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Taming the Tease

Page 22

by Golden Angel

  Those icy colored eyes studied her, making her even more nervous as she shifted her weight back and forth. She wanted to keep still, but with all the adrenaline and nervous energy running through her body it was impossible. She had a suspicion that, not only was he drawing this moment out on purpose, but that he liked how anxious she was.

  As if to corroborate her suspicions, Rick smiled slightly. "Why don't you go ahead and have a seat, Maria, and we'll talk."

  "Yeah, okay."

  Turning back around, Maria realized there were only two places for her to sit. Either at one of the student desks or at the teacher's. And she was pretty sure which one Rick meant for her. For just a moment she considered trying to sit at the Teacher's, but she had a feeling that would probably be justifiable cause for spanking. Maybe she shouldn't start this off by antagonizing him.

  So she went and sat dutifully at one of the student desks. Thankfully it was more comfortable than it looked, built for an adult and not a teenager, so that she didn't feel oversized in it the way she often had in high school. No need to feel like she was wedged into a small space. One of the other desks looked like it was more the standard size, but that's why she hadn't sat in it. It would work well for someone who was petite and slim, and she appreciated that Stronghold had multiple sizes for different body types.

  Rather than sitting at the Teacher's desk, Rick leaned against the front of it, which meant there was a lot less space between them than there would have been otherwise. If it wasn't for the leather pants, he would have looked like the epitome of a relaxed, sexy teacher. Man... if his students could see him now... She didn't doubt that Rick was probably the fantasy of many a teenage girl; if they saw him like this their heads would probably explode.

  "So let's talk about your survey."

  Damn. She'd thought she couldn't blush any more than she already had been. Seriously, it felt like the heat had spread from her face down to her neck and chest. Was it possible to have a full body blush?

  "I thought the point of the survey was to answer all your questions before I even got here," Maria said a little lamely. For some reason, now that they were sitting here and about to actually talk, having an actual conversation about her answers just seemed incredibly embarrassing. She'd kind of liked the idea of Rick just knowing everything about her and her burgeoning fantasies without her actually have to say them out loud.

  The twinkle in his blue eyes said that he was enjoying her discomfiture. "Communication is one of the most important aspects of BDSM, and one which I've been particularly bad with when it comes to you. I told you we'd talk things through before we start. Besides, I think you'll be more comfortable if we go over some guidelines for the scene."

  Guidelines. Talking things through. Communication. Okay, she could handle that. Maria nodded, relaxing a bit.

  "We definitely have a lot of the same hard limits," Rick said, casually crossing his arms over his chest. Which just made his biceps stand out more. Yum. He was way more relaxed than she was. "But you left a lot of options open to explore, and I have to admit, not all of them are my cup of tea but if there's anything you're particularly interested in trying, then it's my job to make sure you get to." He raised his eyebrow at her.

  "I just didn't want to say no to everything," Maria muttered, twining her fingers together as she glanced away from him.

  "Do you even know what caning is?"

  "I looked it up." Now she really couldn't look at him. She'd had to look up an awful lot of stuff and at a certain point she'd figured, what did it really matter what implement he hit her butt with? And what if there was a certain implement that he really liked? "I just didn't want to say no to something that you liked and I haven't tried before."

  Now Rick moved away from the desk, stepping forward and putting his hand under her chin to force her to look at him. Maria bit her lip as his blue eyes seemed to bore into her, like icicles. After a long moment they softened slightly.

  "I have no interest in caning you, sweetheart, and I don't think you'd care for it if I did. But I appreciate your bravery in wanting to please me."

  The compliment warmed her even as she opened her mouth to protest that she wasn't trying to please him. She shut it before she could get the words out. Because, after all, that's what she had been doing, and even though some part of her brain insisted that she was giving him all the power by admitting to it, he hadn't said it like it was a bad thing. Or like it was something that he expected of her. No, he'd said it like it was something to be cherished, like it was an honor she'd given him.

