Generation Me--Revised and Updated
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Dunham, Lena, 64, 98
duty, 9, 23, 31
Dyer, Wayne, 28, 59
Easterbrook, Gregg, 175
and career counseling, 296–97
cheating, 33–34, 88
costs of, 162–63
distrust in institutions of, 190, 194
and excuses, 199–201
gay teachers, 258
grade inflation in, 81–85, 271–72
and jobs, 157–61, 202
multicultural approach to, 37
parental involvement in, 310
preschool, 301–2
questioning teachers’ authority in, 35–37
racial issues in, 230, 232, 233–34
risk-benefit in, 91
school hours, 303–5
self-esteem curriculum in, 70–78, 81–86, 88–91, 194, 199, 291–94
student loans, 162–63, 167
testing in, 73
of women, 237, 238, 239, 286
egalitarianism, 103, 104
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 166
Emerging Adulthood (Arnett), 46, 115, 130, 153–54
emotions, openness about, 49
empathy, 100, 102, 103–4, 294
Engelhardt, Tricia, 166
Enron, 34
entitlement, 85–86, 92, 97–98, 266
entrepreneurship, 275–76, 288–90
environment, concern for, 188–89
Epplin, Luke, 107, 108
equality, 227–60
civil rights movement, 227–29, 233
for gays and lesbians, 255–60
and race relations, 229–36
for women, 236–54
Ernst & Young, 269
Everson, Howard, 81
excuses, 196–201
expectations, 3, 98
and jobs, 266, 270, 276–79
reality vs., 9, 63, 171–77, 199, 283–84, 294, 311, 315
romantic, 176
and “You can be anything,” 109–14, 172
externality, 182–83
extroversion, measurement of, 123–24
Facebook, xii, 51, 53, 104–6, 123, 150, 156
Fall, Jaime, 32
Faludi, Susan, 239
fame, 120–24, 171–72, 175, 177
Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), 300
clothing as self-expression, 21–23
and sexuality, 219, 223
Fear Factor (TV), 121
Fein, Clinton, 217–18
Feminist Fatale (Kamen), 239
Fight Club (film), 171
Finding Nemo (film), 59
Flux (Orenstein), 133
“Follow your dreams,” 112–14, 156, 171, 283, 294–95, 315
Forsyth, Don, 89
Foster, Craig, 133
Foster, Joshua, 94
Foster, Sara, 289
Francis, Pope, 44, 46
Franco, James, 51
Frankel, Valerie, 204
and loneliness, 156
to pursue happiness, 9
and self-doubt, 160
Freeman, Elise, 186
Free to Be . . . You and Me (film), 240
Friends (TV), 39
friendships, 312–13
F*ck! I’m in My Twenties (Koenig), 152
ditch self-esteem movement, 291–96
predicting, 285–87
survey: Monitoring the Future, 4, 99–100, 263–64
Where do we go from here?, 290
Future Shock (Toffler), 10
Galambos, Nancy, 266
Gallup, 176, 208, 209, 214, 256, 257
Gambrell, Dre, 221
Garden State (film), 116
Gates, Bill, 171, 196
gay men, and HIV infection, 222–23
gays and lesbians:
attitudes toward, 255–60
surrogate parenthood of, 39
General Social Survey (GSS), 4, 31, 44, 190, 208, 232, 258
generational differences, xiv, 2, 4
age differences vs., 324–25
based on averages, 7
and birth years, 5–6
and cultural influences, 6
and self-focus, 6–7
and sex, 208, 214, 215, 226
and work, 262–64, 266, 275
Generation Me:
and adulthood, 10
birth year of (1982–99), 5–6
and cheating, 33
coming of age, 318
future predictions for, 285–87
marketing to, 11, 66, 288–90
Millennials as, xii, 5
parents of, see parents
self-focus of, see self-esteem
today’s under-35s, 1, 11
transition to, 183–84
Generation Me, first edition of, xii, xiii, xvi, 6, 285–86, 301
Generation We (2008), 186
Generation Whatever, 181–82
Generation X:
being yourself, 24
birth year of (1961–81), 5, 6
and cheating, 33
self-confidence of, 66–67, 69, 126
Generation Y/GenY (Millennials), 272, 279
see also Generation Me
Gentile, Brittany, 68, 123
George, Bill, 265
Gillon, Steve, 61
Girls (TV), 64, 98, 110, 115–16, 126, 152
“girls are great,” 78–80
Girl Scouts, 79, 80
Gitlin, Todd, 60
Glassner, Barry, 179
Glee (TV), 108, 114, 126, 255, 257
Glenn, Norval, 176
meeting, 202
realistic, 315
Goldman Sachs, 264
Good Times (TV), 175
Google Books, xvi, 4, 54, 65, 101, 113, 121, 240, 290
Gough, Harrison, 92
distrust in, 186, 189–90
trying to change, 253
grandeur, delusions of, 120, 141, 172
gratification, delay of, 202
Grayson, Carla, 259–60
Great Depression, 143
“Greatest Love of All,” 1–2, 57
Great Recession (2007), xi, 8, 101, 148, 317, 324
greed, 34, 102
Greenberg, Eric, 103
