Claiming My Hidden Son (The Notorious Greek Billionaires Book 1)

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Claiming My Hidden Son (The Notorious Greek Billionaires Book 1) Page 18

by Maya Blake

  No! Because I love you. Because I can’t let you both watch me die.

  ‘Because I didn’t want to put Andreos through what might happen. He was a miracle, Ax. I couldn’t...didn’t know if I could carry him to term, but once I knew I was pregnant I knew I had to try.’

  ‘You found out about the lump the same day you found out you were carrying Andreos?’ he asked, his voice still stark.

  I nodded. ‘I just... I couldn’t lose him, Ax. I couldn’t risk a biopsy to find out whether my prognosis was the same as my grandmother’s. But I agreed to frequent scans that wouldn’t harm the baby. When the first one showed that the pregnancy was stopping the lump from growing—’

  ‘You chose to stay pregnant,’ he finished, awed disbelief in his voice.

  I sniffed back tears and nodded again. ‘You see, Andreos was a miracle in so many ways. Conceiving him bought me time, and once he was born... I just couldn’t let him go.’

  ‘But the lump is still there. It’s causing you pain, isn’t it?’ he asked, even though the knowledge blazed in his eyes. ‘That’s why you touch your stomach. That’s why you were unwell on the plane. And the timing of your return... That was your plan all along—to hand over Andreos and go off and fight this on your own?’

  ‘Yes,’ I answered simply. ‘I’ve had one scan since Andreos was born. It showed a small growth rate. But it’’s time for further tests. Axios, I watched my grandmother suffer in the last months of her life. I can’t...won’t put Andreos through that if that’s what I’m facing. I have to leave. I would prefer it if you didn’t fight me. But...what you said...about erasing me from his life—’

  Axios cursed and shoved both hands through his hair. ‘That was an idle threat. You’ll always be his mother and he’ll know you as such. He’ll know your courage and what you did for him,’ he intoned in a low, solemn voice.

  At my sob of relief his lips firmed and he stared at me for an age. ‘Andreos,’ he said heavily, with a finality that struck real fear into me. ‘He’s the only reason you’re doing this.’

  It was a statement—as if he already knew the answer. He took a step back. Then another. Until an unpassable chasm yawned between us.

  ‘Very well. If you’ve made your choice then so be it.’

  I’d expected this to come, but still I stood in utter shock as Axios blazed one last searing look at me, then turned and stalked away.

  Shock turned into numbing self-protection when, upon waking up alone in the master suite the next day, I learned from Sophia that Ax had left. That he’d left instructions for Andreos and I to return to Athens alone.

  As if the staff knew things had changed drastically, from the moment we walked through the front door of the Athens villa the atmosphere seemed altered. The only one who thankfully remained oblivious was Andreos. Having mastered the art of rolling over, he was now determined to conquer sitting up in record time, and thus provided the only source of delight in the house.

  In a bid to make the most of whatever time I had with him, before Ax returned, I all but banished poor Sophia as I greedily devoured every precious second.

  Two days turned to three.

  Then four.

  And then came the news from the housekeeper that Ax was expected mid-afternoon.

  The urge to delay my exit, to see his face one last time, pummelled me. But, knowing I couldn’t delay the inevitable, I booked my flight to Switzerland. The bag I’d hastily packed while Andreos napped stood like a silent omen at the foot of my bed.

  ‘The car’s waiting, kyria,’ Sophia informed me, her face wreathed in worry.

  Unchecked tears streamed down my face as I leaned down and brushed my lips over Andreos’ plump cheek. ‘Promise me you’ll look after him?’ I managed through a clogged throat.

  Sophia’s anxious gaze searched mine. ‘I... I promise. But, kyria—’

  I shook my head, knowing I’d break down if this was prolonged. ‘That’s good enough for me. Thank you, Sophia.’

  Bag in hand, I hurried out, flew down the stairs to the waiting car. Blind with tears, I didn’t register his presence until the car was pulling away.

