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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Shea Meadows

Ricky turned to those on the stage that had escorted them. “Thank you for your help, an explanation will be given soon.”

  The tall woman in a caftan nodded and smiled. “But I am coming with you. I am now part of your team.”

  Moon? It’s your call. I’m drawn to her.”

  Bring her with you. The guides sent her for back up. She can help Avery sort it out. Moon replied.

  The woman smiled. “So I am Katera Maybum, and Moon has verified my part in this. This is true?”

  Ricky nodded and Katera, along with the original three, escorted Avery to a room down the hall from the seminar area, where one of Avery’s aids, a red-haired pixie, named Trix had supplied coffee and tea as well as blueberry muffins.

  They settled in, with David, Ricky and George sharing a leather couch, Katera in an arm chair and Avery in a recliner with a cold compress on his forehead. Trix flitted around his chair, peering into Avery’s eyes in obvious concern.

  Avery took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t remember much from the last six months. My sanity keeps slipping away. I will be talking with my staff and then I am in a grocery store. I will be giving a lecture to a group and then I am working alone with a client. Big chunks of my day disappeared. When I woke up on the stage with all of you and saw the large photo of Moon Angel behind me, I looked around for her, but then had a vague memory that she died in an accident. Is that true? I feel you’re connected to her.”

  Ricky nodded. “It has been my experience that people in your situation first lose hours, then days, then months and finally, their present incarnation. You are victim of the Soul Stealer. He has the ability to pluck a strong former incarnation out of the Akashic record and bring it forward so it is in charge of the present personality.”

  Avery rubbed his hand over his eyes, and looked closely at Ricky. “Are you her? Were you in hiding? The hair and eyes can be changed. I know it’s you Moon. Why did I think you were dead? Or is this another insane thing I’m imagining.”

  Ricky smiled and patted him on the back as she walked past him on the way to a washroom attached to the meeting room. “Just a minute, I’ll be right back. Dad, tell him a little about us.”

  George smiled and extended his hand to Avery. “We’ve met before. I’m George Banner. I look a bit different then when I saw you last. We are undercover so to speak, investigating at Moon’s request. I’m her dad.”

  Avery shook George’s hand with a new look of focus in his eyes. “Yes, your hair was brown and you didn’t have a beard. It was about three years ago when Moon came to teach with me. So that is Moon? Why would she be undercover too?”

  George looked at his hands. “No, that isn’t Moon, but I’m sure she’ll explain who she is in a moment.” He gestured to David. “This is David Clark. He is an investigator and our security for this trip. He’s also a close friend of my daughter’s.”

  David leaned in and offered his hand to Avery. “Glad to meet you sir. I’ve read several of your books, including the book in the Spirit Communication series that Moon wrote with you. Sorry we’re meeting under unsettling circumstances.”

  Just then Ricky returned from the washroom without the blond wig and the blue contacts and her long dark hair making her look much like the picture of Moon that had been displayed at the seminar.

  “Avery, I want to introduce myself. I am Rachelle Therese Banner, also known as Ricky, Moon’s identical twin sister.”

  Avery jumped up from his chair and hugged her. “No, it’s you, Moon. I can feel your energy. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m so glad you’re still here.”

  Ricky motioned Avery back into the chair and pulled another up beside him and took his hands in hers. “Yes, Moon is here too, but not in a physical body anymore. I truly am her twin and she communicates through me. She’s told me how to bring you into the loop. Can I touch your head and heart?”

  Avery smiled and nodded. Ricky touched him as Moon sent a flow of information directly into his energy field, and Avery saw it much like a movie played in double time. When the information exchange was complete, he sat for a few moments in stunned silence than let out a deep wale of sorrow, followed by a few minutes of sobbing. Ricky sat with him as he grieved.

  With great effort, Avery pulled himself together, dried his eyes and took a few sips of tea. “I know she didn’t really leave us. I feel her in the room, but such a waste of gigantic abilities. What amazing things she could have done if one selfish being hadn’t decided to force her out of her body.”

