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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 18

by BWWM Club

  Christina glanced at his erection pulsing in her hand. It seemed harder and thicker than before. Could she take him in? Would her pussy be able to manage it when she took his cock for the first time? He looked too big.

  But her body was ignoring her rational thoughts. It was demanding to fuck Nathan's brains out and find out what animal sex actually felt like. She nodded.


  "Good." Nathan put both hands in her hair and guided her back to his lap. "Suck me into your mouth. I want to feel your lips around me as you take me in."

  Christina allowed him to gently push her towards his cock, opening her mouth as the tip brushed at her lips. He slid in, Nathan urging her down. She let him until it neared her gag reflex and she coughed. Nathan immediately eased off and allowed Christina to raise her head. Keeping one hand gently pumping, she began to bob her head, sucking Nathan's cock into her mouth and swirling her tongue around his shaft.

  Nathan hissed and his hips began to thrust, fucking her mouth as Christina sucked him in, getting more of his cock each time. Eventually she managed to get past her gag reflex and he hit the back of her throat. Instinctively swallowing, his cock went down her throat.

  She heard a growl and knew Nathan could feel it. She did it again and moved her hand from his thigh to his balls where she massaged them gently, making circles on the soft skin. Nathan moaned and began to thrust harder.

  "You keep doing that and I won't be able to stop coming down your throat."

  The thought of swallowing Nathan's seed had arousal rippling through Christina's belly. But she didn't want that for the first time. Her pussy was demanding attention first.

  Christina pulled away, Nathan's cock leaving her mouth. She stood up and nudged the table back for more room. Nathan sat up, a frown on his face. Then it cleared and hunger flared in his expression as Christina grabbed hold of her t-shirt and pulled it off, dropping it to the floor and leaving her in her jeans and sports bra that left little to the imagination.

  Christina felt as though someone had taken over her body. She was usually shy about herself and her body. She would never have considered stripping in front of anyone. Even with Clint she didn't want the lights on. But with Nathan sitting on the couch, looking at her like she was a goddess, was inflaming her. She felt empowered and wanted to do something to send him over the edge.

  With slow, jerky movements, she undid her bra, dropping it on top of her t-shirt. Then she cupped her breasts, squeezing them together. Nathan's eyes locked on her breasts and he growled. Grinning, Christina bent at the waist and leaned over him, offering her breasts to him.

  "Suck my tits, Nate."

  Nathan didn't disappoint. Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him. Holding her firmly, Nathan latched his mouth onto one breast and Christina had to clutch at his shoulders as pleasure shot through her body. She had no idea her breasts were so sensitive.

  As he loved her breasts with his mouth, Nathan pulled Christina further onto his lap and thrust his cock against her clothed pussy, rubbing at her center. Christina moaned and held on tight. She could feel a pressure building inside. It felt alien but it felt so good. She needed more. A lot more.

  Someone began to moan and she realized it was her.

  Nathan released her breast and pushed a hand between them, rubbing at her core.

  "I can't wait to fuck you." He groaned.

  "I can't wait, either." Christina whispered before she kissed him.

  Nathan kissed her back with wild abandon that made her head spin. Christina didn't know they were moving until she felt the hardness of the coffee table at her back. Nathan had drawn back and was tugging at her jeans, pulling her panties down with them. When her legs were free, his hand was between her legs again, two fingers pushing into her pussy and thrusting. Christina cried out and bucked against his hand.

  Nathan growled.

  "God, you feel so fucking wet. So tight. You want to feel my cock inside you, Chris? You want it deep inside your pussy?"

  Christina couldn't breathe. His dirty talk was turning her on even more. The thought of his cock inside her was heating her body up to the point she felt like she was on fire. She nodded.

  "Yes. Fuck me, Nate. Fuck me as deep as you can."

  Nathan grinned. His fingers left and he pulled away to stand. Christina started to protest but Nathan grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. He turned her towards the couch and gently made her kneel on the cushions, putting her hands on the back. He planted gentle kisses down her back.

