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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

Page 31

by Shea Meadows

  Ricky gathered her group around and passed the Vincent hologram to them, giving them the same instruction. She projected the hologram in the middle of the circle so everyone could see the entire building, attic to parking lot. They watched as the globes indicating ghosts moved around, some being original occupants of the building, others obviously attached to incarnates with a thick mist of spirit web that kept them close to each other. More often than not, the ghost seemed to be in charge of the activities, the person following like a dog on a leash.

  “See that,” Ricky said, pointing at such a pairing. “The ghost has been programed with a mission. The disincarnate isn’t always that close to the person they’re paired with, but seem to be able to influence from a distance as well.

  “The Stealer has also created ghost slaves in two other ways that we know of. One is to plant the ghosts at a location with a false perception that the people living there are dangerous and must be stopped. We had this happen at our Minneapolis home when we first started investigating.

  The second unique way seems to be more common when the Stealer is enlisting powerful spirit communicators into his service. He has the ability to dive into the Akashic record of the victim and bring a past incarnation forward. Usually he looks for an incarnation that has been powerful but egoistic and is easily seduced to become part of the Stealer’s plan.

  “My first dive into the hologram will be for a specific purpose. Notice there is a slight difference in the ghost configurations. One type is the ghosts that are linked to the building by their own choice.” She pointed to a ghost in the attic of the building that had a deep blue globe in the center. “Notice that being hasn’t any spirit-web around it, and it seems strong and consistent, no flickering on and off. I would guess that it has been there for a very long time.

  “The second type is the ghosts linked to an incarnate,” she pointed to a ghost in what Moon had said was the accountant’s office. “See that globe? It has fuzzy edges that extend to that multi-colored orb. I think that is a linked pairing, but I have to go there out-of-body to be sure.

  “Lastly, there is a multi-colored orb with a fuzzy-edged globe over the top of it. I would conjecture that we are seeing an incarnate who is being controlled by a former personality. Most of you have heard Chester’s story, since his astral body was here when we arrived. Chester is proud to call the Stealer friend and master. I think his original personality is buried deep under other personas. His physical body is in Minnesota, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some version of him is hanging around Boston or Vincent.”

  Beth Ann raised her hand and asked a question in a shaky voice. “Is Moon telling you all this? You’ve learned so much since I saw you ten days ago.”

  Ricky smiled. “I know. I start talking and this stuff just comes out, and I’m not sure why I’m saying it. I think its memories from other missions I’ve been on with Moon in other times and place and as other people. She said we’ve always been twins. She remembers those personas, but for me, all of this is new.”

  “We learned a lot in Chicago too,” David added. “I could feel a difference in myself working with everyone who had practiced spirit communication seriously for years. That’s why this grouping will be dynamic for all of us.”

  “So, in this group, how many have had conscious, intention-driven out-of-body experiences?”

  Every one raised their hands. Ricky looked towards the staff members who had chosen seats close to one another.

  “I may teach you something that is different from what you experience as Wiccans. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or share unique experiences from your own tradition.” She looked to David.

  “David, you haven’t gone out-of-body with me. Did your experiences happen recently?”

  David looked down at his hands. “Years ago I studied lucid dreaming, around the time I first came to Moon’s lectures. It was a period of about two months, but then I got scared of what might happen if I couldn’t get back in my body, and didn’t attempt it again.

  “When we were in Chicago, and you were working with Avery’s students, I followed the protocol you taught them. The crystals charged by the etheric emeralds are a great help to easily leave and safely return. I think I’m ready to work with the group.”

  Ricky looked to Jim. “You are a meditator. Is that when you’ve left your body in the past?”

  “Yes, I would make the intention to go to an ancient temple in Tibet, and would find myself there. Sometimes alone, sometime with others, sometimes in present day, other times in the past. I also studied using Moon Angel’s materials, but not with a teacher.”

  Ricky pulled the etheric emerald from her pocket. “Do you have a crystal?”

