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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

Page 41

by T. A. Uner

  He shared a cage with Eolus. The old Legatus had held up well in captivity. Decimus suspected the Germans knew who Eolus was, why else would they have kept them alive. Perhaps to use them as bargaining chips against the Roman Empire.

  Since being captured, Decimus had studied the Germans. They were well-organized, and adequately equipped for a sustained conflict, if necessary. Despite being labeled ‘barbarians,’ Decimus did not see much difference in these people. In many ways, they were much like Romans. They sang and drank around fires. They told stories and loved their children. Only the haze of war made them enemies with Rome.

  “What are you thinking about?” Eolus said.

  Decimus pried himself from his thoughts and looked Eolus. He had quickly come to respect the old Legatus, ever since their initial meeting when Decimus mistook Eolus for a Steward. He was glad the gods had sent him north to Switzerland. Being in the Praetorian Guard had made him forget that honorable men still served Rome.

  “I was thinking about our captors.”

  Eolus chuckled. “Yes, an interesting lot they are.”

  “I wonder what they will do with us?” Decimus said.

  “From what I’ve gathered, it appears they’re moving us around to prevent our people from rescuing us. We’re valuable captives. But once they’ve figured out what to do with us we’ll know soon enough.”

  “I wonder what they’re planning.”

  “Whatever it is,” Eolus said, “it cannot bode well for the Empire.”

  Decimus nodded.

  “I’m sorry your first official mission as an envoy of our Legion hasn’t been a pleasant one.”

  Decimus smiled. “Quite the opposite, Legatus, difficulties exist to strengthen us. I never liked wearing the tunic of a Guardsman. It was all politics and our leaders were always deceitful with us. Better to die on my feet as an officer in the Legions then conspire within shadows as a Guardsmen.”

  “It is not a position for men of conscience, that is for sure.”

  A German guard entered the tent they were in and approached their cage before unlocking the door. Two more guards appeared behind the first guard and pointed their spears at Decimus and Eolus. The first guard spoke to them in German.

  “I think they want us to come with them,” Eolus said.

  They were led to a large hut. Inside was a large wooden table. At the head of the table was a heavy-set, bearded man wearing an elaborate tunic underneath an animal skin vest. His trousers were blue with green stripes and his left eye was missing; the eyelid had been stitched over the empty socket. He was eating, cutting an apple with a knife.

  The guards shoved Decimus and Eolus forward.

  The heavy-set German stuffed an apple into his mouth and chewed on it while studying Decimus and Eolus.

  This one must be their leader, Decimus thought.

  “You are the Legatus?” the German asked Eolus in Latin.

  Eolus was silent for a moment. “I am,” he replied sternly.

  “I am Gunthar Runn, the Chieftain of these parts.” The German smiled. “I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us these past few weeks.”

  Eolus eyed Runn indifferently. “It is not as comfortable as my quarters inside my fort, but it will do.”

  Runn grunted.“You Romans think you are all-powerful. Entering lands that do not belong to you and trying to oppress every race you conquer.”

  “We are not here to oppress anyone,” Eolus said calmly. “Before we were captured by your warriors. We were acting on orders to negotiate a truce.”

  The German chief scowled at Eolus and slammed his fist down on the table. Decimus felt the table vibrate. “Truce? What sort of foolery is this?” the German said. “Romans do not discuss truce. You were trespassing upon our lands. No doubt some reconnoiter mission to assess our strategic position.”

  Eolus shook his head. “I can assure you our intentions were quite peaceful.”

  The German’s eye narrowed before he let out a raucous peal of laughter. “Peace? Since when did the Roman Empire adopt peace as their watchword. You must take me for a fool.”

  “I assure you, I do not.”

  Runn scratched his beard and cut another slice of apple. “We have ways of making men talk, and I assure you they’re quite painful.”

  Eolus said nothing.

  Gunthar Runn stuffed the apple slice into his yellow-toothed mouth and chewed heartily. “Yes, when I am done with you and your men. You will have wished you were truthful with me, Roman.”


  Inside the basement of Caligula’s palace, Serpentus could hardly contain his excitement. This was the moment he and his Teacher had been waiting for.

