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Kaitlyn and the Highlander

Page 7

by Diana Knightley

  James leaned in and started telling me about a new project he was working on. I suffered, missing out on the better, more interesting, more fun conversation at the other end of the table.

  I was fascinated by Magnus, but also on a date with James.

  And James had been my thing for so long, that even now, when he was acting jealous and uncool, I was capable of letting it pass. He was insecure. About me. And like Hayley said, maybe I needed to give him a second chance. Especially in light of this new news — he had been unfaithful back in the day because he was upset I was leaving him. I had promised to come back, but would I have? I would have met Braden. Would it have made a difference if I had been in a long distance relationship with James at the time? If the past had been different would my present be the same?

  For the next couple of beers, James continued being testy with Magnus, and taking up all my attention. Then when he left for the bathroom again, Magnus stood to leave. I watched him go, wishing I could talk to him for a minute more. Then I figured, what the hell, and jumped up to follow him to the boardwalk. “Magnus, wait up.”

  He pulled short. He was tall and imposing, but his eyes were soft when he looked at me, causing my heart to race. I wondered if I could simply rise to my tiptoes and kiss him, maybe climb on the back of his horse and ride away down the beach with him, like in a romance novel.

  Sadly, there were real problems with this scenario.

  First, he hadn't given me any indication beyond 'being hot' that he wanted me to kiss him.

  Second, I didn't know anything about horses. I could imagine that the whole thing would be much more awkward than romantic.

  “You okay with going to Jacksonville tomorrow with James?”

  “Aye,” his eyes had a mischievous twinkle. “He seems a braw fellow, I greatly look forward tae a day in his company.”

  “Yeah, about that. He's not usually like that. I think he's worried about our friendship. And you know, just—”

  “Mistress Kaitlyn, you daena need tae explain him tae me. I might nae know how tae work things, but my whole life I hae lived with men, brothers, uncles, cousins. I understand the workings of a man such as James Cook.”

  “Okay. Good.”

  He watched my face for a moment. “I'll see you on the morrow Mistress Kaitlyn.” He turned down the boardwalk to his horse. I watched him, entranced, as he mounted it to ride south down the beach.

  When I returned to the table I told James I had a terrible headache and needed to go home. There was a lot going on that I needed to think about. I kept him from being too disappointed with some passionate kissing and a promise that I'd meet him the next night for dinner at the restaurant under the bridge.


  Hayley and I met at the restaurant. James and Micheal had spent the whole day helping Magnus buy a car, and promised to meet us there at six for dinner. But then James kept sending me texts explaining they were running late with the car purchase. Michael texted Hayley that they would pull in around seven-thirty.

  Hayley and I got a table in the back of the noisy bar area and drank a few beers while we waited. She grilled me about the night before. “Just please tell me you went home because of a headache and not because of the Scottish guy, please.”

  I said, “I did, because of a headache, but also why is this so important to you?”

  “Because I think you're great, and I think he's great, and I literally have to see him. All. The. Time. If he's not seeing you, that I love, he'll be seeing some other crazy chick, and I'll have to pretend to like her, and it will suck. Michael and I almost broke up when James was dating some girl named Rebecca because she was such a nightmare.”

  “So what you're saying is that your relationship with Micheal depends on me? Well that just sucks, because even though you're so much better than him, and he's basically a fourteen-year-old wrapped in a man's body, you two have been in love for forever, and he knows in his bones he's the lucky one. I can't be responsible for messing that up. Whenever he looks at you, I think, that's what I need, someone who adores me and knows I'm better than him.”

  “Exactly! James will adore you like Micheal adores me.” Her phone lit with a notification. “They're pulling up now.”

  “Good, because I'm starved, I can't believe we've been waiting for them for an hour and a half.”

  “Two hours, it's almost eight.”

