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The Purple Alien Prince's Pregnant Captive (Scifi Alien Secret Baby Romance): In the Stars Romance

Page 8

by Celia Kyle

  “Baila,” he rasped, unable to say much else.

  “Zyriq.” She rocked her hips forward and back. “By the stars…”

  He found himself feeling the same way. The pleasure was like a gift from the stars, a reward. One he didn’t deserve but would take regardless. He would take Baila as his prize and cling to her for eternity.

  He caressed her bare thighs, memorizing the feel of her silken skin against his palms. So soft, so perfect. A gentleness that contrasted with his rough, warrior life.

  “I’ve missed you. Missed this.” Her words came out with breathy moans.

  “Yes, yabi. As have I.” He continued his exploration, committing her new body to memory. So beautiful. So perfect. He had gloried in her before, but now she carried his young and… There were no words.

  Zyriq reached her hips, one hand reaching around to cup her ass while the other eased between her thighs. Her slick arousal coated his skin, her desire allowing his fingers to find what he sought. Humans called it a clit and he had spent many hours worshipping that bundle of nerves. Now, he teased it with soft touches, listening to her every whimper and sigh.

  “Yes,” she hissed, head dropped back, and her pace increased.

  Baila’s pleasure fueled his own, his cock throbbing within her sheath. He ached for release, his passion-starved body desperate to reach the precipice. Not yet. Soon. But not yet. He wished for his bonded to come on his cock before he gave in to his own ultimate ecstasy.

  Zyriq circled her clit with his thumb, tracing small circles in time with the rocking of her hips. Her breasts bounced and taunted him, silently begging to be sucked, and his mouth watered with the thought. He recalled how sweet her skin had tasted, how delicious every inch of her body was.

  He released her ass and cupped one breast, tweaking the tip and giving it a gentle tug and pinch.

  “Fuck!” She grasped her other breast, mirroring his movements. “Please!”

  Her pussy rippled around him, the strength of her squeezing both a pleasure and pain. She milked his length, harder and harder, faster and faster. As if her body begged for his release, ached for it as much as he did.

  “Take what you wish from me, yabi.” He panted as he spoke the words his bonded enjoyed. She was to be cherished, but she reveled in his rough words. “Fuck yourself on my cock.”

  She shuddered, her whole body trembling, and he knew she neared that ultimate pleasure. Just as he neared his own. His balls were tight against his body, firm and anxious to fill his bonded with his cum. He would fill her again and again, take her as many times as he could until all males knew she belonged to him. She would carry his scent—warning off any others who thought to touch her.

  Baila was his.

  With a growl, he lifted his hips, pushing deeper into her slick pussy. She was his. He growled and repeated the motion, driving up into her core. Again and again he thrusted, their hips meeting with the wet slap of sweat-slick skin. Her center fluttered around his cock, squeezing him tighter and tighter with every possession.

  “You are mine.” He punctuated each word with a fierce thrust.

  “Yes.” Human eyes met his, nothing but love and pleasure filling her gaze.

  “Mine.” He upped the strength of his thrusts, his words barley more than a growl. “Mine. Mine. Mine.”

  “Yours.” Baila shuddered even harder than ever before. “Zyriq… Gonna…”

  “Yes. Come for me, yabi. Come on my cock. I will fill you with my seed.”

  She sobbed and fell forward slightly, fingers digging into his shoulders. Her pace increased and he matched hers, driving their pleasure higher and higher. His cock twitched and throbbed within her heated wetness, and he fought to hold on to his control. He ached for her to come on his dick.

  “Do you like my cock in your pussy, my bonded?” he rumbled and gritted his teeth to withhold finding his bliss. “Do you like being fucked by your alien bonded?”

  “Yes. Fuck yes.” She panted and whimpered. “Love your cock in me. Love…” Her breathing became erratic, gasps interspersed with her moans and soft whines. “Co… Co… Coming.”