  ‘I will allow those tears for now, pethi mou. But for what comes next I’ll need that formidable resilience I’ve come to know and adore.’


  ‘AXIOS! WHAT...WHAT are you doing here?’

  His face was as gaunt and ashen as the last time I’d seen it. But in his eyes purpose and determination blazed in place of horrified anguish.

  Even so, the sight of him shook me, his presence unearthing a cascade of emotions through me.

  When he didn’t answer, when all he seemed to want was to absorb every inch of my face, I tried again. ‘I thought you’d gone...that I’d never see you again.’

  His chest heaved in a mighty exhalation. ‘I had to go,’ he replied gruffly.

  Despair and disappointment slashed me wide open. ‘Oh. I understand.’

  He gave a grating self-deprecating laugh that was chopped off halfway through. ‘Do you? Do you understand how utterly useless and powerless I felt? How I had to walk away because I knew I’d failed you again?’

  ‘What? Why would you—?’

  ‘We will dissect that later. But for now...’ my breath caught as his thumb brushed away my tears, ‘’s tearing me apart to see these tears,’ he grated roughly.

  Which only made them fall harder.

  ‘Andreos... Leaving him...that’s tearing me apart.’

  ‘Just Andreos?’

  The question was deep and low. But heavy with unspoken emotions.

  I lifted my gaze to find him watching me with hawk-like intensity, his eyes burning with a new light. One that made my insides leap.


  Before I could answer his hand seized mine, his eyes steadfast on me.

  ‘Will you give me the chance to make things right, Calypso? Trust me just for a little while?’ he demanded with a hoarse plea.

  About to answer, I paused as we pulled up at the private airstrip and stopped next to his plane. ‘Axios, where are we going?’

  He alighted and held out his hand. I slid out of the car, still in a daze, and didn’t resist when he pulled me close.

  ‘You’ve lived in fear for over a year, while bearing and caring for our son. You’ve loved him unconditionally when you could’ve taken a different option without judgement. But you don’t need to be alone in this. You never need to be alone again,’ he vowed.

  The depth of his words made my heart pound with tentative hope. That hope turned to shock when I spotted the middle-aged man standing at the door of the plane.

  ‘Dr Trudeau...what are you...? What’s he doing here?’ I asked Ax.

  ‘He’s here to help. As are the others.’

  Taking my hand, he led me onto the plane. And my shock tripled.

  ‘Mama?’ Seated amongst three other distinguished-looking men was my mother. When she smiled tremulously and held out her arms a broken sob ripped through me as I rushed forward and threw myself into her embrace.

  ‘Your husband rightly felt that you should be surrounded by those you love in your time of need.’

  Did that include him?

  Fearing I’d give myself away if I looked his way, I kept my gaze on my mother.

  ‘You should’ve told us, Callie.’

  I shook my head. ‘I couldn’t risk not having Andreos.’

  And that seemed to settle the matter with her. She nodded, then looked over my head. I didn’t need the signal to know that Ax was approaching.

  ‘Let me introduce you, Calypso.’

  Swiping my hand across my cheek, I composed myself and stood. Besides Dr Trudeau, the three men were all doctors too, specialising in everything to do with the cervix.

  ‘Your mother has been instrumental
in providing details about your grandmother’s condition. With your permission, we’ll head to Dr Trudeau’s clinic and start the tests.’

  I gasped, my gaze finding Ax’s. ‘That’s what you’ve been doing the last three days? Rounding up specialists?’

  He nodded, that blaze burning brighter in his eyes. ‘You are far too important, yineka mou. I’m leaving nothing to chance.’

  I swayed. He caught me, held me tight.

  After pinning me with his gaze for several seconds, he glanced around. ‘We’re about to take off,’ he said. ‘I would like to talk to my wife in private, so I trust you can all amuse yourselves?’ At their agreement, he turned to me. ‘Calypso?’

  I nodded, a million hopes and dreams cascading through my brain as I followed him into the master suite.