  We went to stand at the edge of the parking lot. I had chosen an excellent dress for the night, flowered, silky, a sweet and sexy summer dress in shades of blue that I knew looked good on me. While dressing though I couldn't figure out who I was trying to be pretty for: James, because we were dating now, or Magnus, because I hoped he would notice me?

  Under the bridge with a plume of dust came a Ford Mustang convertible. Matte black. Its top down. Quentin was driving, James sat in the passenger seat, Micheal and Magnus rode in the back.

  Magnus's shoulders were so wide they filled the space between them. His eyes were closed, which made me happy. He had spent the day with the boys, but maybe he still needed my help after all—

  I stopped short and made myself look at James. I was waiting for James. One hundred percent.

  Quentin pulled the car up right in front of us, as James turned to look in the backseat. “You've got your eyes closed again, Mags. I told you when we went under the bridge to keep your eyes open so you would look cool for the girls.” He opened his door, stepped out, and kissed me hello. “I mean sheesh, he's got this freaking cool car and...” He kissed me again. He sounded buzzed and his lips tasted of alcohol.

  Magnus spread his arms across the back seat. “On horses one should sit tight and controlled, yet in my Mustang I must sit wide, like a roosting hen?”

  “Yes, but you aren't moving now. So you can relax..” James kissed me again. “Cool car, huh babe?”

  “Very nice car.”

  Magnus said, “Tis a verra braw car, though I canna keep my eyes open when movin' along the highways.”

  I said, “Then you'll definitely need a driver, because you have to be able to see.”

  He jumped up so he was sitting on the back of the seat then swept his legs over the side to the ground in one effortless move.

  James, Quentin, and Michael all seemed to like Magnus. They patted his back and teased him like old friends. Their day must have gone well. I caught Magnus looking me up and down, but James stepped between us and maneuvered me into the front door of the restaurant. His hand was on my back rubbing my skin through my silky dress.

  Hayley and I had saved a big long table and everyone slid in and filled chairs. Magnus and Quentin took the far end and talked about the car. Quentin had the manual open between them and was pointing, discussing, and patiently, only sometimes incredulously, explaining the details of the new car.

  I didn't have a lot of time to watch though because James was in a want-to-love-me mood. His hand caressed my side and every few minutes he nuzzled into my neck, kissing my throat. He whispered how much he missed me into my ear. It was sweet how much he liked me and getting kind of hot how much he wanted me.

  We had been stuck in the friend-zone after our first night was ruined by my drunken vomiting. Our relationship thus far had been pretty boring, but this was a little — he nibbled my ear — a lot hot.

  I breathed in his smell, a zingy cologne, with floral undertones, combined with alcohol.

  “You coming home with me?”

  I giggled and said, “Yes.”

  “Yes? You're coming home with me, awesome.”

  The waitress interrupted us, moving around the table taking our orders. Hayley and I both ordered full meals, but James only ordered a beer and an appetizer.

  Then Michael said he wasn't hungry and only ordered a beer. So I asked, “Wait, did you guys stop for dinner somewhere?” And James said, “Just a bite,” and changed the subject back to nibbling on my neck.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Magnus scowl toward my end of the table. A real scow
l. The kind that meant jealousy.

  A thrill rushed through me.

  Suddenly, all I could think about was Magnus. Was he thinking about me? Was he thinking about me 'in that way'? And if he was, did I think about him that way too? And finally, most importantly, should I get up right now and walk by his end of the table, so maybe he could see how cute I was in this dress?

  Yes, definitely.

  So I stood, but as I turned to go to the bathroom, James grabbed me by my hips and brought me down hard on his lap. He started kissing my neck and pulling me down and really, there was a moment there, where I was held down, too hard.

  I struggled to get up. I had to push his hands away. “Stop it James.”

  I brushed past him as he slurred something like, “Baby, don't go away mad, come back I want to talk some more.”

  Michael laughed, because he always thought everything James did was hilarious.

  I was so pissed I forgot to notice if Magnus was checking me out and really hoped he wasn't, because that had been super awful-embarrassing.