Greenfield, Patricia, 101, 317
Greenspan, Alan, 283
Gregory, Corinne, 32
Grindhopping (Vanderkam), 277
group cohesion, 9
group meetings, 62
group membership, 47
Growing (Up) at Thirty-Seven (Rubin), 60
Growing Up Digital (Tapscott), 13, 28
Guerra, Patricia, 166
Hais, Michael, 185
Hanauer, Cathi, 173
Hansen, Jo-Ida, 278
children as impediment to, 133
freedom to pursue, 9
importance of, 13–14
making yourself happy, 24, 26, 130
predictors of, 131
reasons for, 148–49
self-reported, 149, 176
Harris, Eric, 99
Harris, Neil Patrick, 39
Harvard Medical School, 158
Harvard University, 157
Harvey, Paul, 278
haul videos, 138
Hawkins, Brennan, 178
health care, costs of, 162, 168–70
health issues, 49–50
helping others, 102
helplessness, learned, 202
Herbst, Chris, 146, 149
Hewitt, John, 74, 78, 85
Higa, Ryan, 122
Hilton, Paris, 213
Hispanic culture, and ethnic identity, 234–35
histrionic personality disorder, 104
HIV infection, 222–23
Hoffman, Brian, 263
homosexuality, 255–60
hooking up, 204–5, 215–18, 222, 223
Hookup Handbook (Lavinthal and Rozler), 204–5, 217–18, 226
cost of, 162, 163–67
size of, 165
Houston, Whitney, 1, 57
Howe, Neil, 9–10, 42, 95–96
Hudson, Rock, 222
Hung, William, 119–20
Huxley, Aldous, 65
Hyde, Janet, 80
hypomania, 145–46
iGeneration (iGen), 5
Ilardi, Steve, 314
Im, Charles, 55, 183
independence, 28–29, 126
as autonomous, free person, 59
focus on, 2, 11, 56, 106, 124, 126
and consumer choice, 140
and entrepreneurship, 275–76
and ethnic pride, 235
and gender, 241–42, 247, 253
hyperindividualism, 65
increasing, 7, 8, 26, 106, 127
moral, 30–31
negative trends of, 141, 298
pros and cons of, xiv, 31–32
and religion, 45
and work, 261–62, 270, 271
free, 37
overload, 192–93
sharing, 50–51
infotainment, 193
insecurity, 131
Instagram, 104, 123
internality, 182–83
anonymity on, 52–53
and cynicism, 192–93
and democratizing of information, 37
and expectations of fame, 122
and information overload, 192
and materialism, 175
news via, 190
and sex, 51, 217, 220–21
social networking on, 104–6
Invisible Children, 106
iPhone, xii
isolation, 149–57
It’s a Wonderful Life (film), 119
It’s Never Too Soon to Discipline (Peters), 306
I Want a Famous Face (TV), 134
James, E L, 122
Jay, Meg, 115
Jiang, Jennie, 116
job applicants, 32, 261–62
job interviews, 32, 87, 263
jobs, 261–82
career paths, 159, 288
changes in, 281–82
and college education, 157–58, 160–61, 202
competition for, 159–60
discrimination in, 230, 236–37, 248
dream jobs, 277–78
earning a living, 266
and expectations, 266, 270, 276–79
fairness in, 282
feedback in, 273–74
finding meaning in, 269–74
formal reviews in, 274
and generation gap, 262–64, 266, 275
and individualism, 261–62, 270, 271
layoffs from, 161
and luck, 195–96
money and status in, 274–76
praise in, 271–72, 273–74
real world of, 174
and self-esteem, 245
summary, 281
teamwork in, 280
traditional corporate culture, 281
women at work, 239, 240, 249–54, 303
work ethic, 266–67, 275, 282
working parents, 297–305
work-life balance, 264–68, 270, 281, 282
John, Elton, 39
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Bach), 59
Jones, Marcus, 116
Joplin, Janis, 156
Journal of Management, 264
“Just be yourself,” 28, 64–65, 283
Kamen, Paula, 210, 239
Kardashian, Kim, 213
Kasser, Tim, 275
Kato, Lesley, 295
Katz, Lilian, 97
Kazez, Daniel, 199
Keeping Up with the Kardashians (TV), 138
Kesebir, Pelin and Selin, 101
Khalil, Matthew, 140
kidnappings, 177, 178–79
“Kids out of Control” (People), 128
Kilibarda, Sarah, 317
Kimmel, Jimmy, 53
King, Billie Jean, 236
Kinsey, Alfred, 212–13
Koenig, Emma, 152
Konrath, Sara, 58, 102–3, 133
Kony, Joseph, 106
Kowske, Brenda, 187
Krahn, Harvey, 266
Kravanja, Larissa, 277
Kyung Hee Kim, 87–88
Lake Wobegon, 81
Lamb, Corvin, 118
Lance, Chuck, 264
Lane, Robert, 150
Lavinthal, Andrea, 217
leisure time, and balance, 264–68
Letterman, David, 54
Levine, Mel, 197
Levitt, Steven, 99
Levy, Ariel, 213
Lewinsky, Monica, 211
Lewis, John, 227
Lichtenberger, Drew, 160, 271, 316
Lippman, Stephen, 84, 85
Loggins, Kenny, 120
loneliness, 149–57
Lopez, Jennifer, 171
Lorde (singer), 99
Lords, Traci, 213
