the casino, complete with boat rides. Hokey, sure, more along the lines of an amusement park sort, but he would do just about anything to spend five minutes alone with Kim.

  Sun was playing her assistant role a little too well, it seemed. Did the cop have another agenda that made her want to keep Kim occupied? Or was Mr. Chiang with his pair of mistresses at the root of all of this? The currency was reputed to be moving through his casino, after all.

  Marc was considering which one to set up an “accidental” chat with first when the overly solicitous casino owner appeared at their side.

  Mr. Chiang flourished a minibow to Kim with a predatory gleam in his eyes. “Your Highness looks especially lovely today.”

  “I would thank you for your compliment, but I’m afraid my boyfriend is the possessive type.” She nudged Marc’s foot.

  Mr. Chiang turned his attention to Marc. “Not very politically correct these days.”

  Marc wanted to point out that keeping a couple of women on the line and flirting with another wasn’t all that politically correct—or moral—either.

  Kim hooked her arm around Marc’s. “What can I say? I am drawn to his alpha male personality.”

  She leaned in to whisper into Marc’s ear. “That part was not acting on my part, even though I can’t figure out why because half the time I want to slug you.”

  Marc couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh, even though Mr. Chiang looked none too happy at the intimate exchange. Just a flash of anger that cleared away as apparently the smart businessman within took control over the libido. “I hope you both enjoyed the special meal our kitchen sent up to the penthouse last night.”

  Memories of the heated kiss that came later slammed through him. If they could just clear away this damned diamond-smuggling case, so he could have Kim to himself for a week of leave time…

  Kim elbowed him in the side, reminding him to talk. “Yes, thank you.”

  She nodded that regal head of hers, the jeweled ornament holding her hair behind her ear, dangling with the movement. “Your chef outdid himself.”

  “I will relay your compliment. And many thanks for allowing us the chance to redeem ourselves.”

  “Our pleasure.” In more ways than one.

  Chiang backed away. “I will leave you both to enjoy the rest of your romantic ride together. I hope you will tell your grandmother about all the amenities of our establishment, so that we may see her if she makes a trip to the United States.”

  “Of course.”

  Inspiration struck Marc fast and bold. “Sun, why don’t you talk to Mr. Chiang to get the recipes from last night’s meal so we can send it on to Ting’s grandmother?”

  That would give the undercover cop time with the casino owner—and give Marc some much needed breathing space, because having the assistant in the boat with the two of them served no purpose to the investigation. The boat rides had a driver in costume, so they couldn’t talk about the investigation anyway.

  Beside the flowing water, Marc extended his hand to help Kim settle into the small boat before he sat next to her. The small canoelike craft with a yellow tiger head on the bow lurched forward. Their driver—a man with a paddle who pretended to row even though the boat ran on a rail just barely submerged under the water—stood in front of them.

  “So you like alpha males.”

  “When you are a woman in my position,” she said, neatly veiling her words in double meaning so the driver would hear “princess,” whereas Marc knew she meant “cop,” “it is difficult to find men who are not intimidated.”

  An invitation if ever he’d heard one.

  He tucked a knuckle under her chin, tipped her face to his and brushed his mouth over her glossy lips. He could get addicted to the taste of strawberries.

  Two years ago he’d thought she was special. Now there was no denying the fact that this woman rocked his senses in a way that nobody—not even his ex-fiancée—had before. In fact, he could have sworn the boat was tipping…. He jerked himself from Kim’s allure because, damn it all, the boat lurched to the side, pitching them into the chilly waters.

  And cranking machinery.

  “OUCH!” KIM SHOUTED, dodging Marc’s probing hands checking her for injury a half hour later back in their suite.

  Talk about feeling undignified. Falling ass over elbow into knee-deep water, but stuck wedged between the boat and the side getting all soggy…

  Chiang had been mortified.

  Her entourage had swarmed her with weapons drawn.

  She looked like a dripping wet dog right now. A polka-dot puppy, thanks to all the bruises.

  Paparazzi camera flashes had gone off like crazy. No doubt there would be photos at the precinct to document the moment. She would never live it down.

  She and Sun had decided it wasn’t a genuine attempt on her life since there hadn’t been any real danger. Only humiliation.

  Marc lifted her elbow.

  Kim jerked. “I said ouch and I meant ouch!”

  “I’m just checking the bruise on your arm to make sure you haven’t broken anything.”

  “Trust me.” Kim charged past him into her room, pitching her heels into her closet. “Nothing’s broken but my pride, which is as bruised as my butt.” Her teeth chattered, the damp clothes clinging to her body. “I wish we could get them to turn off the air conditioner.”

  She pivoted
around to find Marc an inch away. Before she could speak, he scooped her up in his arms.

  “Marc!” she squeaked. “What are you doing?”

  Although his arms felt so warm and good around her she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop. He carried her across the sitting area, through his room and into his bathroom.

  Oh. My. Goodness.

  She should say something…. Her brain went on stun.

  He set her on the floor and turned on the shower. His intent heated over her a second before the steam started to roll from the water.


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