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Secrets in the Dark

Page 7

by K D Michaels

  “Pizza for dinner?” Cortez batted her lashes at Ian jokingly.


  The next several days found Trident Security, Alpha Squad, Larry, Gene, Carter, and Alvarez working long, exhausting hours, brainstorming information, theories, going through the DVDs and the information Brody had come up with in the last few days.

  Alvarez looked up from the file that she was reading to the room. “Who was it that Candy had kidnap the two girls?”

  “Two guys were the main kidnappers. Asia Davenport, who is still in the wind and Peter Robinson who was gator bait the night several members of my team unofficially met Ian, Brody, and Marco. The leader of that pair is Jennifer Roberts.” Sgt. Brocard spared a quick glance over at Pratt at the same time the rest of Alpha Squad and Highlander did.

  “Wait…” Gene startled as he looked towards Pratt, after a few moments he glanced to Larry before staring at Pratt again. “Fuck!”

  Ian looked up at Larry and Gene confused at the same time Devon asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Pratt sighed heavily as she got up from her spot on the floor that she had chosen earlier in the day to look at a stack of papers and began pacing.

  “Jennifer Roberts is my stepsister. My parents divorced, then remarried. Jennifer is the daughter of my late stepmother who I killed seven years ago. She makes my sister Maria seem like a pauper.”

  “Lass, Maria thinks she’s a queen.”

  “Queen slut-bitch!” Diesel mumbled to herself.

  “Does this Jennifer know you are on the case?” Alvarez questioned, narrowing her eyes at Pratt.

  “More than likely…”

  “If she’s here in Tampa, then Tampa PD gets the collar unless Larry has his men take it. If we do it, she’ll use Pratt as the reason the team focused on her instead of the evidence at hand where she is concerned. We have to dot our I’s and cross our T’s. Especially since she blames Pratt for her mother’s death.” Sgt. Brocard informed everyone in the room.

  Pratt walked to the door hurriedly. “Excuse me.”

  “Fuck!” Highlander stood up and walked towards the door.

  “Give her a few minutes, Lt. Let’s clear up the questions that Trident will have first.” Sgt. Brocard suggested to Highlander.

  Larry and Gene exchanged glances then both men stood up, shutting the door to get everyone’s attention. All three men spent the next half an hour talking to the room about Jennifer and her mother. When everything was said and done, Ian stood up and walked to the door.

  “Devon, get everyone’s orders, check with the wives on what they want for lunch and call the order into Donovan’s. Highlander, I’m going to go outside and talk to your wife.”

  Ian walked outside to see Pratt sitting in their get together area, sitting in one of the lounges, petting his dog Bo.

  “He likes you, but then again, he likes anyone who gives him belly rubs, when he’s not in work mode.”

  Pratt looked up and gave Ian a weak smile. “He’s a good dog. Loves to play fetch it seems.”

  Ian chuckled. “Yes, he does.” Ian watched Pratt for a few moments, petting his dog, as he sat in the lounge chair opposite them. After a few moments, he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “Do you trust your husband?”

  Confused by the question, Pratt stared at Ian for a beat. “Of course. I wouldn’t have married him otherwise.”

  “Do you trust him with your life?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have married him otherwise.” Pratt repeated.

  Ian nodded, then went for the kill. “Then why do you question his trust in you?”

  “Huh? What are you talking about?”

  “At the apartment, you went to the SUV after your panic attack in the hidden room. Then again, you came outside, sitting here playing with my dog, when your stepsister was talked about. To me, it looks like you don’t trust your husband or his judgement.”

  Pratt kept staring at Bo during that statement while she got her words together.

  “All my life, because of my hearing loss and my weight struggles, I’ve been told I’m nothing, a nobody. My parents, even after their divorce treated me like I was a disgrace or an embarrassment to them. I went on to college, thinking they would be proud of me after graduating with honors. Nothing I did was good enough.”


  “When I got married, it wasn’t because either of us loved each other. It was an arranged marriage. Jon needed a wife on his arms that would make it seem like he was a family man to assist with his promotions in the Corps. Once he had several years under his belt, the Senator would start grooming him for life in politics.”

