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Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2)

Page 30

by Mel LeBrun

  They left their prisoner in the trunk while they took a tour of the house. It was fully furnished and the kitchen was stocked with bottled water and some canned food. Martin went to the bathroom to clean himself up while Michael called Josh to update him on the situation.

  Josh was relieved to hear that Martin was safe but not thrilled to hear they had to worry about local police now. Michael suggested they leave the hotel. They had checked in with the Maxima that now contained a dead man. The police would eventually discover the hotel room. Josh agreed and told Gatti and his son not to get comfortable. He instructed them to wait outside the hotel for him to return with a vehicle. They were going to join Michael at the safe house until they could find another suitable location.

  Chapter 35

  Josh arrived at the safe house with Gatti and Todd. As the hours ticked away, Gatti was finding it increasingly difficult to cope. Todd was not coping at all. He frequently burst into tears, worried sick for his mother and sister. Gatti could do little to comfort him.

  Josh helped Michael remove their prisoner from the trunk of the car. They brought the man into the kitchen and tied him to one of the chairs. Gatti asked Todd to wait in one of the bedrooms while they interrogated their captive. He didn't want to go but with everyone else backing Gatti he finally relented and did as he was asked.

  They interrogated the prisoner until dawn with no success. His tolerance of pain was impressive. He was loyal. Michael knew they wouldn't be able to break him without the help of some drugs and they were running out of time for that. They couldn't even be sure he knew anything useful.

  Michael turned to Gatti. “You should go to work. It needs to look like you're going to give them what they want.”

  Gatti ran his hand down his face and nodded as he looked away. Tears he had been trying to hold back for hours finally gave way. “I don't know if I can do this, Michael. I know they're going to kill them.”

  Michael didn't know what to say. The situation was dire. He tried to push aside his own feelings about what was happening and stay objective. “When they call, you should ask for proof of life pictures. Maybe there will be a clue in the background that lets us know where they're being held.” Michael knew it was a long shot but it was all he could think of.

  Gatti looked up at Michael like he just had the idea of the century. “Oh my God, why didn't I think of that?”

  Michael gave him a funny look. He didn't think his suggestion was that good.

  “I'm sorry, I don't follow,” Michael said.

  “Everyone uses their cell phones for everything. They'll probably take the picture with a cell phone. If they have GPS enabled on it then the location will be in the picture's meta data.” Gatti's mood had lifted to almost giddy. “We'll know where they are.”

  “That's great.” Michael hoped the criminals weren't aware of that, but didn't want to deflate Gatti's mood so he didn't say anything. “You should get ready to go to work. I'll call a cab for you.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  As Gatti left to get prepared for work Michael felt sick. He worried they wouldn't be able to save Gatti's family. He knew Gatti was counting on him and more than anything he wanted to come through for him, just as Gatti had done many times in the past. He breathed a heavy sigh and looked out the window.

  GATTI ARRIVED at work and anxiously walked to his office feeling paranoid about everyone that greeted him. He sat at his desk and tried to resume his work looking through security footage of cell phone purchases. The videos were gone. He then looked for Meier's videos and discovered they too were missing. His heart pounded and he felt faint. His hands shook and he broke out in a cold sweat. He began checking for other items in his office. Everything else was untouched. The two most important things he was working on, however, were missing and he once again began to doubt the trustworthiness of his boss.

  He was about to call Michael when the phone that the kidnappers had given him rang. He didn't think he could have felt more afraid. He answered the phone, a noticeable tremble in his voice betraying him.

  “Are you going to do what we ask?” a man asked.

  “Yes. I have already deleted the files. I just have to wipe the backups. I'll do everything you ask. Please don't hurt my family.”

  “I will call back in a few hours. You'd better have it done by then.”

  “I need proof of life,” Gatti said before the kidnapper could hang up. It took all the nerve he had to ask. “I need a picture of my wife and daughter. I need them to hold a piece of paper with this date and time on it so I know they are still alive. If they're not alive, there is no need for me to do what you want.”

  The kidnapper was hardly surprised by the request. “You'll get your proof. Just do what we ask.”

  Gatti swallowed hard as the caller hung up. His hands now shook violently and he couldn't restrain the urge to vomit, using his trash can. He dialed Michael to tell him about the new development and the phone call.

  “Who could have taken the videos from your office?” Michael asked in disbelief.

  “Someone with higher clearance than me.”

  “Your boss?”

  “Maybe. I don't know Michael. I can't take this. I need to get my family back.”

  “They're going to send you the photo right?”


  “Let's work from that. In the meantime, maybe you should leave work. It might not be safe there.”

  Gatti nodded. “Okay. I'll call you when I'm out.”

  Gatti closed up his office and walked briskly through the hall towards the exit. His phone rang as he hailed a cab. He saw it was Douglas. Not knowing if he could be trusted he decided not to answer.

  ONCE GATTI was certain he wasn't being followed he returned to the safe house. When he entered, Michael asked if he had received the proof of life photos yet. The answer was no. There was nothing they could do in the meantime but wait.