  "Good girl," Rick said, rubbing his thumb over her lower lip. It parted immediately from the upper as she drew in a quick breath, wondering if he was going to kiss her. Instead he pulled away, resuming his position leaning against the desk in front of her, and she scowled. The amused look he gave her only made her scowl deepen. "You also indicated on the survey that you're willing to engage in sexual intercourse during a scene."

  "Isn't that what this is about?" she asked, a bit hesitantly.

  "Not necessarily. There are plenty of scenes that don't involve any sexual contact at all. Usually Introductory Scenes don't have a lot of actual physical intimate contact."

  "Oh." She couldn't decide what she was feeling. Disappointment? Relief? Both? There was only a brief flash of rejection and worry that he'd decided he was no longer interested in her before she banished that thought as both stupid and illogical. Emotions were allowed to be illogical, but that didn't mean she had to give into them when they didn't make any sense at all.

  So, did that mean he wasn't going to touch her at all?

  After a long moment of silence, she realized that Rick was watching her reactions very closely. Staring at her face in fact. And she wondered how much of her thoughts he'd been able to see. She scowled up at him again, getting a flash of white teeth in response.

  "No, we're not going to have sex tonight," Rick said. "But definitely not because I don't want to. I do. But this isn't the right time or place, and definitely not the right circumstances." Right, because it's not like they were an actual couple or anything. Maria blew out a breath. Maybe she should be glad that he was being so controlled and authoritarian about this. After all, how much would it suck to have sex with him and then discover she wasn't able to give him what he needed? Much better to stick with fooling around and then deciding where to go from there.

  Still, the fact that he was so controlled while she was feeling so very vulnerable and out of control was starting to irk her. After all, she'd been ready to jump into bed with him tonight. Hell, she'd been trying to get him to jump into bed with her for weeks now, and here he was, finally giving in, but not really.

  And he called her a tease. He was a bigger tease than she'd ever been.

  Maria tilted her chin up. "So what are we going to do?"

  She could hear how bratty and demanding she sounded, but she only regretted it for a second. It kind of felt like Rick was still withholding information from her. After all, he'd said they were going to talk, but so far it seemed like all they were talking about were the things he wasn't going to do to her.

  He raised his eyebrow at her again for her tone. "That's what I wanted to ask you. Are you comfortable with me using my hands and or mouth on you, or would you prefer to stick to just toys?"

  Yikes, talk about a loaded question. Maria desperately wanted his hands and mouth on her, she could use toys on herself any old time. On the other hand, would she actually sound desperate if she said so? Would he be insulted if she said hands but not mouth? If she was trying to protect her heart, not knowing whether or not he'd even want her at the end of tonight, what was the smartest decision?

  "Didn't the survey cover this?" she complained, feeling kind sullen. Crossing her arms over her own chest, she glared at him. After all, she'd said in the survey that she was willing to have sex... it had been easier to just click an option on the computer than it was to actually give him the go-ahead in person. It didn't seem
fair that she was the only one who had to open up and make herself vulnerable like this; he hadn't said a word about whether or not he wanted to put his hands and mouth on her. Just that they weren't going to have sex tonight.

  She wondered what the right time, place and circumstances would be to him.

  The whole situation was making her more and more uncomfortable. She'd thought that by now he would have touched her, that they'd at least be making out or doing something kinky. That was the point of her filling out a survey and then coming here tonight. Instead he was probing her wants without giving away any of his own. When they’d first gotten here and he’d said they’d talk things through before the scene, she’d found that reassuring. Now she wished that he would shut up and get started. If he'd just started kissing her, overwhelming her, the way he had the few times they had kissed, it would have been so easy to become putty in his hands and just let him do what he wanted, try what he wanted.

  This wasn't easy at all and it was aggravating her. And apparently amusing him. Which only aggravated her more.