  The Door.

  While they were in Capri. The Five Fists had assembled the Door based on Afaa’s instructions. Now Serpentus stared at the Door in awe. Unlimited power lay beyond its threshold.

  It was even more impressive assembled. Its pieces now affixed it was now his gateway to another world. Another chance at greatness. Maelstrom appeared through a wall and took his place behind Serpentus to observe the proceedings.

  If father could only see me now.

  “It is time,” Afaa said. In his hand was a scroll. He broke the wax seal and unrolled the parchment.

  “What is that, Teacher?”

  Afaa smiled. “Thissss, my Student, issss the scripture. When I read these wordssss, written by Reptokk, centuries ago, it shall activate the Door.”

  “When I return to my world I shall be welcomed by my brothers,” Maelstrom said.

  “We shall all be welcomed,” Serpentus said. “After today no one shall stand in our way.” Maelstrom had informed him of Jarkos Wolfsbane’s betrayal. He would have to be dealt with. And Croctus Reptilius. But not now. Not before their army had been built.

  And then there was Tullus. Serpentus would face his greatest enemy again. But that could also wait for another time.

  He listened as his Teacher stepped up and spoke to the Door. “I bid you open!” The words reverberated off the walls and caused everyone in the room to take notice of their power.

  The Door started shaking, everyone in the room eyed it intently. Serpentus watched as the runes carved upon the Door’s pieces began glowing red before its threshold emitted crimson smoke that flooded the room.

  “Do not mind the smoke,” Afaa said. “It is the result of many years of disuse.

  After a few moments, the smoke cleared. Afaa rubbed his spindly hands together gleefully while Serpentus stepped closer to the Doorway.

  The entranceway shimmered impermanently like the surface of a pond, Serpentus eying his own reflection. Beyond the haze, he could see the outlines of red, rocky plateaus. Ashen clouds inhabited a red sky where a single, black sun burned.


  “Let us go find our army,” Serpentus said.


  With a heavy heart Tullus soaked himself in his tub and tried to relax after the incident at Capri. The tent felt empty without Celestra lying on the rug.

  After returning to the Troupe Camp his wounds had been healed with the combined efforts of Artia’s potions and Gansu’s able hands. Yet his mind was plagued with thoughts of his beloved friend Celestra. The Leopardess’s absence felt like an open wound on his conscience, a wound that would not heal until she once again stood by his side.

  Hradack had sent word to Tullus about her whereabouts. After Capri, Aurumax had tracked her to Jarkos Wolfbanes’ Alcazar deep in the heart of the Warlord’s territory. But an old witch named Maeva had cursed the tower where Celestra was being held. So the Golden Eagle could not get closer to free the Leopardess. This meant Tullus had one last debt to settle between him and the Wolf Lord. Then there was Croctus Reptilius. The combined might of those two would prove a great challenge.

  Tullus rubbed his eyes. He wondered how Celestra was coping. She hated cages. Since her capture, he had prayed to the goddess Disciplina to watch over Celestra until he could free her.

  He cra
wled out of his tub and dried himself before drying himself. He donned a Leopard print tunic and cloak that Vulcan had made for him. In addition to being an excellent smith the German also possessed impressive tailoring skills.


  Tullus looked at the opening of his tent and saw Artia.

  Her likeness to Anna was amazing.

  “Please, come in,” he said standing and offering her a seat which she took.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Tullus grinned. It was the first time he had done so since Celestra’s capture. “Better now, thanks to your potion bath.”

  Artia smiled back. “Good, I’m glad my potions helped you. You focus on getting better now.”

  “Hradack warned me that overindulgence in The Breath of Life may have dire complications.”

  Artia patted him on the knee. “You saved us all. If you hadn’t cast that spell we might not be sitting here now, having this conversation. You are very brave, Tullus Acilius Ulixes.”

  “If you came here to thank me, you’re quite welcome. I’m glad you’re all safe.”

  Artia smiled. “I came here to tell you that my sister, Anna, she had written to me shortly before her death. She and I never saw eye to eye, but through her love for you she and I were able to reconcile. You shouldn’t blame yourself for her death you know.”