  He waited long enough for me to be seated and buckled in before stalking over to the drinks cabinet. Dazedly, I watched him pour a glass of cognac, grimace, and pour a thimbleful into a second glass. Walking over, he handed the smaller drink to me.

  ‘A small sip won’t hurt,’ he stated gruffly, almost pleadingly.

  With another befuddled nod I accepted it, took the tiniest sip and shuddered my way through swallowing it down. As the spirit warmed my insides, another sensation filtered through. But the joy bubbling beneath my skin fizzled out when Axios sank onto his knees before me.

  ‘Was it just about Andreos?’ he asked starkly. ‘Were you leaving only because of him or did I feature anywhere in your thoughts?’


  ‘I know I didn’t give you the wedding of your dreams, or make the time after that palatable. But did I drive you away completely, Calypso?’

  There was a layer of self-loathing in his voice that propelled me to grip his hand. ‘I just didn’t want to burden you—’

  ‘Burden me? You’re my wife!’

  ‘One who was a stranger when we exchanged vows! I didn’t know how...what you would do...’

  ‘What I would do? What other option was there besides seeking medical—’ His curse ranged through the room. ‘Did you think I’d exploit you the way your father did your mother?’

  ‘I didn’t know then.’

  For an eternity he simply stared at me. ‘Then? Does that mean you know different now?’ he asked, his voice awash with hope and his eyes alight with a peculiar kind of desperation that tore through me.

  I didn’t realise my nails were digging into the sofa until he set his hand on mine, stilling my agitation. I wanted to cling to him. Theos did I want to. But the fear of fanning false hope, triggering another torrent of might-have-beens that would further shatter my heart, stopped me.

  Discarding his drink, he took both my hands in his. ‘Tell me, please, if I have a chance with you. No matter what happens I intend to stay and fight this thing along with you. But after that—’

  I pressed a hand to his lips. ‘We might not have a future,’ I whispered. ‘It wasn’t just about Andreos. I didn’t want to put you through that.’

  His fingers tightened around mine, and when his eyes fused with mine, I felt the live wire of his desperation.

  ‘That’s why you tried to leave me again this time?’

  Suspecting I wouldn’t be able to speak around the lump in my throat, I nodded.

  A hoarse breath shuddered out of him. ‘I never thought I’d be so relieved at such a reason for being dumped.’

  He stopped abruptly, caught my face between his hands and blazed me a look so intense my insides melted.

  ‘I love you, Calypso. I fell in love with your defiance in Bora Bora. Fell in love with you when I saw your love for our son. I adored your strength when I watched that video. Watching you paint, seeing your talent...awed me. Despite the odds, you have fought and continue to fight for what you want. One day our son will grow up to learn what an inspiration you are. He’ll watch you and know he has the best mother in the world.’

  The tears came free and unchecked. ‘Oh, Ax...’

  ‘Getting the call that you’d gone the morning after our wedding altered something inside me. I wasn’t ready to admit it, but I knew I’d failed you. That I’d failed myself. Your agreeing to take a leap with me felt like a second chance. And with every breath I vow to make it worth your while.’

  ‘Was...was this what you were going to tell me in Thailand?’

  ‘Yes. I knew I was in love with you. I planned on begging you to give our marriage a chance. But—’

  ‘But I chopped you off at the knees before you could lay out everything my own heart and soul wanted to tell you. That I loved you and would’ve given anything to remain your wife.’

  He froze. ‘Say that again, please?’ he begged.

  ‘I love you, too, Ax. Even before the possibility of Andreos and the possibility of love I was drawn to you. Something inside me made me put you at the top of my bucket list. I was always going to come back, even if only for a short time, because my heart knew I belonged to you. And these last few weeks have felt like a heaven I didn’t want to leave. I may have been devastated when you left me the morning after our wedding, but watching you leave me in Thailand...’

