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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Shea Meadows

  Beth Ann nodded. “That’s part of a new set that Moon bought for the house just before she died.”

  “It struck the wall beside the fridge. Another foot over it would have hit me in the back,” Ricky said with a shudder. “I even had an unpleasant conversation with one of them. I commented on how close it was and got the message that they would aim better next time.”

  “Doesn’t sound accidental or playful at all.” David answered. “Is that a change in the pattern?”

  “Things have fallen off walls and hooks before but never propelled toward us. I would count this as an escalation. I think we disturbed the bee hive,” Ricky responded.

  Knocking sounded from somewhere on the second floor, and then a sound of glass shattering. They ran up the stairs, stopping at David’s room where they found a broken mirror cracked across the center, and his mangled tennis racket sitting on the floor. David checked the window, finding it still locked securely and none of his other things disrupted.

  “I’m going down to look at the security camera data. Maybe real people are behind this. The alternative makes me uncomfortable.” David’s face was red with anger as he bounded down the stairs.

  Ricky and Beth Ann walked through the second level checking the rooms. Nothing else was disturbed except for tipped over bottles in all three bathrooms that were coating the floors with soap and shampoo. They moved upwards to the third level and found nothing out of place.

  “Did ya notice, Ricky? Nothing was disturbed in any of the rooms that have crystals in them? That’s why I hide in the meditation room when stuff like this is going on,” Beth Ann said, her nose twitching violently.

  “I was seeing that myself. You and I both have gem stones in our bedrooms but David doesn’t. We don’t have any stones in the kitchen and the source of the painting that shattered was a wall in the breakfast nook where there aren’t any stones. That’s the only way they could get at you in the living room where there are all sorts of gems,” Ricky answered. “I think……” she was stopped in midsentence by an urgent call from Nellie in her mind. Go into the traveling room. Moon and the guides want to talk to you.

  “I’m being summoned to the traveling room. It’s the cupola where I found the stones and the ledgers, correct?” Ricky asked.

  Beth Ann nodded in reply. “Do you need the traveling stones?”

  “Nellie didn’t mention them, so let’s see what happens.”

  Ricky settled in the center of the cupola and made the intention to travel to whatever frequency held Moon, Nellie and the guides. Almost immediately, she felt a swirl around her and heard a long sustained tone like the ringing of a crystal bowl. She could feel a flying sensation as she left her body and in an instant, she had joined the spirit guide team on comfortable lawn chairs, arranged in a circle in the middle of a fragrant field of spring flowers.

  She looked around her at the others in the circle. Moon was dressed in a lilac gown of fabric so thin she could tell that her sister was nothing but light within the garment. Nellie wore a bright golden tunic that made her look grown up, no trace of the little girl in the early 1900s dress. Megon wore a dark purple robe with bands of silver moving and flowing throughout the fabric. Aleese wore a green dress with colored scarves flowing out from the neck line. Maya wore a long turquoise jacket with a bright blue dress with sequins flashing like stars all throughout the etheric fabric. Byron had on a white silk suit with a purple cravat that shone with a mystic light. A new guide was sitting to Ricky’s left, a handsome man with a darker complexion wearing an eastern-style robe covered in glittering gem stones.

  All of them were looking at her, smiling expectantly. What was she supposed to do? Should she start the conversation? Ask why they’d called her? Tell them about the new and more deadly attacks by the household haunts?

  Nellie smiled nervously at her and very purposefully looked up and down Ricky’s energy form, obviously bursting from the effort not to tell her why they were waiting. Ricky looked down at her astral image. She was dressed just as her body had been dressed. Flip flops, cut-off denim shorts, four year old peasant blouse that had known better days. Was it about how she was dressed? That was silly. Why would they expect her to match their otherworldly splendor? Moon never really cared how people looked. Ricky’s wardrobe didn’t include anything like what the others were wearing. How did they get those outfits anyway? Did they all have dressing rooms full of garments designed to impress at meetings? Ricky felt her happiness fading. Why were they judging her?

