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Page 32

by Lynn LaFleur

  A delicious thrill shot through her body at that thought.

  She straightened her shoulders and knocked on his door.

  Mere seconds passed before the door opened. A slow, sexy grin spread over Julian’s face as his gaze passed over her. “You look amazing.”

  Heat crept into her cheeks. She’d been as intimate with this man as a woman could be, yet she still blushed at his praise. “Thank you.”

  He held out one hand to her. “Come in.”

  She stepped over the threshold. Julian took her coat that she’d draped over her arm and tossed it on the back of the recliner. Her tote bag landed on the seat. With one tug, she was in his arms.

  His kiss was slow, thorough, his tongue snaking across her lips and tickling the corners of her mouth. Molly felt as if every bone in her body dissolved. Rising on tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around Julian’s neck and returned his passionate kisses.

  Certain he would sweep her off her feet and carry her to his bed, it surprised her when he led her to the couch instead. Two glasses of red wine sat on the coffee table. He sat on the couch and tugged her down beside him. After handing her one of the glasses, he leaned back and pulled her into the circle of his arm.

  “How was your day?” he asked before sipping his wine.

  A disappointed sigh escaped her lips. She had so been hoping for the carry-her-down-the-hall routine. “Okay. Busy. I’m glad I have the next two days off.”

  “Me too.” He nuzzled his nose against her temple. “It’s nice that we have the same day off.”

  That thrill shot through her body again, followed by goose bumps rising on her skin. “Any idea how we could spend it?”

  “I’ll bet I can think of something.”

  Molly tilted her head on his shoulder to give him room to nip her neck. “Maybe we should continue this conversation in your bedroom.”

  “Sex before dinner?”

  “Works for me.”

  His low chuckle sounded wicked. “I love how easy you are. But…” He took another sip of his wine. “We have something to talk about first.”

  “We do?”

  “Yeah. I want to talk about your book.”

  “Oh.” A completely different type of feeling flowed through her now—trepidation. Julian had hated her chapters. She knew it. That’s why he hadn’t said anything to her last night when she’d called after she and Shawna got home. He wanted to tell her in person, after a glass of wine, to soften the blow.

  God, it hurt that he didn’t like her writing.

  “It’s good, Molly. Really, really good.”

  She hadn’t heard him correctly. He hadn’t said her writing was good. She’d been so sure he wouldn’t like it. Clutching her wineglass with both hands, she turned toward him and lifted her knees to the couch. “Are you serious? You liked it?”

  The skin around his eyes crinkled with his smile. “I’m serious. I liked it. I think you’re extremely talented.”

  “I told you authors are neurotic. Don’t say you liked it if you didn’t.”

  “I promise you, I liked it.” He touched her hair, ran his fingers through the strands. “I do have a complaint.”

  She knew it was too good to be true. She braced herself for the criticism. “What?”

  “That was a hell of a place to end the chapter.”

  Molly grinned. “A cliffhanger makes a reader want to turn the page and keep reading.”

  “I certainly did.” He slid his hand beneath her hair and caressed her neck. “How do you know so much about a ménage à trois?”


  “What kind of research?”

  “Reading other books, mostly. I’ve certainly never been involved in one.”

  “Would you like to?”

  She almost responded with a firm “no”, but stopped before she spoke. Julian’s eyes had turned all smoky…the way they looked when he was becoming aroused. He continued to caress her neck, slowly moving his thumb over the pulse point. She had no doubt he could feel her pulse galloping. “Why are you asking?”

  “Because I want to know. Did you write that scene completely from your imagination or do you have a fantasy to be with two guys?”

  Heat crept into her cheeks again and spread throughout her body. Her clit began a gentle throbbing. “I’ve…thought about it.”

  “What if I could make it happen?”

  “Make it…happen?”

  Julian nodded.

  “You mean…you and me and…some guy?”

  “Not just some guy. Lane.”

  “Lane?” He couldn’t be serious. She barely knew Lane. Sure, he was a hunk, but she couldn’t possibly have sex with him. “I couldn’t have sex with Lane.”

  “Why not?”


  “You’ll have to be more specific than that.”

  “Julian, I barely know Lane. I can’t fall into bed with a guy I don’t even know.”

  “He isn’t attractive to you?”

  “Well…yeah. He’s handsome and has a great body, but I…” She stopped long enough to take a sip of wine. She pictured Lane in her mind. Oh yes, he had a really great body. More husky than Julian, about an inch taller, with those gorgeous hazel eyes, he exuded sex appeal. She’d thought that the moment she’d met him. If she wasn’t involved with Julian, she would definitely be interested in dating Lane.

  “You what?”

  “I’m involved with you. I don’t need anyone else.”

  “Need and want are two different things. If you want to be with two men, I’ll make it happen for you.”

  Molly thought of the chapters she’d sent him, the ones that ended with her two male characters kissing. Surely Julian didn’t mean he and Lane…

  “You wouldn’t… What I sent you… There was…”

  Julian’s eyebrows drew together in obvious confusion. “Maybe if you finished a sentence, I’d understand what you’re trying to say.”