  Jim took out a double-ended Herkimer crystal.

  “Perfect.” Ricky touched the Herkimer with the emerald, and the crystal let off a bright blast of light. “There. That is what you’ll use for both traveling and ghost unlinking.”

  “Beth Ann, you have an emerald charged crystal?”

  “Even better, I bought one of the other four emeralds with me. I think that’s why it was so easy for Moon to grab me off the plane. We were using the crystal and the emeralds to break links in Minneapolis. It became easier and easier with practice,” Beth Ann answered, holding the emerald in her hand.

  “Vicky, Erna, Liam and Jeff, do you all have crystals with you?”

  Liam, Jeff, and Erna took theirs out of their pockets. Vicky showed Ricky a crystal on a chain around her neck which was worked into a pendant. Ricky turned to Beth Ann.

  “Beth Ann, please charge everyone’s crystals with the emerald. Vicky, you might want to take yours off the chain until she’s done.”

  Beth Ann went around the group, and each watched the flash coming from their crystals. Vicky put hers back on the chain and sat with a blissful face. “It’s right over my heart. So beautiful.”

  Ricky smiled. “Okay, the first time I traveled out-of-body was with Moon. We went through time and space to a specific destination. She made the intention that I would be a disembodied consciousness observing all she did. I was very new to this type of work, so she took me while I was comfortably in bed, and used a full set of ‘traveling stones’ she had been given by Shri Kria Baba. Since then, Shri has perfected the emeralds which can transform any healing crystal and facilitate out-of-body travel, link dissolving and ghost dispersing.

  “So, first we will pick out one globe on the hologram. I think we’ll start with what I believe are ‘resident ghosts’, those seen as light with distinct borders and blue centers. How about this one in the attic? Moon says he has a reputation of making his space very uncomfortable for everyone else. Look intensely at the hologram. Are you all clear as to who we are visiting? You can get up out of your chairs, and touch the spot in the hologram that is our target.”

  Ricky touched the target ghost and each person in the group imitated her action.

  “Intention is paramount. Make the intention to view the Akashic record of the last persona of this ghost. I will start, then each of you tell me what you see,” Ricky said.

  She focused on the globe then started to share impressions. “This man died during the Civil War. He was a rebel lieutenant who perished in the battle of Atlanta. His last thought was a curse on the union forces, outraged that they would take over Athens as well. David, what do you see?”

  David answered with a smile on his face. “He had been the head master of the school He had helped in the construction of the building. As he left his body, he was instantly in the place he loved. Beth Ann, what do you see?”

  Beth Ann’s nose twitched as she spoke. “He was confused at first, remembering he had died in the midst of battle, his arm ripped away from his body when he was hit by a cannon ball. But in a moment, he was thanking God that he had been allowed to stay as the protector of the school. He looked out the window and saw people evacuating the town. He called to them to stay and fight, but they couldn’t hear him. Jim, what do you see?” />
  Jim’s eyes were wide open, seemingly watching the scenes play out in front of him. “He watched and waited, and saw the people return, but with them came the occupation of Georgia. Carpetbaggers are settling all over Athens, marshal law is imposed by the northern forces. The building was ransacked of anything valuable. Erna, what do you see?”

  Erna glowed with the magic of the experience. Her black hair fell in sweaty ringlets around her coffee-toned face. “Time is passing, the school master looks on. It has been a hundred years but seems like only days have passed. People start movin’ into the buildin’. There is a bank on the first level. The ghost leaves the attic and comes down to inspect durin’ the night. He’s in a rage. He looks at the money with pictures of northern presidents and swirls it around the room. Liam, what do you see?”

  Liam, short and muscular with sandy blond hair, perfect Nordic skin, a gentle smile and perfect teeth, looked in awe at the shared vision. “The school master’s name then was Colin Farthen. His father had been a scholar, and Colin was a reluctant soldier, but he felt his duty was clear. He must protect the building until such a time when it was again a school. As other businesses moved into the second and third floors of the building, he did his best to frighten them off. Jeff, what do you see?”

