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Crystals Three Chosen Mates

Page 9

by Graham, Suzanne

  “Stepho, mix up a nutrishake for Crystal,” Henri instructed. “She looks underfed.”

  She shook her head. “No, I can’t stomach them.”

  “Chew these.” Stepho handed Crystal some pointy-edged leaves on a thin green stem he picked from a pot on the corner shelf.

  She pinched one leaf between her fingers and inhaled the spicy aroma. “What is this? It smells so good.” She put a leaf in her mouth, chewed, and swallowed, almost instantly her stomach felt more settled.

  “It’s mint,” Stepho explained. “One of my herbs. Eat a few more, then you can have some berries.”

  “From the plants you took from Fourth Quadrant? You got them to bear fruit here?”

  “Yes.” He flashed her a bright, proud smile, and for the first time in over a week, she felt her appetite returning.

  “Now, sit, Crystal,” Henri said. “You look like you’re going to fall over.”

  “Well, thanks a lot for the profuse compliments, Henri.” She sat on the edge of the berth and stared up at him. “I’ve never heard you so short before.” Certainly, he used these types of commands with her when they were role-playing, but in everyday interactions with him, he wasn’t normally like this.

  “You’ve kept yourself from us,” he said in a softer tone, and for the first time, she could see how much it had hurt him.

  “I’m sorry.” She reached out to him.

  He took her hand and knelt at her feet. “Do you promise not to leave us again?”

  She palmed his cheek, so wanting to make the promise to him and Stepho and Fisher, but she couldn’t—not until she found out what had happened this week between the three men.

  She looked up at Fisher. “Are you really okay?”

  He took a seat on the bench across from her. His movements were slow, and he definitely favored his left leg, but he was getting around on his own power. “I’ve been better, but the guys have taken good care of me.”

  “The guys?” The last time she’d talked to Fisher, he hadn’t been able to refer to Henri and Stepho as anything other than goobers or dweebs.

  Stepho took a seat on the berth next to her. “We’ve had time to sort things out.”

  “Really? How’s it look all sorted out?” She heard a touch of Fisher’s old sarcasm in her own tone, but she was a little pissed they seemed to have come up with some kind of solution without her input.

  Henri squeezed her hand, drawing her gaze back to him on the floor before her. “We’ve discussed the different kinds of relationships we have with you.”

  “Oh, stars. You didn’t.” She cast her eyes from Henri to Stepho, and finally, to Fisher. “That must have been…difficult.”

  Fisher nodded. “Yeah, not one of my favorite conversations.”

  “But it was necessary,” Stepho added.

  “After all that discussing, what conclusions did you reach?” she asked, looking at Henri.

  “As we talked, we could see you express a different piece of yourself with each of us, and we realized you should be in relationship with all three of us, so you can be completely you.”

  Emotion swelled in her throat. “You do?” she croaked out.

  “Yes, Starlight. We do,” Henri said in a quiet voice.

  “We all want to be your mates.” Stepho wrapped an arm around her and hugged her to his side.

  “All three of you?” She looked at Fisher across the room.

  He nodded. “All three of us with you, and that new little life you carry.” He gestured to her belly.

  “I didn’t think you wanted a child,” she confessed.

  “What made you think that?” he asked.

  “You didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “That’s when I was consumed by resentment. I never expected there’d be a chance the baby was mine, and I didn’t want to hear how happy you were going to be with your other two intimate partners.”

  “Lovers,” she said.

  “What?” He frowned.

  “They’re my lovers,” she explained, using the word for the first time.

  “Thanks. That’s a big help.” The sarcasm was back in Fisher’s words.

  “And so are you, Fisher,” she finished, hoping the strength of his jealousy was an indication of how much he cared for her, too.

  “Your lover?” he repeated, his tone suggesting no hints of contempt. In fact, he sounded a little choked up.

  “My lover,” she stated unequivocally.

  He levered himself up from the bench and limped toward her. “Then, let’s figure out the mechanics of this relationship.”

