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Utopia (Secrets of Aurora Book 1)

Page 11

by L. J. Higgins

  “Sorry mate, but we have to get moving,” said Braven as he approached Lark.

  “Oh no you don't,” Lark protested.

  Braven lifted Lark to his feet before slinging him over his shoulder.

  “We're getting up quite a collection, aren't we?” Braven said.

  “You are. We haven't stunned anyone,” replied Domino in mock defence.

  “Might have to take the stun gun off you. The powers going to your head,” I mocked.

  “You? Zap one man and you turn into a lunatic,” joked Vega.

  Her jest shocked me, and I stood with my mouth agape for a moment as she too realised she had been joking around with me, the girl she couldn't stand for whatever reason. Her smile faded and turned into a grumpier snarl.

  “Braven, put me down. I can walk.” Lark's words snapped us all into action.

  Braven ignored him as we all filed out of the room and took off down the corridor. It didn't stop Lark's objections.

  “This is ridiculous, I can walk. Domino. Tell him. Tell him I'm okay to walk. At least take off these damned cuffs,” he whined.

  Domino remained silent as though oblivious to his bellowing. But her smirked proved otherwise.

  “How about you shut up before you get all of our asses stunned or worse, shot,” bit Vega.

  “How about you put me down before I stun all of your asses,” he argued.

  “How about I'm the one holding the stun gun and if you don't shut your traps, I'll stun gun the lot of you.” It was obvious Braven wasn't kidding.

  “And we all know how much he loves stunning people,” said Fletcher.

  Despite his smile at Fletcher's joke, I was sure it was hard enough for Braven to carry Lark when he was a dead lump, but now with his moaning and fidgeting, it must've been twice as hard.

  Lark decided to keep his grumbling to a minimum as we continued down the hallway. I adjusted my hands in my cuffs to stop them from rubbing, and hoped the rest of our mission would be less eventful.

  Chapter Twelve

  The metallic hallways and small lights were starting to make my eyes fuzzy by the time Braven slid his card across a panel, and we entered an empty office to rest. The repetitiveness of the hallways was mind-numbing and disorientating. I had no idea what direction we were heading in or how long we'd been walking. My aching calves and feet that throbbed in my new boots told me it'd been a fair distance, not to mention the rubbing burn of the cuffs around my wrists that I couldn't get comfortable in no matter how hard I tried.

  “When can I take these off? They freaking hurt.” I turned around to wriggle them at Braven. It only made the pain worse.

  Braven let Lark down from his shoulder and dropped his arms to his sides before stretching them side to side along with his neck. “Not much longer. I'll remove them once we're outside the medical ward. Once we're in there, we won't be able to pull off the prisoner act anymore.”

  I groaned, moving my wrists in an attempt to make them more comfortable. It didn't work. We hadn't come across a single guard since I'd been cuffed, and I was beginning to think I was going through the pain for nothing.

  Lark stretched out his legs and arched his back beside Braven. He was still a little wobbly, but much more mobile.

  “You right to walk now, slacker?” asked Braven with a wince as he rolled his neck.

  “Now? I was ready to walk before. Does that mean I can get these off?” grumbled Lark, mimicking my cuff-wriggling.

  “I think you mean 'thank you for carrying my heavy ass all this way, Braven',” Domino laughed.

  Braven looked at him waiting for his thank you.

  “Sure, thanks.” Lark glared at Domino before shaking his head.

  “And it's a no on the cuffs. It wouldn't look convincing if you weren't restrained in some way. Prisoner,” said Braven.

  Lark groaned. “Guess not. I can't believe I got stunned.”

  “It was pretty funny, you should've seen your face,” laughed Fletcher.

  Everyone's expressions grew stern and they eyed Fletcher. His smile dropped, and he shot me an awkward glance before Vega burst out laughing, followed by the rest of us.

  “You should've seen your face, Fletcher,” laughed Lark.

  “My face? You should've seen yours,” said Fletcher laughing with us.

