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Having His Alpha's Baby_An Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

Page 2

by Mina Quin

  They had friendship, they had clear expectations, and he didn’t think sexual attraction would be an issue for either of them. Camden had never revealed any attraction toward him, but he knew he was an attractive Omega, and Camden was a handsome Alpha. Unless their chemistry was totally terrible, that area in the marriage would be just fine.

  He paced around his apartment, wondering if he should go to him to suggest they test their compatibility. Biting his lip, he summoned his nerve and left his apartment, padding down the cool wooden stairs on bare feet. He entered the kitchen and went through the hallway, unsurprised to find Camden still in his home office, behind the desk.

  Wil tapped briefly on the jamb of the doorway, and he looked up at his to gesture his inside with a wave of his hand. “I didn’t expect to see you again tonight, Wil.”

  He nodded, feeling self-conscious now that he was in front of him and wondering how to phrase his request. “Kiss me,” he blurted out.

  Camden frowned, looking startled. “All right.”

  He swallowed. “All right? You aren’t going to protest?”

  He stood up, shaking his head in the process. “Of course not. First, I assume you have a good reason for asking, and I want to make you happy. Second, only a fool would pass up the chance to kiss those succulent lips.”

  “Oh,” he said in a breathy whisper as he stopped before him. He focused on remaining relaxed when Camden put his hands on either side of his face, angling his neck backward slightly. Wil parted his lips when his head descended, sighing when their mouths touched in the gentlest of kisses.

  Heat raged through him, and he grasped his shoulders to stay upright. The force of the simple kiss threatened to knock his off his feet. Camden stroked the contours of his lips with the tip of his tongue, and Wil yielded to his exploration, allowing his to venture into his mouth. He tasted delicious, with a hint of lemon from those hard candies he liked to suck on at his desk.

  One of his hands left his face to thread through Wil’s thick hair, stroking the silky dark strands as he deepened the kiss. His tongue gently forced Wil’s back into his mouth before following to taste him. When they eventually broke apart, he gasped for breath, his lungs feeling close to exploding, though desire made every cell tingle.

  Putting his forehead to Wil’s, Camden gave him a small grin. “Was that a yes to my proposal, Wil?”

  He nodded slightly. “Yes, Camden. I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Two

  “Are you sure about this?” asked Jamie as he lifted a glass of champagne provided by the attendant when they’d arrived, taking a small sip.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” There was a bite of impatience to his tone, but Wil was getting tired of defending his choice to his older brother, Jamie, and his younger brother, Tim. Only his best friend Nathan acted completely supportive, so Wil had to pretend he didn’t see the hint of doubt shadowing his friend’s eyes too.

  “I just think it’s a bad idea to marry someone you barely know,” said Jamie with a little sniff. Ever practical, and the voice of reason, he had been a guiding star for Wil most of his life, since their papa died shortly after giving birth to Tim.

  This was one of the few times he had no intention of taking his brother’s advice, and he wondered how much of that sting prompted Jamie’s objections, and how much was genuine doubt about his intended marriage. “I know him very well,” he countered. “We’ve lived together for eighteen months.”

  “Sort of,” said Jamie with a pointed look. “You were the hired help until last month.”

  “Bro, I still say you’re crazy,” said Tim, shaking his head and making his curly locks a similar dark shade to Wil’s dance wildly. “Word is Ross still wants you back. You could go to him right now, and he’d take you back in seconds.”

  Wil stared at his little brother, sometimes unable to believe how different they were. “Why exactly would I want that?”

  Tim’s young face wrinkled with confusion. “Why wouldn’t you, bro? He is a fine piece of ass, and he’s got money. He’s going places.”

  “Yeah, to jail,” said Nathan with a snort. “He’s a freaking drug dealer, Tim. Get your head out of your ass—pardon my language in this fancy place—and realize guys like that are no good for anyone, especially you or your brother.”

  Tim rolled his eyes. “You’re just annoyed because you couldn’t get a guy like that.”

