Book Read Free

Mini Sweets

Page 2

by Helen Perelman

  Princess Mini looked up at Berry and smiled. “Bee-Bee,” she said. “Berry!”

  “Did she just say ‘Berry’?” Dash said.

  Berry thought her heart would burst. “She did! And she is smiling. She doesn’t seem sick. In fact, she seems perfect!” She gave the baby a tight squeeze and Princess Mini giggled.

  “Nothing better than a baby princess hug,” Berry said, grinning.

  Just then a sugar fly swooped in through the castle window and landed on Raina’s shoulder. Raina read the message and then gasped. “There is a gummy flower meltdown in Gummy Forest. I need to go and help out.”

  “Achooooo! Achooooo! ACHOOOO!”

  Princess Mini sneezed again. She was smiling and didn’t look upset, but those sneezes made her fairysitters nervous.

  “She’s fine,” Berry said. “Raina, go see what the trouble is and we’ll put Mini to bed. No need to worry. A couple sneezes doesn’t mean she’s sick.”

  As Raina flew off to see what the sugar fly message was all about, Berry hoped that what she’d said was true and that Princess Mini was not getting sick. No one wanted a sick baby fairy princess right before her first ball!

  Red Sour Cherry

  After sneezing at least ten times, Princess Mini went to sleep. Raina returned after Princess Mini had fallen asleep and reported that everything was all right in Gummy Forest. Their first day as fairysitters had a little excitement, but the evening had gone well.

  The next day, the sunrise in the sky was a delicious lemon-yellow and orange burst. Berry got up early and went to Fruit Chew Meadow to pick some juicy treats before breakfast.

  When Berry arrived at the meadow, she saw that Raina was already there. She flew over to her. “Is everything all right?” she asked. “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” Raina told her. “I felt terrible about Mini’s sneezes yesterday. I want to make sure that she has the best time today—and the best candy to eat.”

  “I know what you mean,” Berry said. “I thought I was the first one up this morning. I never get up so early!”

  “Did you finish sewing Mini’s cape last night?” Raina asked.

  Last night Berry had put the finishing touches on a new outfit she made for Princess Mini. She had been saving the sweet grape sugar cloth for something special and made the princess a royal cape. Berry was sure that Mini would love the soft material and the rainbow cotton candy collar. The cape would be so pretty against Mini’s strawberry blonde hair.

  “I did,” Berry told her. “I can’t wait for her to try it on.” She flew over to a cherry blossom and smelled the sweet scent. “Yum! We made these fruit chews together so they will be double sweet for Princess Mini.”

  The two friends picked all the ripe candies off the vine until both of their baskets were full.

  “What should we do this afternoon with Mini?” Raina asked.

  Berry snatched one more orange chew and put it in her basket. “We should go for a fly in the Royal Gardens,” she said. “The fresh air will be good for her.”

  Raina agreed. “That sounds like a sugar-tastic plan!”

  “Look at this,” Berry said, pointing to a puddle of melted gummy flowers. “There hasn’t been any rain or extreme weather. I wonder why this vine is all melted.”

  “Sometimes there’s a random melt,” Raina said, shrugging her shoulders. “At least it doesn’t look as bad as the Gummy Forest did yesterday.”

  A small sugar fly landed on Berry’s shoulder. “This must be Cocoa wondering when we are coming back,” she said.

  “Or Dash hoping we bring back some candy for her!” Raina said, laughing.

  Berry laughed. “Now that wouldn’t surprise me,” she said. But she stopped laughing when she read the note. “Oh no!” she exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” Raina asked.

  “Melli says we must return to the castle right away,” Berry read. “The sneezing is back and Princess Mini had a chocolate-caramel lollipop and now has red sour-cherry cheeks!”

  The two Candy Fairies flew back quickly and arrived to find Dash, Cocoa, and Melli circling Princess Mini’s crib.

  Melli turned to them and put her finger to her lips. “Shhh,” she said. “Princess Mini is finally asleep.”

  Raina flew over to the crib.

  The baby looked cozy and peaceful. “Her cheeks aren’t red,” she whispered. “You called us back to see her sleeping?”