  Gatti slumped on the couch, exhausted and tense at the same time. Not having slept the night before, it was a struggle to stay awake. Josh suggested he try to get some rest and they would wake him if there was any activity on his phone. Gatti lay down on one of the beds and tried to sleep. In spite of how utterly fatigued he was, he couldn't sleep. His mind kept returning to thoughts of his wife and daughter.

  Thirty minutes later he received a text. It was the photos. One of his wife and one of his daughter. They still had the duct tape around their heads, their hands were still bound and they still looked terrified. They were holding large pieces of paper with the date and time of Gatti's last conversation with the kidnappers. Michael woke him and showed him the pictures.

  “I need to look at these on a computer,” Gatti said.

  “Maybe Jess can help,” said Michael. He pulled out his phone and called Dmitri.

  “Hey, Dmitri. How's Jess doin?”

  “She is doing good. She has so many stories about you it is actually quite amusing.”

  “Great,” Michael said sarcastically. “Is she awake? Can I talk to her?”

  “Sure. She's right here.”

  “Hey Michael,” Jessica greeted him. “How's Tim?”

  “Holding up. Listen, do you have your laptop?”

  “Yeah, it's still here.”

  “If I give you a phone number, do you think you could get a location off two pictures that were just sent to it?”

  “I can certainly try. What's the number?”

  Michael gave her the phone number and asked her to call him back as soon as she learned anything. She called back in forty-five minutes.

  “I was able to get the GPS coordinates of where the pictures were taken. I took the liberty of translating that into an address for you. Don't ask me to explain how.”

  “You're wonderful,” Michael praised her as he wrote down the address.

  “I know.” She grinned.

  “You didn't happen to check if the phone that sent the pictures was still on? Maybe get a position?”

  “I did
check and it was off. Sorry.”

  “Don't be sorry. You did great.”

  “Be careful, Michael.”

  “I will sweetheart. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Michael hung up the phone and smiled at Gatti. “We have an address.”

  UNABLE TO reach Gatti by phone, Douglas called the security desk and inquired if Gatti had come in to work that day. They informed him that he had come in but he had just left.

  “Did he say why he was leaving?” Douglas asked.

  “No,” the security guard replied. “But he looked terrible.”

  “All right. Thank you.”

  Douglas hung up the phone and immediately dialed another number.

  “Director Thompson,” Douglas greeted him. “I need to meet with you about a situation … I can be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Douglas hung up the phone and grabbed his suit jacket. He arrived at Thompson's office in the time he said he would. He was shown in and took a seat in front of his desk.

  “So,” Thompson said as he sat back in his chair. “What did you need to speak to me about?”

  “We have a situation with one of our agents. He's been working on an operation that involves a slave trader. We'd gathered enough evidence to take him down.”

  Thompson leaned forward resting his elbows on his desk. “Is this the operation you were conducting in New York?”

  Douglas sighed. “More or less.”

  Thompson was clearly perturbed. “So Agent Corvo?”

  Douglas nodded. “Yes, he was part of it.”

  “And is he really missing?”

  Douglas shook his head. “He's recovering in a hospital. He just started to speak again. We might be able to ask him a few questions in another day or so.”

  Thompson looked thoroughly disgusted. “Why did you keep this from me?”

  “It was an active investigation and I wasn't sure where it would lead. No reason to involve you if it panned out to be nothing.”

  “So why involve me now? What's the problem?” Thompson leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  “Agent Timothy Gatti was heading up the operation. His family has been kidnapped. They want to trade the evidence for his family.”

  “Kidnapped by who?”

  Douglas shook his head. “Someone who works for Felix Meier.”

  “Is that your 'slave trader'?”

  Douglas nodded.

  “What are you doing with Gatti?”

  “I got him stashed in an FBI safe house just outside D.C.”

  “You're not considering giving in to their demands are you?” Thompson asked.

  Douglas scoffed. “Not me. Gatti on the other hand. He's unpredictable.” Douglas took a deep breath. “I just thought I should inform you of the situation. I trust you will keep this confidential?”

  “Of course,” Thompson replied confidently. “I trust I'll get to read a report on this?”

  Douglas smiled then reached into his bag and pulled out a sealed envelope with “TOP SECRET” stamped across it. Thompson thanked him as he took it from him.

  “And I expect to receive copies of the evidence you've gathered on Meier,” Thompson added.

  “I don't see why you would need that,” Douglas protested.

  “To make sure your agent hasn't destroyed it to save his family,” Thompson replied.

  Douglas was visibly upset by the remark. “You don't trust me to handle this?”

  Thompson tossed the report on his desk and leaned back in his chair. “You have one agent recovering in the hospital. Another had his family kidnapped. I'd say you're doing a bang-up job so far,” Thompson said mockingly.

  Douglas gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. “I'll get it to your office as soon as I can.”

  “You have one hour.”

  An awkward pause followed.

  “Yes sir,” Douglas reluctantly agreed.

