The Not-Quite States of America
Page 27
In addition to the copious amounts of reading, I also conducted dozens of interviews, as discussed throughout the book and noted in the acknowledgments section.
Finally, I must give credit to two earlier travelogues that helped show me the way: Simon Winchester’s Outposts (1985) and Harry Ritchie’s The Last Pink Bits (1997), both of which traipse through the cultures, histories, and modern-day lives of the British colonies.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate maps; page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.
Abramoff, Jack, 194
Adams, John Quincy, 121
Affordable Care Act, 40
Afghanistan, 154
Aghurubw, 169
agriculture, 15, 16–17. See also sugar plantations
Aguijan, Northern Mariana Islands, 169
Aibonito, Puerto Rico, 243
Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 184
’aigas, 79, 91, 106
aitu, 94, 185
Ala’ilima, Charles, 72, 72n, 74, 82, 89, 97, 98–99
Alailima, Marie, 89–90, 95
Alaska, 12, 19, 82, 178
Albizu Campos, Pedro, 240–41
Aleutian Islands, 131
Alexander, Archibald Alphonso, 31
Algarín, Miguel, 230
alias, 90
“alien races,” 54, 98, 108, 149–50
alpacurrias, 231–32
American Exceptionalism, 115, 155–56
American experience, offshoring of, 155–56
American Indians, 10–11, 24, 73
Americanization, 78, 97, 218
American Memorial Park, Garapan, 171, 171n, 191
American Radio Propagation Field Station, 86n
American Samoa, xiii, xv, xvii, xix, xxiii, 49–108, 50, 163, 178, 179, 181–82, 185, 196–97, 264, 272; adaptability of Samoan culture, 96–97; administration of, 252; Americanization in, 75–77, 78, 84, 97, 108; anti-citizenship case in, 81–82; “benign neglect” of, 88; birthright citizenship and, 81–83; casualty rate in, 76–77, 145; Chinese immigrants in, 97–98, 99; Christianity in, 96–97; Christian missionaries in, 75; churches in, 79; citizenship and, 71–74, 77, 85, 97, 99, 106, 250–51, 276; colonialism in, 80, 183; designation of, xxviii; diabetes in, 77; due process and, 90; economy of, 218; educational system of, 88; enlistment rate in, 76–77, 145; exploitation of foreign labor in, 98–99; federal agencies and, 89–90; Filipino immigrants in, 98–99; football in, 75–76; globalization in, 78; human trafficking in, 98–99; illegal aliens in, 98–99; immigration and labor oversight in, 98–99; indigenous traditions in, 98; Jones Act and, 257–58; Korean immigrants in, 99; land ownership laws in, 80–82; matai-only senate in, 82; missionaries in, 96–97, 107; Mormon missionaries in, 102–3; Native Lands Ordinance, 80; naturalization and, 71–72; naval rule of, 80; in the NFL, 271; non-Samoans in, 98; Office of Immigration, 99; Olympic team, 237n; political status of, 71–74, 77, 85–87, 218, 250–51, 279; protection of land in, 90–91, 106; relationship with the United States, 77, 218; tsunami in, 89; tuna in, 89; unemployment rate in, 89; U.S. Army in, 88; U.S. Congress and, 82–83, 87; U.S. Constitution and, 81–83; U.S. embassies in, 72, 72n; U.S. government and, 88–90; U.S. takeover of, 80, 82–83, 87–88; Vietnamese immigrants in, 99; villages in, 79–81; World War II and, 145; Zika virus and, 272
Ana, 232, 243
Andersen Air Force Base, 151, 154
Anderson, Lonzo, 28
Anglo-Saxon ideals, 54
Anglo-Saxon Protestant exceptionalism, 129
Anguilla, 182n
Anne, 8, 24, 25, 45, 46
annexation, 54–55; treaties of, 73
anti-American propaganda, 179
anti-citizenship case, 81–82
anticolonial movement, 178–79, 249–50
anti-imperialism, 70, 249–50
Apia, 63, 72n
Apollo missions, 87
Apra Harbor, Guam, 130, 151
Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 241
Argentina, 11, 182n
Arkansas, 11
