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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2)

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by Ursula Sinclair

  I understood why and I knew how to relieve her fears.

  I turned her over. She couldn’t hide those tears from me. I told her what she needed to hear, to finally get everything out in the open. Well, the parts that mattered to her. The look on her face, when I told her I was giving up fighting, was worth everything to me.

  My heart damned near wanted to explode when she told me she loved me. Shit. If I didn’t know I already loved her I would have known at that moment. She was mine. Always had been. Always would be. And God help any sonofabitch who tried to take her away from me.

  I set out to prove to her just how very much I loved her. We’d already made love once tonight. But that was hard and fast, too fast, but at the time it was what we both needed. I understood she had to make sure I was still in this world with her and I needed to be inside her, claim her, brand her like I’ve never wanted to another. But this time right now was about us. Belonging together, pledging ourselves to each other, truly making love because nothing stood between us now. When she parted her thighs for me and I entered her slick wetness, a sigh of utter pleasure escaped from me. I filled her, wanting to go deeper inside of her. Wanting her to take all of me, as I wanted to become everything to her. I took both of her soft hands into my calloused ones and raised them until they rested beside her head. She threaded her fingers through my own and we stared at each other. I continued to rock in and out of her. Feeling every inch of her upon my skin and letting her into my heart.

  She raised her legs and wrapped them around my waist, drowning me. I wanted to make this last for us both. I needed her to know I would always be there for her. I would never leave her or hurt her. “I love you. I will never hurt you again. You are my balance. My light and my heart.”

  Then I lowered my lips to hers because I couldn’t resist joining us there, too. My mouth covered hers and her tongue greeted mine as it entered. I moaned into her and we made love there, too. Blood rushed to my dick swelling it even more, and my balls tightened. Not yet. No. I wanted to stay inside her forever. Ivy. Mine.

  I pulled away slightly and rolled until she lay on top of me. I yearned to make it last and so I needed to slow down. She sat up on me and lifted herself up and down on my cock. I held her hips loosely letting her set the rhythm. But then her sex muscles clapped around me and I instinctually surged up into her in response.

  A strangled curse escaped my lips at her sudden tightness. I must have been crazy to think this position would slow us down. Bullshit! As long as we were joined there was no slowing down. Despite that cast on her foot, my girl rode me like a rodeo bronco. My fingers dug into her hips and she increased her movements. All the while I kept time with her. Her breathing came in quick pants, her flat stomach muscles clenched, and I had to fight not to explode into her. She was so beautiful as she tossed her head back and opened her mouth. Her sex tightened around me just before her heat coated my dick. It was over.

  “Fuck!” I had no control over the surge rushing through my body. There was only one outcome. My hips left the bed, taking her with me. My balls tightened, and my essence released inside of her. Still joined, I sat up and helped her straighten her legs over mine to shift the cast as she continued to bear down on me and I continued to cum into her.

  Finally, depleted and with our legs entwined and wrapped in each other’s arms, we slept. The sound of thunder outside had me tightening my arms around Ivy. I grabbed my cell on the nightstand to check the time. It was going on ten a.m. We’d slept in this morning, but we both needed the rest. When I turned back, Ivy was wide-awake and smiling at me. Damn. I’d already glanced at the windows and saw the day was gray, cloudy, and raining outside. But inside, right here, nothing but pure sunshine reigned. I smiled back at her and moved to kiss her, but her phone on the other side of the bed chimed.

  She pushed away from me. “Oh, oh,” she said.

  “What is it?”

  “My folks.”

  I took the phone then handed it to her.

  “Hi, Mom,” she said, relaxing back onto the pillow.

  I bent my arm at the elbow, placing it under my head as I lay on my side facing her. I ran my fingers along her waist to her thigh, trying to get her to part her legs. She swatted my hand away and grinned.

  I smiled, but decided I had to stop teasing her.