  “Your face was pretty funny, Lark. I think your tongue was hanging out,” Vega stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes in the back of her head. It was nice to find out she had a fun side, even if she hated me.

  “Yeah, yeah, hilarious. Let's get moving. Maya and Alber are waiting.” His angry tone opposed the smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  Braven's laugh faded as he explained the next stage of our operation. “Our next stop will be the medical ward. It should only have five to six doctors and nurses working at any one time, but it's too many for us to take out. Plus, one of them are bound to hit the shutdown button, which would send the medical ward into lockdown, trapping us inside. Our best bet is to stick to our pairs and sneak through to the cell's doorway.”

  “Can't we walk through like we're the Utopian Guard?” asked Domino.

  “Doesn't work like that in there. You only enter the MW if you're injured, and usually it's from the door we are trying to get access to. Only the doctors and scientists enter from this side. So we will have to take a stealthier approach.”

  “So there's only five to six? How do we avoid being seen?” asked Fletcher.

  “We'll be fine. They'll be distracted with their work. You saw what our friend in the IT room was like,” said Braven.

  “You ended up stunning three people in the IT room,” argued Fletcher.

  “You need to stay low, follow me and remain alert. Once we cross the room and head down the corridor to the right, we'll be able to enter the safety of the first chamber,” said Braven. “But of course, there's a catch.”

  “Of course there is. For Elites sake, Braven, tell us what we have to do,” snapped Vega flicking her crimson ponytail over her shoulder.

  “I need you to acquire a swipe card from one of the staff.” He shot Vega a toothy grin.

  Vega's eyes widened. “You're kidding. How on Utopia am I supposed to do that?”

  “I don't know. You'll work it out, you always do.”

  A proud grin spread across Vega's face at the compliment.

  Braven's tone turned solemn. “But I don't have access to the chamber or the cells from here, so we need a card or we're trapped. Which means we get caught and, instead of saving Maya, we'll be in a cell right next to her. And of course that means Alber will be taking a trip to Eden all on his own.”

  “Consider it done,” Vega answered, accepting her role in the next stage of our mission.

  “So why don't we try getting in another way? A way you have access to?” I questioned.

  Looking around at our large group, it was hard to imagine sneaking through anywhere without being seen. It'd been our initial plan. A plan which lasted all of five minutes before the others were caught.

  “Because if we go the other way, we'd encounter the Utopian Guard guarding the cells, and they won't be as easy to subdue,” answered Braven. “If I don't have the right paperwork and they suspect what we're up to, they have the authority to shoot us all on the spot.”

  “Shoot us? I thought they didn't usually carry guns,” I said.

  “Unless they're on guard at the cells,” replied Lark.

  “Or Officer Banks.” I let out a loud sigh.

  “So we all know what to do. Let's roll out,” Braven gave me a nod, and I jogged over to stand behind him before we exited the room.

  Upon leaving, we were off again down the metal hallway. Both of my big toes stung, and I was sure they would each be adorned with a huge blister. But I couldn't decide if they were going to be as painful as the burning of my wrists when we left. If we left. I trusted the people around me, and some I trusted more than others, but I could sense in Braven's words the next phase would be
the most dangerous.

  Had this been what my father went through before he was killed? Running and hiding from the Utopian Guard long enough to keep his secrets hidden, only for his daughter to walk straight into their lair with it tied around her neck. I could feel the weight of his pendant against my chest, and I hoped I could keep it safe and out of the Elite's hands.

  As we made our way around another bend, I could make out two people ahead of us, a man and a woman walking our way. Vega and Domino took up place behind Lark and me, while Fletcher stepped up beside Braven. I glanced toward Lark who gave me a reassuring nod, but it didn't help my throat from clenching and the way my heart kicked up a notch. My stomach churned. Please don't let me be sick.

  “Officer Smith, who have we got here?” asked the female guard, pouting her lips.

  “Officer Lynn, officer Readnour, meet the fugitive we've all been searching for. The one and only Aurora Adams, and the guy who was assisting her,” Braven replied.