  Nathan snickered. “Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t want a guy like that. I have better respect for myself, and so should you. Wil sure as heck does, and Jamie was smart enough never to get involved with him to start with.” He sent a sympathetic glance toward Wil, his eyes apologizing for the words. “You were young.”

  “Young and dumb.” Come to think of it, he did have something in common with his younger brother. Once upon a time, he had been a young idiot with his head easily turned by a fast car, faster guy, and even faster tongue. Ross was a smooth Beta with the air of an Alpha. He could spin a line to seduce a guy’s senses, but then he could just as quickly turn around and smack him in the face for saying something he didn’t like.

  Having been on the receiving end of that twice was more than enough for Wil to come to his senses, and he had ended the relationship right then. Unfortunately, it sounded like Ross still hadn’t accepted his decision. All the more reason to marry Camden.

  “I don’t expect everybody to understand or even approve, but you’re my brothers, and I love you. I want you to support me in this.” He included Nathan in reference to brothers, because his best friend was a brother in a way his actual brothers never could be. He loved all the men, but he and Nathan were especially close, as was often the case with best friends.

  With a dignified nod, Jamie put down his champagne glass on the nearby table and glanced at his watch. “Is your wedding planner coming soon? I have a client meeting in an hour.”

  Wil nodded, expecting Marco to enter the boutique at any time. This is where he had designated he should meet him, attendants in tow. It still seemed strange and daunting to have a wedding planner, especially since they were keeping the ceremony small by billionaire-industrialist standards. Fewer than two hundred guests would be there to watch them exchange vows, and then they would be husbands.

  That was perhaps even more daunting than the idea of needing Marco’s services. After that kiss they had shared two weeks ago, things had moved quickly. Camden engaged the wedding coordinator and arranged for him to sign paperwork in preparation of the marriage.

  Wil had expected it to be prenuptial contract with draconian terms if they should divorce. Instead, it had stipulated a generous settlement package, and he had even designated Wil his beneficiary in his will. If Camden died before his Omega, Wil would be in control of all assets, though a portion would go into trust for any of their future children. He had made no clause for divorce, and he had no restriction on custody of future children should they split up.

  Feeling baffled, he had signed the document with a sense of surrealism. As a rich tycoon, shouldn’t Camden have done a better job protecting his assets? When he had asked Jamie, the attorney, his brother had scolded his for not calling him to act as his legal representative. When he had read through the documents, Jamie had been just as puzzled, but had assured Wil he hadn’t gotten a raw deal.

  With everything that had happened, he shouldn’t have had time to dwell on what was coming, but Wil couldn’t seem to seem to stop thinking about his approaching wedding night. He was looking forward to more of that kissing, along with all the other things lovemaking entailed, but he was also nervous.

  Wil’s sole experience consisted of Ross, and he had been a selfish lover. He’d never had time to really learn anything, and considering the list of women and Omegas who had gone before him, including supermodels and Hollywood stars, Camden was bound to be disappointed in his performance.

  Wil didn’t think Camden was shallow enough to let that be the sort of thing that ruined their union, but would it drive him to keep a
mistress or Omega plaything on the side? They hadn’t discussed fidelity, or a lack thereof, and it preyed on Wil’s mind.

  He supposed he was being cowardly by avoiding introducing the topic before they got married, since he should know where they both stood on the idea. For his part, he couldn’t imagine ever wanting another man besides Camden, and it broke Wil’s heart to even think about him having another lover, no matter how discreet.

  Without thinking about it, he said, “Do billionaires keep mistresses after they get married?”

  Jamie’s eyes widened, but he sounded just as cool as ever. “In my experience handling divorce cases, it’s almost certainly yes, Wil.”

  Nathan’s lips tightened. “It doesn’t matter if he’s a billionaire or a butcher. He hasn’t got a right to keep someone on the side when you’re his partner. You just make sure he understands that before you get married, Wil.”