  I fixed my makeup. Two steps out of the bathroom door, returning to our table, I saw Magnus leaving the restaurant. James and Michael were laughing.

  “What was that about, why did he leave?”

  “No reason baby. Come back.”

  I said, “I'm going to check on him. He doesn't know how to drive to get home. Who's driving him by the way?” Everyone shrugged.

  In the parking lot Magnus was sitting in the backseat of his convertible, head back, eyes closed. I leaned on the side without saying anything. He opened one eye to see that it was me and then closed them again.

  I asked, “Are you okay?”

  “How can ye—?” He shook his head. “This day hae been verra long, verra loud. I needed tae rest my eyes.”

  “Ah,” I said and watched him for a moment, quiet, still. I turned toward the restaurant, loud music, clanging dishes, excited voices. Through the window, James was looking around, then stood, Michael behind him, and then they all headed toward the front door, looking for me.

  None of them had eaten dinner, though we had met for dinner. They didn't seem to mind that my dinner and Hayley's dinner hadn't even been delivered to the table yet. They ate dinner out, even though we had plans...

  Everyone came out to the front of the restaurant where I stood, leaned on Magnus's car. James said, “Katie, come back inside.”

  I turned to Quentin, and very casually asked, “Are you hungry Quentin, or did the restaurant in Jax fill you up too much to eat?”

  He slurred, “Oh it got me full up all right. Restaurants in Jax always fill me up,” and broke down laughing.

  I squinted my eyes at him.

  He stopped laughing and looked sheepishly at James.

  James said, “Dammit Quentin, you weren't supposed to… Wait — Magnus, did you say something?”

  Magnus opened his eyes. “I hae spoken tae Mistress Kaitlyn enough tae say I am exhausted from the day.”

  James said, “Yeah, well we agreed not to bring it up, right Quentin?”

  “Why not? “ I asked James. “You just got hungry, right? Grabbed a bite? You can tell me these...” I looked around at all the men.

  Magnus wouldn't meet my eyes. Quentin was fidgeting nervously. James was doing his thing, the big smile, the sense of humor, the charm, trying to cool everyone down. Even though he was the one causing the drama. In the past thirty minutes I had drastically changed my mind about this guy. The only reason why I was still talking to him was because now I wanted to get to the bottom of this. I needed to.

  “I don't know why you're all acting so weird — so you stopped for a bite to eat? I could care less.”

  James put his hands up. “Because you know how you get.”

  My breath grew quick and I tried to calm it down. “How I get?”

  “Yeah,” he was slurring and kind of wiggly on his feet. “You get crazy when you think I've been lying to you.”

  “Not when I think it, when you are lying to me. And hiding shit, information. This is all a form of lying. That's the truth.”

  “I knew it, I knew you were going to go ballistic if you found out.”

  “Found out what?” I was so mad my hands were balling into fists. “Found out what, that you got hungry, that you and your bros got a bite to eat? What the hell, James?”

  From the corner of my eye I saw Quentin mouth, “Sorry man.”

  Hayley said, “Katie, it's okay, they went to get a meal—”

  “That's what I'm saying, it's okay. Why the hell are you hiding it from me? Don't you trust me?”

  A laugh burst from Quentin's sealed lips. He bent over hysterical. Then he attempted to stand and hide his laughing. I saw it already. Plainly.

  I could not figure out what was going on.

  I glanced at Magnus. He had climbed up on the back of the seat, as if he was ready to jump from the car, but his elbows were on his knees, his eyes down, not looking at me. Worst part, there was another scowl on his face.

  I felt ashamed, like I was making a scene, like I was an embarrassment.

  I came here tonight thinking I was cute and sexy and that not just one, but two guys were a little into me, and now those two guys spent the day together. They were friends. There was that code again. That stupid bro-code that kept them from telling Katie the truth.

