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Torch (Galactic Cage Fighters Book 7)

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by KD Jones

  Why was he feeling this strongly for a female he hadn’t even fucked? Ever since he laid eyes on Isis, he had been dreaming of her, thinking of her, wanting her. When he looked at other females, he couldn’t even get an erection anymore. He thought maybe he was having a physical problem and needed a doctor. But then, just thinking of Isis made his body react instantly with need.

  He started walking up the stairs a few more flights to the floor he lived on. He wasn’t handling Isis dating someone else very well. She let him kiss her twice. “Fuck!” He punched the wall hard.

  Words drifted from his childhood. Words his brother whispered to him. “Now or never." He would have to show Isis just who the better male was. If he wanted her, he would have to act now and not wait until later. Later could be too late.


  Isis was confused. Nigel was a perfect gentleman, a successful businessman, sexy, and a great kisser. But she couldn’t shake this feeling she had that she was betraying someone else. It was like she was on a date with two men, one in reality and one in her head. She shook her head and headed to her bathroom. Maybe she just needed a cold shower to clear her mind. She could focus later on straightening her thoughts. It wasn’t bad for her first real date. Not bad at all.

  Chapter Six

  The next day Isis was preparing for her sanctioned fight for later that evening. She practiced at the morning session a little longer working on her fighting skills. Then instead of regular practice in the afternoon, she worked alone on her Isian abilities, making sure she could extend upon demand. Then she ordered ice to be delivered to her suite to fill her tub. She had to soak for at least two hours in the ice to get her temperature down before each fight. The first hour was pleasant; she was used to it. It was the second hour she had to push through.

  She was about to get in the tub when the doorbell rang. She pulled her robe back on, wrapped it around her, and pulled her hair up on top of her head. She went to see who it was. She opened the door and was surprised to find a big bouquet of fresh cut flowers.

  “I have a delivery here for an Isis. Are you her?" the delivery person asked.

  “Yes." She had never been sent flowers before.

  “Where do you want these?”

  Isis pointed to the dining table. “Thank you," she said to the delivery person as they went out the door. She walked over to the table and pulled the card out and read it out loud.

  “Good luck with your fight this evening. I am sorry I cannot attend but I have a cross regional conference call that I can’t miss. Hope that you will consider going out with me again. I enjoyed our time together and hope for more.

  See you soon,


  P.S. here is my cell phone number in case you need to get in touch via call or text with me at any time.”

  Wow. Nigel sure knew how to woo a girl. She inhaled the sweet fragrance and smiled. She would have to call him later to thank him. She went to take her ice bath.


  Torch had a match after Isis. But he was waiting in the holding room where the GCFA fighters waited until their fight was called. He paced back and forth wondering where Isis was.

  “Take it easy, man, she’s in wardrobe right now," Zen told him while sitting on a chair reading a magazine. Sounds from the TV distracted him. There was a match going on with Hammer and Rage against two full Beastials. Zen would be fighting a solo match just like Torch was. They were the only two currently in the room.

  “So what happened with Isis and Nigel? Did they do the deed?" Zen asked, without looking away from the magazine.

  Torch growled. “He kissed her, twice. But he went home alone.”

  “You sure they didn’t sleep together?” Zen asked again.

  “Positive. I stood there and watched them.”

  “Good.” Zen nodded his head.

  “Him kissing her twice is not good," Torch said through gritted teeth.

  “Yes, but him not sleeping with her means that you still have a good chance of winning her affections for yourself.”

  “It’s not a game. I do not have to compete with Nigel. Isis is not some kind of trophy either!” Torch insisted.

  “It's not? Well then, I guess you don’t care that he sent her a huge bouquet of flowers today,” Zen told him nonchalantly.

  “Sneaky bastard!" How was he supposed to compete with someone as smooth and polished as Nigel? Torch was a facility-raised mongrel. Nobody wanted him. He was never adopted from one of the many orphanages he was shifted to.

  Zen chuckled. “Don’t worry. Isis isn’t that materialistic. From what I know of her, she is a very quiet and simple person. Those expensive flowers won’t suade her at all.”

  “How am I supposed to outdo Nigel? He is a smooth asshole.”

  “He’s already taken her to a dinner and a concert. He got two kisses out of that. Now he has sent her an enormous bouquet of flowers. You will have to do something very unexpected to get her to forget all of that,” Zen said honestly.

  “Like what?” Torch was at a loss.

  Zen put the magazine down and stood, heading to the door.

  “Where are you going?" Torch asked confused.

  “They just announced my fight is coming up. I have to get ready to make my grand entrance,” Zen said, fluffing his hair.

  “But what about the unexpected thing I am supposed to do to get Isis’s attention. What should I do?” Torch asked desperately.

  “Hey, man, that is on you. I’ve got a mate." Zen left him fuming.

  “Damn useless Felon halfsie!" Torch paced back and forth. He sat down and watched Zen’s fight. One of the ring girls walked through and put on a little show. He thought about flowers, candy, dinners, dancing, concerts; these were all the things that he expected Nigel would do. It was his style. Nigel had prestige and power. What did Torch have? He had to do something so outrageous that Nigel could never out do him; at the same time, Isis couldn't ignore it. Something that fit his personality. But what? He had to come up with something soon. His fight was being called, leaving him no closer to a solution.


