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Goblin Moon

Page 24

by Candace Sams

  Kathy took a deep breath, sat on the bed and gathered her thoughts. It meant a great deal that Tearach was admitting he no longer felt the same about all outsiders. At the moment, his logic created more peace in her heart. “I was scared, Tearach."

  He sat next to her and took her hand in his. “Tell me,” he softly coaxed. He lifted her hair from her shoulders and let it fall back in soft waves.

  "All I could think of ... Tearyn means more to me than my own life. I'll never let anyone hurt her. And I began to think of what might happen to her later. We might not be there. Someone might..."

  When she stopped, he nodded encouragingly. “Go on."

  She looked down at the floor. “Someday, someone might hold it against her that she's half outsider. She might grow up with that being thrown in her face day after day. And what if someone wants to take it further? You know, do something to get even with the world by taking out their anger on her? No one can predict anyone else's actions. Not you or the Sorceress. I just don't want to live being so frightened for her. Even the outside world is a threat. What if she can never change into a human form the way you can? What if someone sees her? Mabb's attack suddenly got me to thinking about a lot of things. I was really scared of all the possible outcomes. Not just what one crazy woman might do.” She paused. “Reality is sort of hitting me in the face, and I don't know what to do about it."

  He placed his arm over her shoulders. As far as her own safety was concerned, Kathy feared nothing. But when it came to Tearyn's safety, her emotions and logic had been thrown into turmoil. “Kathy, I can't ever remember anyone in the Order taking their anger out on a child. It just isn't done. We love all our children. Mabb's behavior is an aberration. The Sorceress is only letting her live because there are so few Goblins left. Mabb's state of mind isn't stable. She's no longer responsible. As far as the rest of the Order is concerned, I just can't fathom anyone doing anything but loving our little girl and protecting her.” He pushed back a strand of her hair. “Think of Timmon and Merry. They'll always be her friends, and so will the other children. You don't see or hear them mentioning their differences, do you?” When she shook her head, he went on. “There'll be a great many Goblin children born in the future. They won't always have pure blood. It'll have to be that way for the Goblins to survive."

  She gazed deeply into his dark eyes. “Does that bother you?"

  "At one time, it might have, but not anymore. Maybe ... maybe this is the way it was supposed to be. Not the deaths at Exmoor,” he denied. “There can never be an excuse for that. But the mixing of blood and powers may be our only chance to survive a great many difficulties. Not just for the Goblins, but for the entire Order. The Sorceress was right all along. And who knows what might happen in the years to come? If Tearyn can be one of those to help break down the walls between our world and yours, it might be that our little girl and the Order's other children will be able to go anywhere they want, without having to change to human form.” He paused to kiss her hand. “Wouldn't that be something?"

  Kathy marveled at the complete transformation in him. The man she first met would never have said such a thing. “Are you sure we can afford to be so magnanimous? The outside world can be a terrible place sometimes."

  "That's true. But we all stick together here. No harm will come to Tearyn. I know this as surely as I've ever known anything. Mabb stands alone in her actions, Kathy. There are no others."

  If he could place his trust in the future, when everything he loved had died, then she could do no less. Besides, Tearyn couldn't live her life locked up in the castle. Kathy got up and began to gather the baby's belongings.

  He watched her and a slow smile spread across his face. “Does this mean you're coming home?"

  She nodded. “I don't like feeling threatened. You've just made me realize the only person who can change those feelings is me."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Once he had Kathy and the baby firmly ensconced in his life again. Tearach began to work his way back toward what they'd had. Mabb's chicanery had left its mark. Kathy was fearful of strangers, but she valiantly made the effort to trust again. Each evening, he made his way to work, and Kathy helped Owen at the castle. Searching his heart, he knew the only person who could chase Kathy to someone else was him.

  He desperately wanted to make love to her, but that was her choice to make. He would give her time and hope his patience could withstand the wait. Secretly, he went ahead with his plans to handfast with her on Imbolc. Cairna and Rome spent all their free time together, which left his and Kathy's free hours to find that special place they once shared. And he felt it was coming back quickly. Mabb was gone, and there was no further barrier to stand between them.