  “Things were a little different a while ago,” Dash said. She quietly sat down on a lemon-colored pouf chair.

  Berry shook her head. “She seems fine now,” she said. “I don’t think we should worry anyone. Maybe it’s normal for the baby to have red checks.”

  “I don’t know,” Dash said slowly. “You didn’t see those red cheeks. They were sour-cherry red. It was not pretty.”

  Raina shook her head. “Well, her cheeks look fine now and she’s resting,” she said to Melli.

  “Let’s not argue,” Melli said. “We don’t want to upset Mini.” She motioned to the room off the nursery. “Let’s sit in our room so we don’t wake her.”

  “Melli has a point,” Cocoa said, flying into their room. “I’m exhausted from entertaining her all morning. We read books, sang songs, and played some games. Baby fairy princesses are a lot of work. I think Melli, Dash, and I used up all our tricks.”

  Berry put down her basket of fresh fruit chews. “How about we go for a fly in the Royal Gardens?” she said. She flew over and took out the purple cape. “And Princess Mini can wear this!”

  “Oh, Berry!” Melli exclaimed. “That is beautiful!”

  “She’s going to love that,” Cocoa said.

  “I want one of those,” Dash told Berry. She reached out to feel the soft fabric. “Oh, I love how it feels!”

  Berry smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “I hope Mini likes it.”

  “Achoooo! Achooo! ACHOOOOO!”

  “And she’s up!” Cocoa said.

  The friends flew over to the crib and saw Princess Mini sitting up with the reddest cheeks Berry had ever seen. “Oh, sweet strawberries,” she said. “Is that what you saw before?”

  “Yup,” Melli said. “Now you see why we sent the sugar fly to you.”

  “We have to tell the Castle Fairies and call the doctor,” Raina said. “Poor Princess Mini.”

  “I’ll go find one of the Castle Fairies,” Cocoa said as she flew quickly down the hall.

  “Bee-Bee,” Princess Mini chanted. “Berry!”

  Melli tapped Berry. “She’s asking for you,” she said.

  “Maybe she wants that purple cape,” Dash said. “Look how she’s reaching for it.”

  Princess Mini’s eyes were focused on the cape in Berry’s hands. Berry rushed over and draped the cape around the baby’s shoulders. The color was perfect for the little princess. She cooed when she felt the soft fabric. Berry touched her red cheek.

  Cocoa flew back into the room. “I asked Snaps, one of the Castle Fairies, to call Dr. Spice,” she said. “Snaps said the doctor will be here shortly.”

  “Let’s hope Dr. Spice knows what is going on with Mini,” Berry said. “Poor Princess Mini!”

  “Mini doesn’t look sick,” Dash said. “She looks super stylish in that cape.”

  “But those cheeks,” Berry said. “There’s something not right. She picked up the baby and gave her a hug. “The doctor is coming soon,” she said. “Just hold on.”

  Dr. Spice & Everything Nice

  Princess Mini had stopped sneezing, but her cheeks were still very, very red. She fell asleep in her crib wearing Berry’s purple cape. The five fairysitters were quietly flying circles in the room while they waited for the royal doctor to arrive.

  “Where is Dr. Spice?” Melli asked. She looked out the large castle window. “She should be here already.”

  There was a knock on the door. “I hope that’s Dr. Spice,” Dash said. She was the first one to the door.

  “Oh, I did
n’t know you would be here, Princess Dash,” Dr. Spice said when she saw Dash open the door. She bowed and looked a little flustered. “It is an honor to meet you, Princess Dash.”

  Dash turned peppermint red. Many fairies in Sugar Valley knew the story of how Dash had become a princess. The story of the long lost Peppermint princess was big news in Sugar Valley. Dash didn’t like people recognizing her and becoming flustered when they spoke to her. “I’m not the princess you need to be concerned about,” she said.

  “Dash,” Raina scolded her. “Don’t be rude.”

  “I’m sorry,” Dash said to Dr. Spice. She took the doctor’s hand. “Please stop bowing to me. We are very worried about Princess Mini. Her cheeks have been turning red after she sneezes. We aren’t sure what is happening.”

  “Let me examine her and I will let you know,” Dr. Spice told the fairies. “Please wait outside the room. I will come get you when I am done.”

