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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

Page 9

by Nicole Jordan

  “Not in my wildest dreams.”

  Jayda shook herself out of bed, but it wasn’t her own. She remembered as she looked up at the ceiling tiles, she was in Luke’s home. She must have dozed off after the little nap. She turned over and reached for him but his side of the bed was empty, the warmth drained out of it. She wanted to touch his skin, feel him holding her tight. Reluctantly she rose from the bed and pulled on her panties and tank top. Padding into the living room, she smiled lazily when she saw him over the stove. Savory smells wafted up into the air, meeting her nose and causing her mouth to water. She walked up behind him, enjoying the sight of a man fixing her dinner in nothing but a loose fitting pair of boxers.

  “Enjoy your nap?” He asked, not even turning to look at her as he plated the entrees. “Sit down, Jayda. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “About what?”

  “Fixing your company and catching the bastard who is cheating you.”

  Jayda took a deep breath and relaxed. It was just a dinner among colleagues. She looked in the mirror of the ladies restroom and fluffed her hair, then checked her makeup. She feathered out the light gray shadow that made her eyes pop into a stunning but icy blue. Not too much, but just enough to give an air of sophistication. Perfect.

  I wonder what Daddy would think.

  She pushed the thought away and prepared herself for the task at hand. A few men from her father’s training centers had agreed to meet with her over dinner in order to discuss the needs of their respective facilities. One of the strategies Jayda had come up with as a way to take back the reins of the company. She needed to know exactly who she was working with so that she could understand who would want to steal from her.

  From her father.

  Anyone who had a problem with her father was going to go on the suspect list, but she wouldn’t know that unless she knew these people.

  Thomas had endorsed it, but his youngest daughter had a piano recital, so he wouldn’t be attending. Neither would Luke, who helped her flesh out the details from where to eat—an authentic steakhouse with moderate pricing—to how to direct the conversation. But as for the rest of it, she was on her own. She nodded at herself, a habit she got from watching her father look into the mirror just before he left for work, and pushed her way through the restroom door.

  The handsome, only slightly graying men were already seated at her table, wearing what passed as fancied up casual attire. Good jeans, dark button down shirts, and hats hanging on their chairs. At least good looking muscled men are a perk of the job.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” She smiled as Dustin rose and helped her into her seat, “Have you ordered yet?”

  “No, Ma’am. Waitin’ on the lady,” A thick shouldered man with a hard jaw thin lipped a smile in her direction.

  Damn do they make them any other way but handsome?

  “It is nice to be surrounded by gentlemen, thank you. And you are?”

  “Samson Bohannon, Ma’am. Head of the Bronco Facility. Samson. Not Sam.”

  “Paul Creeger, Equestrian Center.” He was noticeably different in appearance from Samson or Dustin, his hair cut in a fashionable metropolitan style and his demeanor a bit more polished. Not a favorite.

  “Well, tonight is on me, order what you wish. I want to discuss business.”

  Once their orders were taken care of and alcohol was served she set out to try and win the crowd. Thank God for booze.

  “Our facilities are high quality, as I have been told over and over again, but during my absence while grieving, a few glaring issues have come to light. Primarily a lack of communication between the partners and the people who run our day to day operation,” She tried not to look over at Dustin. He was familiar, after all, and not hard on the eyes, but he only encouraged her forward, so she took a deep breath and continued, “I know that you submit requests and reports. And that they have been ignored as of late. So I wanted to bring you here today to discuss with you first hand the things you would like to see changed, now that I am taking control.”

  “Ma’am, with all due respect, what do you actually know about the facility?” Samson delivered the blow with a gentle tone. He was clearly not trying to be insulting.

  “Ms. Rivers has been to the facilities a number of times, most recently up to see the Bull Ridin’ operation, Samson. And from what I hear she has been pouring over the books. She might have a learning curve, but she cares.” Dustin was quick to her rescue. Sexy and well spoken.

  She took a sip of her Cabernet and addressed Samson directly.

  “Thank you, Mr. Snow, but Samson has a valid question. I don’t know much, not compared to my father, who was more than capable and knowledgeable of the business. It is part of why I am here tonight, talking to you. I figured you were the best experts about your training facilities and that you had the most insight into the daily operations. So I come asking for your help.”

  An awkward silence passed between the four of them. The waitress saved them all from it with the arrival of their food. Everyone, herself included, ordered a hearty steak, hers being medium rare. She knew there would be little talking while everyone ate. It was the cowboy way after all, so she dug into her food and let her thoughts overtake her.

  “How are you taking to cowgirl life, Jayda?” Dustin asked as he took a swig of his rich lager beer, that sparkle was back in his eyes, his straightforwardness drew her attention. She liked that in a man, especially when it wasn’t met with malice.

  “Only been a few days, but I think I’m handling it well. Glad to be back in the swing of things. What about you, how long have you been in the business?” She didn’t have to feign interest, she really wanted to know about these men. They had all risen to positions of management, and from what she could tell they were good at what they did. Dustin particularly. He was intriguing, and the way he looked at her, it made her want to get to know him.

