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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

Page 28

by T. A. Uner

  “Tullus? He’s Hradack’s pupil. What would you want with him?”

  “That doesn’t concern you, keep moving.”

  Reptilius followed the tiny man who led him through a dense thicket of scrubs. They cut across a swale and followed it until they found a wooden bridge spanning a shallow creek.

  “Once you cross the bridge,” Vespillo began, “you walk up that slope, pass the grassland and you’ll eventually run into Hradack’s stead. Now, please, let me go!”

  “Why?” Reptilius said. “You’re my hostage, I’d be a fool to let you go.”

  Vespillo fumed. “You’re a fool for even coming here. Just because you caught me doesn’t mean you can best one of the greatest wizards alive today.”

  “You leave that to me, tree stump.” Sawtooth snarled at the Pygmy. The discussion was over. They crossed the bridge and made their way up the incline.

  Reptilius ordered Vespillo to stop and tied his wrists with hempen rope procured from his backpack.

  The Pygmy began protesting before Reptilius stuffed a handkerchief into his mouth. “Keep quiet, little man.”

  Vespillo shook his head angrily but remained silent.

  Reptilius heard noises coming from up ahead. It sounded like people talking. Two. Possibly three. His heart beat faster. He armed his hand ballistae bolts with explosive tips and winked at Sawtooth. “Alright, boy, let’s go collect our treasure.”

  Reluctantly, Vespillo led the way before Reptilius kicked the Pygmy’s back. The little man fell face-first and twisted around along the ground like a fish on dry land before spitting out the handkerchief.

  Reptilius spotted two men and a large cat across from where he stood. He fired two bolts at them.

  Tullus thought he heard something. “Someone is about.”

  Celestra looked at Tullus. Her stars were pulsing again.

  “Not more danger?” Hradack said.

  Tullus cast Audio. His ears picked up the sound of a familiar voice. “Look out Tullus!” the voice said.

  It was Vespillo.

  A thunderous explosion rocked the spot of land only ten steps from where they stood. At first Tullus thought it was an earthquake before another explosion knocked him off his feet.

  “Gods be dammed,” Tullus said as turf rained down around him and Hradack.

  Celestra dived into a bush and growled at Tullus and Hradack to join her before another explosion knocked over a large tree. Tullus pushed Hradack out of the way as the tree sliced through the air before colliding with the ground, causing a mild tremor that shook the ground beneath Tullus’ feet.

  “It seems we’ve acquired another enemy,” Hradack said.

  Around them small fires burned from the explosions while the smell of cinder greeted Tullus’ nose. He looked around for Celestra. The Leopardess was nowhere to be seen.

  “Maybe she’s cast the Furtim spell,” Hradack said.

  Tullus looked at Hradack. “I wish you wouldn’t read my thoughts without my consent.”

  “When I saw the alarmed look on your face, I grew concerned,” the Leopard Master replied apologetically. Tullus nodded and patted his mentor on the back.

  “Apart from my offensive Elemence spells, I’ve never seen a weapon of this destructive nature,” Tullus said as he eyed his surroundings. “It’s almost as if someone is launching explosive ballista bolts at us.”

  “Perhaps they are.”

  A loud snarl alerted Tullus of a presence. It wasn’t Celestra’s. Instead a large, reptilian creature emerged from the bushes and attacked Tullus. Hradack’s eyes widened as Tullus wrestled with the large creature. Despite its cumbersome appearance, it was quite agile. He cast the Fuga spell and felt the weight of the creature dissipate before he appeared four steps in front of it. It snarled at him again. Its black, beady eyes staring at Tullus nefariously before its jaw snapped at Tullus. It caught Tullus’ ankle and dragged him down before he could draw LeopardClaw. The pain surged from his foot as the creature tried dragging him off. Hradack slammed the top of his wooden staff onto the creature’s head. Yet it refused to release Tullus.

  “I cannot launch an offensive spell without injuring you, Tullus.” The Leopard Master’s face was mired in frustration. Tullus understood the old man’s predicament. The creature’s jaw muscles flexed as it attempted to keep hold of Tullus.

  He finally managed to draw LeopardClaw and slammed its blade against the creature’s scaly back. It then released Tullus, but not before emitting a raucous snarl. The injury it sustained from LeopardClaw was superficial, but it backed off and disappeared into the woods.