  Early one morning, Tearach came back from the Loft. He and Rome had been forging a special set of swords to be sold in Scotland. Usually such items went to special collectors. Outsiders paid a high price for his work. He was especially happy with the small herb knife he'd made for Kathy. It was to be a gift. She could use it when, on the next full moon, he took her and the baby to hunt for winter herbs. There were places to find them, even when the snow fell and the world turned all white and glittery. And Kathy loved to go into the forest at night. She seemed to thrive on doing chores that were mundane to the Order, but unusual to her. It was one more aspect of her character that made him love her even more.

  As he approached the cottage, warm candlelight brightened the early dawn windows. Frost on the leaded panes made the glow look ethereal. He could almost smell the pastries and sweets he knew she had baked. His heart was as warm as the fireplace they shared each night. And Kathy had expressed a desire to make love again. This would be the morning. After going without her sweet body for so long, he was amused and a bit mortified to find himself responding like a sixteen-year-old boy. He was rigid just thinking about what they'd do. As cold as the winter wind blew, his body was that hot. Thinking of her made it so.

  When he pushed open the door of the cottage, Kathy came bounding down the stairs and threw herself into his arms. She kissed him thoroughly and Tearach could stand the wait no more.

  "Where is Cairna?” he breathed against her heated lips.

  "She went off with Rome. And the baby is asleep.” She led him toward the stairs and they walked up, their arms around each other.

  When they reached their room, Tearach began to undress, even as he looked down at Tearyn and spoke soothingly to her at the same time. Kathy went into the bathroom, so he occupied the time by trying to keep his mind on the baby. She was so sweet in her little crib. He kissed his index finger and gently placed it on her cheek. “Sleep well, little love. I'm hoping that by this time next year, your mother and I will be working on a brother or sister for you,” he whispered.

  Kathy shrugged out of her bathrobe, took one more look in the mirror and went back into the bedroom. In Tearach's gaze, she could see her efforts at making this occasion special weren't wasted. He definitely appreciated the midnight-blue satin gown Cairna had helped her sew.

  Tearach swallowed hard and walked toward her. The dark gown clung to her body like a second skin. Kathy's full breasts were barely covered, and, as always, she wore the necklace he'd given her. It rested in her cleavage like a star in a winter sky.

  "Do you like the gown?” Kathy asked, watching his feral expression.

  "Very, very much.” He pulled her to him and she pushed the heavy, black robe he'd donned away from his chest. The instant her hands moved over his pectorals, Tearach knew he was lost. His mouth closed over hers in a wild, hot kiss. It had been too long for both of them.

  Kathy moaned as Tearach's lips moved down her throat to her cleavage. Then Tearach's kisses seemed to soften. He lifted her hair off her shoulder and nuzzled her neck. She felt his incisors lengthen as his mouth moved downward. Then, he sank them deep into her shoulder. Kathy cried as an immediate orgasm shook her entire frame. Only his strong arms kept her from falling to the floor. She'd forgotten how powerful tha
t bite could be. When she heard his voice, Kathy looked up to find him resting on top of her and her gown had been removed. He must have picked her up and carried her to the bed. She had no recollection of his doing it.

  Tearach stroked her hair away from her face. He barely touched her skin with his fingertips. “How was it, Kathy?"

  She smiled, sensuously. “You know how it was, you hedonist. You just want to hear me say it."

  "I want to hear everything you like. From every touch to every breath we take together. I'll do anything you ask. Anything your imagination can dream up. All you have to do is tell me what's right for you. Understand?” He lowered his tongue over her left nipple and tasted warm, sweet milk. “No wonder the baby stays so hungry. You taste wonderful."