  Ricky nodded. “I feel the same, but she will continue the work through all of those who believed in her. When we were kids, she’d inhale and I’d exhale. She’d start a sentence and I’d finish it. I thought that was as close as two sisters could get. But now, we are closer than ever, and I am here for her now.”

  “So, from the information Moon sent, you have come across others whose past incarnations have taken over. Am I the first one with a body that has had the experience?”

  Ricky sighed. “Sadly, you’re not. Remember Chester Townsend, who was one of Moon’s principle teachers? He was taken over as well, but you’ve come out of it a lot better than he did. The last I heard he’s still catatonic, unable to deal with what he did when the other personality was in charge.”

  Avery nodded. “Yes, Moon made it evident that the soul stealer caused the accident through him. It must have been horrible when he realized that. They were very close the last time I saw them.”

  He paused, looking over toward Katera and smiling. “I don’t believe we’ve met. Are you part of Moon’s organization?”

  The beautiful chocolate-skinned Katera smiled her wide glowing smile. “I am Katera Maybum. I just joined hands with these magnificent people today. I am here to tell you about your past incarnations, but before I do I will explain why I know what I know. I was born in South Africa, forty two years ago. When I was a child of twelve, my family moved to America, New Orleans, to be precise. There, my mother took over the job of Priestess of a group that honored the old gods.”

  She looked around, eyes bright with the memories. “From the start, I have had spirit vision. I can see those who have passed over and are lingering past their time. I can see the sprits that bring about the changes in the elements. I can see my guardian companions, and most of all, I can see angry ghosts and dispatch them to the places of healing.”

  “Within the last two months, new guardians have shown up in my visions. They tell me about one called the Soul Stealer. They say he is enslaving ghosts and pairing them with people in bodies. Recently they say he is reaching into the soul history of some living beings and pulling out versions of them that have a strong quality of domination. You know of this, don’t you Miss Ricky?”

  Ricky nodded. “And then Moon Angel came to you?”

  Katera beamed. “Yes, she came in a vision and said to go to Chicago to the lecture of Mr. Avery Sweet. She says two of my ancestors would make guest appearances. She said her sister, Miss Ricky, would use special stones to light up the vision of all those who could see and bring out the hidden ghosts attached to many. I did as she asked and I am here to tell you about the masks that Mr. Sweet carries from lives before.”

  Avery’s mouth moved into an actual smile. “I saw what you all saw in the vision Moon just sent. One was a woman, the other man, and I have seen them in dreams before this. What can you tell me?”

  “That they both lived on the continent of my birth, one in Egypt, the other in Ethiopia. The woman’s name is Ra Tu Kay and she is mentioned in the oral history of our family. She started off loving those she served, but became greedy for gold and used evil magic to steal. She lived about a thousand years ago. The other is Poppa Ma, a great teacher and shaman. He was a good and loving man until he killed a man by accident. The man’s spirit attached to him and turned his head. He learned the power of human sacrifice and was feared by many tribes. He lived five hundred years ago. You, Mr. Sweet wore both of these masks in your soul history. The Soul Stea
ler pulled these out of you and they took over your present life.”

  Everyone started asking questions at the same time, until Trix planted herself in the middle of the group, whistled, and said “Attention please!” Everyone quieted because the girl’s face had taken on the look of someone with extremely high blood pressure.

  “Avery, you told them you’d start the seminar again in thirty minutes. We’ve been in this room for twenty. It’s time to decide; can you continue or should we send them all home? This is exciting but it’s sure to get out in the press. Too many people here to keep it quiet, and this is the night that’s open to the public. Bet your last dollar more people will be coming at the urging of folks already here just to be a part of history. So, you’re the boss. What will it be?”