  Berry wanted to stay with Mini, but she followed her friends out the door to the hallway.

  “I hope Mini is all right,” Cocoa said.

  “She’s in good hands,” Raina told her.

  “I still can’t get used to people calling me princess,” Dash said. She got up and flew back and forth in the hallway. “And all that bowing business makes me very uncomfortable.”

  “But it is your name and your title!” Raina told her. “Fairies are taught to bow to royalty. It’s a sign of respect.”

  Dash shook her head. “It still feels funny,” she said. “Especially here at Candy Castle where there is another super royal family.”

  “Any royal is a super royal,” Berry said. She glared at her minty royal friend. “Dash, please sit still. Your fluttering wings are making me nervous!”

  Dash landed and sat down with her back against the wall. “I’m sorry,” she said. “My wings just start to move when I feel nervous.”

  Melli sat down next to Dash. “I’m sorry,” she said. “We’re all worried about Princess Mini.” She looked at Dash’s face. “It must be strange for you to have people treat you differently now that you are a princess.”

  “I just wish fairies knew that I am still the same old Candy Fairy as before,” Dash said. “Sure, I have a kingdom now and everything, but I’m still me.”

  “With a title and a crown,” Berry added. Then she smiled. “You are still my good old minty Dash. Sure as sugar, that will never change.”

  “Thanks,” Dash said. “I think,” she added with a giggle. “Thanks for being such supersweet friends. Coming back to Candy Kingdom and being with all of you is really important to me.”

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Melli told her.

  “We will always be here for you, Dash,” Raina said. “Princess Dash, that is.” She flew over and gave Dash a tight squeeze.

  Cocoa flew to the princess’s door. “I wonder what Dr. Spice is saying to Mini. Do you think she woke her up?”

  Raina stood. “Princess Mini is a healthy baby,” she said. “She’s going to be fine.”

  Melli twirled her hair around her finger. “She was a healthy baby when her parents last saw her,” she whispered. “Oh, we should have sent a sugar fly to Princess Lolli.”

  “Let’s wait until we know what to tell her,” Cocoa said. “If this is serious, the doctor will let us know.”

  “I can’t keep still!” Dash exclaimed. “I have go check.”

  “Me too!” Berry said, leaping up.

  “If you’re going in, we’re all going in,” Melli said.

  Just then, the door opened and Dr. Spice flew out of the room. “Princess Mini went back to sleep,” she said quietly. “She is having an allergic reaction to something.” She looked at the five fairysitters. “I took a test and I will fly back tomorrow with the results.” The doctor sighed. “She will be fine.” She looked around at the five Candy Fairies. “No need for such worried faces!”

  “Her parents are away,” Raina said. “We need to send a sugar fly message.”

  “I have already done that,” Dr. Spice told them. “Don’t worry. Princess Mini is not in any danger. She just needs some rest. And some loving fairysitters.”

  “We can be loving fairysitters!” Berry said.

  “I am sure of that,” Dr. Spice said. “Please keep a list of things she eats. This reaction has something to do with what she is eating. Don’t worry, this is nothing that serious, but we need to find out what is making her sneeze. I will be back. Remember, you can always reach me by sugar fly.” She looked over at Dash and bowed her head. “Good day, Princess Dash.”

  Dash nodded. Berry thought her friend seemed a bit more comfortable, and she was glad.

  “I know just the thing to help Princess Mini,” Cocoa said. She snapped her fingers and her eyes sparkled. “I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before!”

  “What?” Melli asked.

  “An old Chocolate Fairy trick,” Cocoa said. “I know it will work.”

  Berry raised her dark eyebrows. She wasn’t sure that Cocoa’s chocolate trick would work.

  “It’s worth a try,” Cocoa said, looking at Berry. “I’ll be back before Sun Dip!”

  Berry was unsure about Cocoa’s chocolate thinking. “We’ll see,” she said. She took out a notepad and began writing down what she remembered the princess eating. She wanted to figure out what was making her sneeze!

  Chocolate Trick

  By the time Cocoa returned, Berry had written out all the foods and treats Princess Mini had eaten since Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop left. She kept staring at the list, hoping to see what might be causing the sneezes.