  Then in struck her; she remembered how the others had been a collection of lights, patterns and sounds when she had been introduced to them before. How they had brought forth bodies that represented some aspect of their history. She remembered the images changing as they conveyed their history to her. When you didn’t have a physical body to restrict your appearance, you could look anyway you wanted! That was it. They were waiting for her to do the same. But could she do it?

  She remembered being a point of light hovering over the scene as she watched Moon’s interaction with Peggy and her linked ghost. The stones had done that. Why hadn’t she brought them with her? But maybe it was still possible. She imagined the stones had followed her, and they manifested easily at the points on her body were they usually settled.

  Next, she closed her eyes and traveled back in her Akashic record, something she hadn’t tried before. An image of herself in a brilliant silver tunic came to her. She was standing on a beach, watching people levitating toward her from the crumbling shores of Atlantis. It was the time of the great migration. Moon stood beside her in a tunic of brilliant gold. Twins then, twins now; how many lives had they been twins?

  She opened her eyes and looked down, and found herself dressed in her silver tunic. A round of cheers and applause echoed through the garden, led by Nellie.

  She glanced over to a smiling Moon, now dressed in a matching gold tunic, with a glowing smile on her face. “We knew you could do it! I imagine you thought we all were crazy, sitting here staring at you. It wasn’t about a dress standard. It was a test to see if you had assimilated the energy techniques we reawakened in you the last time we were together,” Moon explained. “You showed you were able to instantly manifest what you needed as well as remembering your own Akashic history. Both will be important skills in the days ahead. Both are needed if the protection we have patterned is to work in the material reality.”

  Megon smiled and spoke next. “We want to introduce someone new to our circle. Like you, he is currently living in the physical material plane. He has visited with us many times and works with us when he is between incarnations. In this life, he goes by the name of Shri Kria Baba.” The tall man stood, give her a radiant smile, and bowed toward her. “So honored to meet you, Ms. Ricky. When you meet me in the material reality I will present as older and wider but just as charming.”

  Ricky bowed in turn and smiled. “I would know you anywhere, Holy One. I have some faint memory of working with you in another incarnation.”

  “Very good,” he responded. “That was our life together in Egypt. We both looked very different then.”

  Moon smiled and nodded. “That was an exciting time for many of us. Shri, will you explain to Ricky what you have devised for our problem with the Soul Stealer and his ghost henchmen?”

  The teacher reached into his robe and took out a small embroidered silk sack and set it on a small wooden table that materialized on the ground between them. “You have inherited a set of astral chakra gems from your sister. About ten years back, she traveled to my ashram in the mountains of Kashmir to study with me. I sent her home with those stones after she demonstrated ability to use them for traveling through time and space. Over the years, she perfected other uses for them. I am proud how she has mastered their value.”

  “This parcel contains seven emeralds. They are astral as well as etheric and will be my gift to you. They have been programed with a pattern that neutralizes the suggestions given to the ghosts by the
Soul Stealer.

  “The ghosts have been told that they are alive, and part of a group preventing psychics and mediums from influencing the public. All that need be done is to spread the gem stones you already own throughout the rooms of your home. You will then bring these emeralds in contact with the placed stones, and the crystals will receive the pattern. When the ghosts come near them, they will suddenly awake, realize they have passed on, and be grateful for your help in passing to the higher dimension. This does not stop the Soul Stealer from sending new recruits, but each wave of ghosts will surrender to the energy of the programmed stones. Any questions?” Shri Kria Baba opened the sack and the emeralds gleamed brightly on the table.

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” Ricky answered. “Why seven of them? Are they each programmed differently?”