  I threw off the covers and headed to the bathroom and the shower. Giving her some privacy. I knew she still hadn’t told her parents about her accident. And she also hadn’t told them a thing about me. Would she tell them now or wait? Not that they’d remember me from all those years ago. I kinda hoped they didn’t. I wasn’t so sure I made such a good impression back then. And with my background, and all the new artwork running all over my body, I wasn’t sure I’d make a great impression now.

  At least I don’t have any nipple piercings. That was like waving a red flag to a bull in the arena. But my ears were pierced. I just rarely wore anything in them. I wonder how Ivy felt about piercings? I wouldn’t do anything to make her uncomfortable. Nor have her parents dislike her choice of a boyfriend. In the end though, it didn’t matter what her folks thought of me. As long as Ivy loved me, that’s all I cared about. Still, I didn’t want them to hate me. I was a part of their daughter’s life and I damn sure wasn’t going anywhere. Which meant sooner or later they were bound to meet me, and for Ivy, I’d do everything to make sure I didn’t cause a problem between her and her folks. If that meant wearing long sleeves to hide my ink, hide it I would.

  After brushing my teeth and taking care of business, I turned on the shower and got in. I’d left the bathroom door ajar and lingered a little, hoping Ivy would come join me. But when she didn’t, I started to worry a little. Maybe the call with her folks didn’t go so well.

  I’d just finished drying off when the door pushed all the way open and she stepped in wearing my t-shirt.

  She was so goddamned beautiful. All warm brown skin over a sleek toned body. And she was all mine.

  I licked my lips wanting to taste her. But when my gaze reached her mouth I saw the tremble. I took the two steps that separated us and got her attention. There were tears in her eyes.

  “Babe, what is it? Is something wrong?”

  She blinked. “I told my parents about my injury and they were really supportive, but also a little disappointed I hadn’t called them right away. They understood I just needed a little time, though.”

  I was confused. There had to be more to warrant her tears. “Okay.”

  She lowered her head and then raised it to look at me again. A sheen of tears still in her eyes. “It’s…my mom, and Shelly’s parents. They’re all coming to New York tomorrow.”

  I nodded still not understanding why this should upset her. She didn’t have to explain to me who Shelly was. I knew Shelly. I was there the night she died. Even though we really didn’t keep in touch during the almost five years I’d been in Japan. My doing I think. I didn’t encourage her to contact me. But I texted her every year on the day of Shelly’s death to let her know I still thought of her and wanted to make sure she was okay. I knew what Shelly meant to her.

  Ivy seemed hesitant, maybe because she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. She wanted to meet with her people alone. Was she ashamed of me or felt she had to hide me from her family? My heart sorta missed a beat at the thought. But I’d do anything for her. If she wanted to keep us a secret, then shit, for now I would be.

  Steeling myself for it, I wrapped my arm around her so she wouldn’t see the hurt in my eyes. “That’s great. Do you…do you want to spend time with them alone? Want me to stay behind?”

  Please say no.

  She shook her head and her eyes opened wide at my question. “Why would I want to do that? I told my mom we’re seeing each other again. She remembered you.”

  The pain gripping my chest suddenly disappeared but I couldn’t smile. Something still wasn’t right here. “Then what’s making you so sad?”

  “Maze…Shelly’s mom. Bev, she
’s been diagnosed with cancer. They’re coming here to see a specialist before deciding on the type of surgery she should have.”

  “Oh, babe. I’m so sorry.” I wrapped my arms around her tighter while she cried into my chest. I knew she wasn’t just crying for Shelly’s mom as much as for her daughter, Ivy’s best friend, who’d died so long ago.

  I kissed her eyelids then her mouth, hugging her while I did. I just wanted to comfort her, so I gave her what she needed. My love, my arms, my support. They were all hers.

  She pulled back. “I’m such a mess. I’d like to use the bathroom and take a shower. I need to get into some clean clothes, too.”