  “Nothing seems out of the ordinary,” Berry said to Raina. “She’s had all these foods before.”

  “Sometimes allergies just happen,” Raina said.

  “I have found the cure to Princess Mini’s sneezes!” Cocoa said, flying into the nursery with a bottle.

  “What?” Dash asked.

  “I went to the Chocolate Woods,” Cocoa said. She shook the bottle in her hand. “I made some special chocolate milk. It’s the best cure of all.”

  Berry flew over to Cocoa. “But Dr. Spice didn’t mention giving her anything like this,” she told Cocoa.

  “I’m sure it can’t hurt,” Cocoa said.

  “Write it down on the list,” Melli said.

  Cocoa shook the bottle and flew over to Mini’s crib. “This milk always made me feel better when I was little,” she said. “Mini’s had this treat before, but never fresh from the woods like this!”

  Berry looked over at Raina. She was very quiet. “What do you think?” Berry asked her.

  Raina shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try,” she said. “Dr. Spice didn’t say not to give Mini anything. She just said to write it down.” She pulled out a straw from a basket by her bed. “Here, put this caramel straw in the bottle for Mini. This will make it easier for her to drink.”

  Berry stood back as her friends gathered around Princess Mini’s crib. She didn’t like the idea that Cocoa had gotten something for Mini first. Berry had thought that she would get Mini a fruity drink. She, too, had had favorite drinks from when she was a young fairy and not feeling well.

  “Mini likes it!” Cocoa cheered. She beamed as Princess Mini cooed and drank up her chocolate milk.

  “You don’t have to be so proud of yourself,” Berry mumbled.

  Cocoa turned to glare at her. “Why are you so sour?” she asked.

  “I’m not sour,” Berry snapped.

  “Stop bickering, you two,” Melli said, holding up her hands. “Fairysitters are supposed to watch out for one another.”

  “And their fairy,” Raina said, peering into the crib. “Princess Mini seems all right. She drank the chocolate milk.”

  “See, I told you,” Cocoa said proudly.

  Berry narrowed her eyes. She didn’t mean to be so sassy. She never thought chocolate milk would be the answer!

  “Mini does seem happy,” Melli reported.
/>   Berry flew over to Princess Mini and handed her a small stuffed fairy doll. The doll was wearing a beautiful pink-and-white dress, and had the same color hair as Mini.

  “Holy peppermint!” Dash squealed. “That doll is sugar-tastic! You made it?”

  “I did,” Berry said. “I had one just like that when I was small. I used to make dresses for a doll just like this one.” She held up a few dresses in a rainbow of colors with tiny sugar crystals.

  “Of all the dolls you’ve given the princess, this one wins the prize,” Dash said.

  Princess Mini reached out and kissed the doll on the head. The little princess looked up at Berry. “Thank you, Berry!” she said.

  “She said my name again!” Berry cheered. She scooped up the princess in her arms. She snuggled her close and then held her up.

  “Achoooo! Achooo! ACHOOOOO!”

  Princess Mini was at it again!

  “Oh no!” Berry said. “Her cheeks are so red and now there are tiny bumps! I don’t think the chocolate milk helped.”

  “Those are hives!” Raina said. “That comes from an allergy. Poor Mini.”

  A sugar fly came into the nursery and landed on Melli’s shoulder. “I am afraid to read this note,” she said. “The last sugar fly was bad news about Gummy Forest.” She handed the letter to Raina.

  “Looks like a Caramel Hills meltdown is happening,” Raina said as she read the note. “Melli, this is from Cara and she needs your help.”

  Cara was Melli’s younger sister. She would not have sent for Melli if there wasn’t a real emergency in Caramel Hills.

  “What is going on?” Cocoa asked. “It’s one disaster after another since we came here to watch Mini.”

  “Maybe there’s a curse!” Melli gasped.

  Raina shook her head. “No, but I am beginning to think that Mini’s sneezes are more powerful than we thought.”

  Berry nodded her head. “Each time Mini has sneezed, some place in the kingdom has had a meltdown,” she said. “First Gummy Forest, then Fruit Chew Meadow, and now Caramel Hills.


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