  “No, they are the same, and for your present purposes, you’d only need one. But others are working with you, and you may decide that a situation warrants others having a stone. The Soul Stealer may start a new offensive. The stones are adaptable and you can add to their programming. If for instances, the Soul Stealer decides to plant a new delusion in his recruits. He may tell them you and your people are serial killers and should be exterminated. Contact with the stones will awaken those programed in this way, and they will recognize they have been duped and stop their offensive,” Shri Kria Baba told her.

  “Will this also work for the people with ghosts linked to them who are vandalizing the outside of the house or attacking us in public?” Ricky asked.

  “Take stones, such as agate, that have been cleared for energy work and expose them to the etheric emeralds, then bury them around the outside of the house’s foundation. When the linked person approaches the house, the ghost that motivates them will be neutralized. This will not stop such attacks for sure. If the person is motivated on their own to cause damage, the ghost not pushing them forward may make little difference. Those are the people that your friend David will have to stop when they are seen on the cameras.”

  Ricky nodded. “Yes, the biggest problem is inside the house right now. The vandals have gotten the word that people have been arrested, and the Soul Stealer is taking a more personal form of attack. The stones sound like they may decrease the damage. Maybe allow us to get some sleep.

  “I have one more question. We are on the verge of traveling to visit teachers who could possibly be the Soul Stealer or be influenced by him. Will the stones keep us safe as we travel?”

  Shri Kria Baba smiled. “If you bring stones programmed by these emeralds and carry them on your person, they will neutralize ghost attacks just like at your home. You can program stones for your car, hotel rooms, or other meeting places where you are interviewing people who might be involved.

  “But if a person in a body is the adversary, and they have darkened their higher nature, removing an attached ghost may or may not protect you. Dig dip in your Akashic record for all of the energy protection that you have learned in former incarnations. The guides who are working with you have awakened healing ability within your nature. Protect yourself not with anger or fear but activate love at the highest level.”

  “Can I touch the stones?” Ricky asked.

  “Yes, go ahead. Be careful that you think in a balanced and loving manner when you hold them. They are very sensitive to intention,” Shri Kria Baba answered.

  Ricky cleared the anxiety in her thoughts and cautiously touched the stones. A bright pulse of light went through her bringing peace. She knew that her physical body was being cleared of fear at the same time.

  “Am I the only one who can program the stones?”

  “Instruct the others you trust with a stone and teach them how they are used. Watch that they follow what has been established if you want the results I’ve promised. If a stone is misused they will disappear. They contain a very high frequency and very disturbed individuals will not be able to work with them. There is one more thing: etheric stones can only exist in the physical reality for a limited time. Hopefully, they will remain present and active for you and your associates until the Soul Stealer has been neutralized, but only they can decide. They will be happiest if you leave them safely with the astral chakra set, in a peaceful environment,” the teacher instructed.

  Ricky turned to her sister. “Moon, do you think I have the skills to use these? I wouldn’t want to mess up their energy after all the work you’ve gone to.”

  Moon nodded. “You’ve already demonstrated you can work with astral stones and the etheric are at a slightly higher vibration. Would you like a demonstration? Shri and I can come to show you how it works with the ghosts presently causing havoc in your house. .

  You’ve already noticed there has been no damage in the rooms where there are gem stones. Nellie and I have programed the stones in your room, Beth Ann’s room, the meditation room, the living room and the third floor classroom. All you’ll have to do is spread more programed stones around in the other parts of the house.”

  “I’d love a demonstration; when can we do it?”

  “Nellie, Shri, and I will come back to the house with you and demonstrate,” Moon answered.

  “Before you go; any more questions?” Megon asked.

  “I have one question for Aleese. Beth Ann is our Reiki Master now. Should I have her attune me to the levels of Reiki? I have read Moon’s book on Reiki and the process of learning it, and feel like a bit of a fraud to be the head of the organization but not yet a healer. The spirit communication part of the work is opening easily with Moon’s help but I haven’t had time to learn how to work with energy healing.”

