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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

Page 5

by Nicole Jordan

  Those who weren’t sponsored were charged fair rates for the use of the training animals, and the land, and those who were got either discounted or included rates. It was the business that wasn’t supposed to work, but it did, and it worked well.

  She didn’t exactly know where everything was, despite having seen it on the maps and visiting the facility once or twice. It was to be expected. The tours were long and winding and she could never quite get her balance. She never expected to have to take over so soon, but then again, you don’t get to choose cancer, it chooses you.

  This early in the morning she knew she would find someone working a horse in the training area. They always were. Each and every time she came here. And this was as far as she ever got on her own. Thomas took care of almost every aspect of the business, so she hadn’t needed to venture that far in six months.

  Luke was right. Jayda had been hiding from the business. She let Thomas do all the work and it showed. Not because he was a bad person, but because he was only one man, trying to run a small business. Her father, Thomas, and a couple of silent partners ran the entire establishment, from the ranches, all the way to the training grounds.

  The business lacked heart, something it used to be bursting with. And it seemed empty. Her father used to come in almost every day, even if just for a half hour, to see the boys. Form a relationship.

  As Jayda approached the corral she could see that, sure enough, there was a man on the horse putting her through her paces. It wasn’t even dawn yet, and the light was just beginning to peek through, the dark sky only subtly lightened. No sun in sight. But Jayda could see the horse and the rider with the help of a spotlight and the wisps of a new day.

  The mare’s legs were fluid in a movement as she pulled them up high, kicking and prancing before placing them down again, in an intricate pattern. It was like he was making her dance for him.

  She had seen horses dance before, rodeos and some shows specialized in dancing mares. But this, this took her breath away and she stood there mesmerized as he worked the beautiful palomino. She couldn’t see the man’s face under his hat but he was clearly very in tune with his animal. The mare’s powerful muscles bulged, gleaming in the morning light as she danced. She never slowed down for a second, despite the fact that Jayda could see signs of her age. This was no young horse. She was smart, strong, capable and a veteran. It was possibly the most breathtaking thing she had ever seen.

  He finally spotted her, slowing his horse down to a stop. Standing there. Looking at her the way she had looked up at him. She still couldn’t see his face, but someone had to talk soon or this would get weird. Jayda fidgeted and then cleared her throat.

  “Good morning,” she shouted, pulling herself out of the sight like it was just a daydream. “You happen to know how to point me in the direction of the bull riders’ training facility?”

  The rider rode over to the boundary of the fence and tipped his hat up, revealing his face.


  She bit back a surge of irritation and arousal, both of which coursed through her, appearing suddenly. Together. Jayda cursed under her breath.

  “Mornin’. You’re early. I wasn’t sure you’d show. So I thought I would wait at the entrance and let Ol’ Sigil out. Let me put her away and we can go up together.” Luke hopped down off the horse and then led her away.

  Jayda knew that horse. Sigil’s Pride had been one of her dad’s “show horses” for his appearances in parades. No wonder her dancing took Jayda’s breath away. The horse was nearly 18 years old. Not a geriatric, but pretty close to retirement age.

  “Just wait here. I’ll be right back” Luke hopped down off his horse and then led her away.

  Jayda waited there for him, kicking her boots in the dirt like she did when she was a kid, waiting for her father. Dust flew up and coated the air, shimmering in the first morning light. She was nervous. It was what she did when she was nervous. This man kept her on edge.

  Luke walked out of the bar, his hands in his pockets and a gleam in his eye. She had never seen a man that looked so determined. So focused on any one thing. But he was. She saw it when he was in the ring, riding that bull and she saw it now. His focus was aimed at her. It almost made her run straight into his arms.

  Cool it. She grounded her feet and just waited.

  He looked her up and down in her casual jeans and her green t-shirt. She knew she looked a little too casual, but it was a training facility. She was just going to get dirty. She hoped.

  “Damn Jayda. You sure can play dress up. What is it today? A regular country girl?” His grin was slow, just like the way his eyes wandered up and down her body. Pausing as he reached certain curves. “I think I like it even better than business woman.”

  He was teasing her, but it nagged at her subconscious. She wasn’t just a country girl. She was a a business leader, an educated woman, a black woman. One with a mission.

  She narrowed her eyes, “We can’t all be born as perfect as you. Some of us have to try.”

  “I’m far from perfect and you know it. I’m just myself, Jayda. Plain and simple.” He dripped snark as he said it, and it renewed her fantasy of smacking him.

  “I doubt anything is simple with you.” Certainly not the way you make me feel.

  He walked a step closer. She could smell him. Sweat, horse, and musk. It was intoxicating. Her gaze met his and she had to fight to tear her eyes away.

  “You are just going to have to find out.”

  “We’ll see. So where is this training ground?” She asked again, trying to change the subject.

  It worked.

  “This is your property. Why don’t you know?”

  “I do. I’ve been here a few times. With dad. Haven’t gotten further than the equestrian center. Since…” She cleared her throat, tears welling up in her eyes.