  Zyriq released the tight leash on his control and let the banked pleasure have free reign in his body. He soared toward the precipice, the ultimate pleasure wrapping him in an exquisite blanket that wrenched ecstasy from his soul. A roar escaped him as cum flowed from his cock into Baila’s waiting pussy. She milked him, rippling around his length as if begging for more and more of his cum. And his balls gladly gave her all she desired.

  The bliss of release rolled through him, enveloping his body in a pleasure he had never known. He was overjoyed to know his every day would be filled with moments such of this. Pleasure. Joy. Bliss. Ecstasy.

  Zyriq thrust again and again, his pace slowing until they merely clung to one another. Baila’s panting breaths joined his while they recovered. She breathed deeply and released it slowly, slumping forward to lean against him. He enveloped her in his embrace, arms wrapped around his sweat-slick body. He traced her spine, gentle touches meant to soothe instead of arouse. More of her weight came to rest on him. The feel of her skin plastered to his was enough to make his cock twitch once more. He did not believe he would ever get enough of his bonded. He would crave her always and he looked forward to years of sharing their bodies with one another.

  Over and over and over again.

  Baila sighed and slumped fully, breath evening out and slowing. Then a delicate snore escaped her lips. His mouth quirked with a small grin and he was unsure if he should be proud or offended that his bonded fell asleep after they came together. Was it so unmemorable that he put her to sleep with his inadequate performance?

  No. He preferred to believe he had fucked his bonded to exhaustion and no one could ever claim otherwise.

  Chapter 10

  Baila discovered there was a difference between all night sex marathons while pregnant and not. Before she carried around the biggest baby known to baby-dom, an extended romp between the sheets had been no problem. Now she was utterly, totally, irrevocably exhausted.

  She loved the baby nestled safely in her womb, but it felt as if the little one was about to tear her in two. And who knew how much longer she’d be pregnant?

  “I don’t need to go to medical.” Baila tried to keep frustration from filling her voice and stood her ground against Zyriq. She propped her hands on her hips—what little of them she could find—and planted her feet firmly.

  “You are going.” Zyriq grasped her elbow and was gentle as he forced her to turn until she faced the entrance to their quarters. And Pach, who still waited to escort her to medical.

  She groaned and grumbled, even adding a growl just in case that would help her cause. It didn’t. He continued to lead her to his cousin, her battle against the overbearing alien lost once again. Sure, he was making her go to medical for her own good, but…

  She really hated the healer. Almost as much as he hated her. Though at least Zyriq and Adhoe had come to some sort of agreement of mutual respect.

  Adhoe would take care of Baila to the best of his ability, and Zyriq wouldn’t eject Adhoe through an airlock. Which was why Zyriq found it perfectly acceptable to send her off with Pach to be looked over.

  Zyriq thought he’d been too rough with her while they’d made love and was worried about their baby’s health. She mentally rolled her eyes. Again. Men. Or rather, males.

  “Why do I have to take Pach with me?” She gestured at the younger warrior. A warrior who was more like a kid in a six-foot plus body that could crush her without much effort.

  “Yabi, I already told you.” His words came out more like a growl, syllables pushed past gritted teeth until his gaze rested on her once again. His expression softened, tension seeping from his muscles. “I am sorry, yabi.” He ran a single finger along her cheek. “I must solve matters on the bridge. When a male cannot attend his bonded, a male family member is an appropriate substitute.”

  “I can walk down the hall
way on my own. I’ve been walking for years now,” she drawled.

  “No female is left unattended—unaided—on Morea. Even if you did not carry our young, I would still order Pach to stay at your side.” He moved closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “I cannot stand the thought of you coming to harm, yabi. Pach may not do well in technical positions, but his fighting ability is unquestionable, and he has minor medical training. It would soothe my mind to know he is at your side when I cannot be. It would allow me to focus on my tasks on the bridge.”

  “Fine.” Baila sighed, shoulders slumped. She wanted to delay the dreaded visit to medical, so she decided to stall a little. “Is there something wrong on the bridge? Is it something to do with my kidnapping? I could go with you to smooth ruffled feathers.”

  Anything to get out of her appointment.

  “These problems can only be solved by the war captain. And we have discussed your presence on Warking’s Blade. You were not kidnapped by the human definition, but by Morea’s, which is not a true kidnapping at all.”