  Jeff brushed back his shaggy hair from his sunburned face, no longer looking like the farmhand he had seemed to be, a deep awareness shining in his eyes. “The years kept on moving by, then one day, someone purchased the building. It was a man that talked just like him, and even better, could see him and knew who he was. The man told him ‘Colin, we need this building, and we don’t mind if you hang out here. Fact is, we could use your help. How would you like a special assignment, maybe work with one of my employees to make sure their doing their job right?’ Colin doesn’t trust the man and refused the offer, but he was so entrenched in the energy of the building, the new owner couldn’t clear him out. Vicky, what do you see?”

  Vicky, her ebony skin shinning with ‘dew’ and her long black spiky hair flipping about as she moved her head with excitement, answered. “Colin stayed and still stays, visioning the day when the building will again be a school. The owner forces him to stay in the attic, but when people from the law firm that works for him, or the accountants that handle his money, or teachers who teach his doctrine, try to store things in the attic, the supplies are destroyed. Even though the owner knows he’s there, Colin has the upper hand. What do you think, Ricky?”

  Ricky gazed at all the people in the circle. “Excellent job! Our group morphic field is strong and accurate. You all had access to the same record. So, what have we learned from Colin Farthen that is helpful?”

  “He’s a ghost that’s been around for over two centuries. Not really sure if he knows he’s a ghost,” Beth Ann said. “Do you think he knows?”

  “I’d say he remembers at times, but mostly has a strong connection to that persona. What else have we learned?”

  “The Soul Stealer can’t force every ghost into servitude. He’s had to let Colin stay on in the building. That means all ghosts are not linkable,” David contributed.

  “Oh, and we know what the Soul Stealer looks like; we all saw him talking with Colin,” Jeff said.

  “Maybe true, maybe not. The Stealer is a master of disguise, or we might have seen him in a former incarnation,” Ricky said. “Did you all see a male?”

  The group nodded.

  “He had grey hair, a short beard, a stocky build and wore a suit,” Erna said.

  “What? He was a young guy with a crew-cut and had a torn T-shirt and jeans,” Jim countered.

  A barrage of contradictory descriptions came from all the others, only agreeing on the gender.

  “We were seeing the Akashic record of Colin Farthen, not that of the soul stealer,” Ricky explained. “We saw what he saw, and the physical characteristics were shifting for Colin.

  “I think Colin is a potential ally. His goal is our goal. He wants to get rid of the Stealer and so do we,” Liam interjected.

  Ricky nodded. “I think so too, Liam. That’s why this exercise is so important. We have to check the Akashic record of every ghost we attempt to release. What we find may change how we converse with them and the outcome we attempt to reach.”

  “One question, isn’t it against the rules to read the Akashic record of someone who hasn’t asked for a reading?” Jim asked.

  “True, for incarnations in progress. In the case of ghosts, it depends on intent. If your goal is for the higher good of the Universe, it’s acceptable. If your goal was to use their background to trap them into doing your dirty work, then it’s not permitted.” Ricky answered.

  “What’s the plan now?” David asked.

  “We’re all going to take an out-of-body journey. If you need to use a restroom, do so quickly. The group flight is leaving in ten minutes,” Ricky said with a smile.

  Chapter 21

  David grabbed Ricky’s hand and whispered: “Race you up the stairs.”

  Ricky made a superior face. “I must maintain the dignity of a teacher,” then giggled, elbowed him aside, and raced out of the room in front of him.

  When they made it to their room, they playfully tussled as to who would be the first to use the bathroom, David allowing Ricky to win.

  “I really admire how you’ve grown into this role. It wasn’t that long ago that you were afraid you were going insane. Now you teach beautifully, and remain joyful in the midst of danger,” David said, as he leaned on the bathroom door frame, waiting for his turn.