  She tried to look away so that he didn’t see, but it was too late. He spotted the glassy look and the water that followed, she could tell by the look in his eyes.

  When she looked back she could see a new look. Comprehension. Compassion. At least his solid, severe stare was gone.

  “I’m sorry. I- I didn’t think.” He stuttered. Actually stuttered, his jaw slack as he looked at her. He knew he crossed a line.

  She cleared her throat and leveled her stare at him. She had the advantage and she knew it. For the moment.

  “Bull rider’s pen? Please?” She pursed her lips and waited. Business. She needed to keep it business or she was going to lose it.

  “Uh yeah, sure. My truck’s next to the barn. Come on. I’ll take you.” He buried his hands back in his pockets and put his head down, making his way in a straight line.

  She must have really gotten to his confidence. But rather than feeling powerful, she just felt bad. So many people treated her with kid gloves after her father passed. For the first time, in long time, someone had finally called her out for what she was. Entitled. Spoiled. A princess. And she liked it.

  Jayda contemplated the tall, handsome cowboy as she walked over to his truck. Opening the passenger’s side door she slid in, her body sliding across the vinyl and in place. She set her jaw and looked at him with those same-pursed lips.

  “Are we going or what?”

  “Yes my lady. Whatever you command, Princess.” He bowed low before her, in mocking servitude and then hopped in his own side. His joking arrogance was back, acting like it never missed a beat.



  Luke got in the truck and started it up. She roared to life with a push on the gas pedal, her echo coming back at her against the metal barn wall. Being so close to Luke, in the cab of his truck, she couldn’t help but wonder if he had ever made love in it.

  Dammit, get it together.

  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, trying not to let him notice. He looked ahead but a smile spread wide over his face.

  Don’t let anyone else know your mind until you do.

  He was clearly
in possession of the advantage here. By the look on Luke’s face she could tell that he knew. That smirk said it all. And she wanted to wipe it off his face with a hot, wet kiss.

  He backed up his pickup, changed gears and pressed on the gas as the truck lurched forward, up a gravel path that looked like it was no more than a hasty driveway. They climbed the hill, bounding and shifting with each bump and pothole in the makeshift path. Jayda gripped the handle of the truck, trying to steady herself, but it was futile. One large pothole rocked her and she was thrown, flying across the cab. Right into Luke.

  She tried to scramble over to her side of the cabin. Maintain a safe distance from the one thing that made her feel exposed, stay safe. But he was too quick. He grabbed her tight and held her close to his side, steadying her every bounce.

  “Pro tip. When riding through rough terrain it is essential to stick with the most seasoned bull rider you can come across. It’ll keep you safe”

  She was acutely aware of his arms as the words left his mouth.

  Then why don’t I feel very safe?

  They stayed like that for at least a mile, maybe two, clinging to one another, her body being thrown, shifting. All while he kept his balance perfectly, holding her there next to him, an anchor in the rocking vehicle. Finally they hit a solid patch of real road, an area that forked and merged into a dirt road that felt like a grand expressway compared to the previous trail. She didn’t realize the complex was so large. This whole world was here and she didn’t even know what she had. It felt like it was beyond her. The past six months wore her down, and she felt too defeated to really get involved in the business. Until now. Until Luke.

  She leaned against his solid form and refused to move away even as the road leveled out. She felt a bit warm at the thought of his body against hers. Separated by only a few layers of clothing. Especially now that she knew what he felt like. Looked like.

  “You alright?” He asked, shifting in his seat, gripping the steering wheel just a little tighter.

  She wasn’t the only one affected.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. But I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  His free arm tightened around her, the smirk returning to his face. The lines between business and pleasure were definitely blurred.

  That didn’t take long.

  He drove the road like he had driven it a million times before. There was something there. A confidence she couldn’t quite place. A knowing smile. A bit too much understanding.

  Who was he?

  She was still learning how to run everything, on a more professional level. But she could tell that he knew exactly what he was doing. Why hadn’t he been picked up before? Surely her father knew of him before his death. Knew about his talents. He trained here, had a lot of his moves. Worked the area like it was his own. He knew it better than she did.

  She may not have been as experienced, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. She had interned with her father and been to the complex a few times, but other than the tours, she spent all of her time in the main office. Which was down with the equines.

  “It is almost five miles total between the Equine and Bull Riding Facility. We have some time. The men will be glad to see the new owner. Try to act like you know the area. Bonus points for any names you remember. Accurately, that is.” He was serious as he explained this to her, but it still stung.

  Her blood boiled and she pushed away from him, trying to escape to the other side of the cab but he held tight. Luke must have read her mood, because he responded to her body language.

  “Jayda, I’m trying to help. You know you’re in need of some. Accept it.” Luke pulled her closer and held her a bit tighter, even though the road had evened out.

  She let it drop and they drove a couple of more miles in silence. He was right and she knew it. But it didn’t make it any less irritating. But why was he helping her? What was his motive? She would find out, she resolved, she just had to bide her time.

  “I know you’re helping. I’m sorry.” It grated against her ears, even as she said it. “I’m just trying to get used to all of this. It isn’t exactly what I signed up for.”