  "I want to make love to you all night but right now I can't wait." He whispered against her skin. "I've wanted you for too long to go slow. Are you up to keeping up with me?"

  Christina swallowed. At this rate she was going to come before he got inside her. She jerked her head in a nod.

  Nathan straightened up and nudged her knees out wider. She felt his cock brush up against her pussy, then again. Christina squirmed. She needed him now.

  "Please, Nate." She panted. "Don't make me beg."

  She heard him laugh softly.

  "I might next time but not now. I can't wait."

  Then he thrust. Christina gasped as his cock stretched her wider than she thought possible. Pain flickered for a moment before pleasure washed over her. She rolled her hips and pushed against him. Then she felt her buttocks hit Nathan's groin and realized he was all the way in.

  He stretched her. Really stretched her. And he felt so good. He wouldn't need to do much to have her screaming.

  Gripping her hips tightly, Nathan pulled back and thrust in again. Hard. He didn't build it up. He fucked her. Hard and fast, he jack-hammered into her, their skin slapping together. Christina gripped tightly to the back of the couch and held on, pushing back against his thrusts. She didn't know why she had left it so long for another lover. If Nathan kept it up he was going to make her fly into supernova.

  Nathan leaned forward and hugged her from behind, not letting up on his thrusts. One hand cupped her breast and pinched her nipple while the other went between her legs and played with her clit. Christina felt the pressure build and suddenly fell off the edge.

  "Fuck, Nate!"

  Her orgasm flashed through her body and seemed to set Nathan off. His movements became jerky, clutching her tighter as he rode out her orgasm. Then he thrust one last time and Christina felt his warm seed explode inside her.


  His gentle murmur of her name had Christina trembling all over again. She slumped onto her forearms and lowered her head. It was going to be a while before her head stopped spinning. She hadn't been fucked into oblivion before.

  She came back down to earth with a sudden thump when Nathan's cell phone went off. With a reluctant sigh, Nathan pulled gingerly out of her pussy and picked up his phone.

  "It's Leo."

  Christina then realized what had happened. They were naked and sweaty. She had sucked his cock and he had fucked her. And she had ignored the rules about getting involved with a client.

  She was in so much trouble. Cheeks flaming, she picked up her clothes and quickly dressed. Nathan seemed to sense her distress and tried to reach for her.


  "I'll leave you to it."

  Her clothes righted and her panties and bra in her hand, Christina didn't look at Nathan as she scurried out the room.



  Nathan was still buzzing from the best sex of his life. He could still feel Christina's pussy clamping onto his cock. She felt so good against him, fitting every part of his body. She was so responsive and Nathan knew he hadn't had his fill.

  Now she was retreating emotionally, running away now that the reality of the situation hit her. Christina was a stickler for her work ethics and she had broken them by sleeping with her boss. Nathan didn't care but Christina did. He was going to have to have a long talk with her about that.

  To hell with ethics. He wanted her for more than one fuck. P
ure and simple. And he was going to make sure she knew it.

  But first he had to answer the phone. He pressed the answer button before the call went to voicemail.

  "This had better be good, Leo."

  "Don't worry, I do have news. Alan has been rambling away most of the time. He's apparently a schizophrenic who's been off his meds for a while. A lot of it was nonsense but we did get some information out of him."

  Nathan sat on the couch, feeling the sweat from his and Christina's lovemaking under his buttocks.

  "Tell me."

  "Did you know he freelanced for your company and Jane was the one who hired him?"

  "Jane did?" Nathan pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure if I can believe that she can be involved."

  "We have to keep an open mind, Nate."

  After Jane's behavior lately, Nathan wasn't sure what was the truth anymore. Although he was sure of one thing; Christina wanted him and he was going to have her again very soon. His cock stiffened again at the thought.

  "I know. Go on, Leo."