  “Arranged marriage? Thought that was outdated.”

  Pratt laughed. “Technically, yes, but certain social circles, no. While my parents aren’t billionaires, they are pretty well off thanks to investments my father made during his military years and beyond. Gets them into the country clubs and stupid shit like that. Always thought the women my mother and sister associated with were several nuggets and fries short of a happy meal.”

  Ian laughed, nodding his head. “My parents would agree with you.”

  Pratt smiled at Ian as she continued to pet the dog absentmindedly. “Needless to say, Jon and I divorced after the many affairs he had, one including my sister, Maria. I left, taking my son, Cody, with me. I became even more of an outcast to my parents over it. Jon married a stripper he knocked up and I moved in with my brother, Dominick.”

  “Knocked up a stripper? Talk about idiotville.”

  “Should see her too. A baboon’s ass is better looking. Only reason she was a good stripper was the Botox to the lips trying to get those Angelina Jolie lips and the huge fake ass tits.” Pratt put her hand out in the front of her chest to give Ian an idea of how big the boobs were.

  “Waste of money and boobs!”

  Pratt laughed heartily, nodding her head.

  “But, Laura, that doesn’t explain why you lower your head and cower like you did both times. I’m sure you’ve done it more than two times.”

  “I’m ashamed.”

  “Of doubting your husband’s trust in you?”

  “Of everything. Ian, my husband is good-looking and could have any woman on the planet. I’m a plain Jane. I’m overweight, more so since the birth of the twins. The girl he dated when I met him, fucking gorgeous. My sisters, Maria and Jennifer, are model materials. Me, I’m not. Those three are worldly. They know people, they travel and wear nice fancy clothes. If I’m not in uniform, I’m either in jeans and a baggy shirt, or sweats with my hair up in a ponytail. I come home exhausted, bruised, frustrated…I carry a bad and a gun, all things my family tells me makes men question their manhood.”

  “Does Joe question his?” Ian challenged.

  “No, I highly doubt he does. He’s definitely all man.” Pratt smiled over at Ian.


  “Sometimes I think he wishes I stayed home.” Pratt shrugged, looking away. “Sometimes I think he could have done way better than me.”


  Pratt laughed sarcastically. “My stepmother and other family members were part of a human sex trafficking ring. My stepsister is part of one now. Joe deserves a beautiful, unfucked in the head woman who can give him the world and isn’t an embarrassment to him.”

  Ian watched Pratt wipe the tears from her eyes and look away. “Do you love him?”

  “With everything in me.”

  “Do you trust Larry and Gene?”

  “Immensely, without question.”

  “Let me fill you in on something. I’ve known Larry for years, same as Cater. I trust both men, not with just my life, but that of my wife and daughter. Devon is the same way. Carter trusts Gene with his life. Neither of us trust people very easily. With that said, because we both trust Larry and Gene, the fact that both men vouch for you tells me that you can be trusted. I’ve known your husband for several years and trust him the same as those three men. Are you with me on where
this is going?”

  “Yeah” When Ian cocked an eyebrow, Pratt smiled. “Yes, sir!”

  “Good. Now, on the subject of your husband, he loves you, no questions about it. You are it for him…”

  “I can’t do the things he wants without panicking.”

  Ian put a hand up, interrupting Pratt. “That’s your one and only freebie interrupting. He doesn’t care if you can’t do the bondage, blindfolds, or public scenes. He only cares that he is with you. Something tells me he’s not into the public scenes either because he likes to keep the good stuff for his eyes only. I get why you hesitate with the other stuff. Talk to him, work on it with him, but don’t doubt his love for you. That man watches your every move. He only cares about your happiness.”

  “Unless I’m pregnant, then he withholds the dick. Is that something all men do?”

  Ian laughed. “I can’t speak for him, but I can say my wife and I had a small period where I was afraid of hurting her with how much I craved her. But we worked through it.”

  “He wants another baby, but I’m scared. I can’ t do another nine months of no nookie.”

  “You went nine months without?”