  She saw him try to hold back a smile at her irritation, but he failed.

  “If I’m going to work with you, you have to be in charge. Not Thomas. Not any of the men who work for you. You. You are John Rivers’s daughter. Not some lady off the street. You were born into this business. It is yours.”

  “So are you going to join?” She asked. Jayda should have waited, and she knew it, but her victory was so close she could taste it.

  “So long as you take over, take charge. Yes. I’ll work for you.” He let her have her victory, pretending not to notice as she grinned widely. She knew what he was about. What she didn’t know was why. “But you can’t let it fall out of your hands, you can’t manage from afar like you have been these past few months.”

  She was quiet, savoring her victory, but he spoke up, his tone informative and not at all emotional like it was a moment ago.

  “The land on both sides belongs to you, by the way. It’s part of a series of ranches you own. A lot of, well, those of us who are not being independently financed by our parents, work these ranches. Even the ones you sponsor. We don’t like to be beholden to anybody, and if we can work for it, we will.”

  “What about you?”

  “I train here. I work here. But I don’t, didn’t, want to be beholden to anyone. I’ve been working on them for a bit myself, getting paid, and using that to help pay for the training facility. But I work on the grounds too. It lets them feed their families, pay their rent when rodeos ain’t winnin’ the bread. Thomas and John did us a solid. But lately…” Luke trailed off.

  “But lately what?”

  “Prices have been going up and wages have been going down. It doesn’t bode well for the riders’ moods.”

  “I never signed off on that.”

  “Yeah, well. Who did?” He shrugged and before she could reply he continued. “It doesn’t matter. They’ll be polite, but don’t expect friendly. And no. It wasn’t Thomas who signed that through, I already talked to him about it. Said it came from higher up.”

  She was the higher up. Why would he say that? Apparently someone had been taking liberties. She made a mental note to start a chain of inquiries. She would personally see that it was reversed as soon as possible.

  Luke pulled into a long driveway on the left. She could see a building in the distance, it was well groomed with a nice landscaped look. It had to be the office. Beyond that were metal corrals, filled with practice bulls and riders.

  There were men everywhere; this early in the morning her grounds were teaming with people moving about. Their day began long before anyone in a white collar. And it lasted longer. The contrast to the gentle morning she witnessed just minutes before was stark.

  Luke swung his truck right up to the office. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t help but look over at him, trying to catch glimpses of him when he wasn’t looking.

  “Well, Rodeo Princess, you ready to meet your subjects?”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed herself away from him one final time, using a great deal of her strength. Except there was no resistance. She flung herself across the cab and hit the door with the force of her push. His playful smile returned. That man was making her crazy and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to fling herself into his arms and kiss him or punch him.

  Jayda straightened herself and refused to let him get a rise out of her. Opening her door, she slid out and jumped to the ground, her boots hitting the soft dirt. Her body bounced, each curve moving with her. It was same dirt her father’s boots must have hit dozens of times. She felt the urge to straighten the hat that she wasn’t wearing, just like he always did and march into that office.

  Instead, she sucked in a breath.

  “So, my fearless leader, where first?” She stood just a little too close and breathed him in. It had the same intoxicating effect as it had last nig
ht. The same musky scent wafted up to her nose and sent surges down her body. Another reminder of last night’s interlude. Damn olfactory nerves.

  “The office. Got someone here you need to meet.”

  The men watched her. Their eyes were glued as she walked along the pathway. It was unsettling. They were oblivious to who she was, of course, she knew that. They knew John had a daughter, but none of them knew who she was. Or that she was black.

  To them she was just a beautiful woman swaying and moving as she walked, all they knew was that she was a distraction. But if they couldn’t keep their eyes in the sockets, whose fault was that? Not hers.

  She set her jaw as one of those distracted men met her eyes. He was older, early forties, a bit of gray grabbing at his temples and his goatee, but not a wrinkle in sight from her point of view. Maybe because as her mother always said “Black don’t crack”. This man was a handsome shade of Mocha that she gravitated to.

  She felt the urge to inspect closer but stayed herself. She stopped following Luke, her eyes locked on the salt and pepper hottie.

  Damn, are they all hot? Her thoughts were always getting herself in trouble. She wasn’t sure what was happening with her and Luke but the slightly silver fox sure had caught her eye.

  Until he opened his mouth.

  “Daniels, you turn around and get that exotic Buckle Bunny right back in that truck and out of here. I told you, no girlfriends. I thought I made that abundantly clear after what happened with that Jeffery’s girl last summer. Get her out of here.” Foxy, as she dubbed him in her head, barked at Luke. Such fire, he must be the one in charge.

  He was pissed. But at that moment so was she. Exotic Buckle Bunny? Really?

  “Excuse me…” She tried to interject, her tone giving him a clear understanding of her irritation.

  “Not now, honey. I’m sure you have a great story about why you need to be the exception but…” Oh, he put on a voice like he was the boss, but she couldn’t help it. She let him continue his tirade until he was done.


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