  He closed his eyes for a single moment. ‘I knew I was making a mistake even before I got on the helicopter after our wedding night. But when I left this time I knew I was coming straight back. That nothing would stop me. Because you’re my heart, pethi mou. My very soul.’

  To cement that vow he slanted his lips over mine, kissed me until we were both breathless.

  ‘Tell me again,’ I commanded.

  His eyes burned with feeling. ‘I love you. With all that I am and everything in between.’

  He kissed me again as the plane sped down the runway and soared into the sky.

  When I broke away to look out of the window, he gently caught my chin in his hand. ‘What is it?’


  A warm smile split Ax’s face. ‘He has Sophia and a dozen other staff curled around his plump little fingers. They will take care of him until we send for him in the morning. He’s our little miracle and we will fight this thing together. All three of us. For now, you will let me take care of you. You will allow me the privilege of helping to make you better. Please, my love?’

  I nodded, but still hesitated. ‘What if it’s too late? What if they can’t...?’

  He slid his thumb across my lips, silencing my doubts. ‘Whatever happens we face it together. For better or worse, you have me for life. I will never leave your side and I will never fail you again.’

  His words unfurled my joy. This time I wasn’t alone. I had my precious baby and the husband of my heart. I intended to fight with everything I had for the chance to ensure my days were blessed with nothing but love, health and happiness.

  At cruising altitude, Axios swung me into his arms and strolled to the bed. I curled my arms around his neck and looked into molten eyes blazing with love.

  ‘I love you, Calypso,’ he said again, as if saying the words filled him with as much happiness as it filled my heart.

  ‘Se agapo, Axios.


  A year later


  ‘Starting on your payback,’ Axios drawled, striding across the master bedroom in Agistros to lay me down on the king-sized bed before trailing his lips over my shoulder to the sensitive area beneath my earlobe.

  ‘What?’ I gasped, delightful shivers running through me at the wickedness he evoked.

  ‘You owe me a full pregnancy experience. I can’t think of a better time to start than now. I want to experience it all—from morning sickness to the moment our baby enters the world.’

  I made a face. ‘Morning sickness isn’t very sexy.’

  He dropped a kiss on the corner of my mouth. ‘Perhaps not. But I made you a promise to be here for the good as well as the bad, eros
mou. So I will be on hand to hold your hair when you throw up. To massage your feet when the weight of our child tires you. And everything you need in between. If that’s what you want too?’ he asked, hope brimming in his voice.

  I curled my arms around his neck. ‘More than anything in the world.’

  The operation to remove what had turned out to be a benign lump in my cervix six months ago had been a resounding success, with every trace of it gone and quarterly scans showing it hadn’t returned.

  Today Dr Trudeau had given us the all-clear to try for another baby—a statement Axios seemed determined to capitalise on immediately. And with a doting grandmother to help care for Andreos, in the form of my mother, life couldn’t have been better. Her decision to leave my father hadn’t been easy, but I’d supported her. Yiannis Petras hadn’t resisted for long, busy as he was with frittering away his millions on one bad investment after another.

  Ax groaned. ‘Don’t cry. It rips me up when you do.’

  I laughed tremulously. ‘Oh, God, then prepare yourself. Because I’m very hormonal during pregnancy.’

  ‘Hmm, I will have to think of ways to counteract that.’

  ‘What did you have in mind?’

  ‘Why, endless seduction, of course. I can think of nothing better than making love to my beautiful wife while she nurtures our baby in her womb.’

  More tears flowed. With another groan, he sealed his lips to mine—most likely to distract me. It worked. Within minutes I was naked and gasping, lost in the arms of my true love.

  And when, at the height of feeling, he looked deep into my eyes and whispered, ‘I love you, Calypso,’ he went one better and kissed my tears away.

  The power of him moving inside me, possibly planting his seed inside me, triggered fresh tears.

  I was still emotional when our breaths cooled. When he pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

  ‘Our adventure is only just beginning, eros mou. And I couldn’t have wished for a better partner at my side to experience it all but you, Calypso Xenakis.’


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