  A smile tried to fight its way to her lips, but she pushed it back as she grumbled, “Yeah, yeah, so you say.”

  “Thank you, my love.” Zyriq grasped her chin and encouraged her to tip her head back. The moment her face was pointed up, he lowered his head and brushed a chaste kiss across her mouth. “I will return as soon as I am able.”

  Then he was gone, striding out the door and down the hall, leaving her alone with Pach. The deadly, but slightly dumb, puppy.

  “Come on,” she grumbled to Pach. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Pach practically bounced in place, flashing her a wide grin while he stepped aside to allow her to exit their quarters. He fell into step beside her, matching his steps to her slower stride while he led her onward. They took one corridor after another, following the familiar path.

  The closer they drew to medical, the more thankful she was for Pach’s presence. Not that she’d say that aloud. Zyriq didn’t need to know that Adhoe still made her nervous nor that she found comfort in his cousin’s company. She didn’t want the big lug to get used to sending an escort with her everywhere she went. Then again, he made it sound like having the company of family was a permanent part of her new life.


  Soon they took one last turn, entering the hallway that led them straight into medical’s welcoming embrace. Or not-so-welcoming since she knew Adhoe waited for her. Anxiety trickled down her spine, unease taking up residence in her butterfly-filled stomach. Her steps slowed, turning into hardly a shuffle as they drew nearer to the room.

  Pach didn’t notice her hesitance until he stood in the doorway, his body barring the doors from sliding shut once more. He paused and turned back to her, a small frown in place. “Bonded of the First Son?”

  Hearing her new title distracted her for a moment, her lips twitching to form a small grin. “Call me Princess or just Baila, Pach.”

  The warrior furrowed his brow. “But you are—”

  She held up her hand, mouth curling into a smile. “I know, but it’s a mouthful. Princess or Baila, you pick because I’m not going to go around being called ‘Bonded of the First Son Baila.’ It’s just not happening.”

  The frown remained for a moment and her warrior puppy took a moment to think before he finally gave her a slow nod. “We are family. I shall call you Baila.” Another nod. “Baila, will you not enter medical?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” With a sigh, she moved forward, dread slowing her steps.

  She padded into the large area, the line of empty beds stretched down the center just as she recalled. She scanned the room, searching out the healer, and spied him at the far end. At least she’d still get a few minutes to breathe without him invading her space.

  She moved to the nearest bed and stared at the high platform, wondering how the hell she’d gotten up there last time. Oh, right. She’d been unconscious and Zyriq had placed her there. Heh. So how the hell was she going to manage it now? She puffed out a breath in frustration and looked to Pach.

  She gestured at the bed. “Is there a step stool or something I can use?”

  Pach immediately stepped forward and dropped to one knee, his hand raised to act as a railing. “Please, Baila, use me as you would a stool.”

  “I’m not going to…” she grumbled, but one glance at Pach’s earnest expression had her falling silent. He really wanted to help her even if that meant acting like furniture. “Fine,” she sighed. “Give me your hand.”

  Baila placed one foot on his thigh, gripping his hand tightly as she struggled to balance on his leg. His hold strengthened, body unmoving as she climbed atop the high platform. She turned and wiggled onto the semi-soft surface. She rocked and shook until she settled into place. It hadn’t been pretty but she’d gotten there.

  Now they waited. And waited. And waited. Pach stood at her side, his large body blocking most of hers from Adhoe’s view. The healer glanced at her now and again, but he kept his attention mostly on his task. Tension mounted in her guard’s shoulders, Pach’s unease soon feeding her own. They stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Adhoe pointedly ignoring them while Baila sat uncomfortably and Pach appeared ready to tear into the healer. Her puppy was taking greater offense to the healer’s behavior than her. If Adhoe wasn’t acting like such a dick, she’d laugh.

  Baila sighed and rolled her eyes, glancing around the room until she spied a timekeeper. How long had they been waiting? Fifteen minutes? Twenty?