  His honesty made my muscles tense. He'd gone right ahead and told them who I was. My eyes darted towards Lark, who shook his head. I had to trust he knew what he was doing. I narrowed my eyes to stare between the two guards.

  Each of them glanced between Fletcher and Braven to get a better view of us.

  “Officer Wicker? You were helping her?” growled Officer Readnour, his eyebrows creasing in the middle.

  Lark hung his head as though ashamed; I glared at both of them in turn.

  “He always did get along with her dad. They're being well-behaved for people who are about to be exiled,” grinned Officer Lynn, eyeing me.

  “Well, after a taste of the stun gun, I guess they both figured there was no use fighting anymore.” Braven patted his utility belt.

  “I bet. Now you know how your mummy felt when you killed her,” Officer Lynn sneered.

  It took all my strength to clench my jaw and keep my mouth shut. I wanted to lunge out and slap her across the face, but a hand took hold of my cuffs behind me back. Vega was stopping me from doing something stupid.

  Laughing at my lack of reaction, Officer Lynn ran her eyes over Braven's frame. “And who are these? New recruits?” she turned her eyes towards Fletcher and leant against the wall beside her, flicking her blonde plait over her shoulder.

  A growl rose in my throat as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. If she laid one finger on him, I'd tear her throat out. That was, if my hands weren't bound. Why I had a sudden protectiveness towards Fletcher, I had no idea. But if she worked out who Fletcher was, it'd be the end of us. My anger melded into panic at the thought. We needed to keep moving.

  “Officer Howarth's new recruits, Bryan and Sax… Santana,” he replied.

  “Officer Santana, hey? You grow up big and strong, and you'll give him a good run for his money with the ladies around here.” She finished her sentence with a flirtatious wink.

  I couldn't help but notice Vega tense up behind me at her words. So Braven was a bit of a ladies' man, hey? Couldn't say I was surprised. He and Fletcher had a lot in common.

  “Thanks, Officer Lynn,” replied Fletcher, and I swear he winked.

  I wanted to laugh, but decided to hold my glare instead.

  “You need a hand bringing these two in? I'd love to be there when our Elite leader Mr. Saxby and Officer Banks find out you have them,” asked Officer Readnour with a devilish grin.

  Fletcher tensed at the sound of his father's name.

  “No way, these two are all mine,” said Braven. “Took us forever to find them. We better keep moving. Don't want to keep our boss and leaders waiting. They're expecting us.”

  “Expecting you? Then why did Officer Lynn and me just get a call to head out and search the Undercity for her?” Officer Readnour eyed Braven suspiciously.

  Braven glared at him. “What do you think I'm doing with her? When did you get your job? You've obviously spent some 'quality time' with Officer Lynn before heading out on your job because, I called it in before we got here.”

  Officer Readnour squared his jaw and his fists clenched at his sides, but I was sure the fact Braven was double his size stopped him from throwing a punch. Officer Lynn's cheeks flushed pink.

  “Well, nice talking to you. I've got a job to do.” Braven pushed past the officers, and the rest of us followed.

  The two officers stepped aside to let us through. Vega gave me a small jab to the back to get me moving, and I turned to give her a glare. Her smirk showed she was enjoying every minute of having me as her prisoner. As we passed the officers, I gave them a low growl.

  “She's a feisty one,” said Officer Readnour, wriggling his eyebrows at Vega. “I like it.”

  Vega groaned, her nose scrunched up in disgust.

  For a few steps, the sound of the two officers arguing echoed behind us, but soon their voices faded and we were out of earshot. My shoulders relaxed when I couldn't hear them anymore. That was too close.

  “Looks like you were in with a shot with Officer Lynn,” I teased Fletcher.

  “Don't get too excited Fletcher, everyone has a shot with Officer Lynn,” replied Braven.

  “Sounds like some of us have already had a shot at her,” snarked Vega.

  Braven turned to Domino with a smirk. “Did you hook up with Officer Lynn?”

  “Only once,” replied Domino.