  “Now?” She gulped, suddenly nervous amidst all three of them at once. “Aren’t you in too much pain for physical exertion?”

  “Who says I’m going to do any of the work?” He grinned at her. “I figure there’s enough of us here I should be able to lay back and enjoy.”

  She let out a deep breath, not realizing she’d been breathing so shallowly since she entered the pod. Thank the stars. Her cocky Fisher was still in there, just a little mellowed.

  When he reached the side of the berth, he pulled his tunic over his head, giving her a good look at the scrapes and bruises on his body. His ribs looked particularly bad with the purple, blue, red, green, and yellow bruising across his chest and side.

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea,” she said.

  “Are you denying you want to be with us?” Henri asked.

  “No! No. I just don’t think it would be good for Fisher’s health to get intimate right now. Look at him! He’s a rainbow of bruises.”

  “I’m fine. Ask the Doc,” Fisher insisted, pointing at Stepho.

  Crystal felt her eyebrows shoot up her forehead. Doc? Now Fisher was using respectful nicknames for the “intelligentsia goobers”? She felt like she’d missed something significant this week between the men. She glanced at Stepho who nodded.

  “If we’re careful about positioning, he should be fine.”

  Fisher clapped his hands together once. “Great. Let’s get started.” He dropped his trousers to show he was definitely ready for some action.

  She studied his face. How the hellitude had he become so comfortable with Henri and Stepho? “What happened here this week?”

  “We told you. We had a discussion,” Henri said.

  “Nope. There’s something more that you’re not telling me.”

  The men made a show of looking at each other with blank confusion on their faces.

  “That was it, Crystal. Honestly,” Stepho said.

  She looked into his soulful brown eyes and could see no signs of deceit. “Okay, but it must have been one hellitude of a bonding talk. I feel like the odd woman out here.”

  “Not at all.” Henri stroked her thighs over her trousers. “You’re the entire reason we’re all here together.”

  “We are your three chosen mates, Crystal,” Stepho spoke in his deep, soft voice. “Let us make love to you.”

  “Oh, stars,” she whispered as she realized her fantasy really was coming true.

  “Stand up, Starlight,” Henri said. “So, we can get you out of your clothes.”

  Crystal followed his orders and helped the men to remove her uniform. Had they already discussed who would take which position in the mating? Would the structure of a traditional mating even pertain in this relationship? Just as the Pro-Freedom Movement was establishing a new government, she and her three men could establish a new organizational arrangement for their relationship.

  When she was naked, Henri had her lay on the middle of the mattress. Fisher crept up the other side of the berth to lie at her right.

  Blasters, he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

  “You sure you don’t want to wait until you’re healed more?” she asked him.

  “No, we’ve waited long enough for you to come to us. We’re not waiting any longer, unless you don’t think you can handle all three.” He winked at her, and she recognized his usual mode of operating around her resistanc
e. He knew she’d never step away from a challenge.

  “I’m ready to handle anything you can give me,” she responded with more bravado than she really felt. The new dynamics in the room were throwing her off balance.

  Henri and Stepho stripped off their uniforms and joined Crystal and Fisher on the bed, kneeling at her left side.

  Damn, she couldn’t remember ever feeling this tense in bed before. Where were the fiery tingles of arousal?

  Then she looked at the faces of her three chosen mates. These were the men she loved, who she wanted to spend the rest of her days with, the men with whom she wanted to raise the child she grew in her body.

  She held her arms out. “Hold me,” she whispered.

  Fisher moved in closer at her right side, Stepho at her left, and Henri lowered himself over the top of her body, until she was completely surrounded by masculine heat.

  She turned to Stepho and kissed his thick, soft lips, building her heat slowly, yet with strength. She ended her kiss with Stepho with a lick of his bottom lip. Then she turned to Fisher. His kiss was filled with the same kind of challenge she’d grown accustomed to in their intimate relations.

  He teased her tongue with his, and nipped and licked at her lower lip until she was breathing hard. He slipped his hand between her and Henri, and tweaked her right nipple. When she gasped, he moved away from their kiss.