  Aleese smiled. “When we met before, I gave you the gift of healing. You may not realize how much you are already using it. You are a newcomer but you have people who have been in Moon’s group for years coming to you for advice, counting on your leadership, recognizing your wisdom. All these are aspects of healing as well as what is seen traditionally as physical balancing of the human body. You have done an impressive self-healing to have awakened to your power in the face of fear. If you would like, I will open up all the levels of Reiki for you.”

  “I would be honored if you would,” Ricky answered.

  Aleese came behind the chair where Ricky sat and went through the ritual of instilling the healing energy. As Aleese called in the power symbols, they floated vividly before them all. Ricky was caught up in the swirling, majestic, ancient power that has been named Reiki. As the power surged through her, all of the lives in which she had been a healer integrated with her present incarnation. At the end of the attunement, she moved gracefully back into her body.

  Chapter 14

  Ricky came back to find Pigeon on her lap, and both David and Beth Ann staring at her with eyes wide in wonderment.

  “You had to have been with Moon. I watched the bag with the traveling stones float up the stairs about a foot ahead of me around ten minutes ago,” David said. “They came to you like a whole colony of pet rocks looking for momma.”

  “Not only that,” Beth Ann added “there’s something in your hands that wasn’t there when you started. How did you do that? I was watching you the whole time, and you didn’t move a muscle.”

  Ricky looked down at her hands. In the left was the familiar bag for the traveling stones, in the right the silk parcel from Shri Kria Baba. She opened the flap of the gift to see if the etheric emeralds were there.

  “Wow! Look at those. Where did they come from?” David kneeled down next to her and reached toward the stones.

  “Don’t touch them yet. They are going to make it possible for us to coexist with the ghosts. I hate to ask this, but I need time alone. Moon, Nellie and the provider of these stones, Shri Kria Baba, are arriving soon to demonstrate how to use the emeralds. When I’ve learned, I’ll teach you, but I doubt I can communicate in this dimension and their dimension at the same time. Is that okay?”

  “Certainly, David said. We’ll leave you alone with the guides. I’m dying to hear everything, or maybe
dying isn’t a good word considering what’s been going on.”

  “Shri Kria Baba?” Beth Ann said, confusion evident. “That was Moon’s teacher in India. Did he die too?”

  Ricky smiled. “No, he was just visiting. I’ll explain later. Why don’t you two go to the mediation room and stay calm? The majority of the ghost infestation will be taken care of soon.”

  “But, but, what about the, so how……” Beth Ann muttered a string of questions as David stirred her toward the stairs to the second floor.

  Ricky sighed and pet Pigeon’s silky fur, reluctant to call in her teammates. She didn’t really want to experience any up-close-and-personal interactions with dysfunctional ghosts. Oh well. Time to learn the next bit of magic.

  “Shri Kria Baba, Moon and Nellie, I am ready for your instruction”

  Shimmering and a shift of light, buzzing, and a change in temperature heralded the arrival of the spirits. Moon and Nellie wore blue jeans and tee shirts and Shri Kria Baba had on white cotton pants and tunic.

  “It’s good to be home!” Nellie chirped, looking around the traveling room. “Makes me want to go rummage in the pantry for old time’s sake.”

  Moon smiled. “I know; this house has a special energy. That’s why it’s so important not to let the ghosts ruin it.”

  “I remember staying here when I came to Minneapolis to teach with Moon.” Shri Kria said, turning to Ricky. “Perhaps when we have resolved this crisis, we can collaborate on another spirit communication program? I will call you then.”

  Ricky laughed. “I think that would be wonderful. How are we going to do this tonight?”

  “We’re going to the kitchen. That’s where two ghosts are hanging out.” Nellie answered with a frown. “One on the stairs and one in the pantry. That’s my territory.”

  “Should I bring my body too?” Ricky asked.

  “I think you have to get used to being in several dimensions at the same time. Right now, you’ve slipped into the higher frequency. If you want to do this more effectively, you have to learn to pop in and out of the material reality,” Moon answered.


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