  Luke’s angry stare flashed into her mind, remembering exactly what happened the last time she seemed a bit too interested in Dustin.

  “Twenty two years, started up early, at 15.” He dug back into his food, then rose again, “Been a wild ride, that’s for sure.”

  “So what exactly do you want to know, Ms. Rivers,” Paul asked this time, in between sips of his own wine.

  “Jayda, please.”

  “Okay, Jayda.”

  “Do your facilities need additional staff, are there areas of disrepair, suggestions regarding the way you think it should move forward?” she asked, taking another sip of her wine.

  She still had the list from the bull riders, which she checked. A lot of those places had invoices from construction companies, so she had proof that renovation should have been done, but clearly it wasn’t. It seemed like whoever was cutting salaries, and benefits was also finding ways to hide money. It was spent, but no updates done. And all of this had her name, her signature on it.

  She needed more information, and these men were just the right kind to give it.

  “Well, the equestrian center has been well funded, and has many independent patrons who pay for training as well as boarding, so I believe the financial status is much more stable,” That earned a glare from Samson and Dustin alike. “However, I realize we have one vet for the entire facility. My suggestion would be to either assign a vet per facility or perhaps hire another vet as part of a team to split up the workload. Often times we have to outsource our needs which is more costly in the long run.”

  “I think I can manage a second vet, thank you for your input.”

  “I dunno what’s goin’ on anywhere else, but my staff hasn’t gotten a raise and costs have increased. Ain’t right. Plus we need a quality inspection, and some of the recommended upgrades.” Samson’s tone turned surly as he regarded her, “We’ve been ignored for a while now, Jayda.”

  “I think that is more than reasonable, and something I can certainly see to, and it seems to be a similar issue from what I saw at the other practice pens.”

sp; “We need you to be more of a presence, it is a good start, but you got a long way to go,” Dustin’s voice was firm as he looked at her, but not without kindness. “I don’t know about the bronco riding center, but we need more horses. Work horses. For the ranch and for the chores that require regular upkeep around the bull facility. I know a guy, Clayton Donnell, over in Ohio who has some of the best horses in the area. I could get him to cut us a deal too.

  “Is it something we absolutely need?”


  “Then I would love to be able to meet your contact, Dustin.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He gave her an appreciative look, which gave her the confidence she needed, but that wasn’t all.

  The way he looked at her, it was like he was looking through her instead of at her. Warmth flooded her body, causing her to blush. He shouldn’t of been able to elicit such a reaction.

  “Well ma’am, thank you for the dinner. If that is all, I got a family to get home to,” Samson rose and put on his wide-brimmed black hat, tipping it at her then turning and walking away. “Ain’t got time to sit around here all night talking about this and that.”

  “I’m afraid I need to be going as well,” Paul rose just after him and extended a hand to her. “I’m sure working with you will be a pleasure.”

  “I think that went pretty well, don’t you?” She asked, relaxing a little bit as she smiled at Dustin.

  “Don’t mind Samson, he’s always been a son of a bitch. Your dad thought it was part of his charm.” His hair fell to his shoulders as he pulled the tie out of it. It pulled the air right out of her lungs.

  She recovered quickly, “And what about Paul?”

  “Equestrian riders and even the barrel racers tend to need a bit more refined spokesman. Paul fits that bill. But he is local, and he came by his talents naturally, not through pedigree.” She nodded as she processed this, any little bit about them helping her to create a strategy. She wasn’t going to quit until she knew the business inside out. And she knew who was laundering the funds.

  “How do you know all this?” She bit her lip, trying to hold back the arousal that was building at the mere sound of his voice.

  “I pay attention.” Dustin smiled and leaned in towards her.

  “What else do you pay attention to?”

  She shouldn’t have asked that question and she regretted it from the moment it left her lips.

  “You mean the way you’ve been looking at me all night? Or the way your little black dress hugs your curves just right? If you weren’t otherwise spoken for, I would ask you to go dancing.”

  She blushed, it wasn’t what she meant, but she couldn’t deny it.

  “I don’t know what you mean by being spoken for?”

  “Daniels.” He gave her a dark glance as he threw his napkin up on the plate he finished.

  She swallowed. She told him that she was his, but had she meant permanently? Or in the moment.

  “I’m not owned by anyone. Anything more than that is personal, Dustin. I’m not going to discuss it. Besides, we trust each other.”

  At least that was all she was going to admit to. Even to herself.

  “Are you sure about that? Because he has been eying you all night from the bar.” Dustin pointed over her shoulder in the direction of the bar. She turned and sure enough, he was there, nursing a beer. Narrowing her eyes, she turned back to face Dustin

  “I make my own decisions.” Her smile was dangerous as she leaned in closer to him.

  “I’m getting that about you.” He matched her smile, his hand reaching up and threading through her hair. “Wanna get out of here?”

  She had to make a choice. If she went home with him it would be the end of Luke, she knew it.

  “She isn’t going anywhere with you.” Luke’s voice was hard and strong. He was just behind her.

  “Why don’t you let the lady answer for herself.” Dustin rose to meet Luke. They were ready to fight, like two bucks during rutting season. Whatever friendship these two had evaporated in that moment.