  Avery put his head in his hands and sighed. “This is exciting but I’m just getting used to being in charge of my body again. This is usually the free-form night. I pick people out of the group who want to connect with the other side and tell them what their relatives want to share. I have lesson plans for the next two days. The goal for those days is to teach those that have talent to do the same.”

  He turned to Ricky. “Any word from Moon as to what we should do? I’d really like advice from both of you.”

  Ricky closed her eyes and checked in with Moon and looked startled at Moon’s response.

  “She and the guides want me to make a statement about what happened. She wants me to stay on the stage with you and help if you need support. She wants me to observe tomorrow and pick out a group of people for a special class. She’s looking for talent that could assist in clearing away the ghost infestation.”

  Avery nodded and smiled his down-turned smile. “I hope that I can be part of that class too. Trix will look over the schedule and find a time when the newer students are practicing so you and Moon can teach the rest of us.”

  He sighed. “You speak first, and then I’ll reassure them that all is well. Then you can field the first request for mediumship and I will take the next. Would alternating be okay with you?”

  Moon, what have you gotten me into? How can I talk to people on the other side?

  Ricky heard Moon laugh. So what are you doing right now? What have you been doing for weeks? It’s just more of the same. I’ll be right there with you, but really, you could do it without me.

  Ricky turned to Avery with a nervous smile. “Moon says we’re good to go.”

  She disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes to nervously sort out her hair which had been crushed up inside of a wig for most of the day. She trembled as she looked in the mirror but felt a wave of joy when she saw the super-imposed form of Moon floating over her right shoulder. “I can see you! Can you stay visible throughout please? It would make me feel more confident.”

  Moon smiled and patted her sister’s shoulder. I’ll be right there. Some of the more advanced in the group will see me too, including Avery. You will be amazing.

  Ricky put her hand over Moon’s and could feel her energy, and then took a deep breath and joined the rest of the group.


  Ricky had learned a lot over the last two days. First, that she could easily pull up the Akashic record of anyone that requested her help. Next, that most of the people who showed up to this type of seminar were really interested in how to communicate with spirits. Lastly, about half the group had natural ability to see and hear disincarnates. That was the group she was meant to train.

  Moon had made it clear that those who were talented were the ones more likely to be ghost infested, so it was perfect that Avery’s possessing incarnations had challenged her within the first hour. Because of the presence of the etheric stones there were no more random ghosts in evidence, draining people’s concentration and urging them to actions that complicated everyone’s experiences.

  On Sunday morning, a group of about fifty participants, including Avery and Katera gathered in a separate meeting room in a large circle with Ricky sitting in the middle and George and David observing from a point behind the group. The rest of the seminar participants were working with several of Avery’s staff in the main workshop area.

  Ricky looked around at their eager faces, a mixture of excitement and fear evident as they waited for instructions. She took a deep breath and began.

  “You have all been hand-picked by Moon Angel to be in this group. That means she assures me you are up to the challenge. It does not mean you must do whatever we ask. You may decide that working with us is too dangerous or complicated. If this is your decision after I speak, then all we ask is your silence about this effort. Some may be asked to access and teach others who show promise, but first you must show your skills in dispersing linked ghosts and use your spirit communication skills to get information as to what they were told to do.”

  Ricky again surveyed the group, and noticed one man on the fringes who was quietly getting up, a face red with embarrassment. He’s not ready yet. But he has something you should hear. Moon said from over Ricky’s right shoulder.

  Several people looked up, their eyes wide with surprise, and two older women pointed and whispered to each other. “Be honest; which of you heard Moon talking to me just now?”

  About a third of the group raised their hands, including Avery and Katera. “How many can see her?” Ricky asked.

  Most of those who had heard Moon could also see her, and a few saw flashes of a form behind Ricky. “Who can feel her in the room?”

  All but the embarrassed man who was vacillating at the door raised their hands. He extended his fingers like antennas, testing the room, nodded, smiled at Ricky then sat down again.