  "Someone emails him a list of instructions and then he carries them out to the letter. He gets paid the biggest amount of bucks in his life so he wasn't going to turn up his nose up at it."

  Nathan grunted.

  "Charming. Threatening my son and assaulting Christina were just the icing on the cake, I bet."

  "That's the thing. He says he wasn't anywhere near here last night when Chris was attacked and he claims to have been staying with his brother in Orange County when Jack's picture was taken."

  Nathan closed his eyes. The man would provide himself with an alibi.

  "Do you believe him?"

  "I do, actually. He's a geeky type who hides behind a computer. He doesn't beat the crap out of people and he draws the line at harming kids."

  "You haven't seen his emails." Nathan muttered. He sighed. "So someone else is involved."

  That didn't sound good. One person and a possible lackey he could handle but more than that and he was outnumbered. This was getting too much.

  "A heavy, probably." Leo added. Then he added: "Oh, I forgot to say earlier. The FBI called me. The waiter who set that bomb off has been found and arrested in Whidbey Island. He's not saying who hired him but he was paid really well to get rid of you. Somewhere in the region of five figures."

  Nathan grunted. At least that was some news. Now they just needed to pry the information out of him. If it had been Nathan, he would have found a way to make the man scream like an opera singer. But he knew when to leave something alone. Let the FBI deal with him.

  Leo sighed.

  "Get some sleep, Nate. We'll sort this out in the morning. Rest now."

  Nathan didn't answer, merely hung up.

  There was something he wanted to do more than rest. Gathering his clothes and putting his jeans on, Nathan left the room.


  Everything was quiet as Nathan climbed the stairs. Clive would be on patrol out in the grounds and the place would be locked up. Josh had gone to bed hours ago, only popping his head around the door some hours before to check on their progress. His little brother was looking as tired as Nathan felt.

  However, Nathan didn't want to sleep. He wanted to find Christina and do what he wanted to, carry on what they started. He knew that Christina was trying to fight it and was scared to cross the line again but Nathan could tell she would do it again if pushed.

  His cock strained against his zipper as he remembered thrusting into Christina, her body arched against him as he fucked her on the couch. Her screams had set him off and his orgasm felt like his head was about to blow off. Her body was sleek and smooth, with ample hips that he could hold onto and long legs that went on for miles.

  He wanted to feel those legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged back into her pussy. And the next time he was going to make sure of that.

  Christina didn't answer her door when he knocked but when he tried the door Nathan found it unlocked. He entered and looked around, finding the bedroom empty. But Christina's clothes were on the floor and the bathroom door was open with the shower going. Nathan growled, his cock hardening to epic proportions. The image of Christina naked in the shower, water cascading down her delectable body, was highly erotic.

  He was halfway across the room when the shower was turned off and Christina came out a moment later, wearing a towel that left little to the imagination, barely brushing the top of her thighs. Nathan groaned when he saw her breasts, her nipples big and brown, poking just over the top of the towel.

  Christina stopped short when she saw him. She squealed and clutched the towel to her, the edge riding up even higher and letting Nathan see the thatch of black curls covering her pussy.

  "Nathan! What the hell are you doing in here?"

  "I came to see you." Nathan approached her, pleased to notice that Christina didn't back away. "You're not running away from me anymore."

  Christina tipped her chin at him, meeting his gaze. Nathan saw the flare of arousal in her eyes but she was trying to keep it back.

  "Since when have I been hiding?" She demanded.

  "Since we met." Nathan stopped within inches of touching her. But he didn't reach out; he wanted Christina to come to him, even if it killed him waiting. "You want me and I want you. Why are you fighting it?"

  "Because you're a client and I happen to work for you." Christina gulped. "What happened earlier..."

  "Was so goddamn amazing I want to do it again." Nathan clenched his hands to stop himself from touching her. "I have feelings for you, Chris, and I don't want to keep walking away. To hell with ethics and rules. I want you and I want you again. Now."