  “No, I had to trick him a few times. Threatened rape and a few other things a few times too.” Pratt laughed at Ian’s wide-eyed look.”

  “Okay, enough girl talk, lets’ head back in before your husband comes down here looking for us and threatens my life. I also need to run by Donovan’s to pick up everyone’s lunch.”

  Pratt stood up and walked over to Ian, surprising him when she hugged him. “Thanks, I needed that kick in the ass. Knowing Jennifer is part of this whole thing has really gotten to me.”

  Ian hugged her back. “Any time you need one, let me know. I can’t promise it’ll be a nice one though.”

  “Better be a damn good reason why my wife’s eyes are red and she’s in ye arms, Sawyer.”

  Pratt looked up at Ian and winked before going to her husband, wrapping her arms around his waist. “It’s all good, babe. He was just giving me the verbal ass kicking I needed.”

  “You’re lucky twatapotamous is taken by Batman or that would be your new nickname right now.” Ian informed Highlander.

  Highlander looked down at his wife. “Are ye okay lass?”

  “Yeah. Just feelings sorry for myself. I’m good now.” Pratt stood on her toes and planted a kiss on Highlander’s lips.

  Ian walked away when their kiss became heated. Pratt pulled away and leaned her head on Highlander’s chest.

  “I love you, Joe. I’m glad you chose me.”

  “Always and forever, lass. You are my croie!”

  “I know. I just always feel embarrassed when my family’s crimes come up and get afraid it’s going to cost you friends or issues with your work.”

  Highlander looked into Pratt’s eyes. “Lass, ye are the most honest and honorable woman I know, asides from my mum. Anyone who spends a few moments with ye would know that too. All one has to do is see ye in action, then they would get rid of any and all doubts in regard to ye harming anyone, unless he’s a bad guy or threatening our bairns.”

  “Or a ho trying to steal you.”

  Highlander chuckled and hugged his wife tightly. “Aye, that’s true my bloodthirsty wrench.”

  “Plus being here, around others in the lifestyle you love, I worry that because certain things are on my hard limits that you’ll get…”

  “Ye finish that sentence, lass, and that sexy arse of yours will become red later. I don’t care that public scenes are a hard limit. That sexy arse is for me and only me. Ye screams, ye orgasms, and ye other yummies are all mine. The rest, it’s not a need for me either. Ye satisfy me in every way, inside and outside the bedroom. Trust me, lass, ye turn me on more than ye could ever know. Like ye told Candy, hearing ye voice, thinking about ye, even being around ye gets me fucking hard as steel.”

  Pratt looked into her husband’s eyes, seeing the truth in them. Nodding, she started to look down until his finger on her chin stopped her movement.

  “Just remember lass, ye do let me restrain ye hands now and then. I am not worried about ye feet. The blindfold isn’t a must for me, and I understand why ye don’t like it. I fucking love looking into ye eyes and seeing the desire in them.”

  Pratt looked at him, smiling softly then leaned her head down onto his chest. Taking a big gulp of air, “I admit I’m curious about the St. Andrews cross, but I can’t do it in front of people. People watching me like that, much less being naked, hell even semi dressed, scares the living hell out of me.”

  “Then we find a club that is private and would have one inside of a private room. We explore that curiosity. I would never do anything that harms or embarrasses ye.”

  “I know. I love you!”

  “I love ye too, lass. To infinity and beyond.”

  “To infinity and beyond.”

  “Let’s go back inside, finish finding these arseholes.”

  As they walked back inside, Pratt’s phone beeped. “Holy mother fucking son-of-a-fucking biscuit eater.”

  “What lass?” Highlander asked concerned.

  “We need to get inside, now!”

  Pratt rushed back inside once Ian had let them into the building. Phone in hand, she ran over to Brody.

  “I need you to trace a number when it calls me. Are you able to do that?”

  “You just insulted me. I thought we were cool.”

  “Dude, I will take that pastry you’re eating and shove it up your ass. Can you or not?” Pratt asked again, panic setting in.

  “Lass?” Highlander asked, his concern growing.