  Not wanting to discuss the matter further Douglas excused himself from his office. He phoned Thompson an hour later.

  “Why haven't I received the evidence yet?” Thompson asked.

  “About that.” Douglas sighed. “I can't seem to locate it at the moment.”

  “Have you spoken with Agent Gatti? Has he told you what he's done with it?”

  “I spoke with him on the phone and he assures me it is safe. Unfortunately though, I will not be able to give you a copy at the moment.”

  “I think your agent is trading that evidence for his family.”

  “I ... I don't ... I'm sure that's not the case.”

  “Even you don't believe that.”

  “It's all right. We know where he is.”

  “I foresee this getting out of control.”

  “I can handle it.”

  “You'd better. Or I will end your career.” Thompson abruptly hung up the phone.

  Douglas took a deep breath and smiled as he returned the handset to its dock.

  Thompson was already dialing Meier on his other phone as he was ending his conversation with Douglas.

  “You have good news, I hope,” said Meier.

  “Gatti came through for us. I have his location and that of Agent Corvo as well.”

  “I am very pleased with your work.” The smile on Meier's face was obvious through his tone. “This could have ended us. Once they are gone, we'll have averted a complete disaster.”

  “What about Gatti's wife and daughter?” Thompson asked.

  “As soon as Gatti is taken care of, I'll put the girl in one of my warehouses. The mother isn't much use to me. No one wants an old tired hag.”

  “Can I have the girl first?”

  “I think you've earned it. Consider it done.”

  A sick grin crossed Thompson's lips as he hung up the phone.

  MICHAEL, JOSH, and Martin were prepping for the rescue of Gatti's family when the house phone sprang to life. They didn't think they should answer so they let it ring. One of Martin's contacts provided them with shotguns, additional ammo, and some flashbangs. They were checking the equipment and trying to focus on the task at hand, but the ringing continued for ten minutes straight.. Martin had enough and picked it up on the next ring.

  “Michael?” A man's voice came over the line.

  Martin held the phone out to Michael, not even attempting to hide his irritation. “It's for you.”

  Michael gave him a look as he took the phone from him.

  “Who's this?” Michael asked.

  “It's best we don't use names,” the caller said.

  “You just used my name,” Michael replied annoyed.

  “Right. It's best not to use my name then.”

  “Director Douglas,” Michael said in defiance when he finally recognized the voice.

  Douglas sighed loudly. “I just thought you should know there is a hit squad headed your way right now.”

  “I'm sorry, what?”

  Douglas spoke slowly and condescendingly. “There is a group of assassins coming to kill you.”

  “I heard you. How did they find us? You're the only one who knew we were here!” Michael couldn't hide his fury.

  “I told Thompson and he told Meier.”

  “You did what?!”

  “I had no choice. Time was running out. Look I can't explain everything right now. The assassins think Gatti is there alone with his son. They don't know you're there. I imagine it should be easy for you and your friends to handle, but if you need back-up, I can try to send someone.”

  Michael couldn't believe his ears. “Would they even get here in time?”

  “Probably not.”

  “You're unbelievable.” Michael slammed the phone down.

  Everyone was gathered waiting to hear what was going on. Michael tried to calm himself before he spoke. He looked at Gatti and then his son.

  “Tim, you need to take Todd into the basement right now.”

  “What's going on?” Gatti asked.

  “Meier's men are on their way
here to kill you.”

  Everyone had the same reaction as Michael when they heard the news.

  “There's no time to analyze this,” Michael said. “You need to get someplace safe right now and let us handle this.”

  “Michael, I can help,” Gatti insisted.

  Michael shook his head. “No. If we don't succeed, you need to protect your son.”

  Gatti reluctantly followed Michael's direction and took Todd into an inner room in the basement.

  “You really think we won't succeed?” Martin asked once Gatti was gone.

  “No, we will. I just don't want Tim getting shot. He's not as good as he thinks he is.”

  Martin smirked and shook his head.

  “How do you want to handle this?” Josh asked.

  “Well, they're going to focus on the house. So maybe two outside, one inside?”

  “Sounds good,” Josh agreed. “Martin and I can take outside.”

  “Sure.” Michael nodded. “Let's get in position.”

  A FEW MINUTES later a car parked on the road a few houses away. Three men walked toward the house splitting off as they got near. Two headed for the back while the third went to the front door. The man at the front door was merely there to flush Gatti and his son to the backdoor where the two other men were waiting to take them out.

  The man fired at the locks on the front door and then kicked it in. Since he figured Gatti would be armed, he quickly sought cover pressing his back against the outside wall of the house next to the open door. He took a quick peek inside and saw no one. His teammates were still waiting at the backdoor for someone to run out. He slowly and carefully walked into the house. As he walked past the coat closet the door opened and Michael pressed his gun against the back of the man's head. The man raised his arms in surrender and Michael relieved him of his weapon. He fired the man's gun twice.

  “Tell your men you got them,” Michael instructed him.

  The man remained silent.

  Michael shoved the gun harder into his head. “Tell them.”


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