  She took another sip of wine. “The end of chapter three was the start of a scene between the two men.”

  “I know.”

  “You wouldn’t…do anything with Lane.” The thought was so ludicrous, Molly released a nervous laugh. “You aren’t gay.”

  “No, I’m not.” He drained his wineglass and set it on the end table. When he turned back to her, his eyes were serious. Molly swallowed. She didn’t think she’d like whatever he was about to say.

  “Sixteen months ago, Lane met a gal named Claire. She was blonde, beautiful and built. I hung with them a couple of times before Lane invited me to have dinner with him and her. My girlfriend and I had broken up a week earlier and I was feeling pretty down. Lane was determined to cheer me up. He opened two bottles of wine and we all proceeded to get drunk.”

  He leaned forward and clasped his hands together. “We kidded with each other and kept drinking and…” He blew out a breath. “Claire openly flirted with both of us. One thing led to another and we all ended up in bed.”

  Molly said nothing, sensing Julian had more to tell her.

  “There were times when Lane and I…touched. It wasn’t a big deal. When three people are having sex, it’s almost impossible not to touch. The longer we were together, the more that touching affected me. I began to move into positions so Lane would have to touch me. He did the same thing.”

  He glanced at her, but quickly looked away again. “I heard Claire and Lane arguing the next morning. A few seconds after the front door shut, Lane came back in the bedroom. He was still naked.”

  Molly set her wineglass on the coffee table before she spilled the ruby liquid on her skirt. She clasped her trembling hands tightly together in her lap. Part of her wanted to scream at Julian to stop, that she didn’t want to hear any more. Part of her knew she had to listen to every word.

  “He stood at the side of the bed. I watched his cock get hard while he stared at me. Mine was already half hard from a typical morning erection.” Julian cleared his throat. “He tugged the co
vers off me and took me in his mouth…”

  “That’s enough.” Molly didn’t need any more details. She’d heard enough to know Julian and Lane had started an affair…an affair that ended only because Lane had shipped out to Europe. Now that Lane had returned, Julian wanted his old lover back.

  Once again, she’d tasted love only to have it snatched away from her.

  Julian leaned back. Molly could feel him looking at her, but she refused to return his gaze. She was trying very hard not to burst into tears and looking at Julian would destroy that determination. She rose, walked to the recliner and gathered up her tote bag and coat.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, an edge of panic in his voice.

  “I’m leaving.”

  He was at her side before she made it three steps. Taking her arm, he turned her to face him. She kept her gaze focused in the center of his chest until he slipped one hand beneath her chin and lifted her face.

  “Don’t go.”

  His eyes were full of anguish and pleading. Molly almost softened, until she remembered that she’d been a temporary fill-in until his former lover returned. “You don’t want me. You want Lane, and you’re willing to use me in a ménage to have him.”

  “I’m not using you, Molly. I care about you.”

  “Not enough to completely forget Lane.” Her voice broke on the last word. The tears would start flowing any moment.

  “Sit down with me. Let’s talk this out.”

  Unsure what she should do, she made no move toward the couch. Julian dropped a tender kiss on her lips. “Please?”

  She relented, although she wasn’t sure why. Julian took her hand and led her back to the couch. She sat while he went into the kitchen and brought back the bottle of wine. After splashing more into each of their glasses, he sat beside her.

  “What happened with Lane was a complete surprise. I’d never been with a guy, never thought about being with a guy. It just…happened between us after the ménage with Claire.” Julian swirled the wine in his glass. “Lane kissed me yesterday.”

  Molly winced. Now she knew how a dagger to the heart must feel.

  “I pulled away from him, Molly. I told him I couldn’t go back, that I’m with you now.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes. More than anything, I want to be with you.”

  “But you still have feelings for Lane?”

  He stared down into the ruby liquid in his glass, then took a long sip. “Yes,” he said, gazing into her eyes. “I won’t lie to you. I still have feelings for Lane. But my feelings for you are stronger. You’re the one I want to be with, Molly.”

  She believed him. She could see the depth of emotion in his eyes. The band around her heart loosened. It disappeared when he kissed her.

  He drew her into the circle of his arm again. Molly relaxed against Julian’s side and sipped her wine. She’d almost walked out and lost the man she loved because she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion about him and Lane.

  Julian and Lane, lovers. Molly wasn’t repulsed by the idea of them together. In fact, she thought it was hot to imagine two men having sex. That’s why she’d written the scene in her book, after reading a lot of books that included male/male sex. She’d always gotten turned-on when reading the scenes to the point where she had to take care of herself. Her pussy had never been so wet as after she’d read a male/male scene.

  She pictured Julian and Lane together. Julian with his olive skin and Lane with his dark tan. Julian’s long dark hair compared to Lane’s short blond. Brown eyes to hazel. They would be a striking combination together…all those nice muscles and bare skin writhing together on Julian’s blue sheets.

  Molly shifted on the couch as her clit began to throb again. She could feel her pussy moistening, her nipples tingling. Her breathing deepened as she imagined Lane taking Julian’s cock in his mouth, all the way to the balls.

  God, she wanted to see that. After they both made her come.

  “You okay?”