  “Someone just text me from an unknown number demanding to speak to me.”

  “Okay, but we get a lot of those during a case…” York started.

  “Yes, but on our work cells, not on our personal cells. Our business cards only have our work cells and our desk numbers on them.”

  When Pratt let that information out, Alpha Squad stood at attention at the same time Larry, Gene, Highlander and his SEAL team did.

  Alvarez looked around the room at the group standing up glancing around at each other in worry. “Something tells me that’s not normal.”

  “We all carry two cells. One is strictly for work, that number is on our business cards as I mentioned earlier and it’s also the same one that the victim’s we’ve rescued use. Our personal cell is a private number that only our family and close friends we trust have. My personal cell number changed after Highlander and I were married since he placed me on his cellphone plan. My own parents don’t have this number.”

  “Give me the number and I’ll trace the call.” Brody said without any hesitation or jokes after hearing that bit of information.

  Pratt sent a text back asking who the texter was, several seconds later, her phone rang.

  Pratt answered the phone, using the speakerphone. “Hello?”

  “Ah, sister dear. I wish I could say how nice it is to hear your voice, but alas, I detest the ground you walk on.”

  “Jennifer. Sorry to hear you’re still breathing. You bellowed?”

  “Still the same bitch as always. Think you are so much better than everyone else. Still living in your fantasy world thinking your husband only fucks you. We both know how you suck in the sack. Jon told everyone how timid and cold you were.” Jennifer cackled at her own joke.

  “Maybe so, but at least I have a man. I don’t have to kidnap little girls for him to fuck like you do. But then again, like Jon, the men you choose have little dicks, when the whores they fuck are too loose in the goose, they need the younger snatch to feel like a man.”

  Jennifer laughed for several seconds. “Ah sister dear has jokes. It’s going to be so much fun bursting that fantasy you live in. Your husband is such an easy target, you two just don’t realize it.”

  “Jennifer” Pratt chuckled slightly. “The only way Joe would fuck you is if he was dead, and even then, he wouldn’t touch you with another man’s dic
k attached to a pole ten feet away.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry sissy poo, he will die, but only when I’m done fucking him.”

  “Well, we both know you have that in common with Maria.”

  “What’s that? Fucking your men so they can say they fucked a real woman instead of a dead fish like you?”

  Pratt laughed a mocking sarcastic laugh. “Actually, I was referring to the fact that both of you are so desperate for attention that you go after other people’s men. Must be so lonely at night for you two miserable twatniffingcuntacoos.”

  Jennifer growled deeply into the phone letting everyone know that Pratt hit a nerve with her last statement. “I’m going to make sure your death is slow and painful. I’m going to enjoy every fucking minute of it.” Jennifer screamed the last few words into the phone.

  “Where’s Dakota, Jennifer? Who’s Ares?”

  “You will never find her.” Jennifer cackled into the phone, clearly loving the sound of her voice. “Ares? Well, sissy poo, let’s just say he’s going to make sure you regret killing my mother, you bitch! He’s going to make you beg for death. Maybe I won’t kill you after all. The ultimate death for you would be watching your fucking brats die after we allow our men to have fun with them, before we kill them. Maybe even let hubby live, send you videos everyday of him servicing me, screaming my name in pleasure. Maybe we’ll even turn him into one of us, let him beat you, make you bleed.” Jennifer laughed harder into the phone at her own joke.

  Pratt felt Highlander’s hand on her shoulder, feeling the tension and anger coming in waves off of him. Pratt turned around and looked her husband in the eyes.

  “Jennifer, if you’re woman enough, bring your shit on. I guarantee the end result will be me standing over your body with a bullet in your head. The only dick you’ll be getting in hell is Satan’s pineapple up your ass. The pointy shit and all.”

  “You’ll burn in hell!”

  “You first, Jennifer!”

  Jennifer cackled again, irritating Pratt’s last nerve. “Oh, sis, it’s so nice to torment you again. Tell your losers to stop tracing the call, there’s a present in the guardhouse for you. Proof I can touch you whenever I want, and you don’t realize it.”


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