  Ricky addressed him directly. “Sir, if the fear is too overwhelming, it’s okay to leave. Can you tell us what’s going on for you right now?”

  The beefy man with a buzz cut, wearing tight jeans and a plaid suit coat sweated profusely as he spoke in a low gravelly voice. “It’s like this. I had a ghost attached. I saw him plain as day when you took out the stones on Friday. Thing was, I wasn’t surprised. I’m often in touch with the higher realities, and I’d been hearing whispering in my ear for the last month. He told me who he was, and I was excited that he was attracted to me.”

  He looked down, his face red with embarrassment once again. “My name is Bert Hugins. See, I don’t make friends easily, and have doubted my abilities for years. This stuff started happening to me when I was a teen and I’m thirty-four now. But when my ghost was around, I felt like I knew what I was doing. He gave me all the confidence in the world. And, funny thing, I’d met him when he was alive, a couple years back, right here at a training with Avery. That was the time Moon Angel taught too. The ghost’s name was Chester Townsend.”

  Ricky gasped aloud when she heard the name. George, David and Avery huddled together whispering. A few of those gathered for the class muttered to each other; Chester’s stalking and threat activities had been reported by the media recently.

  Ricky cleared her throat. “This is a new twist on ghost infestation. As far as I know, Chester Townsend is still alive but in a catatonic state in Minneapolis” She turned to David, “Mr. Clark, could you call the MPD and see if there has been any change in his status?”

  David nodded and left the room.

  Ricky turned to Hugins. “If you’d like to stay Burt, you may. If not, I would love to speak with you after class. What you learned from Chester could be helpful to the rest of us.”

  Burt ran his fingers through his hair, perhaps preening a bit, with a self-satisfied expression on his face. “I’d be happy to help any way I can. Chester told me you were one of his best friends.”

  George rolled his eyes, and Ricky did all she could to subdue a feeling of hysterical laughter which she knew came from Moon’s reaction to the news. And here I thought he’d been side-lined for the rest of the war. Moon commented. Can’t keep a strong ego down.

  For the next hour Ricky explained the pattern that Moon discovered of the existence of the Soul Stea
ler and the ghost infestation. She told the students about the team on the other side helping to discover the Stealer’s identity and about Shri Kria Baba’s programing of the etheric emeralds. She demonstrated how a crystal or other healing stone could be dedicated with the intention of clearing ghost-linkage that had been established by the Soul Stealer or his minions.

  Avery talked for a few minutes about his own linkage experience, and how his past life incarnations had taken over to spread the ghost infestation even further. “I have very little memory of what went on during the time the other incarnations were in charge,” he admitted. “I am pretty sure the Soul Stealer activated me through another person working for him. All of the episodes of lost time started about six months ago. It happened gradually, so I wasn’t alarmed at first. Finally, after Moon Angel’s death, I was participating in very little of my day-to-day life.” He paused and sighed.

  “It became evident to me when Ricky and Moon and the guides released me, that my past incarnation personalities had been the means by which many of my students had been infested. It became obvious that other teachers might be in the same situation. We are dealing with a strong psychic manipulator whose plan is to control anyone that can help meet some ultimate goal that remains a mystery. I apologize that all of you were targeted.”

  “Moon understands that you didn’t do any of this purposefully,” Ricky said. “Now it’s time for as many of us as possible to weaken the Soul Stealer’s tactics until we are able to identify him so the guides can neutralize him.”

  “If you have a personal crystal, stone pendant or healing gemstone of any kind that you have with you today which you wish programed for this work, you can bring it out now. Bring it out only if you wish to be part of this effort. If not, now is the time to leave.”

  One very nervous woman got up and left, but the rest dug in pockets, backpacks, and purses for their stones. As Ricky expected, all of them had stones they carried with them, except for one man who was gifted one from his wife. “Clear the stones of any anger, fear or negativity brought on from past experiences. Moon, the guides, and I will work along with you.”


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