  Tullus nodded. “I try not to, but the memory of her death is like a welt upon my heart. And now Celestra has been captured.”

  “Well there was also another reason I came here.”

  “There is?” Tullus replied.

  “The others and I were discussing Celestra’s rescue. We want to help you get her back.”

  Tullus shook his head. “I cannot ask you and the others to risk your lives. I got Celestra into this mess, and I’ll get her out.”

  “Not without us you won’t, you stubborn Roman,” she said with a smile.

  Vulcan, Gansu and Masego entered the tent and circled around Tullus. “We’re coming with you. She’s our friend too you know.”

  “I suppose you’ve all made your minds up” Tullus said. They all smiled. “Very well, later today, we’ll draw up a rescue plan.”

  After his friends had left Tullus exited his tent and went for a walk inside the camp. The freedmen waved him over to join them around the campfire but Tullus politely declined. His head was weary with thoughts. He walked until he came upon a clearing in the forest. Above him the stars in night sky resembled Celestra’s eyes. The stars spoke to him. They told him how they kept watch over her, and that she was waiting for him.

  Tullus whispered his thanks to the heavens. “I’m coming for you, Girl.”

  Epilogue: The Cage

  {June 22, 38 A.D.}

  “A posse ad esse.”

  “From possibility to reality.”-Latin Phrase

  Celestra waited.

  Inside the cold, stark cage there wasn’t much else she could do. Her only companion was her thoughts, most of which were visions of Tullus. Sometimes the stars would show themselves through the lone tower window and she would watch them until sleep took her.

  She hoped that he was alright. Somehow she had a feeling he was. Along with Hradack and Paullus, Tullus was one of the most resourceful humans she knew. She knew he wouldn’t leave her here to rot inside Wolfsbane’s prison tower.

  She had few visitors, only a jailor who brought her food and water. Once, Croctus Reptilius’ crocodile, Sawtooth, came to visit her. He had eyed her scornfully before snarling at her, his mouth agape as if mocking her condition. Celestra had responded by emitting a growl of her own at the crocodile. After that, he never returned.

  Her captors kept the tower cell’s door open, as if taunting her. They knew she could not break free of her cage. The Demonsteel negated her Elemence, and a curse had been placed on the room by the old witch. But Celestra saw something through the window that made all those challenges seem paltry.

  The moon was out tonight, the first time since her incarceration. It cast a light beam through the tower window. The stars were also present, they glittered their message to her, “Tullus was coming,” they said. Celestra’s heart filled with joy, she emitted a soft purr and curled into a sphere before closing her eyes.

  In her dream she was running across a meadow, alongside Tullus.

  Leopard King Notes

  Noble reader,

  With the completion of this Tome we’ve reached the halfway point in the Leopard King Saga. For all of you who’ve been with Tullus and Celestra from the beginning, I thank you for continuing to follow their adventures. To everyone else who’ve just discovered this saga, I bid you welcome.

  Two major points must be discussed before moving on to Tome Three. In this Tome, I have introduced a race called Dryads. At first I was going to stick with their original name, Druids, but then decided to create a fictional race to avoid any sort of confusion with the Druids we’ve all come to know. So let us assume that in the Leopard King Universe Druids were instead called Dryads.

  The second point which must be discussed is the history of the Swastika. Readers may find it interesting that it was once a symbol which stood for universal good. It takes its name from the Sanskrit “svastika” which means “auspicious” and is common practice for Hindus to draw swastikas on entrances to their homes during festivals to serve as an invitation to the goddess Lakshmi.

  After being adopted by the Nazi party of Germany in 1920, its once benevolent standing was corrupted by Adolf Hitler’s evil regime, similar to its counterpart in the Leopard King Universe (as told by Hradack) where the Serpent cult used it as their sigil. In the western world today, it is stigmatized and associated with anti-Semitism, hate, murder and violence.