  She closed her eyes as he lowered his head again and moved his attention to the other nipple. He sat up and straddled her torso, skimming his fingertips over ever part of her flesh. Kathy could feel the goose bumps rising as he touched so lightly and blew a soft breath over those areas he touched. When he kissed his way down her midriff, to her navel, the moisture between her thighs began to pool again, and every cell in her body screamed for him to move lower still. She opened her thighs, inviting him to touch her.

  "Tell me what you want,” he whispered. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive flesh of her left thigh, then the right. Her hips rotated invitingly and her head dropped back. Her breath came in shaking gasps.

  "Tearach, more. Please, taste me."

  "Mmmmm, my pleasure,” he moaned and did as she asked.

  Kathy's hands clenched the soft blankets beneath her. There was nothing else on the face of the Earth, or in the cosmos but Tearach. He separated her flesh with his fingers and gently explored her with his tongue.

  When Kathy's body began to shake with pleasure, Tearach slid his hands under her soft bottom and lifted her for deeper penetration. He was rewarded by hearing her cry out his name over and over. Her beautiful, soft body rocked and undulated as the deep orgasm went on and on. Finally, when he was sure she was spent, Tearach lowered her back to the bed. Her eyes were closed and she almost sobbed out each breath. He moved over her, rested his weight lightly on her slim frame and gently kissed her lips and face. “Tell me, Kathy. Do you like what I do to you? The way we are together?"

  She opened her heavy eyelids and met his deep, burning gaze. “Yes. Oh, yes,” she breathed.

  "Good, because I'm just getting started. I'll burn my way into your mind, soul and entire being. You'll never dream of anything but being in my arms. I swear it.” He pulled her into his embrace and held her against his shoulder until her breathing seemed normal again. Then he skimmed the inside of his leg against the outside of hers. He pushed his full erection against her abdomen and dragged it across the wet, swollen flesh between her thighs. All the while, his hands caressed her back, trailed down to her hips and circled lightly over her bottom.

  Kathy's entire body and every part of her consciousness craved him. When Tearach suddenly moved away, she almost cried out. It was as if something vital had been torn from her being. But he had only moved away to turn her on her stomach. She had no idea what he planned, but she trusted him to make his next move gentle and thrilling. It was both. His hands moved softly over her back and thighs, and his fingers made small patterns which had her moaning for more. Suddenly both his hands moved under her, flattened against her abdomen and lifted upward. His knee carefully nudged her thighs apart while he rolled her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs. Kathy understood he meant to enter her from the rear and raised her backside while arching her back.

  "You're breathtaking,” he gasped. “But don't lose it yet, love.” He dragged his erection over her wet flesh again.

  "No, Tearach, I can't ... c-can't stand it. Please,” she begged for him to enter her and pushed against his burgeoning manhood.

  "All right, my proud beauty. I told you that I'd do anything you want.” Tearach took a deep breath and pushed slowly into her. For several moments, he couldn't find his voice. She was so wonderfully hot. His blood began to boil, and he pulled back, then thrust in again. Each time he did so, he went a little deeper and faster. Soon Kathy's body rhythms matched his and they careened into a dimension where nothing but exquisite sensations existed. Kathy opened her thighs wider and he plucked at her nipples with one hand while touching where they joined with the other.

  When Kathy felt the waves of pressure begin, she put her head down and bucked against Tearach. Deep cries of pure satisfaction and joy ripped from her throat as she heard him answer, then spill into her vagina. They fell back to the soft surface of the bed, spent and replete. He held her tightly against his body and panted. They were both covered in a fine sheet of sweat. Kathy turned and his arms loosened only enough to allow her to face him. She could see the unearthly glow in his eyes, and she pushed his heavy hair off his face and shoulders. She held it up and softly blew against his neck and chest.