  Much to his relief, Tullus’ ankle wasn’t as badly mauled as he had assumed, but the skin had been broken and there was a bloody gash. He limped off to find cover.

  He heard the crack of a whip and turned around, only to be greeted by another muscular man, this one clad in green-scaled armor beneath a glossy black helmet, two eyeholes revealed a pair of brash eyes. The stranger spoke from a mouth hole in the lower half of the helm.

  “I see you’ve met Sawtooth,” he said. “Now it’s time we get acquainted.”

  He unleashed his whip at Tullus. It stretched out like an elongated serpent before wrapping around Tullus’ midsection. The black-helmed offender laughed before Sawtooth reappeared from the woods to take his place next to his handler.

  Tullus brought LeopardClaw’s blade up with one swift motion and cut the whip’s thong, breaking free of his bonds. Reptilius scoffed at Tullus and drew his dirk before hurling it at him. Tullus deflected the dirk with LeopardClaw before Hradack appeared next to him.

  “I see you’ve made a new friend.”

  “Hardly,” Tullus replied before casting the Invado spell. The Invado beams struck Reptilius in his chestplate, sending him sprawling backwards. He crashed into a tree before quickly collecting his composure.

  He pointed a menacing finger at Tullus. “This isn’t over,” he said before disappearing into the woods. Sawtooth looked at Tullus and Hradack before emitting another snarl. He then disappeared into the woods on the heels of Reptilius.

  Tullus collected his breath. “Are you alright?” Hradack asked.

  Tullus nodded. “But, where is Celestra? It’s not like her to avoid a fight.”

  “She’s with me, Tullus,” a familiar voice said.

  Tullus and Hradack spun around. There stood Vespillo leaning against Celestra for support. “I see you’ve met Croctus Reptilius.”

  “Yes,” Tullus replied, “but who in Orcus’ name is he?”


  “I wish I could’ve fought alongside you and grandfather, Tullus,” Caltus said excitedly while Hradack and Cornelia treated Tullus and Vespillo’s wounds.

  “Be glad that you weren’t there,” Hradack said as he finished bandaging Tullus’ ankle, “you might’ve been seriously injured or killed. But I’m glad Reptilius didn’t harm you seriously Vespillo.”

  The Pygmy grunted as Cornelia applied ointment to his leg wound. “Tell that to my leg, Hradack,” he said pensively. “I’m sorry I led him towards the stead, but he was going to feed me to that scaly beast of his.”

  Hradack patted Vespillo on the back. “It’s alright, my friend, there was nothing else you could’ve done.”

  “I had caught him in my snare trap, but his beastie snuck up on me. Those two are crafty devils.”

  “Yes, but who sent him?” Tullus scratched Celestra between her ears. The Leopardess, as always, was grateful for the attention.

  “Could Reptilius be one of Camus Scorpio’s men?”Hradack asked.

  “No, everyone in his organization met their deaths last winter. Besides, this Croctus Reptilius and his Crocodile struck me as independent assassins.”

  Hradack scratched his beard while contemplating the situation.

  “Alright, Vespillo,” Cornelia said, “you’re all patched up.”

  Hradack smiled at the Pygmy. “Take a few days off from your chores.”

  Vespillo nodded. “I’
ll go play dice with Plato and Socrates, it’s probably safer than gathering herbs.” He hobbled off.

  “I better get back to my chores,” Caltus said, “now it appears I’ll have additional ones due to Vespillo’s injury.” He kissed Cornelia on the cheek before leaving the kitchen.

  Hradack studied Tullus. “Have you had any more disturbing visions?”

  “No,” Tullus said, “do you think that the visions are related to these attacks?”

  “I wouldn’t discount it.”

  They both stood there in silence while in the background Cornelia was fixing lunch.

  “Can you walk on that ankle?”

  Tullus stood up. There was a touch of soreness but the pain was minimal. “As long as I don’t have to run.” They left the kitchen. Mithras was waiting for them outside on the porch. When he saw Celestra he stirred to attention.

  “If I am being targeted by someone, perhaps I should leave,” Tullus said. “I would not wish to put you and your family at risk.”

  “Nonsense,” Hradack said. “You’re safe here. We can fend off any more intrusions. Plus we have Celestra, Mithras and Aurumax.”