  I was having trouble getting air and noises were thudding in my ears. Maybe I was a lot drunk. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of something fluorescent pink on the brake handle. My eyes fixed on it, it was a paper bracelet, black writing on the side. I tried to read it but had to — I leaned over the door and fished it off, turning it to read all the words, then I had to turn it again to understand what they said: Little PussyCat Full-Nude Men's Club — Dinner Served All Day.

  Then I started to laugh.

  I laughed hard.

  I had to cross my legs because I was laughing so hard, and it would suck to pee my pants. “Oh my god, you went to a strip club, James?”

  Quentin snickered. “Watch her Magnus, we told you this would happen, like the video, she gonna go ballistic.”

  They had told Magnus about me. Maybe even showed him the video. Great. The one person in the world who hadn't seen my meltdown and now that was ruined. No wonder he wouldn't look at me.

  I wiped my eyes. “I'm not going to go ballistic. I'd just like to point out, James, that you went to a strip club the day after you told me that you were a different person, and that you were going to make it up to me.”

  Michael said, “Magnus had never been to one.”

  “Magnus has never been to one, but James has. James goes all the time. James is on a first name basis with the ladies at the front. So the thing is, me and you,” I waggled my finger in between us, “this. It's over.”

  “Aw, come on Katie, it's just a place to get dinner. It's no big deal.” James had his arms out, a big smile spread across his face.

  I dropped the bracelet back in the car. “You're right, it's not a big deal. You were meeting me for dinner, but instead you ate dinner with a stripper on your lap. How many layers of fabric were between you and a stripper tonight James? Two?”

  Quentin held his sides laughing and burst out, “One, when he was excited.”

  James said, “Dude, I'm going to kill you.”

  Quentin shook his head. “She already knows, man. She figured it out.”

  I said, “Yeah, one question, were you wearing those same pants?”

  James looked down as if he had to check.

  I added, “Great. Now I have to go home and take a shower. Dumbass.”

  James said, “Come inside, eat.”

  “Not feeling it.”

  “So, me and you, I blew it?”

  I let out a deep breath of air. “Yeah. Because you're a walking cock without the brain power of an actual rooster.”

  Quentin doubled over again laughing.

  “But to be truthful, we blew it years ago. I
don't know what I was doing trying to start it back up again. I think I was just kind of lost.” He had his hands in his pockets, his face arranged in a fake-forlorn expression.

  I shook my head. “But hey, we can still be friends.”

  He nodded. “That would be good. Let me buy you your dinner.”

  “You know, the more I think about it, the more I need that shower I mentioned. Plus, this much truth and drama requires a bit of thoughtful reflection, with ice cream. So I'll pass.”

  “But I'll see you? Tomorrow we were going to get together for kickball. You in?”

  I smiled because he sounded kind of desperate, and I wasn't at all. I was actually more than relieved. This was exactly what needed to happen. I was going to be fine. After some ice cream of course. “I don't know if I'll be able to make it tomorrow, all I know is I'm going home now.”

  I turned and walked for my car and yanked on the door handle, but it was locked. And I didn't have my keys or my purse or anything. Great. I turned back to the restaurant, Hayley, James, Michael, Quentin, and even Magnus were headed into the restaurant. I would have to walk up to the table, all eyes on me, to get my purse.

  Maybe Hayley would bring it to me, but she had been sitting on the other side, and my purse was on the ground out of sight. I leaned on my car swinging my foot through the gravel in frustration.

  And then Magnus appeared, carrying my purse and my keys. Oh.

  I watched him as he walked across the parking lot. Out of the ordinary, big, dark, he walked like he owned walking. “I believed ye might be needin' these.”

  I dropped my eyes. “Thank you. I'm sorry about the scene, that was embarrassing.” My hand shook as I put the key in the door and dropped into the driver's seat.

  “Nae, this troubling winna your fault, Mistress Kaitlyn. Master Cook, Master Greene, Master Peters, and I must bear the weight of the shame.”

  “It's the bro-code, whatever. It's my fault for believing I could trust him.”


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