  Isis walked into the holding room and found it completely empty. She cranked up the air conditioner to help keep her body temperature low. She watched the monitor and saw that Torch was fighting a full species Voltan. The two males were pretty much throwing fireballs at each other. They ended up using their abilities until they faded, leaving them to fight with their strength. She smirked. Torch was going to kick that male’s ass.

  The exact thing Zara was trying to prepare Isis for. She appreciated all the hard times the other female gave her. She would be ready if it came down to that. She hoped.

  She watched Torch as he got the crowd going. He was a showboat for sure. But he was a sexy showboat. She licked her lips as she eyed him from head to toe. The male’s rough charm was dangerous to females across the galaxy. Her body tightened just picturing running her hands over his slick muscled chest. She was starting to heat up just thinking about him.

  No! She shook her head. She couldn’t be having these thoughts about someone like Torch. He was not boyfriend material. Not like Nigel. But as wonderful as Nigel was, he never made her heart race, her pulse beat harder, or make her feminine juices flow. Maybe she hadn’t given him a chance to do all that. Those two kisses were very pleasant. Maybe if she opened up to him a little more, it would build a stronger sex appeal. Well, she would make a point to try to be intimate with Nigel the next time they were alone together. The commercial break was over and she sat back to watch the fight.


  “Welcome back everyone to the beautiful sports arena here at the North Gamma Region. I am Johann and this is my fellow commentator Poland. We are coming to you live at the Galactic Cage Fighters circuit event."

  “Johann, it certainly has been an eventful night tonight. Lots of great matches. The talent of the fighters has been phenomenal.”

  “Yes it has been, Poland. I believe the current match we are
watching may be the best so far this evening.”

  “Torch, who is only one-third Voltan fighting Titin, the full species Voltan. Quite an exciting thing to see. It is clear these two do not like one another.”

  “You can say that again. I think they had a verbal fight at the last event they were both at. Things got out of hand and there was a small fire. The GCFA workers are on standby with fire extinguishers just in case things get out of hand.”

  “Okay, round two is about to begin. Let’s see who will win this one.”

  Chapter Seven

  Torch glared at Titin. The male was purposely antagonizing him. Torch had made one joke at their last fight and the full species male took it too seriously. Now that Torch was distracted with his thoughts of Isis, the other male was trying to get him to lose his temper.

  “Aw, poor little halfsie, are you tiring already?” Titin teased him with a half smile.

  “Shut the fuck up and fight!" Torch let his fist sizzle as he swung out making contact with Titin’s abs. The other male sucked in a breath before letting smoke out of his mouth.

  “Halfsie scum!” Titin threw a left hook at Torch. All his playfulness was now gone. He tried to grab him around the neck but Torch twisted and broke loose.

  Torch had to duck and block the head kicks that came his way. He did a spinning back kick, knocking Titin backwards. Torch tried to score more kicks but received a hit to his groin, making him fall to his knees. Oh man, that hurt.

  Titin acted on Torch’s fallen state by flying at him and landing on him hard. He pounded him hard and got in quite a few punches before Torch managed to buck him off. Torch quickly got back to his feet in time to block the knee thrown his way.

  Torch took a body shot and then another. He tried to get in a hard left but Titin used his momentum to try to take him down again. Torch resisted the force pushing him down and the bell rang signaling the end of Round Two. He was breathing hard as he went back over to his side of the cage. He needed to get this guy down and quick because he wasn’t sure he was going to make it through another full round. Plus, he had plans and didn’t want to get them ruined with him being sent to medical on a stretcher.

  The bell rung for Round Three. The announcers gave the play by play.


  “Johann, I have to say that Torch is looking tired. I don’t think he’s going to make it another round.”

  “I agree, Poland. Neither fighter is using as much of their Voltan abilities as they had done at the beginning of the fight. They are almost completely relying on their natural fighting skills.”

  “Look at that, Johann. Torch is center, he kicks a knee at Titin who blocks with his own leg. Both going for jabs. Oh…that’s a good combination from Titin.”

  “I agree, Poland. Titin lands a flush uppercut. It’s not looking so good for Torch.”

  “Don’t count Torch out quite yet. He’s got some moves left in him. Torch pushes Titan to the fence. Titan tries to elbow him but Torch isn’t giving up his hold on him! Titan shoves free.”

  “Torch leaps with a body kick. Titin goes down to the mat. Right shot! Left shot! Gut punch! Head slam on the mat! And that’s it folks! Torch has won the fight!”


  Isis was on her feet watching the match. Damn that was a good fight. Torch had a cut over his right eye and there were purple bruises forming all over his body. He had a hard, tight body. A body made for fighting or for sex. She shivered. Her nipples were hard and she felt flushed all over. This was crazy. How could a new fighter like Torch have her all worked up sexually? Come on, she was supposed to be dating a nice, charming, conservative male like Nigel.

  “Isis, they’re ready for you," one of the GCFA crewmembers called from the open door.