Arroyo, Puerto Rico, 233, 239
Asan Beach, 142
Asia-Pacific Shift, 155, 278
assimilation, 54–55, 77
Associated Press, 193
Asu, 113, 118
Atlantic, 69, 122, 149
Atlantic Ocean, 12
Attu, 131
Aunu’u, 64, 102–4, 185
Australia, 62
’ava ceremonies, 80, 97
Axis powers, 131, 176
Ayala, César J., 225, 238
Ayala, Jesus, 211–14, 220, 223–26, 229–32, 237
B-29 Superfortress long-range bombers, 174
Bajo Nuevo Bank, xx, 18
Baker Island, xx, 135–38, 278
Baltimore, Maryland, 18
Balzac v. Porto Rico, 71
Banzai Cliff, Saipan, 171
Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, 243–45, 246–48, 272
Bastian, Jeannette Allis, 45–46
Battle of Guam, 146–47
Battle of San Juan Hill, 124
Battle of Santiago de Cuba, 222
Battle of the Philippine Sea, 170
Beagles, John, 38–42
Beagles, Karen, 38–42
Bell, Kenneth, 136
Bermuda, 182n
Bernabe, Rafael, 225, 238
Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, 200, 201–2, 205
Bikini Jack, 201–2. See also Niedenthal, Jack
Bill of Rights, 71, 157
Bingham, Hiram III, 83
bioluminescence, 265–67
birthright citizenship, 72–74, 81–83, 85, 250–51, 276
Bishop Museum, 136–37
Black, Hugo, 157
Blackbeard, 28
Blackbeard’s Castle, 26–27
Blas, Carl, 138–39, 140, 142, 143, 144–45, 146, 147–48, 154, 163, 266
Blas, Carl Jr., 145
Bloomberg View, 255
Bluebeard, 28
BlueMountain Capital, 257
Bob the Gringo, 232–34, 235, 236, 237, 238, 250
Bockscar, 174
bomba, 230
Bordeaux Farmer’s Market, 13, 41
boricua, 220
Borinquen (Borikén), 220
“La Borinqueña,” 220
Boumediene v. Bush, 275–76
Bowe, John, 193, 207
Boyer, William, 23–24
Boys Life, 85
Bravo test, 200
British Empire, xxiv–xxv, 120–21
British Virgin Islands, 6, 20n, 182n
Brown, Pam, 207
Bryan, William Jennings, xxii, 69
Bryson, Bill, 9
Buddhoe, 23, 45–46
Burnett, Christina Duffy, 52n
Burr, Aaron, 11
Bush, George W., 197; administration of, 275
Café Lucia, 244, 247, 272, 273
Caguas, Puerto Rico, 223–26
California, 11–12, 62, 67, 84
Calle Flamboyan, Esperanza, Puerto Rico, 262
Calliope, 63
Calvo, Eddie, 120
Camacho, Felix, 120
Candyman, 100–101, 102
Canton Island, 138
Caparra, Puerto Rico, 220
the Caribbean, 6, 8, 25–26
Caribs, 24
Carlos, 243–45, 247–49, 266, 273–74
Caroline Island, 179
Carolinian Affairs Office, 181
Carolinians (Refulawasch), 168, 169–70, 170, 176, 180, 182, 186–87, 188
Carter, Jimmy, 242
Casa del Trovador (House of the Troubadour), 226–27
Castillo San Cristóbal, 220
Castillo San Felipe del Morro (El Morro), 219–22
Catholic Church, 120, 122, 129, 141
Cayman Islands, 182n
Center for I
ndividual Freedom, 256–57
César, 233, 234, 236–39, 259
Chafee, John, 264
Chamorro culture, 125–26, 127, 129, 143, 152; Chamorro barbecue, 119; Chamorro language, 129; Filipino influence on, 118; Mexican influence on, 118; Spanish influence on, 118, 119; U.S. influence on, 118, 119
Chamorro Insular Guard, 131
Chamorros, 113–15, 118–20, 122, 128, 139, 140–42, 144, 146, 168–70, 176, 182, 186–89, 197
Chamorro Village, 118–19
Charlotte Amalia, Queen, 24
Charlotte Amalie, Saint Thomas, 5–6, 8, 15, 19–24, 26–29, 33, 45, 60, 61, 145
Chema, Don, 227
Chicago, Illinois, 230, 242
Chile, 11
China, 154, 155, 190, 191, 203, 277–78
Chinese Exclusion Act, 70
Chinese immigrants, 188, 190, 191–94, 195
Christian, King, 19, 23
Christianity, 76, 96–97. See also Catholic Church
Christiansted, Saint Croix, 31–32, 33–35, 38, 43–44
Chun Yu Wang, 191–93, 195–96
Chutaro, Ben, 204, 205, 206
Chutaro, Chuji, 204
Chuuk, 177
Chuuk Lagoon, 199n
CIA, 177, 275
citizenship, 71–73, 74, 81–83, 85, 250–51, 276. See also specific territories
Civil War, 19
clave, 214
Cleveland, Grover, 62
climate change, 205
Clinton, Hillary, 272
Cockscomb Point, 95n