  "I told you that I wanted to go over guidelines for tonight, because the survey didn't cover what your preferences for tonight would be," Rick said. His tone was just a bit patronizing and he was still standing so casually, so under control, that it made Maria want to do something to shake him up.

  Time to change tactics. Getting annoyed and snappy wasn't getting her what she wanted, which was for him to jump her. And she knew that he wanted her. He wanted her to talk? Fine, she'd talk. On her terms. Screw the stammering, blushing, vulnerable thing.

  Maria leaned back against the desk's chair, letting her lower body slide forward and her knees fall apart. The look of surprise on Rick's face was incredibly vindicating, and it helped motivate the sultry smile that she gave him and to dissipate some of her frustration with him.

  "I don't mind toys," she said, letting her voice become a bit husky as she spread her legs even further apart. Chances were he couldn't see anything of her lap under the desk, but that wasn't the point. He'd be able to imagine it; and he'd know that if he had the correct angle that he'd be able to see whether or not she was wearing panties.

  Which she wasn't.

  Rick's jaw clenched and his eyes flashed, his gaze becoming harder, hotter as he stared down at her. The amusement she'd seen earlier had been wiped clean away by his surprise and now it was being replaced with lust.

  Bringing her finger up to her cleavage, she traced the line of skin. "I don't mind if you use your hands and mouth here..." She ran her finger down over her breast, circling her nipple which was already hardening. The way he was looking at her was making her feel hot and horny all over. The air in the room seemed to thicken, the entire dynamic had changed between them.

  All because she'd stopped pussy-footing around. Good. Being unsure wasn't like her and she hadn't enjoyed it, or the way he'd been drawing things out. Now, going by the growing bulge at the front of his pants, both of them were on a more equal playing field.

  "Or down here..."

  Letting her finger trail down below the desk, below his eye level, Maria didn't even manage to touch herself before Rick growled, "Stop."

  She froze, waiting. There had been something extra in his order, something that demanded she listen. With any other man, she would have just laughed and done what she wanted, but that little bit of extra strength in his command had made her want to obey him. Which her brain told her was silly, but there was no denying that her body found it hot. Her pussy had clenched immediately, getting even wetter.

  "Stand up."

  Maria obeyed, feeling even more vulnerable now that she didn't even have the desk between her and Rick. Although he was still leaning against the Teacher's desk, there was a vibrating tension in his body that made her think of a predator about to pounce. That casual pose was no longer so convincing, not when his jaw was locked and his muscles were hard with tension. She pressed her thighs together, feeling how soaked her pussy was between them.

  Standing was scary, but this was definitely more of what she wanted.

  Uncoiling from his leaning posture, Rick stepped sideways and gestured at the desk.

  "Bend over this, little tease." His voice was hard and uncompromising, laced through with desire. Maria was moving before she stopped to think, blindly obeying. Which, when she reached the desk and started to bend over, was more than a little startling.

  She shot an uncertain glance at Rick.

  The look back she got was unyielding. "Bend over, Maria. I want your forearms down on the desk and that sweet ass in the air..." His voice softened just a touch. "And don't forget, you can say 'red' at any time and this stops."

  Right. Or yellow to slow things down and talk about them. But she really didn't want to slow down, because if she did, she might never get the courage to start again.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned her head away and leaned over the desk, very aware of the way the back of her skirt was lifting to expose her pussy. Spreading her legs to help her maintain her balance only made that entire area feel more exposed. She wasn't sure how much of her bare ass and pussy Rick could see, but she knew that he was getting at least a little bit of a show.

  "Good girl," he murmured, and a wash of warmth went through her.

  Brace on her forearms, she peeked over her shoulder to see that his eyes were locked onto the lower part of her body, and she couldn't help but wiggle her ass at him a bit. For a brief moment she enjoyed his quick intake of breath, and then she squealed as he smacked her ass. Her skirt fluttered as her head snapped back around.