  “Okay.” I stepped back, but put my hands on her arms and nuzzled her neck for a minute. “You go ahead and jump in the shower. How about I run down the street and grab a couple of bagels for us? After we eat, we’ll head to your place for you to change. Then I need to run to the hospital. Joe’s been moved out of ICU but I want to check on him. You can come with me if you like. Or I’ll come back when I’m done and we can decide what to do for the rest of the day. Whatever you want.” Yeah. As long as we did it together.

  She smiled. “I’d like that. I’ll come with you. By the way, do you have a plastic bag around here I can wrap my foot in?”

  I looked down at her cast and frowned, understanding the problem. She couldn’t get it wet. “Hang on a sec.” I left the bathroom and headed for the kitchen.

  I returned with a bag and wrapped her foot. “Need anything else?”

  She shook her head. “Thanks. I’m good.”

  I kissed her quickly and left the bathroom to give her some privacy. I put on the jeans I’d worn to the fight last night, thinking I needed to stop by the brownstone to get a change of clothes, too. I grabbed Ivy’s clothes from the floor, and then opened the bathroom door.

  “Babe, I’m just putting your clothes on the counter for you and grabbing my shirt.”

  “Thanks,” she said from the shower.

  “I’ll run and get us breakfast, then I’ll be right back.” I shut the door behind me and headed for the living room.

  I found the keys Uncle Tsang had left on the table the night before then I opened the front door. As soon as I set foot in the hallway, I registered the person in a chair at the end of the hall near the elevator. There were eight units on each floor. The condo was on one side of the building and the elevator at the opposite end of the hallway.

  I walked right up to the man who sat on the chair. I recognized his mixed East Asian features. He was one of Tsang’s bodyguards, Terry. Even sitting he looked huge; his head came to my chest. He’d been with us last night at the fight. I understood what his presence meant. I was not going to be allowed to just walk away. At least not yet. I’d won a fight I was supposed to lose. Someone was out for blood. I was pissed I needed a shadow. He spoke before I could.

  “What do you need, Maze?” He already had his phone out to make the call.

  “I just wanted to get a couple of bagels from the corner. Then Ivy and I are heading over to her place. After that the hospital.”

  He stood. “I’ll walk down to the corner with you, and when you’re ready to leave, you know the number to call. We’ll bring a car around for you.”

  “Fuck!” I took a deep breath. No use yelling at him. “Do I need a bodyguard?”

  He looked at me and tilted his head. “You’ll have to ask your uncle. But I’m yours for now.”

  I knew it was pointless to argue with him. I was his job and he wasn’t leaving my side unless I kicked his ass or Uncle Tsang told him to back off. Since I already knew, for now, neither was going to happen, I shrugged. “Shit, fine.”

  I turned around to stare back down the hall. I couldn’t see the door from this angle, but I knew my heart resided in that room. “Is it safe to leave Ivy?”

  “The building is secure. No one comes up here who’s not supposed to be here.”

  I nodded. Figures. It’s why Tsang insisted we come back here after the fight. I knew that. Tempers were still running high. Always a dangerous time. “Okay. Let’s go.”

  I felt really stupid walking down the street with Terry carrying a damn umbrella over my head. Dude watched everyone on the street. But then again so did I. It was pouring so not a whole lot of people were out and about.

  We got to the bagel place and I placed the order. Getting an extra one for Terry. The man didn’t even crack a smile when I gave it to him. Just took the bag and said thanks. From the time I left until the time I got back to the condo all of about twenty minutes had gone by. When I pushed the door open the first thing I saw was Ivy standing near the window watching the rain. My heart slammed against my chest. I didn’t give a shit what the Triad did or didn’t want. Whatever they tried to throw at me. I was not giving her up.

  She turned when I walked in and smiled.

  “Food,” I said coming toward her. “And I grabbed a couple of plain white teas, too.”

  She met me part of the way and took the bags out of my hands then moved to the small kitchen area. There was no room for a table there, only a breakfast bar with four stools. She placed the bags on the counter and we sat down while I pulled out what I’d gotten. Two bacon, egg, and cheese bagels for me, one for her, and two cups of tea.