  Tim laughed, rolling his eyes. “Don’t be so naïve, Wil. Of course he’s going to have a fuckboy or two. That doesn’t matter. As long as you keep him happy when he’s home, you’ll have access to his bed and his bank account. That’s all you need when you’re married to a billionaire, isn’t it?”

  Jamie sighed heavily. “I sure hope you get some common sense as you get older, because Papa would have been ashamed of you.”

  Tim glared their older brother. “Don’t be such a dick, Jamie. You don’t know how he would’ve felt, because you were only eight when he died. Don’t use our papa to shame me. I’m a modern man, and you’re the one who’s out of touch. I hope you understand how ridiculous you’re being as you get older.” Tim shifted in his seat impatiently. “Can we get this stuff started, Wil? I’ve got places to be.”

  Wil had an idea where those places might be, and the kind of people they might include, so he was glad the wedding planner was running a little behind. He wished he could think of a way to get Tim out of the lifestyle he was currently living, but his little brother refused to listen to reason.

  At twenty years old, he considered himself a mature adult, who didn’t require guidance. Wil remembered being similarly ignorant a few years before, though he had usually still listened to Jamie—except the one time it had truly mattered. When his older brother had warned him to steer clear of Ross, he hadn’t listened, because he had been in love.

  The arrival of Marco interrupted his internal musings, and he allowed the attractive older man to lead him through tuxedo and accessory choices for himself and the wedding party. Within thirty minutes, he had found a beautiful white velvet tux that was every Omega’s dream, complete with a hunter-green waistcoat, bowtie, and cummerbund that made his look adorable yet sexy. Wil’s attendants were equally pleased with their gold accessories and black tuxes. After the seamstress took their measurements, they left the boutique.

  Out on the street, he hugged all three of them, including his little brother. Wil probably hugged him the tightest of all, wishing he could save Tim from the bad mistakes looming in his future, but knowing a Norris guy could be too stubborn to reason with, since he had been like that himself. “I love you all.”

  “We love you too, bro,” said Tim. He zipped up his jacket and began looking for a taxi, clearly not wanting to accept a ride with Nathan or Jamie. “I’ll see you at the ceremony, if not before.”

  After parting from his older brother and best friend, Wil went back to the car and the driver waiting for him. It was certainly a new experience having someone drive him around and be at his back and call, but he shamelessly admitted he had come to enjoy the convenience.

  Wil’s wedding was approaching quickly, and his life was changing at a rapid pace. Only one thing remained the same, and that was his confidence in the decision he had made when he had agreed to become Camden’s partner. He still believed he and Camden could have a happy life together, built on respect and friendship, rather than love and attraction.

  Wil’s lip twitched at the corner. Not that they had any trouble with attraction. Surprisingly, Camden had made no suggestion of proceeding farther than that kiss, and he assumed he was waiting for their wedding night. It was sweetly old-fashioned of him, and he appreciated it even as he found it frustrating. He would have actually draped himself across his desk that night and let him take him if he hadn’t been such a gentleman. Damn him for being a gentleman.

  Still, there was something charming about waiting for their wedding night, though neither one of them was a virgin. It just seemed like one more building block in the foundation supporting the next sixty or seventy years of their lives together. He appreciated that Camden respected him, so he was doing his best to respect his decision and not accelerate the timeline of events. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to be one eager partner on their wedding night, and he’d have Camden stripped bare in no time.

  Chapter Three

  Wil would look back later and remember his wedding as a vague blur, with Camden’s face as the only solid point of reference. It had been a beautiful event, and he remembered enjoying himself, but most of the details were hazy. There were events that stood out, like when he put the ring on Camden’s finger. He would have expected to remember saying, “I do,” more clearly than feeling the solid weight of platinum on his finger.

  He remembered with crystal clarity a minute when they had cut the cake, and he had lifted the vanilla slice to Camden’s face, but he didn’t remember feeding it to him. However, the memory of him sucking the icing off his thumb would linger with him forever. There was dancing, laughing, eating, and a round of hearty toasts. While enjoyable, he had viewed it all with a bit of impatience as well, eager to get to the wedding night. It had been four weeks since they had kissed in his study, and Wil was ready for more. Certainly more than a kiss.