  Mithras growled. Hradack nodded. “Yes, Mithras, I didn’t forget them, Plato and Socrates are here too.”

  They headed for the stables to check on the animals. There Tullus found Bruticus waiting for him in his stall. Tullus caressed the horse’s jowl and it whickered and snorted in response to his touch. He felt himself growing closer to this creature every day. A far cry from the old Tullus who despised and feared horses.

  “I think after were done here. We should scout the perimeter of the stead.”

  Tullus looked at Hradack. “Is something wrong?”

  “Only a precautionary measure.”

  They left the barn. Both Celestra and Mithras trailing them. As they approached the woods Celestra growled.

  “What’s wrong Girl?” Tullus asked.

  Hradack eyed the edge of the forest. He put his arm across Tullus to restrain him.

  “Hradack, what’s wrong?”

  “We have more unwanted visitors. The stead is surrounded.”


  “Who are they?” Tullus asked.

  Hradack closed his eyes. “One of them is Jarkos Wolfsbane’s son.”

  A few moments later a tall, long-haired man emerged from the woods. He was flanked by two Wolfguard and a one-eyed man. Tullus immediately recognized them as the ones who attacked him and Celestra last winter.

  “We wish to treat with you, Leopard King,” Tiranus Wolfsbane yelled.

  “Very well,” Tullus replied, “no foolery!”

  Tullus, Hradack, Celestra and Mithras met Tiranus and his lackeys on neutral ground, right where the stead ended and the woodlands began.

  “My brother’s killer,” Tiranus said to Tullus, “you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for this moment.”

  Hradack stepped forward. “State your purpose and be gone,” he said sternly.

  The two Wolfguard snarled at Hradack. Celestra and Mithras growled back their responses.

  “We have no misgivings with you Leopard Master,” Tiranus said. He scratched the side of his bearded face with a hairy hand, long black nails protruding from the fingertips. “Give us the Leopard King and his pet and we will spare you.”

  Hradack laughed. “You may find that more difficult than you think.”

  Tiranus scoffed. “I have over thirty battle-hardened troops, plus siege artillery. Surrender The Leopard King or we’ll lay waste to your stead.”

  “I have a better proposal,” Hradack replied. “If you withdraw your men now, I will overlook your uncivil intrusion upon my property.”

  One of the Wolfguard snarled and drew its sword. Tiranus motioned for it to be still. Its red eyes glowed like angry torches at Tullus.

  “So be it,” Tiranus replied. “You’ll rue the day you crossed paths with the Wolfsbane clan.

  Tiranus and his followers turned back toward the forest while Tullus and Hradack headed towards the barn, Celestra and Mithras close behind them.

  “I’ve alerted Plato and Socrates that we’ll be needing their assistance,” Hradack said.

  “Perhaps I should surrender myself,” Tullus said. “That way no harm will come to you or your family.”

  “And lose my only Learner?” Hradack smiled. “Not a chance!”

  Tullus felt a warmth for Hradack that he hadn’t felt since parting ways with Decimus. This old man, whom he had known for only a short time, had bestowed upon him the same paternal love Decimus had.

  Caltus came running towards them, Cutter in hand. “There are strange creatures advancing toward the main house, Grandfather,” he said as he tried to conceal his excitement.

  “That would be Wolfsbane’s clan, son,” Hradack told the young man.

  “It has begun,” Tullus said. “Caltus, fetch me Leopardhide. It’s in my room. And one more thing, never run with a sword in your hand!”

  Caltus sheathed Cutter and ran off toward the main house while Plato, Socrates and Vespillo approached. The Pygmy was wearing chain-mail armor, helm and he carried a large spear.

  “So much for rest,” the Pygmy said as he hobbled on his injured foot.

  “They’re here for Tullus and Celestra,” Hradack told them. “We defend our land.”

  Caltus came running towards them, Cornelia close behind. The young man handed Tullus Leopardhide. Cornelia looked worried. Hradack consoled her. “My dear I hope you remember the Elemence spells we practiced.”

  Cornelia nodded. “Although I never thought I’d be needing them to defend our home.”

  Hradack turned to face Caltus. “Get back to the house, son,” he said.