  Ricky washed her hands, then leaned forward to kiss him. “You’re giving me way too much credit. Without Moon and the guides it would be impossible. The day she brought me to their gathering place, she restored all the information I had hidden from myself when I started this incarnation. And besides that, having you all there with all your present and past life experience makes it possible. I doubt I could do this alone.”

  “Sometime, could we go back in my Akashic record and see when we knew each other before?” David asked as they left the room.

  “I can’t see a reason why not, but let’s wait until we make progress with the mission at hand, then we can do the fun stuff.”

  People were returning to the room, with a couple lagging behind. Ricky went over to Shri, whose group had gone on break the same time as hers. “How is it going with the Boston file? Everyone up to the task?”

  Shri grinned. “It took a while to get George to admit he could leave his body, but everyone else was eager to start. Our making the intention that all would be able to read the Akashic record easily certainly was evident. We chose one of the resident ghosts, as you and I discussed. It is a slave who served the original owner.”

  Ricky nodded. “We’ll be doing our group out-of-body when Erna returns. Do you want to compare notes afterward so both groups know what was accomplished?”

  “Yes, we should let everyone have a chance to relate what they found important, then after lunch, we’ll start the individual journeys,” Shri agreed.

  Just then, Erna and Cynda Lu returned and the circles reformed. “Sorry we’re late,” Erna said as she sat down. We were huddled with Maggie organizing lunch. The staff will be taking time during the break to coordinate life at the Inn during the project.”

  Ricky nodded. “So now that we’re here, we’ll be going into the next stage of the process. You may sit or lay on the floor during your out-of-body journey. Please push the chairs to the wall.” As they did this, Ricky glanced over and saw Shri’s group doing the same.

  “This time, all of us will be going the same place, but only I will make the intention to be visible to the target ghost, Colin-who-lives -in-the attic.

  “This will be a directed out-of-body experience. We’ll be using our etheric-emerald-charged crystals to make it possible and will have the help of our spirit guides. Even if in the past it was difficult for you to leave your body, our intention as a group will bring us where we need to go.
br />   “So, to start, hold your crystal near your heart and start breathing as if you were breathing through your heart center. Don’t picture your physical heart, but the energy field in your chest that signifies love. Next, either sit or lay on the floor, pointing directly at the ghost orb on the Vincent hologram that represents Colin.

  “This is where our roles will differ. I will make the intention to be visible to the ghost; you all will make the intention to be invisible observers watching us in the same room. Understood?”

  All of them nodded, got into comfortable positions and held the crystal near their hearts with one hand and pointed to the target globe with the other.

  “We now make the group intention to travel to the property at 3310 Vincent St as represented in the hologram, and in particular to the space occupied by the spirit of Colin Farthen,” Ricky declared, her voice taking on a tone of authority.

  She could feel the room shifting and a rush of energy as her astral body moved in an instant to the attic of the building. She was dressed in a long, somber, grey dress that might have been worn by a school teacher in the 1800s when Colin was the head master.

  “Sir, may I trouble you for a moment of your time? I am Mistress Rachelle Banner, a teacher of many subjects. Am I addressing the defender of this school, Mr. Farthen?”

  The ghost, who appeared to be dressed in a thread-bare waist coat, and matching vest, a starched white shirt with ragged collar, pleated trousers and a silk cravat, had been looking out the stained-glass window that overlooked the comings and goings of the incarnates who occupied the building. He turned with a surprised and somewhat hopeful smile and gave her a slight bow, as he took in his visitor.

  “I am charmed to make your acquaintance Mistress Banner, but are you not afraid for your reputation? You are alone with a man who is not thought to be sane.”

  Ricky smiled. “I know convention would frown upon my approaching you, but some causes are too important to put aside for fear of gossip. There are people of ill repute, invaders, who are taking over this hallowed building you brought into being. Someone must come to your aid. It is rumored you are only allowed in the attic. How horrible.”


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