  They had taken a suite in the hotel that hosted the reception, and he spent a long time in the bathroom preparing himself. Nathan had given him a skimpy pair of thong underwear, and the brilliant white was a virginal contrast to his tanned skin.

  Considering how long he had been looking forward to this moment, and how impatient he had been to get here, he was oddly reluctant to step outside the bathroom. He couldn’t stay there all night, so with a deep breath for courage, he turned the knob and stepped out of the bathroom into the lavish suite.

  Camden, his new husband, lay on the bed with only a sheet pulled up to his waist. Wil didn’t think he was hiding boxers under there. With a dry mouth, he ventured deeper into the suite and approached the bed. Feeling shy, he sat down carefully and demurely folded his hands onto his lap. The bed shifted when Camden moved toward him, but Wil hid behind the veil of his overly long locks as he neared.

  On his knees behind him, Camden held his with his back against his chest, his fingers moving a swath of hair out of his way so his lips could find his neck. He nibbled lightly at the skin, making Wil tremble in reaction, and he let out a small sigh.

  His lips tickled his ear lobe when Camden whispered, “You are so sexy. I’m proud to call you my partner.”

  Wil twisted his head back to look at him as much as he could. “I’m not quite a partner yet, Camden.” He gave him a saucy wink, surprised to find the nervousness fading as Camden’s mouth ghosted over his ear and around his cheek. He shifted slightly, as did he, so their mouths met easily. They kissed deeply and passionately, savoring the taste of one another. This kiss was even better than the last, and Wil had thought nothing could top that.

  He reached behind himself, his hand making contact with Camden’s hip, and he squeezed the bare skin. As expected, he wore nothing. That was just how Wil wanted it, and any earlier hesitation had fled. Feeling more confident now, Wil stood up, breaking away from his hold long enough to turn around to face him. He pulled him down on the bed beside him with his back pressed against Camden’s stomach.

  Wil lay beside him, and he parted his cheeks as his fingers sought his slick crevice. He had never been so wet in his life, and Camden’s fingers glided inside his ass easily. He found his prostate with unerri
ng skill and circled around it with his thumb as he dipped his head on Wil’s neck. Will shifted restlessly against him, longing to feel his large Alpha cock deep inside his pucker.

  Blindly, Wil reached out to touch him, his hand gliding down the length of his shaft. He wrapped his hand around it, his fingers not quite meeting. He had a faint stirring of apprehension at the size discrepancy between Camden and his last boyfriend, but he was smart enough to know his body would accommodate and adjust, especially if Camden kept touching him the way he was.

  It was clear Camden was just as eager to give his pleasure as he was to get it, and he surrendered to his husband’s seductive touch. He stroked him to a fever pitch, and when Camden’s cock probed at the start of his tight hole sometime later, he had lost all track of time.

  Wil squeezed his hands around the blanket and craned his neck backward for a glimpse of Camden’s passion-distorted expression as his husband’s shaft slid inside his carefully, moving slowly. Camden was completely bare to him, and Wil could feel his heat rising, provoked by the expert claiming of his Alpha.

  As Camden fully filled his back passage, there was no pain and no uncertainty. He took him readily, and he sank deep inside his ass as though made to fit. He pressed his butt back to meet each of Camden’s thrusts with his own, savoring the sensation of skin against him. Camden reached around to stroke his cock as he sank inside him over and over, stimulating his prostate and bringing him ever closer to birth control. It was so much different than when Ross had worn a condom to prevent knotting, but there was no need for birth control since their goal was to get pregnant.

  The idea of a honeymoon baby pleased Wil, but he pushed aside the thought, not wanting to think about babies as Camden thrust in and out of him in an increasingly frantic pace while stroking him. He grunted and groaned his name, his hand reaching backward to curve around Camden’s buttock and hold him tightly against him.


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