  Caltus looked at Hradack grimly. “Why Grandfather? I want to fight too.”

  “Often, the things men covet most yields undesirable results,” Hradack replied angrily.“You have no battle experience, son.”

  “Hradack,” Tullus interjected, “this is his home too. Caltus should be allowed to defend it. Besides, we’re outnumbered. We could use his help.”

  “Nonsense,” Hradack retorted. “He’ll get himself killed.”

  Tullus gently took Hradack’s arm. “I’ll have him stick close next to me, he won’t get a scratch.”

  “Please, grandfather!” Caltus said while Cornelia looked on with concern. “I want to fight!”

  Hradack nodded reluctantly. “Very well, but I will hold you to your promise Tullus.”

  A loud noise made them focus their attention on an onager that was being pulled by two large Wolfguard. They loaded a boulder carved into the shape of a wolf’s head before setting it alight. After the arm was released, the fiery wolf stone surged toward them.

  Hradack lifted his staff, and a surge of green energy sprung from the carved Leopard head like misty tentacles. It rose to meet the wolf boulder, shattering it in midair. Hradack redirected the debris from the stone at the onager, and rocks rained down on the Wolfguard, who sought cover under their shields.

  A cavalry group formed next to the onager and charged them. Tullus and the others formed a small defensive cluster and waited for Wolfsbane’s riders while a line of bowmen had taken position and fired a volley of arrows at them. Tullus focused his thoughts on the Contego spell and Hradack ordered the others to follow suit. A large protective bubble deflected the arrows as the riders closed in.

  Hradack fired another volley of green energy, striking one of the lead riders in the chest. The rider fell from his horse and lay motionless on the ground like a broken spear.

  Tullus turned toward Caltus who already had drawn Cutter. “Remember what we practiced, Caltus,” he said, “and stick close to me and Celestra.”

  Caltus nodded and Tullus hoped no harm would come to the boy.

  Tullus charged a rider, Caltus right on his heels. LeopardClaw flashed across the rider’s wooden shield and shattered it like glass. More riders appeared and Tullus saw Plato and Socrates engaging them. Vespillo rode at
op Socrates’s back and jabbed his spear at Wolfsbane’s troops.

  Another rider bore down on Caltus and Tullus watched as the boy ducked to avoid the spear aimed at him. He skillfully brought Cutter down on the horse’s crupper. This caused the horse to wobble about before Celestra launched herself at the rider, knocking him down. She tore into the rider’s ventail, as a spray of blood stained her muzzle. Tullus felt someone’s sword smash against Leopardhide. Another Wolfguard had appeared, this one on foot. It wore two metal armguards and greaves with wolf heads carved into them while a large breastplate protected its hairy, muscular chest. It carried a curved sword and large, triangular shield bearing the wolf’s head sigil of Jarkos Wolfsbane.

  The Wolfguard snarled at Tullus and slashed at his throat, nearly cutting it open. Its foul breath and body odor made Tullus nauseous. Yet he fought on. Another swipe of its sword and Tullus found himself face down. His nose covered in mud, he quickly rolled away before the Wolfguard could impale him with its sword. Up in the grey sky Tullus saw a winged missile descend upon the Wolfguard’s head. Tullus rose to his feet to see Aurumax swipe his adversary’s face with his jagged talons. The side of the Wolfguard’s face erupted into a spume of blood and hair before Aurumax rose to the sky, carrying the Wolfguard’s ear in his talons.

  Tullus seized the advantage and launched an attack at the dazed creature’s midsection. LeopardClaw bore into the creature’s breastplate and split it open like a watermelon. Tullus then plunged LeopardClaw into the creature’s chest before retracting it. The Wolfguard’s left lung was skewered on LeopardClaw’s blade and Tullus eyed his opponent’s confused expression.

  Tullus summoned the Fuga spell and dissolved into thin air before appearing behind the Wolfguard. With the precious few moments he had gained, Tullus brought LeopardClaw down on the unprotected hind leg of his opponent, severing the leg at the knee. Its leg dropped out from under the Wolfguard before it howled in pain. Tullus imbedded LeopardClaw into its unprotected gullet to spare its suffering.

  Tullus looked around him and saw Jarkos Wolfsbane’s riders retreating while in the distance, the onager was aflame. He saw Hradack grinning victoriously.


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