Lost in Transition (Smith), 30, 187
luck, 194–96, 294
Lyons, Sean, 272
Macko, Lia, 108, 252, 254
Maduro, E. S., 246
Majestic, The (film), 25
Malahy, Lori, 102–3
decline in, 32–34
measurement of, 55
to children, 138
to GenMe, 11, 66, 288–90
of sex, 220
Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, 55
cultural influences on, 156
interracial, 39–40, 231–32
living together before, 153–54
median age at first, 207–9
postponing, 115, 116, 117, 152
same-sex, 255
satisfaction with, 133
sex after, 205
sex before, 209–11
stable, 131
unrealistic expectations for, 176
marriage tax penalty, 225
Maslow, Abraham, 131
Massey, Morris, 11, 324
mass shootings, 99
materialism, 137–41, 162, 173–75
McCabe, Donald, 33
McCullough, David, 308
McKay, Nellie, 121–22
McLeod, Scott, 200–201
Me Decade (1970s), 1
distrust in, 190
diversity shown via, 228, 230
“fake news” outlets, 193
and gender, 239
and homosexuality, 257–58
instant fame displayed in, 275
overexposure to, 191–93
and sex, 218–21, 222
stories about threats in, 177–79
violence shown in, 310–11
medicine, distrust in, 190–91
Meeker, Meg, 220
Meet the Fockers (film), 26
me first, 63
Meisel, Ari, 267
melancholy, 179
attitudes toward women, 246–48
and fatherhood, 247–48
lonely, 154
median wage of, 162
and personality traits, 242–46
Merritt, Virginia, 259
Merryman, Ashley, 73, 293
Michaels, Meredith, 127, 128, 248, 251, 252, 254
Middletown study, 28
Midlife Crisis at 30 (Macko and Rubin), 108, 174, 176
Milgram study, 27
military service, 31
Millennial Makeover (Winograd and Hais), 185
Millennials (GenY), xii, 5
see also Generation Me
Millennials Rising (Howe and Strauss), 9–10, 42, 95–
96, 148, 185
Millionaires’ Hawaii (TV), 175
Mindich, David, 190–91
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 55, 145–46
“Mommy, I’m Scared” (Cantor), 310–11
Mommy Myth, The (Douglas and Michaels), 127, 128, 248, 251, 252, 254
Mona Lisa Smile (film), 25
age distribution of wealth, 161
dual-income households, 167, 169
income inequality, 161–62, 164
as motivator, 111, 113, 120, 121, 137–41, 165, 174, 176, 177, 266, 274–76
Monitoring the Future Survey, 4, 99–100, 263–64
morality, as personal choice, 30–31
Moral Majority, 239
moral virtues, 101
Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety (Warner), 253
Motherhood, Rescheduled (Richards), 152
and culture, 118–19
and social rules, 24–27
multitasking, 315–16
Murphy Brown (TV), 39
Murray, Sandra, 131
Myers, David, 179–80
MySpace, 105
Myth of Laziness, The (Levine), 197
Myth of Self-Esteem, The (Hewitt), 74
Narcissism Epidemic, The (Twenge and Campbell), 92, 132
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), 92, 104
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), 77, 92–95, 98, 104, 320
narcissists, 65, 87, 91, 92–100
and relationships, 132, 133, 295–96
and self-esteem, 92–99, 106, 132, 293, 313–14
and social networking, 104–6
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 69
National Marriage Project, 133
Nation of Victims, A (Sykes), 196–97
Neff, Adrianne, 259–60
Negroponte, Nicolas, 190
New Age, 60, 61
New Normal, The (TV), 39, 257
New Rules (Yankelovich), 60
Nickel and Dimed (Ehrenreich), 166
Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, 311–12
Not Much Just Chillin’ (Perlstein), 200, 212
Obama, Barack, 187, 189
obedience, 24, 28
O.C., The (TV), 51–52
Occupy, 182
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 236
Offspring (band), 57–58
One Direction, 99
Onion, 193
optimism, 10, 77, 118, 124
Orenstein, Peggy, 251, 252
O’Rourke, P. J., 60
overconfidence, 110, 266, 275, 277, 278
Over-Scheduled Child, The (Rosenfeld and Wise), 292–93
oversharing, 50–51
overthinking, 311–12
Palosz, Bart, 148
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 123
attachment parenting, 169–70
better life than, 111, 165
demands on, 98
and excuses, 200–201
fatherhood, 247–48
gay and lesbian, 258
and generational differences, xiv–xv
living with, 150, 162, 166–67
maternity leaves, 168
motherhood, 239, 240, 248–54
our relationships with, 132
overindulgent, 128
parental leave for, 300–301
recommendations for, 305–11
siding with child, 309–10