  It stung where his hand had landed, but not too badly. Then he placed his hand directly over the spot he'd just smacked her, rubbing the sting away and replacing it with a strange warmth that made her pussy throb even harder. Maria moaned a little with approval.

  Of course, that didn't last too long.

  "Little tease."

  He smacked the other side of her ass and then rubbed the sting away again, making her wag her bottom up and down a bit. The rubbing felt incredibly good, and while she wasn't sure she liked the stinging part, she could definitely put up with it for the aftermath. Maria's head hung down as she waited for whatever was going to happen next, practically panting with the arousal that was coursing through her.

  This was way hotter than she'd even imagined.

  Chapter 15

  Flipping up the short little skirt Maria was wearing, Rick had to bite back his own groan as the gorgeous curve of her ass was finally fully revealed to him. The tiny garment had been driving him crazy - in a good way - as it fluttered teasingly over her buttocks when he'd spanked her the first two times. His little tease wasn't wearing any underwear. He didn't know why he was surprised, her self-confidence was definitely part of what appealed to him, but he hadn't really expected for her to be so comfortable at Stronghold that she’d come without panties. Most of the submissives had to be told not to wear underwear. Hell¸ he'd heard Hilary get into an argument with Liam about it before.

  But here was Maria, completely bare beneath, without a stitch of clothes on her gorgeous ass, and so ready and wet for him to touch. His cock was practically straining the seams of his pants, he was so hard.

  The glistening lips of her pussy were swollen and he could already see her clit peeking out from its hood. He knew that she was anxious, as well as sexually excited, and the combination would only heighten the sensations she was experiencing.

  "Do you know what topping from the bottom is, Maria?"

  "No," she said in a breathy voice. He needed to talk to Patrick about getting some kind of mirror or something set up in here. As much as he was enjoying the view from this angle, he also wished that he could see her face.

  "It's what you were just trying to do," Rick said silkily. "You were trying to manipulate me into giving you what you wanted, instead of following where I led."

  "No, I..." Her protest trailed off and he felt a surge of both pride and arousal as she came to h
er own conclusion. "Oh, I think I see."

  Even though she didn't apologize, she sounded contrite. Although, to be honest, this time he didn't need an apology, because he was sure that she hadn't realized what she was doing. Still, he did need to lay down the law and this was as good a time as ever to introduce her to funishment.

  "Which is why I'm going to spank you now."

  "Oh! But..." Her voice trailed off again as she looked over him with those wide brown eyes. Rick could practically see the thoughts going through her head. After all, she'd agreed to this. He had already started spanking her - and going by her reaction there was no doubt in his mind that she'd liked it more than she'd thought she would. Granted, he was going pretty easy on her, but the way her bottom had wiggled had looked an awful lot like her body begging for more.

  He gave her a little, reassuring smile, running his hand over the smooth curve of her ass at the same time. It teased both of them, as well as giving her physical reassurance that she hadn't actually done anything really wrong.

  "I'm going to spank this sweet ass until it's nice and pink, so that you'll know for next time what happens when you try to force my hand." He said it firmly, giving her ass cheek a squeeze where he'd already slapped her before, and watched as her pupils dilated even more. Yeah, his little tease liked being bossed around, she liked being told exactly what he was going to do to her, and she liked being spanked.

  All of which was enough to make Rick wish he was the kind of guy to lose control so that he could just say the hell with it and bury his cock inside of her wet heat.

  Instead, he raised his hand. "Face front, Maria."

  As much as he wanted to see her expression, her neck would be more comfortable with her facing away from him. Besides, the anticipation of not knowing where or when the next blow was going to land would make her even more amped up.

  Admiring the creamy expanse he had to work with, as the previous slaps had barely pinked her cheeks, Rick brought his hand down right in the center of her right buttock. Her breathy gasp was music to his ears and food for his desire. All that ample flesh jiggled in the most enticing way possible as the pink handprint on her skin bloomed and immediately began to fade.


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