Cold War, 151, 178–79, 200, 260, 274
Collazo, Oscar, 241
Colombia, 11, 18
Colombus, Christopher, 20, 24
colonialism, 9, 24, 25, 30, 41, 73, 157, 178–79, 190, 218, 220, 242; palimpsest of, 23–24; secondhand colonies, 129–30; Spanish, 122–23, 168. See also anticolonial movement; imperialism; specific territories
Columbus, Christopher, 220
commonwealth, definition of, 182–83, 235–36
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), 164–65, 168–69, 181, 204, 272; Chinese in, 188, 190; citizenship and, 183, 195–96, 206–7; as commonwealth, 182, 183–84; Constitution of, 182; Covenant of, 181–82, 183, 189–90; debt bondage in, 192; economy of, 218; factories in, 190; Filipinos in, 188; garment industry in, 190–96, 191n, 218; immigrants in, 190–96; immigrant workers in, 190–94; immigration and labor oversight in, 189–90; Indigenous Affairs Office, 181; indigenous land ownership in, 182; Jones Act and, 257–58; labor issues in, 189–94; land use in, 182; Liberation Day, 176; minimum wage in, 189–90, 192–93, 194; political issues in, 188; political status of, 181–82, 218; retirement age in, 197; Supreme Court, 164–65; tourism in, 190, 194–95; United States and, 181–82, 189–90, 198, 218. See also Northern Mariana Islands; specific islands
commonwealths, xxvii–xxviii, 42, 182–83, 235–36, 236
Community Fisheries Management Program, 90
Compact of Free Association, 198, 202, 204
Confederacy, 19
Contessa of Saint Croix, 163
corporations, tax breaks for, 255
Crawford, Joan, 56, 56n
Cristiansted, Saint Croix, 8
Croker, Richard, 70
Crystal Palace, 5–6, 27, 29
cuatro, 214
Cuba, 12, 121–24, 221, 222. See also Guantánamo Bay
Culebra, Puerto Rico, 217
Danes, 7–8, 12–14, 24, 25, 27–28, 44–45, 47
Danish archtitecture, 26
Danish National Archives, 45, 46
Danish Parliament, 19
Danish West Indies, 7–8, 19–20, 25, 26
Danish West Indies Historical Society, 8
Dannebrog, 20
David, 246–47, 248
DCI, 256–57
decolonization movements, 249–50. See also anticolonial movement
Deed of Cession, 64, 80
de Jongh, John, 43
DeLay, Tom, 189, 194
democracy: laboratories for, 189–90; territories and, 279
Democrats, 69–70
Denis, Nelson A., 241
Denmark, 11, 19, 20, 24. See also Danes
Desi, 186, 188
Dexter, 34–37, 38, 39n, 41
dinoflagellates, 265–66
the dollar, 198
Dookhan, Isaac, 23–24
Douglas, 216
Downes v. Bidwell, 53, 54–55, 71, 223
Duenas, Jesus Baza, 139, 141, 142, 154, 163
Duenas, Tony, 105, 138–39, 147, 266
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 62, 63, 207, 263
the Dutch, 24, 221
Earhart, Amelia, 137, 184
Eber, 63
Ebeye Island, 205
Edda, 246–47, 248
elections, xxiii
Electoral College, xxiii, 279
Ellis Island, 73–74
El Blok, 262
El Cortijo, 246–47
El Morro, 219–22
El Yunque rain forest, 231–32
Em, 66–67, 68
Emancipation Garden, 23–24, 45, 247
Emanuel, 244, 272, 273
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 16
Emma, 186–87, 188
Empire, 269–80
empire, xxiv–xxv, 18, 25, 31, 70–71, 73, 121, 149, 183, 207. See also imperialism
Enderbury Island, 138
Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, 200
Enola Gay, 174
Enrique, Jose, 262–63
Esperanza, Puerto Rico, 259–60, 262
Espiritismo, 212–13
ESPN the Magazine, 76
Estado Libre Asociado (ELA), 235–36, 240–41, 276
Estate Whim, 44–45
Ethiopia, 25
Europe and European Union, 11, 203. See also specific countries
European settlers, 24
Evalani & Her South Seas Islanders, 66
exceptionalism, 129, 155–56
expansionism, 10–13, 16–17, 54–55, 69–70, 127, 249
fa’afafine (“way of the woman”), 97
fa’asamoa (the Samoan Way), 59, 79–80, 81–82, 96–97, 99, 105
Faha, Guam, 141
fales, 79, 80, 91, 92, 94, 96, 100, 101, 102, 105, 196–97