  “Sorry, it’s a little wet. But it’s pouring out there,” I said.

  “I’m sorry you had to go out in this mess. But thank you for doing it. Did you have to go far?’

  “Nope, just down to the end of the block.”

  “You’re not very wet.” She frowned. “Did you have an umbrella?”

  Trust her to notice. “Ah, no, but I ran into a friend in the hallway who did. He let me borrow his umbrella. I returned it when I got back.”

  “Oh, good.” She took a sip of the tea. “This is good. Just the way I like it. O’ natural.” She smiled then glanced over at the windows again where we could see the deluge of water falling from the sky. “Do you think we’ll be able to get a cab in this?”

  “No worries. Uncle Tsang left one of his cars and a driver for us to use.”

  No way did I want Ivy to see the bodyguards hovering around me for the next few days. It was one of the things I told Terry on our walk. I also told him when I was ready I’d call him for the car, and he was not to be in that hallway when we left. I remained optimistic Uncle Tsang would be able to take care of all of this mess in a few days, and Ivy and I could get on with being a normal couple. Ones who didn’t need bodyguards and Ivy didn’t have a boyfriend who got into fights while they were out on a date. Besides, if her mom and Shel’s mom were coming to town tomorrow, I was the last thing Ivy needed to worry about.

  Chapter Three


  We’d spent most of the day yesterday with Joe and after a quick trip back to the brownstone in Brooklyn. Maze needed a change of clothes, and then we came back to my place. Before we left Maze said, even as corny as it sounded, “Your place or mine?” It made my heart flutter. But just looking at him could do that, too.

  My God what did I ever do to deserve him? He was mine. All mine. I did a mental happy dance every time I glanced at him. Six feet two inches of masculine perfection. Gray eyes the color of storm clouds stared at me and all I wanted to do was bathe in them, each and every time he looked my way. And the love shining from those orbs warmed all of me.

  We decided my place was closer to the hospital. Joe would be there for some time so it would be easier to get there from my condo. However, Maze having a car at his disposal proved to be a real bonus in regards to a quick means of transportation. I still didn’t quite get why his uncle left us his car and driver. Maze told me Mr. Tsang wouldn’t need it for the rest of the week and said we could use it. Which was great and thoughtful of him. I didn’t have to hobble around on the sidewalk trying to flag down a cab.

  I smiled. Between hanging out with Dante, and now Maze, I might never have to worry about catching a cab in New York during rush hour again. But then depres
sion crept into my thoughts as to why I didn’t have to worry about my schedule and traffic. Dante had already left for the day for another meeting with the dance company. It would be weeks before my cast was off and months before I could even try to dance again. If ever.


  I blinked at the sound of Maze’s voice and glanced over at him. I stretched my arms out on the sofa and placed my legs on the coffee table. My cast rested on top of a pillow to make my lounge more comfortable. The television was on. Maze and I were just killing time before we met my mom and Shel’s mom later this evening for dinner.

  “Thank you for coming with me tonight, baby. I…I don’t want to face this alone.”

  He brushed his finger along my cheekbone. “I’m always here for you. Do you know how the appointment went?”

  I sighed. “They confirmed the diagnosis, but the doctors think they caught it in time and everyone’s agreed on the surgery.”

  “That’s good then?” Maze asked.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “We have awhile before we have to leave, do you want something to drink?”

  “Thanks. I think there are some snacks too in that first cabinet next to the sink if you’re hungry.”

  Maze stood and went into the kitchen. I watched him walk there and back. He had on black dress slacks and a shiny, cotton long-sleeved dark gray shirt. A black belt with a silver buckle graced his slim hips. He still wore his hair on the short side, but it had that ‘I just rolled out of bed’ look and all I wanted to do was roll back into bed with him. Damn he was gorgeous. He’d turned me into a nymphomaniac. I couldn’t get enough of him. Then again he acted worse than I did.


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