  “This is an inexcusable insult, Baila,” Pach growled over his shoulder. “He should have attended you immediately upon entry. That he has not…”

  She patted Pach’s shoulder. “It’s fine. He’s just as unhappy about this situation as I am. He’s just showing it to anyone looking.”

  Eventually—finally—Adhoe gave them his attention, spinning to face them and then striding across the room with a brisk pace. The moment he drew near enough, she knew something was dreadfully wrong. His pale purple hair that had hung in a sleek curtain only days ago was now rough and knotted as if he hadn’t washed or brushed the strands. His uniform was wrinkled and she noticed more than one dark stain in the fabric. And his eyes… The violet held streaks of near-white, the Morean version of bloodshot.

  Baila exchanged a glance with Pach, who simply flashed her a smile, his gaze revealing none of the concern that filled her.

  “Let us proceed with the scan.” Adhoe’s attention didn’t settle on her or Pach directly. The healer simply spoke to the air and didn’t show either of them any respect.

  She shot one more glance at Pach and noticed that now the younger male scrutinized Adhoe’s every move. Thank the stars for that.

  Pach glanced at her, noticing her attention on him, and turned to face her fully. He gave her the kindest, most caring smile she’d ever received and then tenderly took her hand in his. His touch was gentle and when he squeezed her hand in comfort, it was equally light. The younger warrior could be an immature idiot, but Baila grinned as she realized his heart was in the right place. Deep down, he had the greatest of intentions when it came to both her and Zyriq.

  Pach returned his focus to Adhoe, and she did as well, narrowing her eyes as she watched the healer’s jittery movements. A sense of wrongness crept through her, but she couldn’t narrow down the reason for the feeling. It simply was. Pach frowned at the healer, the younger warrior now looking like a confused puppy which only heightened her apprehension. Her stomach churned with a sea of anxiety and worry, heartrate increasing with every breath.

  Pach opened his mouth as if to speak but then snapped it closed once more, remaining silent. Though his expression remained tense and watchful.

  Baila poked Pach, mouthing a single word when she had his attention. “What?”

  The young warrior faced Adhoe once more and spoke, his voice holding the slightest hint of doubt. “Are you certain you selected the correct inoculation for Baila?”

  “I know what I am doi
ng,” Adhoe grumbled and fumbled for a hypospray, the healer refusing to look at Pach.

  “It will not harm the young?” Pach pushed.

  Adhoe chose to ignore Pach and instead revealed a wide smile when he finally got his hands on the hypospray. “Excellent!”

  Pach moved closer to the healer, planting himself firmly between Baila and Adhoe. “You should recheck the dosage. I believe it is incorrect.”

  The healer grunted. “It is correct and exactly as I intend.”

  “Adhoe, if you persist in treating Baila with this hypospray, I will be forced to take action.” Pach’s shoulders seemed to widen, his height increasing. He changed from a carefree boy to a fierce warrior with those hard words.

  True fear pulsed through her now, a battle between fight or flight waging war inside her. She cupped her stomach with one hand while she gripped the edge of the platform with the other—prepared to jump from the soft surface and run to safety. The longer the two Moreans spoke, the more and more certain she was that Adhoe ached for her death. Or the death of her baby.

  Nausea plagued her, a wave of heat followed by the near-silent whisper of cold. Goosebumps rose along her arms and a frigid tremor had her shaking in place.

  Adhoe sneered at Pach, aggression burning in his pale eyes. “Let me ask you a question, Warrior.”

  “Yes?” he continued his dialogue with the healer but hadn’t relaxed even a fraction.

  Adhoe sneered, shot a fleeting glance at Baila and then refocused on Pach. “Do you know what the first son of Morea is doing?”

  “The war captain has made no secret of his intent. He is acting as countless Moreans have before him. The stars have given him a bonded and he is embracing his future.” There was no hesitation in Pach’s voice. No hint that he disagreed with Zyriq’s actions.

  Unlike Adhoe.

  The healer shook his head, body vibrating with barely contained rage. “He has bonded to some human woman and sired human young. He bonds to this,” Adhoe gestured at her. “When he could have bonded to my sister.”


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