Falkland Islands (Malvinas), 182n
fandango, 129n
Farrell, Don, 169, 171n
Fat Man, 174, 175
Federal Communications Commission, 198
Federal Emergency Management Administration, 198
Federalist Party, 11
Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), 198, 199n, 236
Felix, 258
fertilizer, 17
Fiery Cross Reef, 278
Fiesta of Saint Rita, 120
Fiesta Resort, 196
Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián, 216–17, 231
FIFA, 76
Figueroa Cordero, Andrés, 241–42
Fiji, 57
Filipinos, 70, 188
“Fisherman’s War,” 260–61
fishing vessels, 89
Fitial, Benigno, 189
Flores, David, 144
Flores Rodríguez, Irving, 241–42
the Fono, 60
fono, 80
football (U.S.), 75–76
Foraker Act, 222–23
Fort Christian, 20, 21
Fort Santa Cruz, 123–24
Fortuño, Luis, 255
Fountain Valley Golf Course, shooting at, 7, 37
Fourteenth Amendment, 72–73
France, 11, 24, 182n
Fraunces Tavern, 242
Frederiksted, Saint Croix, 4, 46
“freely associated state,” 153, 236
French Knights of Malta, 24
French Polynesia, 182n
Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN), 242
fue whisk, 80
Galaup de la Pérouse, Jean-François de, 62
Garapan, Saiipan, 164, 169, 171, 189
bsp; Garapan, Saipan, 166–67
Gary, 203
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), elimination of, 194–95
George V, xxiv, xxv
Germany, 20, 62, 63–64, 130, 169, 199
Ghana, 176
Gibraltar, 182n
Gilmer, William, 129, 129n
Glass, Henry, 123–24, 169
globalization, 23–24, 78, 98
Gonzales v. Williams, 73–74
González, Isabel, 73–74
Goodridge, Walt, 163–66, 177, 180, 184, 191, 194, 195, 272
Gordon, Walter A., 31
Gran Migración (Grand Migration), 227–28, 230
Great Britain, xxiv–xxv, 11, 24, 62, 63–64, 120–21, 182n, 220–21
“Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere,” 130–31
Great Lameshur Bay, Saint John, 87n
Great Recession, 255
El Grito de Lares (“The Cry of Lares”), 221, 237
Guadalcanal, 141
Guam, xiii, xviii, xxi–xxii, xxivn, 42, 52, 72, 73, 109–59, 110, 169, 178, 179, 188, 189; administration of, 252; Americana in, 111–14, 115, 117, 126; Americanization of, 130–31; Annual Report of the Governor (1905), 128; casualty rate in, 145; Catholic Church in, 120, 141; citizenship and, 128–29, 151; during the Cold War, 151; as colony, 183; concentration camps during World War II, 141; congressional representation and, 146; connection to the land in, 152; designation of, xxvii; economy of, 218; enlistment rate in, 145; interracial marriage in, 129; Japan and, 119, 130–31, 133, 140–42, 146–47; Japanese air raids on, 131; Japanese occupation of, 133, 140–42, 146–47; Japanese population in, 119; Jesuit missionaries in, 120, 122–23; Jones Act and, 258n; land use in, 152, 154; legacy of war in, 139–40; liberation of, 141–42; military base on, 178, 278; motorcycle clubs in, 138–39, 139n; naval rule of, 128–29; Olympic team, 237n; opposition movement in, 153–54; Organic Act, 128, 151; party politics and, 264; political status of, 128–29, 153–54, 218; political status referendum in, 154; rejection of incorporation with Northern Mariana Islands, 179; renamed Omiya Jima under the Japanese, 140; Spanish Empire and, 120–23; Spanish influence on, 120; strategic military importance of, 150–51, 154–55; tourism in, 111–14, 126, 151, 155; travel ban in, 151, 157; typhoon in, 157–58; United States and, 128–30, 144, 145, 146–47, 150–55, 178, 218, 278; U.S. Census of, 128; U.S. Marines in, 152–53, 154; U.S. military and, 150–55, 178, 218, 278; U.S. reclaiming of, 146–47; U.S. takeover of, 128–30; U.S. troops in, 144, 145; veterans from, 138–39, 144; World War I and, 130; World War II and, 131–35, 140–42, 143–44, 146–47