  "Mmmmm, that feels good,” Tearach murmured, then nuzzled his cheek against Kathy's. There was so much he wanted to say, but the simple words of love didn't seem enough. There was so much in his heart where nothing but pain and emptiness had once ruled. How did you tell a woman of such strength and beauty that you loved her with every last fiber of your being? How could he convey those emotions with only words? Across the room, a lovely little girl slept. Her mother loved her enough to fight for her very life. Of all women on the planet, Kathy had been chosen for him. It was no mere accident—no random choice of a file or one of Shayla's strange maneuvers. This woman was meant to be with him. He knew it in the very deepest part of his soul. She was a spirited, vital lover, a friend, a confidant, and a protective, loving mother. No one could ever have enchanted or captured his heart more. Now was the time. He had to tell her the words men and women spoke to one another when their hearts were ready. And though their spirits were joined, she needed to hear his full declaration of love and devotion.

  His vision finally came back, and Kathy's lovely aqua eyes gazed at him with such sweet tenderness his heart lurched. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the baby's wake-up cries.

  "I'd better see what's wrong,” Kathy smiled up at him and lovingly stoked his cheeks with her fingertips. “She's probably hungry."

  He grinned and nodded. “I'll have to make it up to her if I've nursed all your milk."

  Kathy playfully pushed him aside. “That's not remotely possible. I have enough for the both of you and then some."

  He laughed out loud, rolled aside to let her up, and then leaned on one elbow to watch her. She gently picked the baby up, talking to her in that ridiculous, lovable baby-talk she used, and checked her diaper.

  "I think she just needs changing. I'll be right back.” Kathy winked and walked toward the nursery.

  Remembering the gift he had, Tearach placed the small herb-knife on her pillow, then put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling. “We've got the rest of the day to make love. And I'll tell her everything,” he murmured to himself.

  "Did you say something,” she called from the other room.

  "Only that I want you to come back to bed,” he answered.

  Kathy laughed as she came back in the room bouncing the cooing baby against her shoulder. “You're insatiable."

  "Here. Let me hold her."

  She held out the smiling infant and placed her against her father's chest. He kissed her tenderly and stroked the black hair that was just beginning to curl.

  "I've never seen a Goblin baby with curly hair, and she was certainly born with a head full of it,” he observed. “That's your Mommy's gift, sweet pea. And if you're only half as pretty as she is, I'll have to dig a trench around the house when you get older. Maybe that will keep all those young warriors away."

  Kathy crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. “Do that, and you'll never be a grandfather."

  He looked into Kathy's eyes. “That would be something, wouldn't it? We'd have memories t
o carry into the years."

  "That reminds me. I have something for you.” She went to the bureau, opened the top drawer and took her gift out. Then she sat beside him and handed him a small, flat package wrapped in glittering tissue.

  Tearach laughed. “What a coincidence. I have something for you, too.” He nodded toward her pillow, and Kathy gasped in delight.

  She grabbed up the knife and smiled. “This is an herb knife, isn't it? I've seen the other women using them and hoped I might be able to get one.” Kathy smoothed her hand over the beautiful, shiny surface and noted how sharp it was. The handle was oak and engraved with different rune symbols. “You made this, didn't you?"

  "Yes, the symbols are for luck, happiness, health and love."

  Kathy swallowed hard. “Thank you, Tearach. This means I can go with the others and learn to gather herbs. It's like owning a piece of art.” She leaned forward and gifted him with a long kiss. Things made by hand, gifts from the heart, were very special to her. And the knife was a wonderful work of craftsmanship. That he had such skill filled her with pride. She blinked back tears. “Now, you open yours."

  Tearach tore open the wrapping and found a green velvet pouch within. It had two stag horns embroidered in silver on one side. He knew the horns represented Herne, God of the Hunt and Protector of the Forest. When he opened the pouch, he found two strands of hair braided together. One of purest gold, the other jet black. The ends had tiny, silver apples attached. In the world of the Order, these were the charms of love everlasting.

  She shrugged. “It's mine and the baby's hair. Cairna helped me make the silver apples from an old spoon. I thought the amulet might bring you luck."

  For a long moment he struggled with the lump in his throat. It was the most precious thing anyone had ever given him. “I'll carry it with me always. Thank you, Kathy. I love it."


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