  “Enough. I can certainly speak for myself, thank you, Dustin. I will have to provide you with a rain check for a night when I feel more like dancing.”

  Dustin gave her a curt nod and then looked directly at Luke but addressed her, “I will be sure to take you up on that. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to be on my way for the night.”

  He grabbed his cowboy hat and put it on his head. Reaching up with his thumb and forefinger, he pulled it down over his face. He walked passed them both, taking the time to reach out and give her hand a squeeze before he continued on, through the door.

  Once he was gone Jayda scooped up her purse and coat and hurried out the door, ignoring Luke, refusing to even look at him. He’s done enough.

  She burst through the door, her heels hitting the gravel in the parking lot with a crunch. Her heels sunk, causing her to brace just a little. Continuing on, she refused to look behind her to see if he was following along.

  When she finally reached her car she heaved a sigh and threw open her car door, throwing her purse in the passenger’s side.

  “Jayda,” She turned as soon as she heard his voice.

  “What do you want, Luke?” She was tired and she just wanted to go home and get into a bath. Besides, he was not on her list of favorite people at the moment.

  “I think you know what I want.” Luke stood only inches from her, his jaw clenched hard as he stared at her.

  “You mean other than humiliating me in a restaurant filled with people while I’m trying to create relationships you told me to go after?” She put her hand on her hip, a challenge in her eyes.

  “Dammit, Jayda. I asked you to talk to them, not flirt with them.” Luke’s spat the words.

  “I’m not, I wasn’t flirting with them. Dustin was being kind. That is all.”


  He called it, and he was right. She braced herself but she didn’t know if she could handle what was coming next.

  “I want you for myself. I’ve been living in a fantasy, thinking you would just see how much I want you. So I’m telling you,” He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into him. “I want you. Not just in my bed. In my life.”

  She failed to brace herself for his kiss. When his lips touched hers she melted against him, leaning into him like nothing had ever happened between them. His touch, it felt exactly like what she needed in that very moment.

  “Why?” She breathed once she finally came back to reality and pushed him away from her.

  “Because you are smart, you have great instincts, you care. It isn’t all that easy a combination to find. I won’t give up.” Luke threaded his fingers through her hair, tugging lightly on a strand before it fell away.

  “Come home with me.”

  She wanted him, and she wanted him now. He was right, a man like Dustin wasn’t what she wanted, Luke was. Every last drop of him.

  “Not until you tell me that your mine.” He tugged her tighter to him, her soft flesh pressing against his hardened muscles.

  She knew she had to make a decision.

  “It doesn’t change the fact that I am irritated with you.”

  “Just say it.”

  “I am… yours.”

  Jayda released her grip on Luke and backed away, sliding through the car doorway and into the driver’s seat.

  “If you want me, get in the passenger’s seat. It’s my turn to take you for a ride.” She tapped her left foot and waited.

  Luke walked around the car, slid into the passenger’s seat, “Show me what you’ve got.”

  She took off down the road. It faded from an urban route to a country road quickly, buildings giving way to fields. Red lights gave way to pastures empty from harvest, and livestock still milling about.

  Jayda had never had a lover in her home before. It was personal. A private retreat that she only shared with select family and friends. But if she was going to make a decision to let him in, she had
to let him completely into her life.

  They followed a twisted and winding road for miles until she turned off onto a smaller, unpaved road. It led them out to a background littered with trees and fields in the mid stages of turning over for the winter. Muted autumn colors greeted them as twilight fell and the night sky came into view.

  After a little while, they came upon a small home. Her home. It wasn’t much, just a small, whitewashed cottage, but it was hers. Never one to rely entirely on her parent’s wealth, Jayda had saved all the money she had earned and purchased it outright when it was obvious that she was going to have to move from the lake out here, towards the end.

  “You live all the way out here?” He asked as she pulled into the driveway and parked. “Don’t you have some fancy mansion you inherited or something?”

  “I like my privacy.” It was the only answer she had to give him. The truth was she couldn’t stand to be in that house. She didn’t grow up there, it wasn’t hers. This little place, it felt more like home than anywhere she ever lived before.

  “I see.”

  She slid out of the car and walked towards her home, not waiting for him to catch up. She wanted inside the house, especially now that the chill of fall was whipping through the trees. His long strides meant he caught up with her quickly, his tall frame overwhelming her as she fished her keys out of her purse and fumbled with the lock.

  A quick key turn and a moment later she was in her own home. Without thinking of her guest, she removed her shoes by their heel and sighed as her bare feet hit the carpet. She had decorated the home in a shabby chic style and nothing was particularly fancy. No one would ever guess, from looking around, that she was the daughter of a millionaire. Used furniture that had been repainted to match her taste was scattered throughout the home and a simple couch completed the living room.

  Thankful for the reprieve from her heels, she padded through her living room towards the kitchen.

  “Feel free to make yourself at home. Wine?” She asked from the kitchen as she dug into the refrigerator, reaching for a bottle of sweet white wine she had been saving for an emergency. This definitely counted as one.


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