  About The Author

  A lifelong enthusiast of the sci-fi/fantasy genre and ancient Roman history, T.A. Uner attended George Mason University, where he earned a degree in Speech Communication while immersing himself in an absurd amount of history electives. An avid traveler, his love for history and adventure has taken him across North America and to various countries around the globe. He was a finalist in The 2010 Moonlight Mesa short fiction contest and his short story, “The Banker’s Wife,” was published internationally in an anthology titled, Award Winning Tales. Mr. Uner lives in Virginia with his family. He is the author of the Leopard King Saga series and other works.

  Spells of The Leopard King Universe

  Elemence: (Thought-Based Magic)

  Fortis VII Spells: Resurgo (Can resurrect the dead and heal advanced curses), Tempus (User can manipulate time & space)

  Fortis VI Spells: Damno (Banishes enemy to Kaotika), Incendia (Summons War Phoenix)

  Fortis V Spells: Aranea (Creates energy web), Audio (Increases hearing accuracy), Ventus (Summons Wind Elementus)

  Fortis IV Spells: Aqua Duo (Summons Water Elementus), Fortunatus (Increases luck), Veritas (makes subject tell the truth), Visum (Can foresee future events)

  Fortis III Spells: Ballista (Launches destructive energy projectiles), Firmitas (Strengthens user’s mind against magical incursion), Fuga (Allows user to teleport), Rememdium Duo (Heals plagues; intermediate level curses and physical ailments), Saxum (Summons Rock Elementus), Videor (Projects images across vast distances)

  Fortis II Spells: Aqua (Creates drinking water), Compedis (Creates energy shackles to detain enemy), Curatio (Heals physical injuries), Harena (Summons Sand Elementus), Impedio (Immobilizes opponent), Loquor (Can communicate with creatures), Mentis (Allows user to communicate via telepathy & read the thoughts of humans and intelligent creatures), Rememdium (Protects user against poisoning; heals minor curses/physical ailments), Invado (Launches destructive energy beams)

  Fortis I Spells: Fortitudo (Increases physical Vigor in user & others), Furtim (Makes user invisible), Lignum (Summons Wood Elementus), Lucis (Creates light), Contego (Creates defensive energy shield), Oculus (Magnifies vision), Periculum (Alerts user of danger)

  Serpent Eye: (Emotion-Based Magic)

  Penumbra V Spells: Malus (Summons the undead spirits of the Serpent Cult) Tempus (User can manipulate time & space)

  Penumbra IV Spells: Aranea (Creates energy web), Compedis (Creates energy shackles to detain enemy), Converto (Can control weak-minded opponents), Hydra (Summons Hydra), Umbra (Summons Erebus Demon), Pestis (Creates plagues), Oppugno(Creates HobGoblen Skyfighter)

  Penumbra III Spells: Fuga (Allows user to teleport), Furtim (Makes user invisible), Impedio (Immobilizes opponents), Lubricus (Creates slippery surface for enemies), Metus (Creates fear in opponent), Visum (Can foresee future events), Videor (Projects images across vast distances), Cariosus (Causes enemy’s body to decay), Loricatus (Summons WarGoblens)

  Penumbra II Spells: Atrum (creates instant darkness in rooms), Conturbo (Plants false images in other minds), Caecus (temporarily blinds opponents in battle), Dissimulo (User can disguise appearance), Excito (Summons Skeleton Marines), Impetus (launches energy projectiles at enemies), Imprecor (Makes opponents clumsy), Periculum (Alerts user of danger), Venenum (Poisons food/water), Vomito (Makes opponents ill), Creatura (Summons Goblens) , Celeritas (Increases swiftness in user)

  Penumbra I Spells: Corvus (Can summon/control Ravens), Fortitudo (Increases physical Vigor in user/can be used on others), Mentis (Allows user to communicate via telepathy & read thoughts with humans and select animals), Contego (Creates defensive energy shield), Vehemens (Launches destructive energy beams), Oculus (Magnifies vision)

  Note to the reader: Italicized Latin words indicate incantation code for spell activation

  Table of Contents

  Also by T.A. Uner

  Prologue: The Blood Toll One/Unus

  Part I: The Leopard Master & The Snake Charmer Two/Duo


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