  Lark's eyes widened, and we all attempted to hide our giggles as Vega's scowl deepened. Either she and Braven had a relationship going on I didn't know about, or she wished there was a relationship going on I didn't want to know about. I could see why she would be attracted to him. He was a manly man if ever I'd seen one, bulk muscle but a sweet personality to counteract it. Maybe I'd only been privy to the sweet side of him? By the way Officer Lynn spoke, there was another side to Braven, one I'd prefer not to hear about. So what if he had a fling with a few of the lady officers?

  I couldn't work out what Vega thought Braven would like about her. She was as bitchy and snarky as they came. Plus, her fake red hair and the ridiculous amount of makeup she wore looked ridiculous. I guessed some guys must've been into that. What would I know, the only male I'd hung out with other than my father before all of this was Fletcher.

  Soon we were following Braven into another office space. But as we stepped through the threshold, we found it wasn't as empty as the last.

  “Can we help you, Officer Braven?” asked a short stocky man.

  “I need to debrief these captives, and this is the only room free, Alan,” he replied.

  “Of course, it's all yours.” Alan scrambled around, grabbing his tablet and shutting down a computer screen. As he went to leave the room, he looked straight into my eyes and stopped in his tracks. “Is this? Are you?”

  “Aurora Adams,” I said, staring into his dark brown eyes.

  “Goodness me. Benjamin Adams' daughter? I haven't seen you since you were this high.” He reached his hand down and flattened it out at his knee.

  “Sorry Alan, Miss Adams is our prisoner, and I can't permit you to speak with her.” There was a sympathetic tone in Braven's voice.

  “Of course, I heard, yes, very well.” He headed towards the doorway again before his voice sounded out behind me. “Your father was a wonderful man, Aurora, and I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I'm so sorry it all came to this.”

  He disappeared from the room, and my heart sank into my stomach. That man knew my father. He could've known more about why he died, and what he was working on. I turned to glance towards the doorway, what if…

  “No, it's too dangerous.” Fletcher placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “I know, it's just… He might have answers.” I could feel the tears dancing in my eyes.

  “Alan is a good man, Aurora, but he is also nervous and timid,” Braven said. “He can't be trusted. I have a feeling he is someone your father trusted, and it may have cost him his life.”

  “That man? He told them about my father?” I asked, swallowing hard.

  “We don't kno
w for sure, sweetheart, but we have a hunch,” Domino replied with caring eyes.

  “How about we get these stupid cuffs off so we can get out of here?” grumbled Lark, giving me a moment to take a deep breath and calm myself.

  I'd come face to face with the man who betrayed my father, and I'd let him walk away. I wanted to ask him why. What did my father ever do to him? But I couldn't. I needed to help free Maya and leave that horrible floating city forever. I didn't care where we went, I wanted to get away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The relief of having the cuffs removed was unbelievable. I stretched my neck and arms from side to side before eyeing my sore wrists. They were red and enflamed, but there was no broken skin. I was getting soft. I needed to toughen up.

  “Did you have to do them so freaking tight?” whined Lark.

  I hadn't taken Lark to be the whiner of the group, but he was doing well to earn the title. At least if he was complaining, it meant I wasn't as soft as I'd thought.

  “I had to make it-” started Braven.

  “Believable. Yes we know,” Lark cut him off.

  Braven stood straightened his back and addressed the group. “Everyone ready to do this? The MW is straight across the hallway. It won't take long for Alan to start sniffing around and point people in our direction, and that's if Officers Lynn and Readnour haven't already. We need to keep moving.”

  Lark cracked his back, and there was a new resolve in his demeanour. His eyes narrowed and he gave Braven a stern nod. “I'll bring up the rear. Braven, you know what to do, get us all there safely. Especially this one.” He squeezed both of my shoulders from behind.

  “I'll do everything I can.” Braven's reply didn't do much to calm my growing nerves. “Vega, you good to go?”

  “Sure, too easy right?” She rolled her eyes.

  “That's the spirit. Okay let's move out.” Braven opened the door and scanned the hallway before signaling for us to follow him.


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