  “Henri’s turn,” he said hoarsely.

  She faced Henri and waited for his move.

  He bent down and nuzzled her neck. “You look so beautiful. You’re glowing.”

  She laughed softly. “That’s a hellitude better than your earlier compliments.”

  He bit her neck gently. “You’re still too thin and tired looking. When we finish this mating, you will sleep. Then, we will get something for you to eat from the kitchen.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered adoringly.

  He covered her mouth with his, delving deeply with his tongue, taking away her breath. His mastery of her fed her burning need until she was wiggling under his weight, desperate for stimulation on other body parts.

  As if in answer to her silent plea, Stepho placed his hand on her left breast. Together, he and Fisher teased her nipples into stiff peaks with light pinches and pulls that she felt all the way down into her core.

  Relaxing into the sensations, she let go of her doubts and accepted this new reality with her three chosen mates.

  When Henri broke his hold on Crystal’s mouth to slide down between her legs, Fisher took the other man’s place at Crystal’s lips. He caught the essence of Henri and Stepho on her skin. Instead of inciting his jealousy, he found it increased his need for Crystal.

  During his conversations with Henri and Stepho over the past week, they hadn’t dismissed Fisher’s deeply rooted urge toward jealousy, rather they had shown respect for his emotions. They had agreed to abstain from intimate relations with Crystal unless Fisher was present. The men also agreed Henri and Stepho were free to get together as they wished without Crystal and Fisher, just as he and Crystal were welcome to get intimate without Henri and Stepho. Their mating would consist of two primary couple relationships and one quad relationship.

  Crystal moaned under Fisher’s mouth as Stepho and Henri stimulated various parts of her body. Together, the men worked as a team to bring the woman they all desired to completion in all facets of her life.

  This team differed from any team Fisher had belonged to in his past. This one would show him what a family was supposed to feel like. Coming from a trio of abusive fathers, he’d never experienced this sense of deep connection and mutual respect in a personal relationship with other men.

  Through their caring this past week, they’d shown a level of compassion that was new to him. They’d made a place for him in their lives, accepting him, yet also letting him know they expected more from him than his usual contemptuous attitude.

  With something that Fisher would almost describe as paternal affection, Henri had made clear that he wouldn’t put up with Fisher’s derisive behavior. That to belong in this new family they were creating—with a baby on the way—Fisher would have to make some adjustments. Surprisingly, Fisher had found himself responding in a positive way to Henri.

  Under Fisher’s touch, Crystal stiffened and trembled as her first orgasm swept through her.

  He eased back to watch the play of emotions across her face. Damn, she was beautiful. He couldn’t imagine ever getting enough of her.

  Her blue eyes flicked open, and she grinned at him with that satisfied smile.

  “Oh, darling,” he drawled. “We’re not nearly done yet.”

  She chuckled softly. “I was counting on that.”

  Henri rose to his knees at the foot of the bed and gave Fisher a nod.

  Fisher pulled Crystal over his body. “Come to me, darling.”

  She glanced nervously over her shoulder at Henri and Stepho as she straddled Fisher.

  “It’s all good,” he reassured her. “We’ve already discussed this.”

  “Right. The conversation that was only a conversation.”

  Fisher grabbed her head and pulled her mouth down to his to put an end to her doubting.

  She rubbed carefully against him, not leaning her full weight on his chest, for which he was grateful, since his ribs hurt like hellitude.

  He continued kissing her, enjoying the feel of her full breasts in his hands as he played with her nipples. Her moan let him know that Stepho was preparing her backside—and Stepho’s groans let Fisher know that Henri was doing the same to Stepho. When they came together as a quad, they’d agreed to this configuration, which allowed Fisher to focus on Crystal, and at the same time, enabled her to enjoy the attention of the other two men.

  Fisher jumped when he felt Henri’s hand on his cock.

  The goober chuckled. “Relax, Fisher. I’m just getting you in position. That’s right, Crystal. Take him in.”