  Heat rushed through her body. Molly gulped her wine. “Sure.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll start dinner after I call Lane.”

  “Call Lane?”

  “Yeah. He’s in the bar at The Chowder House. I told him I’d call him after I talked to you about the ménage. Since that isn’t happening, he can go home.”

  He reached for his cell phone on the coffee table. Before he scrolled to Lane’s number, Molly laid her hand over his. “Wait.”

  Julian looked at her, but said nothing.

  “What if… What if I changed my mind?”

  He still said nothing, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

  “What if I want to try the ménage? What if I want to watch you and Lane together?”

  He leaned closer until she could see the smoky desire in his eyes. “Then I’d better call Lane and tell him to get here as fast as he can.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Molly sat on the couch, her damp palms clasped in her lap, her knees tightly together, when Julian answered the door to Lane’s knock ten minutes later. Desire ran so hotly through her veins, she wondered if Julian could smell it from across the room.

  She’d never expected to have one of her sexual fantasies come true, and especially not with two such handsome men.

  Lane walked into the apartment. His gaze immediately zeroed in on her. He smiled as he walked toward her.

  “Hi, Molly.”

  She swallowed to ease the dryness in her throat. “Hi.”

  Instead of sitting beside her on the couch, he sat on the coffee table in front of her. Their knees were no more than two inches apart.

  “What do you want to drink, Lane?” Julian asked.

  “Whatever you and Molly are having,” he said, looking at her.

  This close, she could see the gold specks in Lane’s hazel eyes, along with the long, dark blond eyelashes. His lips were full and well-shaped, his nose straight, his cheekbones high. Put all those items together and they created an incredibly attractive man who could have any woman he wanted.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Lane laid his hands on her knees. The warmth of his palms seeped through her skirt. “Because I read your chapters and want to fulfill your fantasy. You mean a lot to Julian and he’s my friend. If I can help him please you, that’s what I want too.”

  “And you want to be with Julian again.”

  Julian returned to the living room with a glass of wine for Lane. “Yeah,” he said, looking at Julian as he accepted the wineglass, “I want to be with him again.”

  “I appreciate your honesty.”

  “There’s no reason to lie to you.” Lane took a drink of wine and set the glass on the table beside him. “Did Julian tell you about our…relationship?”

  “A little.”

  “Do you have questions?”

  She looked from Lane to Julian and back again. “Julian started to tell me about the morning after your night with Claire. I want to know about that.”


  Julian sat close to Molly and slipped his arm around her shoulders. She could feel him playing with her hair, yet she focused her attention on Lane’s mouth as he spoke.

  “I’d been dating Claire for about a month when Julian came over for dinner.” He glanced at the other man. “Julian and his girlfriend had recently broken up and I figured it was my duty as his best friend to get him drunk.”

  Julian chuckled as he nuzzled behind her ear. “He did a damn good job of it too.”

  “Were you sloshed?”

  “And then some.”

  Molly returned her attention to Lane when he slipped his hands beneath her skirt. He went no higher than her knees, but his touch on her skin quickened her breathing.

  “Claire was a flirt and loved attention. When Julian went to the bathroom, I told her she should kiss him. Her eyes lit up like fireworks. One kiss led to another, and soon clothes started coming off.”

  Julian tug
ged her closer. She leaned against him, her back to his chest. His hand slipped down and released the first button on her blouse. Lane watched Julian’s hand for a moment before continuing.

  “The three of us spent a wild night together. I doubt if there was a position we didn’t try.”

  Julian nipped the side of her neck while his fingers danced over the flesh spilling out of her bra.

  Lane continued to watch Julian’s fingers. He slid his hands beneath Molly’s knees and pulled them far enough apart so he could slip his knees between hers.

  The second button on her blouse came loose.

  “Claire and I had a fight the next morning.” Lane’s warm hands caressed the backs of her knees, down her shins and up to the top of her thighs, still beneath her skirt. Molly’s heart began a stuttering tattoo in her chest. “I don’t remember what it was about. She left in a huff and I went back in the bedroom with Julian.”

  Julian unfastened the third button and pulled her blouse open. He groaned softly. “Damn, you’re wearing a red bra.”

  “I bought it today.” Her voice came out sounding soft and breathless. She gasped when Julian cradled her breasts.

  Lane’s hands crawled higher up her thighs. “Are you wearing panties to match?”

  She nodded. “A thong.”

  “A thong?” Julian asked, the surprise evident in his question. He squeezed her breasts as he buried his face against her neck. “God, I have to see your ass in that.”

  Molly didn’t respond. Her voice ceased to work when Lane’s fingers brushed her pussy through the thong. He moved to the edge of the coffee table, using his knees to push her legs farther apart, and ran his thumbs back and forth over her clit.

  Pleasure rippled through her body. She sat there, on the verge of a climax and they all still wore their clothes.

  “Do you want to know what I did then?” Lane asked.

  Molly didn’t care, not as long as he kept caressing her clit and Julian kept tugging on her nipples. Without her realizing it, Julian had unhooked the front closure of her bra. “Wh-what did you do?”

  “I sucked his cock.”


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