  This was the first time he had admitted he had any sort of romantic feelings towards Christina. They couldn't be any more different with their lifestyles but somehow Nathan could see her on his arm, by his side in public and in his bed. She would be able to center him, make sure he didn't go too far into the land of the fake. She would be an amazing mother to Jack.

  Hell, she would make him an incredible wife.

  Nathan shivered. Where had that come from?

  "I want you, too, but I shouldn't." Christina gestured at the room. "You live here with all this wealth. I don't. What could you possibly see in me?"

  Nathan couldn't hold back any longer. He reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand. Her skin felt soft and warm against his palm.

  "Things that aren't part of the wealthy and fake." He whispered. "Everything about you is genuine. I miss that from my old life."

  Keeping himself grounded instead of becoming one of those men who bought outrageous things with their money and went through women like water was what Nathan needed. His wife Katie had been willing to buy anything and everything with his money. But she had kept him balanced. She kept his sense of identity together.

  Christina had the same effect on him.

  She looked down, over his bare chest, and settled on his groin. His cock strained towards her. She grinned and let go of the towel, letting it pool around her feet.

  "No point in missing me anymore, then, is there?"

  Chapter 7

  Nathan growled. Christina stepped back as he approached, her back pressed up against the door. Nathan crowded her, arms snaking around her naked body as his lips came down on hers.

  He seemed desperate to kiss her, his tongue diving straight into her mouth. This wasn't how he had kissed her earlier. This kiss was like how he had kissed her yesterday, slower and more sensual. And it still had the same effect on her. Her pussy was already wet and that was nothing to do with the shower. Even after cleaning herself up she couldn't stop her body from remembering how good Nathan's cock had been, how amazing their lovemaking had been.

  Nathan groaned into her mouth and a hand ran up her side and cupped her large breast. The gentle squeeze had Christina moaning and she arched against his palm. His thumb passed over her nipple and she whimpered, lifting a leg and wrapping it around Nathan
's waist, pulling her pussy against his groin, rubbing herself against his cock.

  Suddenly Nathan let go and stepped back. Christina tried to go to him and squealed when Nathan scooped her into his arms, never breaking eye contact with her. He carried her to the bed and laid her down, following her onto the mattress. He clung to her tighter, grinding his hips against hers so fervently that Christina saw stars. Nathan knew just where all the right spots were to hit.

  She nibbled at his lower lip and bit down. Nathan growled and tore his mouth away, looking down at her with a hunger so bright Christina felt the arousal heat her entire body.

  He shifted back and stood before the bed. Feeling bolder, Christina rose onto her knees and placed her hands on his chest, running her fingertips over his skin. A shuddering sigh came from Nathan's lips. She came closer and ran the tip of her tongue along the underside of his pecs.

  Nathan's hand came to the back of her head and held her close as she kissed his chest, flicking her tongue over his nipples. Then Christina stretched up and kissed the base of his throat, running her tongue across his collar bone.

  Nathan turned his head, pulling her against him as they kissed. Christina gasped as her nipples brushed against his chest. She couldn't stop her hands from running over his chest, feeling the muscles beneath her fingers and relishing the way they moved at her touch. Getting even more bolder, her hand drifted down to his waist and ran along the edge of his jeans, dipping a finger inside the waistline.

  Then Nathan raised his head and took her hands away from his body.

  "Easy, honey." He rasped. "I haven't finished with you yet."

  He gently pushed her back and made her sit on the edge of the bed. Kneeling before her, he reached out and touched her knees. With a gentle push, Nathan opened her legs wide and loved the sight of her pussy, wet with her juices, hunger blazing in his gaze.

  "God, you are incredible." He breathed.

  Christina blushed. Clint had been an incredible lover but he had been sweet in his lovemaking. He had never spoken to her in such a way that had her body tightening, looked at her body in the light like he wanted to eat her up. She tried to shut her legs but Nathan got between them, rising onto his knees and taking her mouth in another kiss.


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