  Oh, fuck. She was so wet and tight. Fisher gritted his teeth to keep himself from coming too fast.

  Then, he nearly lost control when he felt Stepho slide into Crystal’s back hole. Fisher could actually feel the man’s cock rub against his own. Holy stars of the fucking universe. The extra stimulation was going to send him right over the edge.

  “Fisher.” Henri’s voice was firm. “You will maintain your position and hold until I say.”

  Fisher’s field training kicked in, and “Yes, Sir” popped automatically out of his mouth.

  Crystal giggled against his lips, probably thinking Fisher had some sort of inner sub begging for a sexual Master. Not in a million light years, darling. The type of domination he was looking for had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with finding his place in this family.

  With Stepho’s grunt, Fisher was sure Henri had taken his position in Stepho’s ass, completing their unusual quad.

  “My pace,” Henri commanded, and Fisher felt the rocking movements of the two men behind Crystal.

  She let out a soft moan as her hips rolled over his, and he was proven correct when he’d said earlier that he wouldn’t have to do much with so many people involved. All he had to do was lie back and hold on to his control to the best of his ability. It was the sweetest form of torture.

  Crystal’s body glistened above his with a light sheen of sweat on her skin. He ran his palms up her sides and cupped her breasts, trying to distract himself from the urgency of his cock.

  Her body seized as she was swept up by another orgasm, sending Fisher to the edge of his control.

  “Fuck!” he gasped.

  Stepho murmured something Fisher couldn’t hear.

  “Yes,” Henri answered, and Stepho came into Crystal’s backside with a loud grunt.

  “Oh, fuck!” Fisher shouted again, barely able to wait for his turn.

  “Now, Fisher,” Henri obliged him in a tight voice.

  Fisher grabbed Crystal’s hips and drove fast and hard into her core. She clung to his shoulders, keening loudly
, her breasts bouncing on her chest.

  “Fuuuuck!” he bellowed as he came into her hot channel.

  From somewhere above him, Fisher heard an echoing “Fuck!” as Henri came in Stepho’s ass.

  It was a few moments before any of them caught their breath. Then, they carefully disengaged. Crystal lay at Fisher’s side with Henri at her back and Stepho at his back. On the doublewide berth, it was a little crowded, but somehow, it felt comfortable to Fisher. He’d never had three people look out for him like these three had.

  If he wasn’t careful, he might grow to really like Henri and Stepho…and that wouldn’t be too bad, after all. He grinned as exhaustion ran over him, switching off his lights.

  Crystal turned her head and whispered in Henri’s ear as they lay tangled together on the bed. “So, how did you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Tame Fisher.”

  He chuckled softly against her neck. “It was Stepho’s idea.”


  “Soothing and tender attention,” Henri answered.

  “Seriously? That worked?” she squeaked a little too loudly.

  “Hey,” Fisher grumbled from the other side of her. “Some of us need our sleep to get over near-fatal injuries. And don’t believe everything that man says. He knows some fairly convincing moves.”

  “You used physical force?” She turned on Henri. “You bullied him?”

  “Do I bully you when we role-play?”

  Crystal sat up on the bed and stared at Henri, then at Fisher. “You role-played?”

  Fisher chuckled. “Is that what you call it?”

  “You said you don’t do guys,” she insisted.

  “I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a nice ass-whipping from someone who can beat me in a fair challenge.”

  Her jaw dropped. When she got it back in place, she asked, “You like to get spanked?”

  “Spanked? Of course not, but a good ass-whipping from a firm hand can occasionally be relaxing.”

  “He means freeing,” Stepho added his input from the other side of Henri.

  Crystal knew exactly what relaxing and freeing felt like herself, but she was taken aback that Fisher had gone there. Maybe she didn’t know him as well as she thought she did. She wondered what other things she’d discover about him as they continued their lives together. Whatever it was, she was sure it would be interesting. “You guys left out a lot in your explanation of what happened this week, and I want all the details.”


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