  Right, it was time for her fight. She followed the crewmember out and down the hall. She waited for her cue and then stepped out into the crowded auditorium. She walked the elevated walkway that led to the cage.

  Her hair was back up in her special braids hanging down her back. She wore the tight two-piece fighting costume. It left nothing to the imagination. Her opponent was already waiting for her inside the cage, a Slurchan.

  Man, she really hated fighting Slurchans. They had a spongy body and ooze came out of their pores all over. It was disgusting, usually smelled, and the ooze made it really hard to get a hold on them.

  She stepped into the cage and went to her side. The Slurchan looked her up and down then snorted.

  “Is the GCFA is sending in children to fight now?”

  Isis didn’t say anything. She had choice words she would say as come backs, but her persona is cold and calm. Like ice. She waited for the bell to ring to start the first round but the lights flashed, instead signaling the fighters and staff there was a change in the program.

  “What now?" the Slurchan grumbled.

  Isis shrugged her shoulders. She had no clue.


  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a slight change here for you. We were told Torch would like to announce something before the next fight begins.”

  “What do you think he is going to say, Poland?”

  “I don’t know but it has to be something pretty important if the GCFA is allowing him to interrupt an event like this.”

  “There he is now, making his way to the cage. Is he going back inside?”

  “Looks like it. He’s asking for a microphone.”


  “What are you doing?" Isis asked under her breath. She had never heard of someone interrupting a fight like this unless there was some kind of catastrophe.

  Torch gave her a wink as he lifted the microphone to speak into it. “Good evening, everyone. I know you are all looking forward to watching this next fight. I am too. So I won’t keep you too long.”

  He walked around the cage drawing the crowd's attention to him. He paused right in front of Isis. She raised her eyebrow at him. He winked at her.

  “I want to formally ask Isis here to go out on a date with me." Isis gasped and the crowd awed. Torch continued.

  “Normally this is done a little less publically, but because our natures are so different, Isis with try to get out of it." The crowd was eating up everything and even booed that Isia would do such a thing. Isis glared at him but that did not deter him one bit.

  “Also, I hear she is dating another male. This news has left me feeling quite brokenhearted." The crowd awed in sympathy.

  “But I am persistent. I won’t stop asking her out until she says yes. So what do you say, Isis. Will you go out with me?” Torch put the microphone right up to her mouth.

  Isis felt the heat rise to her face. She glared at him. She was furious he would put her on the spot like this. She wanted to tell him to take a damn hike. But the crowd was already chanting for her to say yes. What was she supposed to do?

  “Say yes…say yes…say yes," the crowd kept repeating over and over. She put her hands over her face for a moment to collect herself.

  “What do you say, Isis?” Torch asked again.

  “Fine, yes! I’ll go out with you." She looked up at him defiantly. She would make him regret ever pulling a stunt like this on her. He’ll regret ever asking her out. She’ll make him pay.

  Torch wasn’t done though. He looked around at the crowd. “We should seal this with a kiss. Don’t you all think so?”

  “Hell no!" Isis shook her head. But the crowd was now chanting. “Kiss him…kiss him…kiss him.”

  “I hate you for this!" she whispered to him low enough the crowd couldn’t hear.

  Torch reached for her, pulling her to him, and lowered his lips to hers. At first she kept her lips shut tight. But he felt so good against her. He was persistent about getting inside her mouth. She would give him that. Surprising herself, she found that she longed to let him in, to taste him. Just a little taste. What could it hurt?

  She parted her lips and he wasted no time entering. His tongue dueled with hers. She felt her pulse quicken and her wh
ole body was warming. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, which brought her body closer against him. She forgot everything around her except for the feel of his lips and tongue.

  She groaned in protest when he pulled her away from him. The sounds around them brought her in focus. The crowd had erupted into applause. Oh shit! What had she done?

  Torch winked at her again as he spoke into the microphone. “It’s a done deal. I will let you get back to the fight." He tossed the microphone to the side as he climbed out of the cage.

  Isis was embarrassed, angry, and more turned on than she had ever been her entire life.

  “That was a pathetic ploy from the GCFA. Made me want to puke," the Slurchan said as she walked closer to Isis.

  The bell rung to start the round. Isis turned loose her barely contained anger and unleashed her icy fury on the Slurchan. The slug didn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter Eight

  Isis slammed the door to her suite hard. That damn Voltan halfsie! How dare he publicly ask her out? He knew she wouldn’t be able to say no. That’s why he did it. He used the crowd’s sympathy toward his so called broken heart to force her to say yes. Otherwise she wouldn’t have. Nope.


  Her phone ringing broke through her haze of anger. “Hello?" she answered angrily.

  “Hello, Isis.”

  “Nigel?" Oh God, not him, not now. How was she supposed to deal with Torch and Nigel? This night was just getting better and better.

  “Yes. I wanted to call and talk to you about your fight this evening.”

  She slumped down on the couch. “You saw it didn’t you?”

  “Yes, in fact the hotel bar I am currently occupying a table in has it replaying over and over. The news stations are calling it the GCFA’s Star Crossed Lovers. The waitress staff are taking bets on how long the romance will last.”


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